Lesson Plan Comparisons
Contrasting capabilities and shortcomings of each wound
The analyses provided are intended to aid the student that has determined to join with another to heal the self. Guidelines have been provided that will inform of the potential pitfalls to be encountered when two unhealed students join together to support one another upon the path to healing. These analyses are not intended to be a complete detailing of those issues that may be encountered; rather, those issues believed to be most important, those that need be noted by each, when selecting the other as partner, have been provided. Recognition must be made when selecting a close friend that previous history, as well as continuing relationship, may interfere with one’s ability to share completely and fully of the self; this, however, should not prohibit one from selecting the dear friend as partner, for accepting the true self is the goal of all relationships. While not intended to be an exhaustive listing, the most troublesome issues have been addressed; strengths and weaknesses have been identified to aid the seeker to join with another most appropriately.
Joining together with a group of individuals to integrate the materials comprising this system is highly encouraged, for the support gained by the seeker is invaluable when walking the path to healing. Gathering with those of like mind encourages one, during times of difficulty, to continue forward; buoyed by the support of the group that is focused and committed to healing the self and aiding others to do the same. This contingency maintains the goal that each group be led by the teacher who has healed the self, having disconnected the self from the lower fields of consciousness, desiring to aid others to do the same. If the healed teacher is not available, it is suggested that small groups form to support each to the other; for this provides myriad opportunities for each to receive the advice and nurture of others while walking the path to healing.
While there are some pairings that may pose greater difficulty than others, there are no pairings that are unable to assist, one to the other, as long as the commitment has been made to support the other impartially, from the heart, remaining vigilant to field connections that can taint the advice provided. The student is reminded that the soul within awaits invitation to come forth as the teacher; nurturing this relationship guarantees that the most appropriate advice is always recognized. This section has been provided to pinpoint those areas that need be focused upon by the student who has selected another unhealed student as the teacher. While it may not always be possible, it is always best to present the self as student to the healed teacher, for the bond of trust may be formed more rapidly; however, it is possible to heal the self with another unhealed student; when both are absolutely committed to healing, when both are absolutely committed to supporting the other.
Each pairing need be vigilant to the weakness enforced by field connection, thereby minimizing the difficulties that could be suffered by being supported inappropriately. The sharing of the self’s experiences is vital to assist another, when the teaching provided is impartial and not directed at the other, who in the unhealed state, may take offense; therefore, not learning from the sharing, increasing the likelihood for discord. Open, honest, communication that informs another of the self’s experiences must be received openly by the other, surveyed for its appropriateness to the self, to be embraced or discarded once determination has been made. Recognition of field connections, that produce advice that may be tainted by the lesson plan that has yet to be integrated by the other, must be made; thereby allowing each to teach each; each learning from each. Those areas believed to be most important, informing of the lessons that should be noted for each pairing, have been detailed to alert the student to the possibilities present when one unhealed student attempts to aid another unhealed student.
When choosing the partner, it is advisable to know and understand the lesson plan provided, for this will inform each of the obstacles to be confronted individually, as well as collectively. Reading and discussing each student’s full lesson plan will allow each to best support the other. The analyses provided are merely a snapshot of the most predictable difficulties to be encountered when the lesson plans are joined, to assist one to the other with lesson integration. Recognizing the uniqueness with which all students embrace field behaviors and characteristics will allow each to support the other most appropriately. It is suggested that the student read each pairing that includes the self’s lesson plan to denote the variables of behavior that may be anticipated when one interacts with others.
Strengths of note for the student of each lesson plan:
Denial: agile mind, ability to analyze dispassionately, ability to discern without emotion, vast knowledge bank, desire to teach
Guilt: logical and analytical skills, compassionate, focused thinking, ability to merge the emotions and the mind, willingness to teach, willingness to aid another, ability to discern without emotion
Rejection: inherent ability to love unconditionally, inherent ability to accept all things, logical and analytical skills, ability to merge the emotions with the mind, deep yearning to join with others to support and teach
Repression: deep desire to be well-liked, willingness to support others, ability to get along with many, strong physical body, ability to recognize weakness in another
Separation: superior mind, willingness to exert the self, ability to analyze myriad details to arrive at solution, ability to teach
Shame: ability to discern without emotion, willingness to aid another, strong mind, capable of assessing myriad details to arrive at conclusion
Weaknesses of note for the student of each lesson plan:
Denial: judgment, rigid thinking, unwillingness to embrace another as teacher, harshness, superior attitude, unwelcoming
Guilt: emotionally confused, narrow-focus mind, refusal to forgive, low self-esteem, edgy, nervous, accusatory
Rejection: rigid thinking, demanding, illusory, unaware, distracted, sharp tongued, unwilling to change
Repression: confused, narrow-focus mind, secretive, private, dishonest, overbearing, distaste for being taught, moodiness, unwelcoming attitude regarding conflict
Separation: narrow-focus mind, independent, unwelcoming, exclusionary, refusal to embrace another as teacher, competitive, perception that those who wish to aid are attempting to interfere, moodiness
Shame: compassionless or overly compassionate, emotionally removed, dominant or compliant, dishonest, moodiness, overly caring to care-less of another, contemptuous behaviors may prohibit bonding, failure to recognize the self’s behaviors that damage another
Notes to the Teacher
Recognition of the value represented by each student is vital to the success of the group that joins together, in order to learn. Each student need be provided with the lessons chosen by the soul that have yet to be learned. Recognizing that all humans have been presented with similar lessons in previous lifetimes is critical to the embracement of those students who are assigned lessons that vary from the own. The soul has chosen wisely for each student, based upon the current consciousness level of each. While some lesson plans pose greater challenge to the group than others, it must be noted that each holds a vital key to the complete picture; once healed, each student may then step forward to aid others with similar lessons. Having learned from the experiences of others within the group will enable the student to aid many others as well.
Focus must be placed upon the externalizers of the group, gaining agreement for cooperation which allows all members of the group to share equally, so that all may learn, each from the other. Those students who choose to internalize the expression must be coaxed to share of the self, so that others may learn as the student learns, recognizing the impact of the self’s behaviors, when imposed upon those who choose this mode of expression. Awareness of the self and the impact of the self’s behaviors need be addressed at the first meeting, focusing upon restraint of emotional reactions that can be detrimental to another. This agreement must be received from each group member, strengthened by the group resolve with each joining.
The following eleven rules are suggested to be posted, accessible for viewing by all gathered, endorsed by each student, prior to acceptance in the group.
- I recognize that I do not know myself.
- I am committed to disconnecting from the lower fields of consciousness.
- I recognize my unhealed status and am actively seeking resolution.
- I endorse the exposure of ego, whenever its presence is detected.
- I know that I can heal myself by joining with others, in order to accomplish.
- I agree to embrace all offerings of another for review.
- All gathered are entitled to honor and respect.
- I agree that damaging words are unwelcome and will be vigilant to their arrival.
- I agree to share openly and honestly; listening and speaking equally.
- Gratitude will be expressed each time another attempts to aid me in my healing process.
- I agree that apology will be provided, whenever instructed that my behaviors merit such.
- I agree to accept apologies that are extended, recognizing the value of the lesson presented, so that each may learn.
It is recommended that each student joining the group be willing to read this publication in total; dedicating the self to understanding its contents, pursuing answer from the group, whenever complete understanding is not achieved. Group discussions are vital to ensure that all students have the appropriate understanding of the materials contained herein. The role of the teacher is to guide the student to truth; this truth is found within, changing gradually with each step forward upon the path to healing. Patience is necessary for both teacher and student, for the path is oftentimes arduous, encouraging the presence of ego that, when unrecognized, inhibits one’s progress. The goal of the teacher is to expose the ego in all its facets, so that the student may learn to recognize the voice of the soul over that of the ego.
The two who join together with this difficult lesson plan must be willing to utilize the mirror that each provides to the other, if success is to be achieved. Once the student has identified the behaviors and characteristics within the self’s pattern, each may be well supported, for the mind of the student with this lesson plan is intelligent and capable. Inability to pinpoint behaviors within the self is the challenge; however, it does not render the student incapable of viewing the same in another. Recognition of behaviors within the other allows the student to observe the same within the self, if the mind has been opened to this possibility.
The mind of the student will be superior and agile, focused upon besting all others, to shine the light of recognition upon the self. Rigid and unwilling to embrace new thinking provided by another whenever indication is received that review of previous decision is needed, the student is averse to embracing that healing and growth is no longer endorsed by the current thinking. Typically the holder of much information, the student willingly informs others of the most appropriate way of thinking, of being; for the student regards the self as the teacher, all others as the student. The student has discarded all prospective teachers for the self with this approach to knowledge, rarely achieving understanding, due to this exclusion of all others from the learning experience. Recognition that the self has determined to learn all things through the self, to reinforce the belief that only the self is capable of teaching the self, must be made in order to free the self of this restriction. Actively seeking the assistance of others that think differently from the self is the first step to be taken by the student that wishes to walk the path to healing.
Each student need recognize the presence of rigidity in the other, bringing forth example of that which has been ignored to preserve the self’s way of thinking or being, that has eliminated the possibility for change that would endorse growth, thereby endorsing lesson failure; this recognition of behaviors in the other will assist the student in uncovering the behaviors of the self that are impeding the self’s progress. The student that is willing to delve deeply, reviewing all past decisions, determining if change is indicated, to further growth and progress forward, will be capable of achieving rapid lesson integration.
Denial is one of the most difficult lesson plans, thereby rendering this match as recommended only for the two students that have been on the spiritual path for some time, prior to beginning this system. Recognition is difficult for the student with this lesson plan, for the thinking is rigid and unidentifiable, unless pointed out by another who is not similarly afflicted. Each student projects the own behavior upon the other, rarely identifying the self’s behavior in the other. Recognition must be made by the student of the self’s behaviors, projected onto the other that acts as the mirror for the self. The student with this lesson plan excuses another whose thinking is similar to the own; provision of inappropriate support is a risk of this partnership.
The student’s desire to teach and refusal to learn from the other presents additional challenge to this pairing. While this will be present in all partnerships with other lesson plans for the student of Denial, it will be particularly troublesome with this partnership, due to the student’s inclination to ignore the other’s advice and offerings, thereby creating the partnership where each ignores each. Commitment must be made, one to the other, to listen and speak equally, embracing the words of the other, reviewing all offerings, prior to discard, thereby allowing the self to detect those decisions that are in need of review. Willingness to address all issues that create discord must be present to ensure success. Judgment must be recognized as the constant companion that prohibits the embracement of another’s offering; for this presence prohibits the student’s capability to learn from another. Recognition that negative energies overwhelm the positive, prohibiting the student from embracing new ways of thinking, new ways of being, is critical to the success of this pairing.
This pairing carries the likelihood of success, for the two who have been actively seeking the spiritual experience for some time, when each is willing to open the self to the other completely, embracing the words of the other, delving deeply to determine that which is in need of change to further the self’s forward progress, followed by behavior modification to allow lesson integration. Failure to communicate openly and honestly or to embrace the offerings of the other ensures continued lesson failure for this partnership.
Each student in this pairing bears the tendency to damage the other with the words or the thoughts that are not closely observed by the self, prior to speaking or thinking. Students who have learned to observe the statements made, prior to speaking, are excluded from this analysis; however, it is rare that the unhealed student has recognized the damage inflicted upon another by the self’s words or actions. Elimination of the words that damage another is primary and must be recognized as inappropriate protection of the self, endorsed by the ego who maintains the connection to the lower fields of consciousness that fuels this behavior.
The student must learn to reverse the behaviors of the self onto the self, thereby allowing the self to observe the impact closely prior to speaking the words. Students of Denial and Guilt each utilize these tactics to prevent another from presenting the lesson. Each must observe the self’s behaviors within the other, committing the self to learn from the other that which need be eliminated for the self, disallowing the words of the other to damage the self, knowing that the self has done the same previously. This recognition will aid each in full understanding of the tactics of the ego, intended to damage others, as well as the self.
The student that vocalizes discontent openly, in a damaging fashion, need be cognizant of the karma created by this behavior; for similar lesson will be drawn to the self to teach the student of the impact upon another. When the reflection of the self is recognized by the student, the mirror may be embraced as a most powerful teacher; when utilized appropriately, great success may be enjoyed by this pairing. Internalizing students need be aware that speaking is critical to the success of this pairing, for silence prohibits progress, eliminating opportunity to teach and to learn. Vocalizing the thoughts allows each to learn from each, thereby granting forward movement that allows one to heal. Recognizing that the words are intended to be utilized to promote understanding rather than damage, the student will become capable of controlling the urge imposed by field energies to damage another. Damaging words are a tool of the ego, utilized to prohibit lesson presentation; this singular recognition will encourage the student that wishes to heal to hesitate, monitoring the words that ensure lesson failure, so that each may learn, one from the other, thereby guaranteeing lesson integration.
Difficulties – Denial & Guilt
The expression chosen by each student will denote the challenge of this pairing. The student of Denial that externalizes should not be partnered with the student of Guilt who internalizes, for this pairing will be of no benefit to either. Denial overwhelms Guilt, prohibiting the student from speaking should discord arise. Denial, when internalized, may be capable of overcoming Guilt’s aversion to speaking the mind, due to the silence provided. Denial must be vigilant to the thoughts that judge the other, for this will prohibit appropriate support; Guilt must be vigilant to the impressions received from Denial, for this will carry equal weight in the support of the other.
Committing the self to the other, speaking from the heart, receiving openly that which the other offers, remaining detached, recognizing that each are unhealed and are likely to damage the other, if the words are not examined closely prior to sharing, is necessary to the success of this pairing. Recognition may be made of the tendencies to damage another when lesson presentation begins by observing the actions of the other; changed behaviors must be the goal of each by learning from the other that which is unwanted by the self, thereby aiding the student in rapid change to enable lesson integration.
Denial is blind and Guilt is vengeful; each is defending the self against perceived attack from the other. Recognizing the inappropriateness of battling another ferociously can be readily learned from the other by closely observing the behaviors and embracing that the self has performed similarly in the past; for the inability to forgive the other is due to the student’s lack of awareness that the self has conducted the self in similar fashion. This singular recognition aids each to teach the other more appropriate behaviors, in future.
When internalization of expression is chosen for each student a union of great strength becomes possible, holding great promise for this pairing; for Denial silently judges or ignores the other, while Rejection refuses conversation that could lead to further discord. Observing the judgments made by the self regarding the other, turning the judgment upon the self to determine that which is a part of the self, in need of modification, is the key to success for Denial. This recognition will allow the student of Denial to speak appropriately to the student of Rejection, drawing forth the reason for silence; this reason is that which lies within each, for the same aversion belongs to each. Rejection may do the same for Denial, for each protects the self’s behaviors or ways of being from the challenge of another, although the reason for protection varies. Denial protects the self, for the self is believed to be superior to all others; Rejection protects the self to prohibit accusations of faulty thinking.
This recognition will aid the students to assist one to the other, encouraging review of previous decisions, so that change may be endorsed. Commitment of each to speak openly, embracing the offering of the other, reviewing the offering to determine its appropriateness for the self at this time, ensures that this pairing will be highly successful. Protection of the self that prohibits another from speaking openly must be recognized, for this behavior ensures lesson failure. Rejection dismisses the offerings of the other without review; Denial duplicates the behavior, thereby rendering the offerings of each to each as valueless, thwarting lesson integration. Noting that the self’s behaviors are being reflected by the other provides example for each of that which is most in need of modification for the self. Embracement of all offerings of the other by providing the necessary review, modifying behaviors accordingly, will enable rapid lesson integration for this pairing.
Difficulties – Denial & Rejection
When externalization of expression is chosen by both students, the potential for difficulties to be encountered increase, as each will attempt to overwhelm the other, prohibiting the offerings of the other, due to the challenge felt by the self. Recognizing the self’s behaviors in the mirror, provided by the other, aids in identification of that which is most in need of modification to ensure lesson integration. Commitment must be made, one to the other, to overcome the inclination to overwhelm the other, presenting additional challenge if this cannot be overcome, promising favorable outcome should agreement be reached due to the examples provided by each; committing the self to equal listening and sharing ensures rapid lesson integration. Refusal to speak, whether Denial or Rejection, inhibits the ability to learn; judgment rendered by Denial prevents the self from sharing that which has been seen within the other in need of modification, thereby eliminating the opportunity for lesson integration. Silence on the part of Rejection is due to the threat felt to the self’s belief system; unbeknownst to the student of Rejection, the student of Denial has judged Rejection, due to the same threat being recognized by Denial.
Recognition that the same threat is felt by each creates common ground, allowing each to examine the threat presented by the other, accepting the challenge by unearthing those decisions that have been protected unduly, prohibiting growth and further progress on the path to healing, for applicability is no longer realized. Willingness to change the mind must be embraced and encouraged by each student, each aiding the other in recognition of decisions that no longer serve; to honor and respect the other that is capable of changing the mind, whenever deemed necessary to endorse lesson integration. Capability to alter the thinking identifies the student that has committed the self to the path to healing. Failure to recognize those decisions that are being protected from scrutiny that no longer endorse the student’s current way of being ensures continued lesson failure.
The students enjoy similar tendencies with this pairing, thereby allowing identification to be made of the issues through the observations and experiences of the other; acceptance of the other’s advice must be agreed upon by the two, in order to be successful. The inability to see the self in the mirror as presented by the other may result in irreconcilable differences, due to the strength of these wounds. Damage to the character by the student of Denial will likely cause the student of Repression to choose the character over the other; exposure of the characters must be done gently and resolutely, without threat to the emotional well-being of the student of Repression. Character exposure that is irrefutable and distasteful to the student of Repression will likely result in emotional turmoil, for the student’s sense of self has been challenged. The student of Denial must slowly and methodically expose the character, so that the student of Repression can determine that which is the self and that which is the character, without threat to the self’s well-being. Acceptance of the character is mandatory, until the student of Repression determines to eliminate the behaviors that support it.
The student of Repression will be capable of supporting the student of Denial, due to the characters that have been created that allow the self to mimic behaviors, felt to be necessary to be accepted by others. Elimination of the characters may find the student of Repression to be incapable of the chameleon-like behaviors that the characters afford; this capability will easily return once healing has been affected, thereby disconnecting from the lower fields of consciousness. Support provided by the student of Repression to the student of Denial is possible, as long as the student of Denial honors the characters of the student of Repression. Failure to do so renders this pairing as less than that needed by the student of Denial.
Difficulties – Denial & Repression
Commitment to speaking the thoughts, feelings, and impressions without censor to the other is the key to success for this pairing. Recognition of the inclination to repress or silently judge is necessary to forward movement and must be addressed directly. This pairing becomes more challenging when both students externalize the expression, each attempting to silence the other, for one will attempt to repress and one will attempt to openly diminish the other. Recognition of the tendency to silence the other will aid the student in understanding that field connections are prohibiting forward movement for each.
The students must be respectful of each other. Denial must respect the characters built by Repression; Repression must respect Denial’s blindness, which renders the student incapable of identifying the self’s behaviors and the impact thereof, without the assistance of another. Denial must embrace this condition, willingly submitting the self to the other for assistance, in order to heal. Repression must be willing to speak, drawing to Denial’s attention those behaviors that prevent forward progress, urging close consideration of all offerings, through the awareness of Denial’s aversion to do so. Repression must be willing to speak openly of the wants, needs and desires of the self, so that Denial is aware of the importance of each, recognizing that Denial is incapable of seeing that which is not a part of the own belief system. Judgment must be recognized by Denial to overcome the automatic dismissal of all others’ offerings. Repression must be willing to open the self to review, to expose the characters that prohibit the self from knowing the self, committing the self to eliminating the characters, so that the true self may step forth. Unwillingness on the part of Repression to open the self to the other, so that the characters may be exposed, or for the student of Denial to embrace the self’s blindness and dependence upon another for assistance, will ensure continued lesson failure for each.
The logical and analytical skills possessed by these students bode well for successful partnership, for each is capable of detaching the self from emotion, to arrive at conclusion of that which is most appropriate for each to be successful. However, simply because the students are capable of disconnecting the self emotionally does not indicate that this will occur; for each will be inclined to overwhelm the other mentally, in order to be named victor. Recognizing the antics of the ego, to place the self above another, is necessary for this partnership to be successful, for each will feel the self to be superior to the other. This belief will provide difficulty in accepting the advice or offerings of the other and must be overcome with commitment to the self and the other, to always receive the advice of the other, as if it were the own, weighing it appropriately and providing feedback to the other of the self’s assessment of its appropriateness for the self.
The strong capability to aid, each to the other, is realized when the students recognize the strength of the self in the other; equally recognizing the weaknesses of the self in the other will allow each to utilize the other as the mirror for the self of those things most in need of modification for the self. Superiority is the target for the student of Denial while independence is the target for the student of Separation; these targets are most responsible for the student’s failure to integrate the lessons. Each student must commit the self to drawing to the other’s attention the presence of these tendencies; commitment to alter the behaviors must be made by each, in order to successfully eliminate those tendencies that most contribute to lesson failure. The strength of this union will depend upon the student’s ability to analyze the situation without emotion, allowing the other to be recognized as being as capable as the self in supporting another; if the student is willing to do so, rapid healing becomes possible. This pairing is one of the most favorable lesson plan partnerships.
Difficulties – Denial & Separation
The ability to remain with the other throughout lesson presentation will be a challenge, for each will feel the self to be superior to the other, unwilling to embrace the offerings of the other; quite likely, choosing to separate the self physically from the other, at times of discord. Commitment to remaining with the other throughout the discord, until the lesson has been integrated, is critical to the success of this pairing. Speaking openly with the other about the feelings and impressions of the self, without damaging the other, is vital to lesson resolution.
Embracing the other as the self’s equal is necessary to open the self, free of the energies of judgment, that prohibit learning from another that has been judged by the self. Recognizing that the judgment indicates a lacking within the self is primary to eliminating the judgment; for once the judgment has been recognized within the self, the other can be accepted and lesson resolution achieved. Each student must be willing to vocalize, from the heart, that which is viewed in the other; put forth to aid the other in recognition of that which is most in need of modification, enabling growth and forward progress. Unwillingness to vocalize disfavor must be overcome by each, for silence does not aid in learning that which is in need of modification. Openness to the other’s offerings is critical to the success of this partnership; for the strength of this union lies in the sharing of two powerful minds.
Understanding that the other is equally wounded will allow each to set aside the need for superiority and independence, allowing the other to support the self through the healing process. The ego will be strong in each student and will not willingly allow these tendencies to be set aside. Recognizing the presence of the ego, banishing it to the ethers, until all information has been collected and reviewed by the heart first, is necessary to endorse lesson integration. The student who allows the ego to assist with the analysis is one who will be unable to review that which is within the heart; that which enables lesson integration.
The student must remember that the ego only wishes for failure; utilizing superiority and independence, the ego wins. Forgoing these tendencies assures that the student will evaluate all information fairly, without threat to the self, prior to arriving at conclusion. Once the full picture has been reviewed, the ego’s urgings will be clearly identified as those that endorse lesson failure. Once the ego has been recognized by the student, the powerful mind can be employed to reliably determine the voice of the ego versus the voice of the soul, thereby expediting lesson integration.
The emotional body is the source of strength for this pairing, as each will teach each to place it in its appropriate position. The internalizing student of Shame brings forth compassion from the externalizing student of Denial. Compassion is typically absent for the student of Denial; however, the pain that is palpable, for the student of Shame, produces response that is nurturing and tender, wherein all traces of superiority disappear. This expression, unfortunately, does not assist the student of Shame who is suffering due to self-inflicted, unwarranted pain that must be arrested by another, so that the lesson may be integrated. Caution must be employed when intervening upon another’s pain; Denial can be taught to do this most appropriately, for the union of the emotional bodies enables this support.
The student of Shame is likely to be capable of assisting the student of Denial, for Shame is distant and cold when discord arises. Each responds to hardship and discord similarly; therefore, will be capable of identifying inappropriate behaviors for the self by viewing the behavior of the other. Each student must agree to support the other appropriately, eliminating behaviors that endorse misbehavior. Denial will endorse the misbehavior of Shame, reasoning that the other was responsible for the disfavor experienced; Shame will absolve Denial from responsibility stating that the other should have responded differently, endorsing the unavoidability of the response of Denial.
Endorsement of inappropriate behavior does not aid the other; rather, it lengthens the learning process by ensuring additional lessons of similar nature, in future. Recognition of misbehavior is vital to the appropriate support of the other, indicating those behaviors most in need of modification, surveying the self for similar behaviors; so that the two may learn, each from the other. The internalizing student of Denial or Shame must be willing to vocalize the thoughts, for this alone ensures that appropriate support may be received.
Difficulties – Denial & Shame
Vigilance to inappropriate behaviors is the goal for each student; for endorsement of these behaviors prohibits progress forward on the path to healing. Recognizing behaviors that are ego-driven is primary, as this maintains the connection to the lower fields of consciousness, for each of these students. Each student is continuously cycling energies within the bodies that endorse lower field behaviors and responses. Shame maintains its connection through bitterness and contempt; these behaviors are resident within the outer bodies, due to unresolved past experiences that have damaged the student. Failure to resolve these experiences encourages the student to relive each through the retelling, enlivening and amplifying the presence of these energies, causing alertness to the need for protection that is palpable to others. Denial must encourage Shame to resolve these past experiences, discerning the lesson that was presented, forgiving the self and the other, conveying gratitude for the lesson learned. Supporting the student of Shame in this way will teach the student of Denial equally, for this student is averse to forgiveness as well; believing the self to never be wrong, the student of Denial fails to recognize the value of this concept.
Denial maintains the energies of judgment, resident within the outer bodies at all times, endorsing the air of superiority that is necessary to deny all offerings of another that could aid the self, within the learning experience. Shame must aid Denial in recognizing the judgment that is ever-present, prohibiting the self’s ability to embrace the offerings of another, preventing the student from recognizing that another can assist the self. Judgment must be eliminated from the thinking of the student of Denial, if lesson integration is to be achieved. Turning the judgment upon the self will aid the student to determine that which is most in need of modification for the self. Judgment becomes a gift when the student recognizes the self within the other, discerning the self’s lessons that need be learned, in order to heal. Recognition of the responsibility to the other by bringing attention to the behaviors, that maintain the connection to the lower fields of consciousness, ensures success for this pairing.
When the expressions are similar this pairing holds great promise for lesson integration; accepting the blame of another or placing blame upon the other, each to each, avoiding the pairing that allows each to blame the other, for this action could result in continued lesson failure. Recognition that the lesson has been distorted by the ego’s antics, to emphasize the blame and the pain, is vital for the student who walks the path to healing. Failing to embrace that the lesson has been lost, due to the continued insistence that the true lesson is the appropriation of blame and pain, upon the self or another, ensures continued lesson failure.
Focusing upon the lesson, the student may bring awareness forward to the tendency of the other to blame and to concentrate upon the pain suffered, rather than focusing the attention upon the lesson. The ego convinces the student that the blame and pain are indeed the lesson; appropriation of blame must be made rapidly, in order to avoid placement upon the self, thereby removing awareness from the lesson at hand, until the facts are no longer available to the student. Story construction is utilized by the ego that distorts the facts, so that the student is cast in the most favorable light; one that casts the blame upon another, absolving the self from any responsibility for the incident. Asking directly for the facts, item by item, will aid the student in gleaning the true nature of the experience, prior to the ego’s intervention that demanded the placement of blame, distorting the lesson.
Recognizing the story constructed by the ego will aid the student in detecting the same behaviors within the self, previously enacted. Each student need commit the self to the other, to remain with the facts of the lesson, never distorting that which occurred, focusing the attention upon the lesson and discarding all need to cast blame, upon the self or another. Gratitude for the lesson must be shown, for this enables forgiveness, allowing compassion to flow that embraces the other, removing the pain and the blame that has been associated with the lesson. Willingness to seek the lesson, eliminating all behaviors that favor casting blame by ensuring that each student focuses upon the facts, will endorse this pairing as most beneficial to each.
Difficulties – Guilt & Guilt
Varied expressions will cause difficulty to be encountered, for this is the challenge of the lesson plan; the willingness to accept the blame of another for the self is created when confronted by another that readily places blame upon the other. Recognition must be made of this tendency, with concerted effort to be placed behind the commitment, to see the lesson, and to discontinue all pursuits that endorse the placement of blame. The externalizing student will use the words to damage another, while the internalizing student readily embraces the words of another, allowing the damage, reinforcing this damage with despair and helplessness; for the self has been blamed once again.
Close supervision is recommended for this pairing, to prohibit damage that may result when the opposite expressions of the lesson plan join, in order to learn. Agreement must be reached that the words will be closely monitored by the externalizer; failing this agreement, the internalizer must reject the applicability of the words, reminding the other that the lesson is the focus, not the blame. Prohibiting the other from damaging the self is fundamental for the student of guilt that internalizes and accepts the blame for the self; should this be accomplished by the internalizer, great headway will be made in rejecting the blame from others in future, thereby endorsing this pairing as successful for rapid lesson integration. Failure of the internalizer to reject the words of the other further deepens the wounds of this lesson plan.
Caution is always advised when pairing an externalizer with an internalizer, for the sensitivity is heightened, increasing the likelihood for damage when awareness is lacking. Supervision is recommended with these pairings initially, making certain that each are cognizant of the potential for further damage and that commitment has been made to eliminate this possibility. Great possibilities exist with this pairing, if the appropriate groundwork has been laid, prior to unsupervised interaction.
The strength of this pairing is recognized in the capacity of each to prohibit the enlivenment of the emotional body, joining together to learn; for the mental capacity to overcome the emotional body is inherent, if each is committed to learning the lessons that will allow each to heal. The student of Rejection will readily embrace the student of Guilt, understanding the need for the placement of blame, for the self has been rejected by others; often unfairly and painfully. Emotional union is possible, for each has suffered at the hands of another; each is a storyteller in their own right, endorsing commiseration, which ensures lesson failure.
Emotional thinking is guaranteed for each when discord arises; Rejection and Guilt both analyze current situations due to unresolved past experiences. The strength of this partnership is in the similarity of behaviors, allowing each to use the other as the mirror, of that which the self most needs to focus the attention upon, in order to heal. Recognizing the inappropriateness of emotional thinking, calling forth the mental capacity to analyze and logically think through the experience without distortion, enables the students to determine the lesson, avoiding rejection or blame as the outcome. Each student must focus the attention upon the past experiences, determining those issues that remain unresolved, demanding further lesson so that the student may learn. Resolving past experiences rewards the student with forward progress upon the path to healing.
The student of Rejection is inherently capable of sharing unconditional love through the employment of universal acceptance, embracing the student of Guilt so that an atmosphere of safety may be created, allowing the student of Guilt to examine the self’s behaviors that have drawn unfavorable lessons, resulting in damage to the self. The focus need be upon the student of Rejection to remove the blockage that prohibits the sharing of unconditional love; for once removed, the student is inherently capable of guiding the student of Guilt to the path to healing.
Difficulties - Guilt & Rejection
Over-commiseration with one another, fueling the fires of emotion that endorse the inappropriate emphasis upon the pain suffered by the self during lesson presentation, will be the major challenge of this partnership. Guilt will be proficient at retelling the experience, to garner support and sympathy from others, while Rejection is more likely to harbor the pain and resentment, preferring not to speak of it, for fear that the self’s feelings will be displayed to another. Rejection becomes proficient at diminishing the pain felt, for the decision has been made to reject the self or the other and the student is determined to put the experience behind the self; this same experience is brought forward the next time painful emotional experience is encountered, revealing that the lesson has yet to be learned.
Recognition of the repeating pattern of lessons is necessary for both students; for lesson presentation will function in this manner for each, until the lesson has been learned. Eliminating the emotional response when reviewing the lesson, followed by determining the true lesson, versus the misdirection that has been placed by the ego upon emotional pain, must be the focus of each student. Guilt will be focused upon the self; Rejection will be focused upon the other. Guilt must look closely at the self’s behaviors that have drawn the lesson to the self, discarding the emotions that have been manufactured, so that another can be blamed for unfavorable lesson outcome. Rejection must focus upon the self, to determine the opinions or ways of being that need be reviewed to endorse growth and lesson integration. The student’s ability to re-focus the attention appropriately, from the emotion to the lesson, ensures lesson integration.
The student of Guilt must be willing to speak openly and honestly with the student of Rejection, purposefully removing the embellishments added to the story that lessened the self’s behavior, enabling the appropriation of blame that best shined the light of acceptability upon the self. Failure to do so eliminates the ability of the student of Rejection to aid the student of Guilt in determining the behaviors that need be reviewed and targeted for modification. The student of Rejection must be willing to focus upon the self, examining the behaviors that drew the lesson to the self, determining to review the decisions of the past which continues to draw the same lesson again and again. Unwillingness to open the self, focusing upon the self exclusively in order to arrive at the best possible conclusion for lesson integration, ensures continued lesson failure for each student.
The two students that choose to internalize the expression are most likely to benefit from this partnership, for each is well-accustomed to acquiescing to another; it is this behavior that will be reflected by the mirror that each holds for the other. When the expressions are mixed, caution must be utilized; for the student of Guilt will blame the internalizing student of Repression, while the externalizing student of Repression will repress the internalizing student of Guilt. Recognition of this tendency can aid the students to be vigilant to this possibility, planning the course of action that is needed to prohibit damage; this possibility increases when each student externalizes, for the tendency to damage another is resident in each.
The student of Guilt need draw forth the student of Repression’s wants, needs, and desires, assisting in the determination of that which belongs to the true self and that which belongs to the character, so that satisfaction may be achieved through lesson integration. Exposure of the characters must be done slowly and methodically, to prohibit the student of Repression from feeling jeopardized and threatened by the student of Guilt. Gradual exposure will allow the student of Repression to acclimate the self to the characters existence, willingly relinquishing each, as the true self’s wants, needs, and desires are exposed, in contrast to the characters.
The student of Repression must guide the student of Guilt to re-visit the emotional experience, free of embellishment, maintaining factual elements alone, determining the lesson that was presented, encouraging forgiveness of the self and the other, removing all energies of bitterness and regret from the bodies, enabling lesson integration. Guidance provided to the student of Guilt will aid the student of Repression to embrace the same for the self, for the student of Repression is apt to be in need of the same advice for the self.
The student of Repression is focused upon the characters; the student of Guilt is focused upon the self’s pain. Encouragement must be received by each; Repression to reveal the characters, Guilt to seek the lesson. Success is assured if each student is able to follow the guidance presented herein.
Difficulties – Guilt & Repression
The tendency to allow the self to be repressed or blamed will be the focal point of challenge for this pairing. Those students that externalize, maintaining the tendency to damage others, must become cognizant of this tendency; modification of behaviors must be agreed upon prior to proceeding, to prohibit damage of another that is attempting to aid the self, with lesson integration. The student of Repression does not know the self; the student of Guilt refuses to see the lesson, believing that the self suffers more than others with lesson presentation.
Support of the other is the key to success for this pairing; focusing outside of the self for each of these students will be beneficial, aiding each in determining that which is needed, in order to learn. The internalizing student of Repression must utilize the mirror, provided by the internalizing student of Guilt, vocalizing the self’s wants, needs and desires without fear of repercussion; for vocalization aids the student to determine that which is best for the self, whereas silence allows the character to make this determination, based upon the desire to be well-liked by the other. The student of Guilt must focus upon the other, understanding that others also suffer with lesson presentation, recognizing that suffering is never the purpose of the lesson. Supporting each other will aid the students in forward progress for the self, as long as the mirror is utilized by each and clear, honest communication is employed. Failure is ensured for each, if silence is maintained or enforced.
Partnership is endorsed for the two who choose to internalize the expression; damage is likely for all other pairings, requiring awareness and agreement, prior to joining, to avoid this outcome. The student must recognize the energies cycling continuously within the bodies, maintaining field connection; these energies are powerful, demanding release to prohibit extensive damage being done to the physical body. Indiscriminate release of these energies by the student damages others, often without awareness of the impact of the self’s behaviors upon another. Close supervision must be provided to prohibit damage that invariably occurs when these energies, and the release thereof, are not understood.
The internalizing students must agree to speak openly and honestly with the other, creating an atmosphere of safety that will be honored by each; failing to ensure safety for each will result in lesson failure. Awareness need be focused upon the energies currently residing within the bodies, to determine if release is necessary, prior to moving forward upon the path to healing; this release is performed through the examination of the lessons that have been failed, causing the energies within the bodies to increase uncomfortably. Pre-existing conditions of depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, regret, uncontrollable anger, or bitterness indicate that release is necessary, in order to restore balance.
Replaying of the experience, whether vocal or silent, increases these energies; the student must be made aware of the jeopardy to the self’s well-being when the decision is made to prohibit discussion of painful emotional experiences. Willingness on the part of the student, to examine the past experiences, grants permission to the teacher to assist with release of these energies by determining the lesson that has yet to be learned, signified by the presence of these energies. The student that is able to forgive the self, as well as the other, once the lesson has been exposed, is the student that is committed to healing the self.
Difficulties – Guilt & Shame
Externalization expressed by both students will severely challenge the partnership, for the energies cycling within the bodies demand periodic release; highly emotional responses could lead to violence, if the students remain unaware of the power of these energies. Concerted effort must be placed behind this informing, making certain that understanding is achieved regarding the need for periodic, appropriate release, which may be accomplished with physical exertion; ideally, release will be affected through lesson integration.
The student must understand that the energies are damaging the self, yet when released improperly the energies will damage another. Agreement must be reached to measure the words utilized, when in conflict with another; otherwise, damage will occur within this partnership. These energies, while typically unrecognized within the self, are most likely detected within another and will not generally attract another with the same energies, thereby eliminating frequent occurrence of this pairing.
Partnerships, one as internalization and one as externalization, will have a difficult time supporting the other, due to the tendency to accept or impose blame or shame having been firmly established, prior to the joining. The student of Shame that internalizes will be focused upon revenge, while the student of Guilt who has accepted blame for the self will be likely to embrace the shame imposed by the other. Awareness must be focused upon this tendency, for future lesson will be presented that provides opportunity for the student of Shame to embrace the other, which enables learning the lesson, or to secure revenge, thereby failing the lesson. The student of Guilt who internalizes will be seeking absolution from the student of Shame who externalizes and has shamed or diminished the self. Awareness must be focused upon this seeking, for future lesson will be presented to the student of Guilt to determine if the self is able to discern the true lesson, or if absolution will be the primary motivator within the conflict.
Joining of any expression of the students of Guilt and Shame must begin with informing each of the power of the energies, residing within the outer bodies to damage the self, and potentially, the other. Clearly communicating the feelings of the self, placing concerted focus upon discerning the lesson or admitting the mistake, must be agreed upon by each to achieve successful support of the other that leads to lesson integration.
The strength of this partnership is located within the student of Guilt who readily embraces the blame for the self, willingly sharing the experience with others, to garner support and sympathy. The student of Separation will employ the analytical and logical mind to assist the student of Guilt, determining the more appropriate course of action for the self the next time, focusing upon the lesson, rather than the emotion; for emotion is oftentimes unsettling to the student of Separation, needlessly cluttering the mental evaluation.
This partnership bodes well for the student of Guilt, for the evaluation that is needed, that which arrives at the lesson, is readily provided by the student of Separation. The support provided to the student of Separation bodes equally well through the possibility to experience emotion through the student of Guilt; this emotion is raw and heartfelt, for the student believes that the self has suffered deeply at the hands of another. This belief may be dispelled by the student of Separation who will view the experience dispassionately, asking questions, so that the appropriate analysis may be made of the lesson that was intended to be learned. As long as the students are aware that these experiences are the purpose of the joining, success may be enjoyed by each; for each will teach the other, honing the skills needed to integrate the lesson plan.
The student of Guilt will teach the student of Separation the value of the emotions; the student of Separation will teach the student of Guilt analytical strategies, aiding with arrival at the appropriate lesson, disregarding the emotions in the evaluation. The externalizing student of Guilt will present challenge to the student of Separation, for the story has been well-crafted, absolving the self of all blame, minimizing the self’s participation; therefore, limiting the ability of Separation to provide the analysis that would best serve lesson integration. This may be overcome if the student of Guilt is willing and able to reconstruct the story, free of embellishment, portraying honestly the self’s participation, thereby allowing appropriate analysis by the student of Separation. Clear, honest communication will ensure that the student of Guilt is provided with the analysis that will aid with lesson integration now, as well as in the future.
Difficulties – Guilt & Separation
The challenge of this partnership will be in the embracement of the student of Separation of the value brought to the self by the student of Guilt. Emotions are of little value to this student; the likelihood of judgment being placed upon the student of Guilt is increased, due to the belief of the student of Separation that emotion is of little value to the analysis. An appraisal of weakness is likely by the student of Separation for the internalizing student of Guilt, due to the inability of the self to protect the self from unfair treatment by another, while the student of Guilt may find the student of Separation to be unduly cold and emotionless. Mindfulness of the value to be experienced through open, honest communication must be present for each; failure to communicate adequately prohibits the student of Separation from experiencing emotions appropriately, while the student of Guilt is unable to receive the analysis provided by the student of Separation, due to the unacceptability of the delivery, that which is devoid of sympathy for the self’s suffering.
Each student need be aware that endorsement of the self’s way of being will not be forthcoming from the other; however, honoring that which is provided is not encumbered, if understanding is achieved. Focused awareness must be placed upon the student of Separation’s tendency to endorse separating the self from the other as the most appropriate course of action, rather than remaining to resolve and integrate the lesson, for awareness will prohibit this outcome from being endorsed. Recognizing that the student of Guilt may endorse blame for the student of Separation that has encountered difficulty with another, over-emphasizing the emotional elements, may also be overcome through awareness of the inappropriateness of this behavior. Focusing upon the lesson will aid the student of Guilt in recognition of that which was intended to be learned; each must be fully cognizant that the lesson never endorses blame or separation as a solution.
The two students that externalize the expression will be most likely to enjoy satisfactory support of the other, for the student of Guilt punishes another by blaming and avoiding future contact, while the student of Separation punishes the other by separating the self, often without explanation. Recognition of the tendency to punish another is valuable for each; the behavior is then recognized in the other, cementing future recognition in the self, when the behavior is once again offered for resolution. The two students that maintain opposite expressions will struggle to support the other, for the externalizing student of Guilt will be ill-inclined to share all facets of the experience to receive the most appropriate analysis, while the student of Separation is ill-inclined to aid another that has been deemed less worthy than the self. When the expression of each is externalized, the likelihood for abuse occurs; for each has grown proficient at protecting the self from others. Awareness of these tendencies will lead to gaining agreement, from each externalizing student, that the words will be monitored; understanding the impact of the self’s behaviors must be achieved to avoid potential damage to the student that is attempting to aid another.
Similar modes of expression, whether internalizing or externalizing, grants favor to this partnership, as the value of the mirror is exceedingly powerful for these students. The goal for the student of Rejection is to awaken to the soul within, stepping forth to love unconditionally, endorsed by universal acceptance of all things. The student of Rejection protects the self’s opinions and ways of being by refusing all who differ from the self, protecting the self from those who may accuse the self of faulty thinking.
The student is unaware that change is fundamental to the life experience; as one grows, change is made necessary, for the student’s needs have changed, thereby requiring an altered course to accommodate the expansion that is natural to learning. Rather, the student of Rejection determines to safeguard all previous decisions, determining the self to be correct in doing so, fearful of the other rejecting the self, for having arrived at faulty decision that is now in need of review. The student feels attacked each time an offering is extended that varies from the own belief system, fending off the other by dismissing the offering, often overruling the offering with the self’s previous decisions.
The mirror will reflect the other’s determination to prohibit new ways of thinking, new ways of being, by protecting the old decisions. Lesson presentation has been provided to indicate that change is necessary. The student rejects the offering for review; whether internalizing or externalizing, the action will be to eliminate the offering, remaining silent or providing rationale for the self’s decision to maintain the old ways of being that, unbeknownst to the student, no longer serve the self.
Rapid healing may be experienced by the two who join, committed to utilizing the other as the mirror to the self’s behaviors that will aid in learning the lessons. Blockage has been provided to interfere with the student’s inherent ability to provide unconditional love to all; new ways of being and thinking have also been blocked by the refusal to review old decisions. Recognition of the repercussions of this decision can aid the student in committing the self, to review all previous decisions indicated by lesson presentation; rapidly endorsing all changes that endorse lesson integration.
Difficulties – Rejection & Rejection
Minimal challenge is presented by this partnership if the student is committed to using the other as the self’s mirror, of that which need be changed for the self. Recognition of the other’s refusal to entertain another’s offerings that conflict with the own, provides the student with the indication of field connection. Commitment, to open the self to the other, in the moment, to glean that which is being provided to teach the self new ways of being, new ways of thinking, is necessary. Failure to commit the self to reviewing past decisions awards the ego field connection, which prohibits the acceptance of information that varies from the own, thereby ensuring lesson failure.
The challenge for the student of Rejection is to recognize the inherent ability within, to shower all with unconditional love, which is based upon universal acceptance of all things. This ability has been blocked by connection to the lower fields of consciousness; recognition of this inherent ability with focused commitment, to remove all behaviors and characteristics that prohibit its surfacing, is necessary. This partnership is one of the most powerful of all possibilities, if each student is willing to open the self to the other, committing the self to the removal of all blockages, so that the self may heal and then aid others to do the same.
Agreement to maintain communication that is honest and straightforward will ensure that this union supports rapid healing for each. The student of Repression will be capable of communicating through the characters that have been adopted to enable effective communication; unbeknownst to the student, effective communication is impossible, for the characters change, based upon the current situation. The needs of one character will not fulfill the needs of the next, thereby leaving the student disappointed that the other has not determined that which was truly desired by the self. The student is unaware of the characters, yet relies upon the characters for support in all things. Failure to recognize the changing wants, needs, and desires of the characters leaves the student eternally wanting, eternally disappointed.
The student of Rejection has made decisions some time in the past that have determined the current course of action; due to the aversion to review the decision, for fear of being accused of faulty thinking, the student maintains the previous decisions, even though the life experience is not that which is most desired. Each student suffers from yearning; yearning for that which is just out of reach of the self, due to the self’s own behaviors. Identifying behaviors that lead to disappointment for each is necessary, in order to step forward upon the path to healing. The student of Repression must identify the characters, to determine that which belongs to the true self, discarding all else that does not signify the wants, needs, and desires of the true self. The student of Rejection need survey the past decisions that no longer serve the self, changing the mind to enable changed direction; one that will satisfy the current needs.
Each student may act as the mirror for the other, as each maintains behaviors that result in deep dissatisfaction for the self. Drawing the attention to the behavior will allow each to determine that which is most in need of review, so that the self can begin to experience that which is desired by the true self. The student of Rejection that internalizes the expression must open the self to the other, communicating clearly and honestly so that the most appropriate decision may be made for the self. The student of Repression that externalizes must be willing to speak and listen equally, allowing the other to share of the self, so that each may learn. Opposite expressions must be vigilant to the words utilized at times of discord; otherwise, damage to the other may be experienced. Recognition that each student is in need of the same remedy for lesson integration grants great promise to this partnership.
Difficulties – Rejection & Repression
Unwillingness to communicate clearly, in an open fashion, will pose the greatest challenge to this partnership. The student of Repression will naturally wish to repress the self or the other to prohibit the exposure of the characters employed, making the self more acceptable to the self, as well as others. The student of Rejection will become defensive or argumentative, whenever the self’s thinking or ways of being are challenged by another; misunderstanding is highly endorsed by field connection for this student. Each student will feel challenged, each student will respond from fear; the student of Repression fears exposure of the characters, while the student of Rejection fears the accusation of faulty thinking. Each is likely to defend the self, rather than opening the self to the other for observation, so that the true issue may be detected; thereby, remedied for lesson integration.
Agreement must be reached that defense of the self will be set aside; forming the bond of trust for each by each, to allow the self to be exposed to the other’s probing that holds the potential for dislodging misconceptions about the self. If the two cannot trust one another, this partnership will be of no benefit to either, other than to expose the outcome suffered by each when faulty communication is employed and expectation is endorsed, without properly informing the other of what is truly desired by the self.
The student of Rejection that internalizes must be willing to speak openly, as must the student of Repression, for it is only in the vocalization that each may best determine that which is most appropriate for the self. The students that choose to externalize must honor the other with equal listening and speaking, endorsing sharing that propels each forward to understanding of the other, thereby of the self. Opposite expressions must be cautious of damaging the other with careless behaviors that do not honor the learning process; rather, damage is incurred through careless use or careless acceptance of thoughts or opinions that do not endorse lesson integration.
Unconditional love, once enabled for the student of Rejection, ensures successful union and healing for this partnership. The student of Separation is exclusionary and unwelcoming; the student of Rejection has the ability to be warm and welcoming, holding the potential to blaze through the exterior of Separation, convincing the student that joining with others is desirable and necessary. Success will be dependent upon the student of Rejection’s choice of expression; internalization would be most desirable, for externalization is likely to offend the student of Separation, due to the outspoken nature that refuses the offerings of Separation that are provided to prove the self’s superiority over the other. The student of Rejection that internalizes will reject the own opinions or ways of being, in favor of the student of Separation, thereby allowing Separation to feel more welcomed, safer in the presence of attempted support.
Variables exist for the student of Separation who does not inform the other, when partnered with the student of Rejection that openly informs; for the student of Separation will merely separate the self from others that offend the self, never informing the other of the offense, thereby eliminating the opportunity for each to learn. Recognition of the student of Rejection’s tendency to reject the self in favor of the other is necessary to prohibit the student of Separation’s attempts to control the other from being successful. The student of Separation must give voice to the thoughts, informing the other of the behaviors that have offended, exhibiting willingness to determine if the behaviors are within the self, setting the course for changed behavior in future.
The student of Rejection must weigh all opinions and offerings to determine the value to the self, prior to rejecting the other’s offering or way of being. The student of Separation must be aware that independence is thwarting the joining of the self with another, committing the self to welcoming the thoughts and opinions of another, particularly when different from the own; for this is the only way the student of Separation may experience differently. The externalizing student of Rejection must agree to give equal time to listening and speaking, willingly accepting the thoughts and opinions of another that vary with the own, to determine its rightness for the self, at this time, setting the course for changed behavior, when deemed appropriate.
This pairing holds great promise for the students who are willing to welcome the thoughts of another, providing fair evaluation of the offering prior to discard; for each will learn from this practice. The students with similar expression stand to benefit greatly from this union, if the mirror is utilized appropriately; for this will indicate those issues most in need of review for the self, when recognized in the other. Internalizing the expression deems agreement as necessary, ensuring that each speak openly and honestly to the other, for this is the only way this union can be regarded as successful.
Difficulties – Rejection & Separation
The two who choose to externalize may encounter extreme challenge with this pairing, unless agreement can be reached that allows equal time to each; vocalizing the thoughts and opinions of the self, agreeing to weigh the concerns and impressions of the other, prior to discard. Evaluation must be performed by each, for each is highly capable of joining together to accomplish, due to the logical and analytical approach utilized by the students of these lesson plans. Overcoming the immediate dismissal of the student of Rejection and the independent stature of the student of Separation, which brings the unique way of thinking, highly guarded by each student, will be pivotal to the successful support of each within this partnership.
Failure to gain agreement to listen deeply, each to the other, to fairly evaluate all offerings of the other, will result in lesson failure for each; the two will be brought together to teach the other of the rigidity of mind suffered by each and that each guard the own opinions and ways of being for different reasons. The student of Rejection does not wish to be accused of faulty thinking and will guard all previous decisions from scrutiny to avoid this accusation. The student of Separation guards the opinions and ways of being to prohibit interference by another; independence is primary and this student will be desirous of protecting this at all cost, easily casting off opinions of another in order to do so, mindless of the loss to the self’s learning.
The student of Separation thinks differently, for it serves the self to do so, providing unique insights that, unbeknownst to the student, need be enhanced with the emotional and physical evaluation. The student of Rejection also thinks differently and is capable of providing these components, as this lesson plan is provided to the most sensitive student upon the planet. Should the student of Separation recognize and welcome the contributions available from the student of Rejection, this union could be one of the most successful of all partnerships.
Acceptance will be the key to success with this partnership, for if the student of Shame can be accepted by the student of Rejection, support which endorses lesson integration may be accomplished. Capable of embracing all others through the sharing of unconditional love and universal acceptance, the student of Rejection must overcome the blockage that has been placed to prohibit this sharing, in order to access this inherent ability. Once this blockage has been overcome, the student of Rejection may step forth offering universal acceptance to others, encouraging openness. The student of Shame recognizes and welcomes the acceptance of another, seeking safe harbor for the self; this bodes well for the student of Rejection, for the student of Shame will be willing to provide the same to the other, endorsing healing for each.
As long as the unconditional love element is available to the student of Rejection, expression is unimportant; for this element endorses healing, regardless of the challenge presented. Relentless acceptance of the student of Shame causes shifts to take place within that enables the student to begin to admit to the failures encountered, within lesson presentation. Failure to accept the student of Shame will endorse the hiding of these errors, further prohibiting lesson integration. The focus must first be placed upon the student of Rejection, to call forth the ability to love unconditionally, enabling universal acceptance of all things. This ability is blocked by the connection to the lower fields of consciousness, endorsing misunderstanding of the energies of unconditional love that are cycling continuously within the bodies, enabling embracement of all things when appropriately identified. Once the student understands and activates this inherent ability, the blockage of misunderstanding may be dissolved and the student may step forward to welcome all things, thereby expediting lesson integration for the self, as well as others.
Once accomplished, the student of Rejection will embrace the student of Shame, explaining that all lesson plans are fraught with the perils of failure and that admitting to the mistake allows one to learn the lesson. Sharing the mistake with others short-circuits the lesson plan of another, thereby providing great value to the error, when the student of Shame speaks openly and honestly of the experience. Recognizing that shame or diminishment is never the goal of lesson presentation will aid the student in embracing the errors of the self as a gift that need be shared with others, in order to smooth and expedite the other’s learning process. This sharing is the recognition of the responsibility of all students to share with others that which has been learned by the self, representing the true essence of being in service to others.
Difficulties – Rejection & Shame
Removal of the blockage that prohibits the sharing of unconditional love for the student of Rejection shall be the challenge of this pairing; this blockage may be identified by reviewing the behaviors and characteristics most utilized by the student to protect the self’s thinking and ways of being, prohibiting review of previous decisions, which have caused the student’s growth to stagnate. The student’s tendency to dismiss all offerings without review must be recognized; for all lessons are presented to pinpoint areas that are in need of review, so that the lesson may be integrated.
Once this has been accomplished, the student of Rejection may step forward to nourish the student of Shame with unconditional love, securing safe harbor for the admission of past mistakes that lead to embracement and forgiveness of the self, making possible the forgiveness of another. Embracement of the lesson becomes possible, once the self and the other has been forgiven, leading to lesson integration. The student of Shame is in need of compassion; the student of Rejection may easily provide this necessary element to healing, once the blockage that prohibits the sharing of unconditional love has been eliminated.
Clear, open, honest communication must be established between the two, built upon a foundation of trust and respect, one for the other. The student of Rejection must learn to vocalize the opinions and openly express the self’s way of being, without fear of being rejected by the other. The student of Shame must learn to honor and respect the self and all others; this is learned through integration of the lessons provided, to teach the student that forgiveness is necessary, when mistakes are made during lesson presentation.
Forgiveness is the key that awakens compassion within the student of Shame, enabling the self to admit the mistakes made, understanding the lesson, which has resulted in honoring and respecting the self and all others. The inability to admit mistakes prohibits forgiveness; lacking forgiveness, the student remains connected to the lower fields of consciousness, wherein bitterness is fueled to maintain this connection. Bitterness cannot remain in the presence of forgiveness; the goal for the student of Shame is to eliminate the presence of bitterness that creates fear of discovery of past mistakes, prohibiting lesson integration. The student of Rejection must learn to review all previous decisions, modifying the behaviors that prohibit change that eliminate the possibility of lesson integration. Unwillingness on the part of either student to follow this direction ensures continued lesson failure.
Overcoming the need to be right or to be better than the other becomes the focus for these students, as response to discord is fueled by these needs, typically found within the externalizers of these lesson plans. Recognition must be made by each student, equally challenged to prove the self right or better than the other, of the impossibility of this goal; for each student is equally capable, each must regard each as the equal, in order to accomplish. Each student has singular focus and is in need of the other’s perspective in order to heal; the student of Repression will be focused upon the wants, needs and desires of the physical body, while the student of Separation will be focused upon the mental perspective of all things, to the exclusion of the physical and emotional bodies.
The student of Repression may guide the student of Separation to the recognition of the importance of the physical body, while the student of Separation may share the importance of the mental perspective. Together, each can teach each about the feelings and impressions that emanate from within, typically ignored by both of these students. Understanding is achieved when the best of each student is merged into a singular source, combined with the new-found emotional body, in order to accomplish the goal of field disconnection. This partnership can only be successful if each student recognizes the value that the other brings to the healing process. Recognition of the other’s value leads each student to a state of openness that enables sharing and acceptance, from the heart, the experiences of the other. Failure will be encountered if each is not recognized and honored for the value that each brings to the other.
The students that choose to internalize must become cognizant that failure is ensured if silence is maintained. Externalizing students need be mindful of the damage that can be incurred when the thoughts are not examined sufficiently before vocalizing; agreement must be reached to prohibit uncensored sharing to avoid this result. Opposite expressions must be aware of the perils that exist within the lesson plans for each, thereby equipping the self to avoid the pitfalls that naturally occur when knowledge is lacking.
The student of Repression must be willing to embrace the mental perspective offered by the student of Separation; the student of Separation must be willing to embrace the physical perspective of the student of Repression. Unwillingness to embrace that each perspective is unique and necessary will result in irreconcilable differences that prohibit continuation of the relationship. Each student need be aware that by joining with the other, the emotional body is activated, enabling each to experience in ways impossible to each independently. Unwillingness to embrace the other’s viewpoint as being equally important ensures lesson failure for this partnership.
Difficulties – Repression & Separation
The challenge of this partnership is two-fold; lack of similar interests and the desire of each to prove the self better than the other, more worthy, more capable. The key to success is the recognition of the other’s experiences as being of true value to the self’s own healing, for each student is singularly focused, creating imbalance that can only be overcome through the integration of lesson that considers all elements. The student of Repression is focused upon satisfaction of the physical body and the student of Separation is focused upon satisfaction of the mind; neither understands the other, for the focus is too diverse from that of the own. Establishing the bond that is based upon the desire to heal, the students need open the self to the experiences of the other, gleaning that which is of value to the own path to healing.
Sharing from the heart enables each to experience that which has been experienced by the other, cancelling the need for individual lesson plans in order to learn the lesson. Value must be realized through the sharing for these two students; otherwise, healing will remain at a standstill, due to the diversity of preferences for each. This combination does not typically attract one to the other; therefore eliminating the inherent challenges presented to those supporting another when there is nothing commonly desired by the two. The student of Repression may be attracted to the student of Separation due to magnetic attraction that states opposites attract; this however is rarely a lasting relationship, due to the lack of understanding of the mental pursuits to the exclusion of all others. The student of Separation may be attracted to the student of Repression while mentally over-stimulated; however, the mental focus will be returned to, as soon as the appropriate respite has been received. This evaluation refers to the typical responses to be anticipated by the two students that are unhealed. No restriction of this sort is applicable once the students have healed the self, breaking free of the lower fields of consciousness.
Recognition of the differences represented by these two students will guide each to that which is most needed to be learned for the self; failure to recognize that that which is of value to the other is also of value to the self, prohibits appropriate support of the other during lesson presentation. Supporting the other, as well as accepting the support of the other, is fundamental to the success of this partnership.
The two who have chosen to externalize the expression bear the likelihood of damaging the other, if the words and actions are not monitored closely. The student of Repression will be pursuing the physical wants, needs, and desires of the self; the student of Shame will be equally pursuing these activities. Each student is focused upon attainment of the desire; the student of Repression may repress another, while the student of Shame will diminish or shame another, uncaring for the repercussions to the other, as long as attainment is achieved. Failing to recognize the inappropriateness of the behavior, the students will each endorse the other’s behaviors, thereby strengthening field connection, fueling the behaviors that ensure lesson failure.
Two students that join who choose to internalize will endorse the other’s desire to acquiesce the own wants, needs, and desires, in favor of another’s. The student of Repression will be proficient at succumbing to another’s demands, as is the student of Shame. The student of Repression thinks little of the self, as does the student of Shame; self-worth issues are prevalent for both of these students. Recognition of this evaluation of the self’s value, when compared to another, must be addressed, in order to bring recognition to each that the self is approaching the lesson plan improperly. When the two students join, one externalizer and one internalizer, abuse and decline becomes likely; for the student of Repression will repress the student of Shame and the student of Shame will likely diminish the student of Repression. Recognition of the inappropriateness of forcing another to acquiesce to the demands of the self merely to achieve satisfaction, regardless of the cost to another, must be addressed, so that each understands the unfavorable results that invariably occur when these demands are met.
Karmic repercussions may only be avoided by recognition of these behaviors, extending gratitude and apology to the other, for the service provided with the lesson now learned. The mirror will aid in bringing awareness to the self’s own behaviors, when two who internalize or two who externalize join together in order to learn. Failure to recognize the impact of the self’s behaviors upon the self or the other results in continued lesson presentation; each lesson growing progressively more painful, until recognition of the lesson has been achieved.
Each student need pay heed to the damage imposed upon the self or another when acquiescing or demanding satisfaction for the self; this damage may be experienced emotionally, mentally or physically and can be extensive, when the lesson is continually failed. Recognition of the self’s behaviors must be made, with commitment to changed behaviors in future, in order to enable lesson integration.
Difficulties – Repression & Shame
Achieving an understanding of worth for the self, as well as others, will be the major challenge for this partnership; recognition must be made of the invariable return of the lesson for the self, whenever one represses or shames another. Karmic repercussions exist for the student who represses or diminishes another, for Universal Law demands that similar lesson be supplied for the offender in future, bringing the student’s attention to the impact of the self’s behaviors that have damaged another. Integration of this singular lesson will aid the student in understanding the impact of the self’s behaviors, understanding the pain brought upon another, vocalizing regret and seeking forgiveness from the other that has been damaged by the self’s actions; this alone cancels the need for future lessons for the offender.
Understanding that the focus must be upon treating others as the self wishes to be treated, with honor and respect, will allow each to begin to modify the behaviors that endorsed lesson failure. The student who chooses to repress the self, or chooses to allow another to diminish the self, must focus upon the reason for this allowing. Recognition of the lack of self-worth, as compared to another, brings focus to the path to be pursued that brings the self’s value in balance with another’s. The goal of the student of Repression is to know the self; to understand the self’s wants, needs, and desires, free of the influence of the characters that have muted all choices, confusing the student, as to what belongs to the self and what belongs to the character, that has been created to endorse the self’s acceptability to the self as well as others. The goal of the student of Shame is to honor and respect the self and all others equally; diminishment and shame of the self or another is contrary to this goal and must be eliminated in order to heal.
The student of Repression may teach the student of Shame to repress the desires, until the desires become more controllable; while the student of Shame may teach the student of Repression the damage that can be done, if the physical desires continue to be pursued to excess. This teaching is done utilizing the mirror, seeing within the mirror that which the self can become, if the behaviors are not identified and eliminated. Each student utilizes characters to pursue the desires, typically sensual in nature, highly destructive to the physical bodies, when the desire is pursued insatiably. The characters have convinced the student that pursuit of the desire is the self’s due, disregarding the damage to the self, as well as to others that are utilized within the pursuit.
Understanding the value of sexual energies will aid the student in securing the energies to be shared in a sacred manner; one which affords rapid self-healing when used appropriately. The students that repress or provide in response to demand sexual energies will find the self dissatisfied and diminished; the sexual energy has been wasted, due to misuse. Recognition must be made of the true value of these energies, setting the course for future activities that honor and respect the true value afforded by this powerful healing tool that only diminishes the physical body when misused.
Partnership strength will be found within the mirror held by each for the other, for each has the capacity to pinpoint within the other that which lies within the self; recognition of the characters utilized by the other to protect the self will aid the student in determining the presence of the same within the self. The student of Repression is adept at recognizing behaviors within another that are distasteful to the self; however, accepting that the behavior is within the self is not as forthcoming. This pairing provides each student with the ideal partner, for that which is within one, is easily located within the other. Suggestions provided to the partner for modification can then be utilized by the self to expedite healing; when provided from the heart, each student inherently knows the most appropriate course of action needed, in order to learn.
Recognition need be made of the characters employed by each, in order to receive that which is believed to be most desired. Gently revealing the presence of the character within the other by pinpointing inconsistencies, with that which has been stated versus that which is being pursued by the student, will aid each in determining the true wants, needs, and desires of the self. Failure to recognize the character causes the student to continually pursue wants, needs, and desires of the character that fall flat upon accomplishment, leaving the student further drained and wanting.
The ego prohibits examination of the wants, needs, and desires of the student by convincing the student that the character is more desirable than the true self. The student loses sight of the true self, for the need to be liked by others supersedes the desire to be the self. Paying close heed to the discoveries of the partner will aid the other in detecting the presence of the same within the self; an atmosphere of safety and acceptance must be present, in order for the student to feel comfortable vocalizing the discovery of the character that has convinced the student to pursue that which is not really desired by the true self. The goal for each student is to determine the own wants, needs and desires so that the true self can become known.
Difficulties – Repression & Repression
The two who choose to externalize the expression will be greatly challenged, increasing the likelihood for confrontation, due to the outspoken nature that wishes to repress the other that is exhibited by each. Two who join that repress the self will co-exist peacefully; however, this will not lead to healing and field disconnection. Recognition of this tendency within each, will allow each to question the other as to the self’s wants, needs, and desires frequently, to draw forth that which is being chosen to be repressed; the inability to vocalize experienced by each may be difficult to overcome without vigilance. Sharing of the self fully must be the primary goal of two who join with these tendencies.
The student must be willing to expose the characters that lurk within, promoting wants, needs, and desires of the student that are not a part of the true self’s desires. Unwillingness to expose the false image of the self poses the greatest obstacle to the student’s healing, for as long as the characters are protected from scrutiny, the longer the student will pursue those things that guarantee lesson failure. The partner must gently guide the student to the revelation of the characters that are most detrimental to the spiritual path; gaining acceptance from the student of the presence, is the first step to deconstruction.
Once exposed and acceptance of the true self’s wants, needs, and desires has been accomplished, the student will eagerly begin to expose the other characters that have been created to make the self more palatable to others. Recognition that the characters have not truly achieved this acceptance, but rather have created difficulties with others that would not exist without their presence, will encourage the student to move forward with all character deconstruction expeditiously. Understanding that the pursuit of the true self’s wants, needs, and desires provides deep satisfaction once accomplished, rather than leaving the self feeling more desirous, will aid the student in determining those desires that truly belong to the self versus the character. Failure to expose and deconstruct the characters ensures continued lesson failure.
Understanding is easily achieved with this partnership, for each will be provided with the true mirror of the self; the mirror will be reflecting that which is most needed to be focused upon by the self, yet neither will recognize that what is seen is in need of change, for the behaviors viewed are the preference of the self as well. Each student will endorse the other's perspective to make all decisions independently, to work alone, focusing strictly upon the mental perspectives, utilizing the fine strong mind that exhibits unique logical and analytical skills; neither student will be likely to consider the physical or emotional components that endorse lesson integration. This endorsement of each to the other causes the strength of this partnership to also become its weakness.
Unless the students are capable of stepping outside of the own preferences, in order to aid the other, this partnership will not be of service to either, for neither student is capable of bringing the necessary fresh perspective to the lesson plan that is viewed only from the mental perspective. Recognition of this strength-to-weakness foundation indicates that each student must be willing to seek outside the partnership for solution; data that will provide the emotional and physical components that are missing, for the partnership will be focused upon the mental perspective, to the exclusion of all other components. Even when efforts are extended to do so, it is unlikely that adequate support can be provided that will ensure lesson integration; for access to the necessary components simply are not available to the student of Separation.
Difficulties – Separation & Separation
Challenged with a narrow view of lesson presentation, gleaned from the mental perspective alone that prohibits scrutiny of those factors that cannot be seen or proven, the student of Separation is in need of assistance from students of the physical and emotional lesson plans. The spiritual experience is impossible for the student of Separation, until the emotional and physical perspectives have been introduced by another, providing encouragement to the student, to experience for the self that which varies for all.
The student is focused upon the provable and is wary of all things unprovable; aversion is palpable when discussion of topics that cannot be proven through the senses or science are broached, readily dismissing the other as an unreliable source of data. Focus must be placed upon this aversion, for it is this that prohibits the spiritual path for the student; failure to embrace those things that cannot be proven indicates a lack of faith. Faith is the mystery; the intrigue that cannot be proven, for it is rooted in the spiritual experience. As long as the student prohibits discussion and scrutiny of those things that cannot be proven, the spiritual path will remain blocked.
Willingness, on the part of the student, to allow lesson presentation that includes those topics that are experiential in nature, enables the student of Separation to be exposed to those things that are needed, to expand the thinking to include the possibility of these occurrences. Once the possibility has been granted, further pursuit on the self’s behalf, followed by the sharing of the experience with others that maintain different viewpoints from the self, can aid in assuring the student of the validity of the experience. The ego will work diligently to diminish all spiritual experiences until no value remains; the student will be encouraged to discard the experience, due to the inability to obtain proof that such exists.
Recognition of the lesson plan, to join with others in order to accomplish, will aid the student of Separation to understand that separating the self from those unlike the self has prevented the lesson plan from being accomplished. Exposure to students with lesson plans that test the physical and emotional bodies would be highly beneficial to the student with the lesson plan of Separation, for these components are vital to understanding that the mental body should always be satisfied last. Failure to recognize the inappropriate ranking of the mental body as first ensures continued lesson failure.
The student of Separation is provided with opportunity to learn of the emotional and physical components of the lesson plan with this partnership. Focused upon the mental pursuits is the student of Separation, while the student of Shame is focused upon the pursuit or provision of physical pleasure, experienced due to the response of the emotional body. The two students who externalize will receive the most benefit from this union, for each will be capable of sharing from the mind, free of emotion. The student of Shame is cold emotionally and determined to attain that which is being pursued; the student of Separation is equally cool emotionally and is also focused upon attainment of the mental pursuits. Recognizing that the pursuits are the reason for lesson failure can be made by each, if the mirror is viewed appropriately by each; the student of Shame recognizes the imbalance of the student of Separation and vice-versa. Failure to turn this recognition upon the self results in judgment of one by the other, due to the variance in pursuits and desires; neither understands the other’s pursuits, to the exclusion of that which is pursued by the self.
Recognition must be made that the students of Shame and Separation that choose to externalize will likely damage another; for each is driven to achieve that which is desired by the self and neither is mindful of the damage that may be done to achieve this pursuit. The words are utilized to damage the other, neither student is averse to humiliating the other to be named victor. To avoid this outcome, agreement need be reached by the two, that each will honor and respect the other; speaking and listening equally being necessary, to allow each to vocalize that which is important to each. The inability to achieve this agreement will result in lesson failure and potential damage for each student. Equal attention need be paid to the partnership of one who chooses to internalize and one who chooses to externalize, for the same reasons presented for the two externalizers. Regardless of the expression, this partnership is not recommended; these students are rarely drawn to the other, due to the variance of interests maintained by each.
Difficulties – Separation & Shame
Willingness on the part of the student of Shame, to learn from the student of Separation, grants this partnership potential; to teach the student of Shame to analyze the self’s behaviors, determining that which is in need of modification, to ensure lesson integration. The student of Separation is logical and analytical and can assist the student of Shame, to plot the course that would ensure methodical behavior modification, addressing those issues that are most detrimental to the least. Willingness to learn from the student of Separation will aid the student of Shame to see the view outside of the own, which rationalizes and makes right all behaviors, for attainment is the sole pursuit; damage done to another during the pursuit is unimportant, until the student experiences the same at the hands of another.
Recognition must be made of the self’s behaviors of the past that have brought the lesson forward to the student, drawing attention to the damage imposed upon others by the self. The student of Separation’s analytical skills will aid the student of Shame, in drawing the necessary correlations to integrate the lesson. Opening the self to the other will provide great challenge to each student, for the student of Separation, nor the student of Shame, are willing to speak openly of the self with another, unless an atmosphere of safety has been provided, in which to do so. This will be the most difficult blockage for each to overcome in order to support the other appropriately. This partnership bears slight promise for the provision of appropriate support.
Willingness to utilize the mirror, viewing the self as reflected by the other, deems this pairing as the ideal lesson plan for each student, when each are internalizing or each are externalizing; for the self can clearly be seen within the other. The lessons become obvious by viewing the experiences and activities of the other; unwillingness to see the self in the other brings judgment that can destroy the partnership, for unpalatable behaviors are being enacted, causing the student to judge the other, rather than embracing that the self behaves in the same fashion.
Being cognizant of the ability of the externalizing student to damage the other is necessary; agreement need be reached that each will listen and speak equally, from the heart, with honor and respect for the self and the other. Support cannot be provided by the externalizing student that eliminates the potential for damage, without this agreement. The two internalizing students will reinforce the other’s behavior; automatic acceptance is likely as the student will have been in the other’s position, potentially reacting similarly as the other. However, the internalizing students may be the best possible teacher, one for the other, if the mirror is recognized and the student realizes the depth of diminishment that has been endured by the other, thereby the self, through the actions that have provided that which was sought from the unwilling provider. Indicating to the other that other choice is available, one that honors and respects the self, is more palatable to the student that realizes another has experienced the same as the self. Admitting the mistakes to one who has suffered similarly opens the door to forgiveness of the self, through the compassion shared by the other who is teaching the self, while supporting the other.
Each lesson that is integrated by one is integrated by the other, providing the possibility for rapid healing. The externalizing students may also view the self through the other; the more unpalatable the behavior of the other, the more scrutiny upon the self must be employed, to determine if the self conducts the self in the same fashion. Judgment of the other is an indication to the student that the behavior that is found to be unacceptable in another is likely within the self; for the student that has learned the lesson is capable of accepting all things, without judgment. Realization of the impact of the self’s behavior may be made when supporting another; therefore, encouraging change for the self, eliminating the lesson that may be forthcoming. Gratitude for the lesson must be expressed by each to each that is able to learn from another, without lesson presentation of the own.
Difficulties – Shame & Shame
The student who chooses to internalize will be challenged to speak openly and honestly of the self’s behaviors that have allowed the self to be diminished by another; recognition has been made of the provision of that which was sought by the other, which was provided without desire on the part of the self. Each student need guide the other to the recognition of the diminishment, to determine the source of the decision that valued the self as less than another, charting the course to increase the self-esteem that will prevent activities that allow diminishment of the self in future. Focus upon the evaluation of self-worth will expedite the student’s understanding of the reason why permission was granted to another to diminish the self.
When externalization of the expression is chosen by each, challenge will be presented to avoid comparison of the self to the other; each will judge the other’s behavior as more offensive than that of the self, minimizing the self’s behavior in the comparison process, so as to appear more acceptable to the self and the other. Recognizing that diminishment of another is the action, the means utilized to accomplish such unimportant, the student may then begin to accept that the self’s comparison is unnecessary; support requires complete embracement of the other. Lesson integration requires that the lesson be seen clearly, free of emotion or judgment that quantifies the offense in comparison to the self. Utilizing the experience of the other to recognize that the self may well have traveled the same path instills gratitude to the other for the lesson, allowing the student to determine corrective measures that can prohibit the same for the self.
Opposite expressions pose jeopardy for further damage to the internalizer, if caution is not employed. Tendencies to allow one to diminish the self are exploited by the one who maintains the tendency to diminish others; therefore, recognition must be made by each of the ramifications of continued behaviors that either allow or impose diminishment. When both students internalize or both students externalize, the partnership bears fruit that could ripen into lesson integration; opposites would be