mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Lesson Plan Avoidance or the Pattern

Lesson Plan Avoidance is not about skipping a lesson plan; it is about how the student avoids the purpose of the lesson plan which, for all lesson plans, is about the student learning to know and heal the self. Avoiding the lesson plan in this regard is through judgment which allows the student to stay ‘safely’ within grip of social consciousness and the composite self and remaining unaware of the purpose of the lesson plan which is always to learn.

Lesson Plan Avoidance is also called the Pattern, and it consists of three unique lesson plans:
   Lesson Introduction, the Engagement
   Lesson Combat, the Battle Plan
   Lesson Failure, the Retreat

Unlike the lesson plans associated with the Primary and Birth Lesson Plans, The Soul’s Mission Lesson Plan, the Soul’s Obstacle Lesson Plan, and the Communication Lesson Plan, Lesson Plan Avoidance is not constantly seeking to influence the student’s behavior. It comes into play whenever a lesson is presented. Lessons are events that trigger one or more unhealed lesson plans that cause the student to falsely conclude that the self is victimized by the event and must defend the self to set ‘things’ right. The rationale for the defense stems from the inevitable judgment that self makes of the other involved in the event. “If they hadn’t done [fill in the blank] then I wouldn’t have to defend myself!”

Thus the lesson begins with Lesson Introduction and manifests in one of six ways, or Engagements, depending on the student’s set of lesson plans or their Profile. Each of the Engagements is prefaced by the word “self” such as line 1’s Engagement of self-conscious. There is a lesson associated with each Engagement. For example, line 1’s lesson of self-conscious is to become conscious of the self, not to be embarrassed but to realize who the self truly is as a spiritual being, and so, experiencing all events consciously as love. The six Engagements are:

Line 1 –The Engagement of Self-conscious with its lesson to become conscious of the self (as love)
Line 2 –The Engagement of Self-righteous with its lesson to learn to identify judgment in all of its appearances
Line 3 –The Engagement of Self-distrust with its lesson to learn to trust the self
Line 4 –The Engagement of Self-delusional with its lesson to learn to resolve all past unfavorable experiences in order to live in the moment, rather than the illusion of the past
Line 5 –The Engagement of Self-pity with its lesson to learn that all experience emotional events equally, for there is never the intention to damage one more than another; damage is never the goal with lesson presentation
Line 6 –The Engagement of Self-contained with its lesson to become conscious of the self, to trust the self, and to share the self with others

If the student is not aware of the arrival of Engagement, the Pattern will quickly move forward to Lesson Combat as the second stage of Lesson Avoidance. This Battle Plan is generally a very active state, for the student, if unaware of the onset of the Battle Plan, will battle the other, the object of the student’s judgment. Judgment provides the ‘right’ to defend the self at the expense of the other. There are six Battle Plans and each has a unique character who defines the student during Lesson Combat. They are:

Line 1 –The Battle Plan of The Concealer playing the character that prefers to hide or conceal issues rather than addressing the situation
Line 2 –The Battle Plan of The Belittler playing the character focuses upon the other, belittling, and diminishing that which has threatened the self
Line 3 –The Battle Plan of The Minimizer playing the character who minimizes the self’s participation in order to prohibit further scrutiny of the self’s behaviors
Line 4 –The Battle Plan of The Refuser playing the character who refuses all offerings of the other to safeguard the self’s opinions or ways of being
Line 5 –The Battle Plan of The Guard playing the character who is on guard, protecting the self by deflecting all offerings that indicate that the self’s behavior is inappropriate
Line 6 –The Battle Plan of The Traveler playing the character who departs emotionally to the mental arena, indicating the need to be alone, rather than working through the lesson

Failure to recognize the arrival of the character ensures that the student will move forward to the third and last stage of the Pattern, Lesson Failure.

Lesson Failure or the Retreat is entered when the student’s Battle Plan has failed to ‘right the wrong imposed by the other,’ and the student resorts to still another character and role that will enable them to exit the event and limit any further damage to the self that could occur by remaining in a lost fight. There are six Retreat and corresponding character pairs:

Line 1 –The Retreat of the Confronter playing the character who remains in conflict with the self or the other
Line 2 –The Retreat of the Arrogant playing the character who adopts arrogance to prove that the self is above the other
Line 3 –The Retreat of the Discounter playing the character who discounts the self’s Battle Plan behaviors utilizing rationale and reason
Line 4 –The Retreat of the Resigner playing the character who adopts resignation, reinforcing the futility of the pursuit by the other
Line 5 –The Retreat of the Proof-seeker playing the character who seeks proof that redeems the self
Line 6 –The Retreat of the Exaggerator playing the character who exaggerates the pain in order to separate from the other

Completing the Retreat marks the end of the Pattern and Lesson Avoidance. The lesson is truly not avoided, for the emotional, negative energies of the unhealed Pattern and Lesson Avoidance remain in the emotional body ensuring volatility for future lesson presentation guaranteed, due to this failure to learn, that will return with greater emotional velocity thereby making it more difficult to be unaware of Pattern onset.

The Pattern occurs thousands of times in a lifetime until, when and if, awareness, identification, and recognition are harnessed by the student to learn to replace negative behaviors and characters with positive behaviors that lead to knowing and healing the self. Although the Pattern is repeated many, many times its three stages are always the same line number energies for the student.

To recap the role of the Pattern, here is the sequence of what occurs that initiates the Pattern. Note that the Pattern can be cut short any time during Pattern unfoldment through awareness, identification, and recognition of the true nature of an event as an opportunity to learn to know and heal the self.

Event ⇒ triggers unhealed lesson plan ⇒ creates a victim mentality ⇒ leads to judging the other ⇒ Engagement ⇒ Battle Plan ⇒ Retreat ⇒ amplification of negative energy awaiting the next event until, when and if, awareness, identification, and recognition are chosen to defeat the pattern and progress is made in knowing and healing the self