mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Commitment and Dedication

Commitment is defined as placing one’s desire, that which is heartfelt, behind the goal, allowing nothing to interfere or diminish the possibility for success. Dedication is defined as the willingness to sacrifice the desire for those things that would detract from or diminish one’s ability to succeed. The student that is willing to dedicate the self to the commitment is prepared to walk the path to healing; anything less than commitment and dedication will deliver the failure to succeed.

The path to healing is arduous, requiring the full commitment of the student to know the self, to heal the self; dedicating the self to do all necessary in order to achieve the goal. The reward for doing so is disconnection from the lower fields of consciousness, leading to the student’s ability to experience spiritually. The student that is desirous of the truly spiritual experience must first disconnect from the lower fields of consciousness, for this prohibits union with the divine. The lower fields of consciousness do not wish for the student to experience spiritually, for this diminishes the energies supplied by the student to the field. Recognition of the purpose of the lower fields of consciousness is primary to the student’s ability to disconnect; the fields promote negativity, the spiritual experience promotes positivity, thereby diminishing the connection maintained by the fields to prohibit consciousness evolution.

The student must first realize that the self is wounded, due to the connection to the lower fields of consciousness; this connection has been active since birth, prohibiting forward progress for the student. Life experience has caused the student to become wounded, due to inappropriate approach to lesson presentation, thereby impacting future actions, causing similar failures. Next, the student must recognize that the self does not know the self, due to the connection to the lower fields of consciousness. Layer upon layer of conditioning has been laid, in response to this connection, burying the true self beneath the responses that have been utilized to present the self differently in order to be accepted by the self or others. The inability to accept the self or others indicates the presence of conditioning that need be removed to reveal the divine self that lies within; breaking free of the lower fields of consciousness makes this possible.

The self is wounded. The self does not know the self. The self can heal the self. These recognitions must be embraced by the student prior to entering the path to healing. To heal the self, the student must first recognize that the life experience is less than desirable, for without this recognition the path will be abandoned at the first sign of difficulty. Change is difficult, requiring great effort on the part of the student. Commitment and dedication to change the life to one that is satisfying and nourishing must be made in order to provide the strength that will be needed while attempting to know the self, to heal the self. Failure to recognize the desire for the life to be different ensures failure, for the strength of the field will overwhelm the desire for change.

Entering the path to healing, the student must become aware of the behaviors and characteristics that populate the fields of the lesson plan, determining to abort the behaviors, as soon as recognition of the presence of these is detected. Discord signals lesson presentation; automatic field connection is provided to the unaware student, offering negative behaviors that are intended to abort lesson presentation. Remaining unaware, the student selects the behavior that battles the other, encouraging retreat before the lesson can be learned. The field only offers behaviors that ensure lesson failure; embracement that the behaviors are indeed representative of the self’s response at times of discord will enable the student to recognize the arrival of each, thereby providing opportunity to choose to reach higher for better solution, one that ensures lesson integration. Maintaining the belief that the self does not respond inappropriately ensures continued lesson failure.

Calling upon others to aid the self in recognition of behaviors that ensure lesson failure strengthens the resolve to reach higher, refusing field connection that prohibits growth. Joining with others who are like-minded, desiring to know and heal the self, further endorses one’s commitment and dedication to the goal. Spending the majority of one’s free time to pursue these goals is necessary when first walking the path to healing. Maintaining prior habits and activities encourages difficulty when one is attempting to change the life experience; placing one’s efforts behind the singular goal will aid in its accomplishment. Minimal time invested reaps minimal reward, ensuring field connections remain stable, undiminished by infrequent attention.

The student must be willing to open the self to deep scrutiny, willingly subjecting the self to the feedback of others in order to learn that which is needed to achieve the goal. Open, honest communication is necessary, recognizing that silence prohibits learning. Failure to embrace the words of another that are offered to assist the self indicates that the student is not yet ready to walk the path to healing. Group study, comprised of those students joined in singular focus, to know and heal the self, is invaluable, allowing the student to learn from others while sharing of the self. Willingness to share determines the weight of commitment and dedication that has been placed behind the desire, while unwillingness to share of the self deeply indicates that the student is not yet ready to know the self; each are to be honored, recognized for the decision made for the self.

Walking the path to healing requires the assistance of others, to see the self clearly, for the field prohibits clarity of vision when turned upon the self. Willingness to join with another in order to accomplish, guarantees forward progress upon the path to healing, while unwillingness indicates that the self has, consciously or unconsciously, decided to remain unhealed; again, each are to be honored, for choice has been made by each. The student that has determined to know the self, to heal the self, backed by dedication and commitment, increases the possibility for success exponentially when calling upon others to aid the self, thereby enabling the self to accomplish the goal and to then step forward to aid another in doing the same.