mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Recognizing the Engagement
Lesson plan unfoldment begins with lesson introduction, touching upon the wound, causing the student to call for the ego to provide protection. Once protection is provided the student begins traversal of the lesson avoidance circuit, the well-worn response groove. Behaviors uncommon to the student begin to appear, in order to prohibit lesson introduction. The Engagement portion of the circuit finds the student focused upon the other, rather than the self, which is the purpose of this lesson plan. Failure to focus upon the self ensures lesson failure; as long as the student remains focused upon the other, awareness cannot be invoked for the self.

The synapse has initialized field connections, prohibiting clarity, providing behaviors that ensure lesson failure. The student must identify behaviors belonging to the self’s lesson plan, in order to be vigilant to the appearance of such when discord arises; immediately focusing upon the self’s behavior will allow the student to interrupt the synapse, reaching higher for better conclusion, thereby exiting the lesson avoidance circuit. Failure to recognize the behaviors provided by the field that ensure lesson failure guarantees traversal to the next segment of lesson avoidance, the battle plan.

Identify the behaviors that become prevalent for the self when discord arises.

Behaviors Yes
Nervousness and general anxiety are felt when confronted by the other
Uncertainty causes me to repress the vocalization of thoughts or concerns
Uncertainty often causes me to say the wrong thing, resulting in misunderstandings
Being in the spotlight scares or angers me
I often make the other feel self-conscious when uncertain of the other’s true motives
When questioned, I become self-righteous, proving that I know what is right
If another disagrees with me, I have no difficulty informing them of their wrongness
I become indignant to protect my way of thinking and being
I often ignore the other that has offended me with a belief system or way of being that varies from my own
I do not trust the other’s motives or intentions whenever I am questioned
I believe that others are attempting to prove me wrong
I never admit to my own failings; rather, I focus upon the other’s
It is difficult for me to embrace that others have made a mistake inadvertently, which has caused damage to me
Memories overwhelm me, reminding me of past experiences when I have been damaged
I have great difficulty believing the other that disagrees with my assessment of the experience
I will argue with the other, indicating that I know what is actually occurring and they do not
I immediately begin to determine who is at fault
I become mentally focused; protection becomes primary
I begin to feel sorry for myself
I immediately want to isolate myself, so that I can think alone
I am cautious not to indicate my feelings or thoughts to the other
I retreat into the mind to determine the best course of action
I do not wish to be interfered with until I have made my decision
I will often not inform the other of the decision
I see no reason to inform others of my actions
I often suffer physically after an emotional experience

Recognition must be achieved of the arrival of behaviors that are not typically exhibited by the student until discord surfaces. Becoming vigilant to these behaviors will aid the student to step outside of the circuit, reaching higher for better conclusion, thereby achieving lesson integration. Failure to recognize behaviors ensures acceptance of the ego’s offering for protection, thereby ensuring lesson failure.