Masters of Light: Lesson Plan Avoidance
Lesson plan avoidance places the student within the circuit of lesson plan presentation to lesson plan failure; this circuit becomes groove-like in nature, for each time the student chooses to avoid the lesson, the circuit grows ever deeper, ensuring future traversal, achieving the same outcome. The student must become aware of the pattern that unfolds each time lesson presentation begins and ego steps forward to offer field connection to ensure lesson failure. The response of the student is the same each time, identified by the behaviors and characteristics that populate the assigned field, until the student becomes cognizant of the connection, determining to break the circuit through modification of the behaviors employed, which ensure the ego’s desired outcome.
The circuit employs three well-designated components to be traversed in succession once the student determines to avoid the lesson by accepting the connection to the lower fields of consciousness when offered by the ego. These components are known as lesson introduction, lesson combat, and lesson failure; each are designated to unique fields that additionally challenge the student’s ability to recognize the lesson as it is being presented. The goal for the student is to recognize the tactics of the ego, employed to prohibit lesson integration; learning the behaviors and characteristics that populate each field, deterring the student from addressing the lesson, is necessary.
Purpose: To teach the student to address the lesson; recognizing and modifying behaviors that prohibit welcoming the lesson, as opportunity to learn, thereby enabling the student to join with others to accomplish.
Lesson Plan Overview: This lesson plan is segmented, providing the student with up to three unique field assignments, each representing additional opportunity for the student to learn the lesson. Each lesson plan is focused upon a particular stage of lesson plan avoidance, bringing opportunity for the student to access field behaviors and characteristics, activating the inherent ability to respond as the field commands. As long as awareness remains absent, the student’s response will be reliable.
Lesson introduction has been magnetized by the soul; the match has been made from the emotional catalogue of the student, which contains unresolved emotional experiences. The emotional body is enlivened by field connection, offered by ego to the unaware student. Lesson introduction is now active. Acceptance of the connection to the lower fields of consciousness confirms that the student has determined to avoid the lesson. Behaviors and characteristics are now engaged by the student, amplifying the response of the emotional body. Continued failure to recognize that lesson introduction has been made will ensure that the student moves forward to the next segment, Lesson Combat. Lesson plans are provided to identify the goals that need be achieved by the student, in order to consistently abort ego’s interference with lesson presentation in future.
Lesson #1: | To become conscious of the self |
Lesson #2: | To learn to identify judgment in all of its appearances |
Lesson #3: | To learn to trust the self |
Lesson #4: | To learn to resolve all past unfavorable experiences in order to live in the moment, rather than the illusion of the past |
Lesson #5: | To learn that all experience emotional events equally, for there is never the intention to damage one more than another; damage is never the goal with lesson presentation |
Lesson #6: | To become conscious of the self, to trust the self, and to share the self with others |
The student has accepted the connection to the lower fields of consciousness during lesson presentation, determining to avoid the lesson by battling the other. Lesson Combat introduces new energies that inherently equip the student for battle. Field energies escalate, creating the likelihood for damage of the self or another, as long as the student remains unaware. The student becomes least like the self in this segment of the circuit of lesson plan avoidance, adopting the behaviors and characteristics that enable the battle, demanded by field energies. These behaviors must be identified and modified by the student to allow short-circuiting of the behaviors in future.
Lesson #1: | The student prefers to hide or conceal issues rather than addressing the lesson. |
Lesson #2: | The student focuses upon the other, belittling and diminishing that which has threatened the self. |
Lesson #3: | The student minimizes the self’s participation in order to prohibit further scrutiny of the self’s behaviors. |
Lesson #4: | The student refuses all offerings of the other to safeguard the self’s opinions or ways of being. |
Lesson #5: | The student is on guard, protecting the self by deflecting all offerings that indicate that the self’s behavior is inappropriate. |
Lesson #6: | The student departs emotionally to the mental arena, indicating the need to be alone, rather than working through the lesson with another. |
Failure to recognize the arrival of Lesson Combat behaviors ensures that the student will move forward to the next segment of the circuit, Lesson Failure.
Lesson Combat has failed for the student or the other and the determination has been made to abandon the lesson. Retreat has been chosen, utilizing behaviors and characteristics from the assigned field that provides the method to be employed. New behaviors and characteristics are adopted for this segment of the circuit, activating the inherent ability to present the persona that is necessary to satisfy field energies.
Lesson #1: | Future confrontation is planned, once defenses have been gathered. |
Lesson #2: | Arrogance is adopted, proving the self to be above the other. |
Lesson #3: | Behaviors are discounted, utilizing rationale and reason. |
Lesson #4: | Resignation is adopted, reinforcing the futility of the pursuit. |
Lesson #5: | Proof will be sought to redeem the self. |
Lesson #6: | Samskaric energies are utilized to teach the student the appropriate placement of faith. |
All energies that remain from the unresolved lesson will be placed into the storage container within the astral/emotional body, ensuring volatility for future lesson presentation, guaranteed due to this failure to learn. Lesson plan avoidance is intended to provide the student with additional opportunity to recognize the self’s behaviors, enlivened by field connection, that prohibit lesson integration. Abatement of the circuit may be done at any stage by reaching higher for better solution, thereby enabling field disconnection and lesson integration. All positive energies, resulting from lesson avoidance, are provided directly to the soul when the lesson is integrated. Samskaric energies for lesson plan #6 are amplified with each lesson failure.
The student need be aware that interaction with another causes burden to be placed for successful navigation of the lesson, requiring that the outcome be favorable to each. Unfavorable outcomes are assessed as unlearned lessons by the soul, granting permission for future testing, as long as the student fails to achieve favorable resolution, which teaches that joining together provides opportunity for each to learn. In order to fulfill lesson integration, the student who has effectively exited the circuit for the self must aid the other in doing the same. Placed upon the student who has become aware, this additional burden is added to teach responsibility to lend a hand to another, so that both may learn. The student must recognize that it is the ego who determines who is right and who is wrong, for each are right in the eyes of the soul, in the pursuit of knowledge and all attempts to integrate the lesson.
The circuit of Lesson Plan Avoidance may be short-circuited by the student who recognizes that discord signals the presence of the ego; focusing the awareness upon the source of discomfort reveals that distortion of the lesson is the goal of discord. Reaching higher for better solution, as soon as discord is identified, aids the student in avoiding the circuit that ensures lesson plan failure.
Anticipated Student Response: The emotional body has been enlivened by lesson presentation; the student responds as field energies demand, for until the choice has been made to reach higher for better solution, all that is available for selection are those behaviors that ensure lesson plan failure. Lesson Introduction presents the need for protection, for the self has been challenged by another; the student is now focused upon the other, actively seeking the behavior that is needed, to adequately defend the self from the other. Ego responds to the call for protection, readily providing field connection to behaviors and characteristics that equip the student to respond. Once field connection has been accepted, the student moves forward to battle the other, for protection of the self has become primary.
Lesson Combat finds the student defending the self; field energies have been provided to appropriately equip the student for battle. Lesson avoidance has been chosen by default, for the unaware student has accepted field connection, offered by ego as protection of the self. The battle employs techniques supplied by the assigned field, continuing until the student determines the self as winner or loser, deciding to abandon the lesson, moving forward in the circuit to Lesson Failure.
New behaviors and characteristics now equip the student with the character to be employed to abandon the lesson; the same technique will be utilized by the student with each lesson failure. The student must learn that lesson failure creates energies within the outer bodies that demand release; future lesson introduction confirms the presence of these energies when the student responds rapidly with great emotion, that which is not merited for the experience. This may be avoided through integration of the lesson, thereby consciously transmuting the energies to feed the soul.
Student Assistance
The student lacks desire for understanding; rather, the student desires emotion, for the ego has convinced the student that understanding is impossible. The student accepts the connection to the lower fields of consciousness and confusion overwhelms; understanding is no longer possible. Hesitation must be employed in order to achieve clarity; failure to hesitate will allow field connections to strengthen, combat is now confirmed. The student’s lack of desire to understand the lesson, combined with the failure to hesitate, have caused the student to be battle-ready in minutes. The student must be alert to the presence of the ego’s antics, to notate each reaction of emotion, to detect irrational feelings or behaviors; failure to do so grants permission to the ego to further the contest, for the state of unawareness is exploited each time, with the singular goal to make field connection. Remaining unaware, the ego’s ploy to provide field connection will be successful, thereby guaranteeing lesson failure.
Maintaining the desire for understanding, as a focal point, provides the student with the ability to separate the self from the emotion generated by field connection; the student consciously reaches higher to achieve this understanding during times of duress. Close observation will reveal the ego’s antics; understanding dawns for the student as recognition is made that field connection is active. The desire to heal is then called forth, allowing the student to break free of the connection by consciously choosing a higher response than that which is being offered by the ego.
Hesitation must be followed by the desire to understand, guaranteeing successful lesson integration for the student. Awareness is invoked by the student who embraces that the need for awareness is primary, thereby allowing ego’s antics to be exposed by close observation of the feelings and impressions that are creating irrational behaviors, impeding the ability to think clearly, without emotion. The student then calls forth the desire to understand, which must be implanted, prior to invitation by ego for field connection. This desire is based upon the commitment to the self to know the self, to heal the self. The student that is capable of calling forth the desire to heal, at the moment of invitation from ego for field connection, is the student that has determined to walk the path to healing.