mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Masters of Light: The Soul’s Mission

The self has volunteered in service to the Creator to aid another in the furtherance of consciousness evolution, to prove that joining together with others allows each to accomplish the goal set by each. The soul and the self each desire to further its evolution, each having submitted the self as student for seven revolutions of the wheel upon the planet Earth. The goal is to assist the soul in learning the lessons necessary to further its consciousness, prior to the self stepping forth as teacher, to further its own evolution. The consciousness of the self is above that of the soul, requiring extraordinary lessons in order to challenge each. The soul has placed blockage for the self to provide this challenge, based upon the soul’s experiences from previous lifetimes when other consciousnesses were assigned as student/teacher to the soul. The challenge for the self in the current lifetime is to detect the blockages through recognition of the lesson, releasing all energies through consistent lesson integration. The Soul’s Mission is the lesson at the pinnacle of the lesson plan and will impact all lessons presented that need be learned.

The desires of the self are honored by the soul, for the soul wishes for the self to be fulfilled; when not in conflict with the Soul’s Mission, the soul is willing to support the goals of the self, upon request. The self may garner the support of the soul by stating the intention, asking the soul to place its energies towards the self’s accomplishment, for if the relationship of trust has been formed, the soul will be desirous of supporting the self, supplying the energies necessary to achieve, knowing that the energies will be readily replaced by the self. The soul has brought forth energies earned in previous lifetimes and is willing to support the self’s needs with these energies if assurance has been received that all energies will be replenished; the spiritual experience, supplied by the self, is the singular source of energy for the soul.

Recognizing the Soul’s Mission enables the self to focus the attention upon the role that the soul is most desirous of performing in the lifetime, to prepare the self to step forth as the teacher for the soul once the lessons have been learned. Identifying the blockage that the soul has placed for the self by noting and willingly modifying the behaviors of the self that ensure lesson failure will aid the self in rapid lesson integration. Failure to address behaviors, that ensure failure for the soul, will prohibit the self from stepping forth to address the lesson plan of the self, further delaying evolution of the consciousness for each.

Lesson Plan Overview

Lessons are provided to the self that prohibits awareness when the lesson basis, to know the self, is addressed improperly; rather, the lesson plan is utilized as deterrent, to knowing the self. Behaviors and characteristics will be activated through the genetic encodement, in infancy, to enable formation of the personality that will be capable of fulfilling the soul’s mission. The role may then be embraced by the student throughout lesson presentation, with the goal to achieve integration of the lessons that will prepare the student with the foundation needed, to perform the true role, that which belongs to the self. These lessons are provided, until the soul has been illumined sufficiently through consistent lesson integration, for it is this alone that provides the energies necessary to the soul for surfacing. Once accomplished, the soul steps forth to pursue experience that will nurture and increase its energies.

Providing the student with a way of being, the Soul’s Mission defines characteristics that diminish the student’s ability to perform the role appropriately; whether through the thinking mind, feeling, or actions. The student need be aware that this is the presentation of the self in the unhealed state; recognition must be made that all behaviors emanate from the Soul’s Mission, both negative and positive. Each soul has an inherent ability that must be honed to overcome the blockage that has been placed that prevents successful performance of the role, designated as training for the student; honing this inherent ability allows the student to step into the role of disciple and the true mission for the lifetime, the mission belonging to the self.

Correcting faulty behaviors, fueled by the field belonging to the lesson plan, allows the student to put the self forward differently; this presentation no longer emits the frequency, which attracts others that make the lesson plan likely. All other ways of being are easily modified, once attention has been paid to this fundamental assignment, provided by the soul to the unhealed student. Recognition of behaviors and characteristics associated with the Soul’s Mission will allow the student to identify the blockage that has been placed to challenge lesson integration. Requesting that the soul reveal the lessons associated will aid the student in detecting that which has yet to be learned.

Understanding field energies, which are employed whenever the student attempts to step into the role that the soul has chosen as training ground for the true mission of the lifetime, is the goal. Until the role has been understood and performed appropriately with great consistency, the student cannot step forward to the true mission. This role is primary within all lesson presentation, easily located by focusing the attention upon the appropriate presentation of the self as defined by this lesson plan, for the inappropriate presentation of this role will always be embedded.

Strength is endowed to the body that the Soul’s Mission will be testing, whether the physical, the emotional, or the mental body. Lesson plans, the Teacher and the Student, endow physical strength. Lesson plans, the Nurturer and the Supporter, endow emotional volatility, through the employment of the soul’s samskaric energies. Lesson plans, the Researcher and the Analyst, focus upon the mental pursuits. The Soul’s Mission is hampered by lesson plan avoidance energies; these behaviors are endowed at birth to nurture the student’s way of being. Lesson plan failure is earned by the student who performs the role inappropriately. All efforts must be focused upon disconnecting from the lower fields of consciousness; for this connection endorses inappropriate behaviors, guaranteeing diminishment of the soul’s energies, resulting in lesson failure for each.

Lesson Identification and Integration

Recognition of the soul’s desire will aid the student in lesson integration. While the spiritual experience is most desired by the soul, the soul honors the skills that are achieved by the student. The student must request the support of the soul, stating the intention, asking the soul to place all energies towards its accomplishment. The goal of the soul is to experience spiritually, so that it may grow in intensity and capability. The possibility for the soul to accomplish its goals is increased or decreased by the choices made by the self during lesson presentation; this understanding must be achieved by the student, in order to support these goals.

Lesson presentation includes those activities that provide opportunity to perform the role chosen; outcome of the lesson endorses or prohibits the surfacing of the soul. All obstacles must be overcome; the self must merge with the soul to accomplish the goal. Consistently successful lesson integration confirms that contact with the soul has been achieved; great energies to accomplish great things become available to the student who garners the full support of the soul.

The goal of the Teacher is to learn to teach appropriately. The goal of the Student is to allow the self to be taught. The goal of the Nurturer is to learn to nurture appropriately, equally. The goal of the Supporter is to learn to support appropriately, equally. The goal of the Researcher is to learn to consider all things, prior to arriving at conclusion. The goal of the Analyst is to learn to share the processes utilized and to welcome the input of others.

The focus of the student’s lifetime, as defined by the Soul’s Mission, is to provide service to others; appropriate service alone leads to lesson integration, inappropriate service leads to lesson failure. The student is self-focused in the unhealed state; in order to heal, the student must begin to seek outside of the self. The mission chosen by the soul informs the student of that which need be focused upon for lesson integration.

The student will continue to flounder, as long as all attention is focused upon the self, for energies must be apportioned equally, to the self and to others, to move forward on the path to healing. Focusing outside of the self allows the student to naturally heal through the aid offered to another; receiving service in kind from another with gratitude allows each to serve each, equally. Equal service to self and others nourishes the student more than maintaining all energies for the self. This is the goal of the soul’s mission; to provide service to the self and others equally, healing the self, aiding the other in doing the same.

The Soul’s Mission for the ‘Teacher’ is to teach in an unthreatening way; one that encourages others to learn, creating the opportunity for understanding, resulting in wisdom. Teaching all things as being of equal value, encouraging the student to determine that which is of greater value to the self, is the goal of the Teacher. Placing all support behind the student’s pursuit is necessary for the Teacher to successfully guide the student through lesson integration. The responsibility assigned to the Teacher is to provide only that which the student is prepared to receive, bringing the student along gradually, until recognition can be made by the self of that which is needed. The role of the Teacher is to guide the student to truth, never stating what truth is; allowing the student to find the own truth is the goal of the Teacher.

Course Study

Learning how to teach appropriately by recognizing that the student is not always ready, for that which the Teacher wishes to provide, is the goal of this lesson plan. The Teacher must learn that presentation of materials, prior to the student’s preparation, overwhelms the student, for the data is lost; the Teacher’s time has been wasted, energies diminished. Forcing another to learn before the mind is appropriately prepared will always result in failure for the student and the Teacher. A deeply imbedded desire to assist others even when this assistance is to the detriment of the self is maintained by the Teacher who must learn that until the student asks the question the student is not prepared for the answer.

Calling upon the soul for assistance the Teacher must focus upon the self first, recognizing that the soul will call for the external teacher that is needed, until reliable communication has been established. Recognizing that the Teacher is also in need of a teacher in order to heal is fundamental; the soul will determine the most appropriate teacher for the self who then must recognize the teacher that has been called. The Teacher must become aware of the self’s own shortcomings, calling upon another to aid the self, so that the self may then aid another, appropriately. Recognition of the self’s behaviors identified within another, aids the Teacher to focus upon the self, utilizing the clues provided by the other to heal the self; attempts to aid another to heal that which has yet to be healed for the self results in lesson failure.

Field energies of repression and self-consciousness are imposed upon the Teacher, inhibiting the ability to appropriately teach of another. Focusing upon others, the Teacher avoids casting the light upon the self; repression of the other is imposed, due to the self-consciousness felt by the Teacher. Wishing for the teachings to be embraced without question, the Teacher represses those who attempt to share differently, with the self. Lesson presentation provides many students, all in need of the Teacher’s assistance.

The role of the Teacher is to pursue knowledge that is then readily shared with another, in need of assistance. The Teacher who has chosen to repress the soul’s desire to teach is continually seeking the Teacher in another, failing to share the knowledge gained with others in need. The Teacher who has determined not to teach suffers lesson failure, for the Soul’s Mission is to learn/teach, teach/learn. The ability to aid another is inherent for the Teacher; determining to maintain all knowledge for the self prohibits the Teacher from the achievement of wisdom. Recognition and embracement of the Soul’s Mission for the Teacher who has chosen not to share of the self’s knowledge is critical to lesson integration.

The physical body will be the focus of this lesson plan for the Teacher will be endowed with a strong physique, as great strength is needed to assist the students. This endowment provides the Teacher with a unique energy signature; one that is often misinterpreted by the student as intimidation, due to its strength. Unaware of this energy signature that is subconsciously interpreted by others, the Teacher is often puzzled by the student’s response, for the teaching has been interpreted differently from that which was intended by the Teacher. To prevent this faulty interpretation the Teacher must first recognize the presence of these energies, focusing the attention upon modification, making the self more welcoming to others that seek assistance. Until the Teacher has accomplished this modification this strength, that was intended to attract others to the self, repels; lesson failure results, until the Teacher learns to teach appropriately.

To know the self is the Student’s Soul Mission for the lifetime; to be a Student of the self, first and foremost. Believing the self to be the teacher the Student declines assistance from all others, responding in an unwelcoming fashion, to others who attempt to teach the self. Failing to understand that others are needed to teach the self, that which has yet to be learned, results in lesson failure for the Student. Recognition need be made by the Student that lesson integration has been blocked by connection to the lower fields of consciousness; for this connection ensures that the Student will be unwilling to learn from another. Lesson integration becomes possible when the student allows the self to learn from another, submitting the self to another willingly, to achieve understanding that leads to wisdom.

Course Study

Lesson presentation will address the Student’s desire to teach, to be recognized as the teacher. The keeper of much knowledge, the Student’s ego is well-fed. Intellectual pursuits prohibit the spiritual experience, for the information that is gathered feeds the ego and does not aid with the evolution of the soul. The Student views the self as teacher, due to the quantity of knowledge, actively pursued, that nourishes the ego. The pursuit of knowledge is insatiable, for there can never be enough information to satisfy the Student.

Field energies of denial and self-righteousness fuel the Student that is unable to learn; personal responsibility is self-righteously denied, for the Student claims that it is the material or the teacher that is at fault. The Student does not recognize that field connections cycle continuous energies of judgment at all times, prohibiting the self from being able to embrace those teachings that vary from the own. The concept could be very simple, yet the Student will not understand because it varies from the own. The emotional body demands ignoring, discard, of those things that conflict with the self’s decisions, the self’s way of being, the self’s way of thinking. The student must recognize that personal responsibility is to the self, to gather all opinions, prior to arriving at decision; decision that is valid for the self, at this time. The Student must be willing to review the decision again in future, for the soul will magnetize catalyst to indicate that review, and potentially revision, is once again desirable.

Knowledge is the goal of the Student. Wisdom is the goal of the soul. Knowledge is shared from the mind. Wisdom is the result of knowledge that has been merged, with personal understanding, and then shared from the heart with another. Wisdom may only be achieved when the Student shares appropriate materials from the heart; the Student is the keeper of information for information’s sake, maintaining a warehouse of information that feeds the ego, reducing the likelihood that the soul can remain upon the surface to guide the Student to lesson integration.

The Student exudes strong physical energies that deter others from attempting to teach the self; these energies are powerful, interpreted as unwelcoming by others. Intimidation, often felt by the other, is unrecognized by the Student who is surprised by the response of others to the self’s behaviors. Unwilling to allow others to assist the self, the Student unwittingly overwhelms others, with the self’s opinions and ways of being, to sway the other to feel similarly as the self. The energy signature, interpreted by others as intimidating, need be addressed by the Student, in order to welcome the advice and knowledge of others that can aid the self with lesson integration.

The Student that has determined that others are to be the focus of the lifetime pursues knowledge that is not applicable to the self. The Student becomes the researcher, delving deeply and intently for knowledge that is devoid of self-interest. This pursuit prohibits the Student from focusing upon materials that could be of assistance to the self, thereby eliminating the possibility of the self knowing the self. These activities endorse the ego, creating the specialist in the field that is respected, well-sought for by others for assistance. Recognition of the ego’s tactics, to monopolize the life experience, to provide assistance to others that does not feed the soul, need be made by the Student. To know the self is the goal of this lesson plan and cannot be achieved, as long as the Student’s focus is completely upon others. Balance must be achieved within the life experience; the Student must learn to provide service to the self and others, equally.

While controlled by the ego, the Student single-mindedly pursues and shares knowledge that feeds the ego. Recognizing the ego in all its presentations, setting the course to eliminate all that feeds the ego, will ensure lesson integration for the Student; continued endorsement of the ego’s pursuits will ensure lesson failure. The Student does not know the self, due to the antics of the ego that remain unrecognized, prohibiting lesson integration. Recognition of all behaviors encouraged by the ego, to maintain primacy over the soul, must be achieved before the Student can accomplish the goal, to know the self. Lesson integration becomes possible once behaviors have been recognized and eliminated that prohibit the Student from welcoming others to teach the self.

The soul that has abused others in previous lifetimes chooses the Soul’s Mission, the Nurturer. The soul has chosen to use significant energies in this lifetime to nurture others, due to previous failures to treat another as the self would wish to be treated. To honor and respect others, as the self wishes to be honored and respected, is the goal to be achieved with this lesson plan.

Course Study

The ego has constructed the character known as the Nurturer that discourages others from providing nurture to the self, for the Nurturer encourages others to lean heavily and unnaturally upon the self, thereby draining the self. The character willingly provides all that is requested; for the character wishes to be liked, wishes to be thought well of, wishes to be believed good. The Nurturer will nurture others to the detriment of the self, mindlessly draining the self of vital energies that are necessary for soul evolution. The Nurturer will provide to another all that rightfully belongs to the soul and will be averse to seeking recompense from the other.

Field energies of shame and self-distrust are imposed upon the Nurturer who hides mistakes, for fear of discovery, under the guise of nurture. Compassionless or overly compassionate, the Nurturer rationalizes behaviors of the self or others that are known to be unfavorable to one who walks the path to healing. Contemptuous and distrusting, the Nurturer is unable to appropriately assist another in identification of behaviors that are not in the highest and best interests of one who wishes to heal; purposeful withholding of information that could aid another provides permission to the soul to draw the same lesson to the self, in future. Diminishing another’s progress upon the path to healing is repaid in kind to the Nurturer who is compassionless or overly-compassionate with another.

Testing is provided for the Nurturer to reveal the inherent ability to join with another emotionally, for the emotional body acts as teacher for this lesson plan. This ability is prohibited by field connection; disconnection enables the Nurturer to feel that which another is feeling, so that compassion may be funneled appropriately to enable healing. As long as field connection is active the Nurturer will be unable to join appropriately with another emotionally, for the emotional body prohibits the Nurturer from arriving at decision that is untainted by emotion. The Nurturer must tame the emotional body, recognizing it for the marvelous experiences that it provides, placing it in its proper position as a part of the whole, rather than that which dominates and confuses all things. The emotional body is the feeling nature of the Nurturer; enabling true sharing from the heart, endorsing joining with another emotionally, in order to assist.

The Nurturer that has determined to withhold nurture from others, maintaining all energies for the self, only provides nurture to satisfy the ego, for service to others is overly emphasized to endorse the character that wishes to be liked; wishes to be well thought of, wishes to be embraced by others as good. A firmly held belief that the self nurtures others in excess of the self is endorsed by the ego who wishes to maintain this imbalance. Recognition must be made that the self receives more than the self gives, to destroy the illusion that the ego has provided to prohibit progress for the Nurturer, for as long as the student embraces the illusion, field connection remains stable, guaranteeing lesson failure.

Lesson presentation is provided to teach the Nurturer to identify behaviors that diminish vital energies for the soul. Request for nurture from others is mandatory, to close the circuit, which allows for the cycling of energies, made possible when one gives and takes equally; these energies are exponential in value, utilized for soul evolution. Depletion is guaranteed for the Nurturer who over-nurtures the self or another. Striking the balance is the goal of this lesson plan; learning to nurture the self and others, equally.

Lesson integration signifies that the Nurturer has learned appropriate nurture of the self as well as others; nurture that is imbalanced ensures lesson failure. The Nurturer must learn that nurture never diminishes the self or another when balance is achieved.

Chosen by the soul that has determined to aid another forward on their path, prior to beginning the own path to healing, is the Soul’s Mission of the Supporter. Repayment of past life actions, wherein others were abandoned that were in need of support, this mission creates the possibility for imbalance; for the Supporter purposefully ignores the own path to endorse another’s, until the other’s path has been set. Pre-incarnative agreement determines the service, as well as the individual to whom the service will be provided; the Supporter will be tested, to determine if support to others is provided appropriately, until this agreement has been satisfied. The lesson plan is provided to test the Supporter’s ability to discern those requests that need be endorsed, from those that should be declined.

Course Study

Casting support behind another is the goal; rather, the Supporter literally carries the other through the experience, using vital energies that rightfully belong to the soul. The Supporter must learn appropriate support of another, which should never diminish the energies of the one providing support. Recognition must be made of inappropriate support of another by understanding the balance that lies between support and dependence. The Supporter will nurture dependence of others upon the self, failing to recognize the open drain that it causes to the self’s energy reservoir. The Supporter need become cognizant that those who do not request support should not be provided with support. The Supporter must recognize that only those who express need, followed by gratitude for the support provided, are truly deserving of the self’s support; all others need find their own way. Lesson presentation is provided to teach that interfering with the path of one who is unwilling to request support, or to express gratitude for the support received, will diminish the energies of the Supporter, as well as the other.

Vital soul energies are diminished when the Supporter supports another that does not support the self. Lesson presentation is provided, encouraging the Supporter to discern energy expenditure appropriately by supporting those who support the self, for this closes the circuit, allowing the energies to join and become exponential, fortifying each with vital energies for lesson integration and soul evolution. Inappropriate support provided to another causes the Supporter to diminish vital energies, needed for the soul to surface and guide the self. Energies provided to another inappropriately remain with the other, creating the likelihood that the Supporter will be unable to experience spiritually, unless experienced through others.

Field energies of rejection and self-delusional are imposed upon the Supporter, increasing the likelihood of inappropriate support being provided, to avoid being rejected by the other. Self-delusional qualities blind the Supporter to that which is quite obvious upon close observation; emotional thinking influences the Supporter to provide that which would not be provided to another absent of relationship. The energy signature of unconditional love causes others to be attracted to the Supporter, taking all that will be given, without concern for gratitude or repayment; the frequency emitted by this energy signature is read subconsciously by others, drawing to the Supporter those who will abuse, demand, and become gluttonous for the support that is readily provided. No limits have been set, so the other takes, until the Supporter is completely diminished, becoming incapable of providing future support; incapable of discerning that which is appropriate versus that which is inappropriate, for lesson integration and soul evolution.

Lesson presentation will be focused upon the emotional body, to teach the Supporter that the decision-making activities should be free of emotion, so that the most appropriate decision may be made for the self. The Supporter will be overly influenced by emotion, focused upon the sense of loyalty or duty to another, prohibiting clear thinking during times of duress. The emotional body must be tamed to allow the Supporter to make decisions that are untainted by the imposition of emotion.

Lesson failure is confirmed when the Supporter provides support to the self’s detriment; refusal of support from another creates dependency, resulting in the other leaning heavily upon the Supporter, becoming of lesser value to the self, as well as others. The Supporter must learn to support others with right purpose, recognizing that the self must be supported first, for support activities of another to be successful. Lesson integration signifies that the Supporter has learned to provide appropriate support, giving and receiving, equally.

The Soul’s Mission for the Researcher is to learn to consider all components of the research, prior to arriving at conclusion; the peril of the Researcher is arriving at conclusion, having considered the mental component singularly, thereby tainting the research. The Researcher employs the mind to arrive at conclusion, for all things, negating the influence of the emotional and physical bodies. This lesson plan is intended to teach the Researcher appropriate evaluation of all factors, prior to arriving at conclusion. Exclusion of the bodies that are necessary to experience spiritually, leads the Researcher to arrive at conclusion that the spiritual experience does not exist. The goal of this lesson plan is to teach the Researcher that all things are not provable through the self’s research; joining together with others of varying opinions is necessary, to arrive at the appropriate conclusion.

Course Study

The Researcher gathers and seeks knowledge that confirms conclusions, previously arrived upon, to confirm the self’s rightness; once proof has been obtained, the Researcher attempts to sway others opinions to the self’s way of being or belief system. Lesson presentation will be provided to teach the Researcher that forcing another to reverse the opinion, to that of the self, is inappropriate; for this action causes the other to relinquish the own personal power to the Researcher. This action carries repercussion for the Researcher, as the soul is granted permission to draw forth the same lesson; challenge will be presented to the Researcher, wherein another attempts the same with the self.

When sharing, the goal of the Researcher is to persuade others to the self’s point of view; this sharing is without right purpose, for it nourishes the ego. The Researcher wishes to be looked up to, to be recognized, to be better than others; lesson presentation will be provided to encourage the Researcher to recognize that the elimination of all other viewpoints narrows the value of the sharing with another. Gathering knowledge that is then watered with personal understanding is the goal of this lesson plan; this understanding is a feeling or a knowing that may not be provable, outside the impressions received by the self. These impressions provide the Researcher with a certainty, of what is right or wrong for the self, allowing the appropriate choice to be made, knowing that the experience will not be provable. Personal experience will be critical to the Researcher, particularly the spiritual experience; the mental faculties will strain to prohibit acceptance of the truly spiritual experience, for the mind always demands proof, in order to proclaim its validity.

The Researcher is influenced by the fields of guilt and self-pity. Seeking to prove the self’s theories correct, all others incorrect, the Researcher will discard the physical and the emotional impressions from the analysis, as these cannot be proven to exist. Blaming others for inadequate research is often the course of action taken by the Researcher who is proven wrong. The Researcher works hard, placing all efforts into the research, presenting the self as humanitarian in nature, only wishing to arrive at conclusion that will aid others in understanding. The Researcher has gained a biased understanding and seeks to prove this theory mentally. Unaware of the impressions within the body that will indicate if the research is accurate or inaccurate, the Researcher focuses upon the mind, discarding the physical and emotional bodies whenever conflict is introduced by these elements; often, the only conflict is the unprovable nature of the element.

This lesson plan utilizes the mental body as teacher; the Researcher must recognize the overemphasis placed upon this body and that the physical and the emotional bodies are equally important, becoming far greater factors when ignored. All data resulting from the research is diminished, due to the elimination of these important factors, as the Researcher focuses upon mental activities exclusively, granting permission to the soul for additional lessons; for it is only through the understanding of the three bodies that the Researcher can be truly successful. Testing may cause the Researcher to isolate the self within the mental arena, discounting all things unseen; the demand for proof-positive, to be proven by the senses before alteration of the belief structure is considered, reinforces the Researcher’s refusal to evaluate all things, prior to arriving at conclusion. The supremacy of the mental body grants permission to the ego to experience knowledge alone through the spiritual experience, disregarding all other components that cannot be proven or duplicated successfully.

The Researcher must learn to consider all three bodies, prior to arriving at conclusion, to provide the soul with vital energies that are needed to endorse the spiritual experience. Focusing exclusively upon the mental body feeds the ego and starves the soul; recognition must be made of this imbalance, followed by behavior modification that welcomes others into the research, to share varying opinions so that all factors may be considered. Continued elimination of the physical and emotional factors endorses the ego. Lesson presentation is provided to teach the Researcher that the mental arena invalidates the research when used exclusively. Lesson integration becomes possible when the Researcher begins to recognize the importance of all three factors, when utilized equally within the research.

The Researcher must join with others in research, purposefully gathering varying opinions, merging all together to satisfy all four bodies, with the mental body being satisfied last. The goal for the Researcher is to recognize that the spiritual experience is not provable outside of the personal experience. Once this goal is achieved, the Researcher will then be able to place all energies into that which will further the soul’s evolution.

The Soul’s Mission is to teach the Analyst that the spiritual experience is not provable utilizing the mental body, for it is the mental body that rejects the experience as unprovable. This lesson plan will focus upon physical and emotional body sensitivity, encouraging the Analyst to recognize that all factors need be brought together to be analyzed, prior to arriving at conclusion. The goal of this lesson plan is to teach the Analyst that the spiritual experience is the singular desire of the soul.

Course Study

The Analyst is overwhelmed by the details, unable to separate the self from the research; the self is focused upon the mental aspect, exclusive of the emotional and physical components. Exclusion of these perspectives diminishes the end result, tainting the value of the research. Aware that the research is incomplete, the Analyst makes available the results, purposefully avoiding those others who think differently from the self, attempting to minimize objection that would draw attention to its incomplete status. The Analyst is focused upon proving the self’s theories, based upon the self’s belief system, that all things need be proven to be relied upon.

The fields of separation and self-contained encourage the Analyst to keep all things to the self, until the final analysis has been completed; the method employed to arrive at conclusion is rarely shared, for if it were it would be found to be lacking in both the physical and the emotional components. The Analyst is detail driven and becomes lost in the minutiae; for the picture has become overwhelmed by the details. Unable to analyze appropriately, without drawing upon the emotional and the physical components, the Analyst unwittingly arrives at faulty conclusion, for the method employed does not allow for appropriate analysis of the data. The final analysis is only shared with those who agree, that the method employed should exclude these components; all others are provided with the final conclusion, offering no explanation of how the analysis was performed. Those who embrace the analysis remain welcome to share the Analyst’s company; those who do not are excluded, in future.

Surveying all things to determine its rightness or wrongness, the Analyst employs judgment to weigh the self and the self’s experiences against all others. The Analyst observes and gathers information, demanding proof through the senses, as a part of the observation; for there is a deep need to see the truth, in order to believe. The most appropriate course of action is addressed by the Analyst after the appropriate proof has been obtained; all things unseen are disbelieved, the search for proof positive is continued. The Analyst must learn that this activity is appropriate for all things, except the spiritual experience.

The Analyst is mentally focused, to the exclusion of other bodies, unaware that the mental body has been over-emphasized, for it acts as teacher for this lesson plan; recognition of this imbalance is primary for the Analyst to experience spiritually. Sensitivity is ignored by the Analyst, due to the over-emphasis of the mental faculties; the physical and the emotional components are ignored, as these are unreliable for repetition and provability outside of the own experience. The Analyst does not understand that the spiritual experience is not provable, outside of the own experience; seeking proof for that which is unprovable endorses disbelief. The Analyst will be presented with lesson, focused upon the emotional and physical components, endorsing sensitivity so that the Analyst can experience for the self spiritually.

Blockage is provided through the fields that prohibits recognition of the importance of these factors; the Analyst has rejected the physical and emotional understanding, as being critical to the success of the analysis. Isolated within the mental arena, the Analyst discounts all things unseen, demanding proof-positive, in order to alter the belief structure. The Analyst has granted supremacy to the mental body; ego encourages disregard for all factors that endorse the spiritual experience. Knowledge is sought by the Analyst within the spiritual experience; knowledge that can be proven as well as duplicated, thereby eliminating embracement of the spiritual experience, for the self.

The Analyst must learn that all four bodies are equally important to the analysis, providing satisfaction to the mental body last. Recognition of the soul and commitment to overcome the demand for proof, imposed by the mental body, enables the Analyst to experience spiritually. Acceptance, that the spiritual experience is unique for all, will aid the Analyst in embracement of the self’s experiences. Lesson integration becomes possible when the Analyst determines that proof is unnecessary for the spiritual experience.