Study Guide
The remainder of this publication contains study guide materials that are intended to be utilized once the disciple has completed the first reading of the publication; this reading will inform the student of the focus, which is to gain an understanding of the self’s connection to the lower fields of consciousness. Recognition of behaviors and characteristics that have intentionally been hidden from the student by the ego is the goal. The student need be aware that the field operates in one way only, meaning that those behaviors and characteristics that populate the student’s lesson plan are all that is available to the student to select at the time of discord. Regardless of the student’s intention, these behaviors will be utilized.
The first barricade to be crossed by the disciple is to embrace that the self has utilized behaviors that are unpalatable to the self, due to the connection to the lower fields of consciousness, for unawareness prohibited all other choices. Embracement is step one; these materials have been provided to enable recognition, so that the disciple may then embrace the plight of the self, due to this connection. Once embracement has been achieved, awareness may be engaged, enabling identification and recognition at the time of discord, endorsing the action to reach higher for better conclusion, resulting in lesson integration and subsequent disconnection from the lower fields of consciousness.
Identification of those areas where the student disagrees with another becomes critical for the student who walks the path to healing. Often the student maintains belief systems or ways of being that indicate scrutiny is necessary, for the belief system or way of being is in direct conflict for one who has presented the self as committed to healing. Recognition is often difficult, for the ego prohibits deep scrutiny, utilizing threat to the self’s well-being, as the tactic that thwarts others that attempt to aid the self, in detecting these behaviors that prohibit growth. Opening the self to deep scrutiny by calling forth the soul sends notice to the ego that willingness and commitment has been engaged to eliminate behaviors that have prohibited progress upon the path to healing.
The queries following are intended to be felt rather than assessed by the thinking mind. It is suggested that the disciple provide the self with a quiet environment, free of interruptions, asking the self each question until the answer is felt. Denote the response that is felt with each query below, frequently calling upon the soul to prohibit the ego’s presence.
Query | Yes | No |
I agree that I am wounded due to the connection to the lower fields of consciousness | | |
I agree that I can heal my self | | |
I agree that I can change as need indicates | | |
I agree that my belief system and way of being maintains my unhealed status | | |
I agree that I need a teacher in order to identify the antics of the ego | | |
I agree that I cannot heal my self without dedication and commitment | | |
I agree that I will often be uncomfortable throughout this healing process | | |
I agree that conflict is a tool of the ego that prevents me from learning | | |
I agree that protection is only offered by the ego to ensure that I fail | | |
I agree that the soul needs energy in order to respond to my call for assistance | | |
I agree that the soul desires nothing more than the spiritual experience | | |
I agree that battling another is really battling my self | | |
I agree that all experiences are provided in order to teach | | |
The student must integrate all of the above statements, feeling each deeply; for this will allow the student to embrace the fundamental beliefs that enable one to heal the self. Recognizing those that are difficult to embrace will enable the student to focus the attention upon the belief system or way of being that prohibits acceptance. Inability to embrace any of these concepts provides entry for the ego to thwart the process. The student that is capable of embracing and feeling deeply each of these statements will easily proceed forth through the lesson plan to lesson integration, thereby disconnecting from the lower fields of consciousness.
When dealing with emotional issues, there is always jeopardy that the student will feel that the support received was inadequate; it is also quite possible that the teacher will feel over-burdened by the need of the student. Overcoming these issues is possible, if ground rules are designated in advance, protecting each. Some suggested guidelines are:
Communication that endorses give and take must be established early in the relationship. Feedback is vital to the provision of appropriate support that nourishes each. Silence or dishonesty eliminates all possibilities for receiving support that leads to lesson integration.
Designated hours are established and maintained that endorse ongoing support that furthers progress for the student.
Agreement that all things shared between the two are confidential.
Expressions of gratitude from the student are essential, for this replenishes the energies expended by the teacher upon the student.
Honoring and respecting the position of each is necessary; the teacher recognizes the difficulties encountered by the student, honoring the progress, encouraging additional efforts when failure is encountered. The student receives the advice of the teacher, following the guidance received, without judgment or reserve.
The student recognizes that the bulk of the work lies upon the self, calling upon the teacher for all things that are undecipherable to the self.
The teacher willingly provides that which is requested when felt to be necessary to further the progress of the student, informing the student of the most appropriate approach with which to arrive at answer for the self.
Willingness to embrace the teachings of the teacher is critical to the success of the partnership.
Surveys have been provided to assist the student in detecting the presence of field behaviors and characteristics within the self throughout this publication. All surveys in this section, as well as throughout this publication, are available online at
The Inner Survey has been provided to enable the student to begin to survey the self, to know the self; recognition of the self is vital to healing. Identification of the self’s true intentions, which affect the self’s commitment to healing, is the goal. All ‘no’ answers should be studied to determine the impact upon the self’s ability to heal.
Query | Yes | No |
Do I want my life to be different? | | |
Am I willing to do whatever necessary in order to heal? | | |
Do I believe that I can heal myself? | | |
Am I willing to surrender to another so that ego can be identified in its many guises? | | |
Do I recognize ego’s presence in my life? | | |
Am I interested in making contact with my soul? | | |
Am I willing to change? | | |
Am I willing to commit myself to disconnecting from the lower fields of consciousness? | | |
Is there someone that can assist me in detecting behaviors that are detrimental to my healing? | | |
Am I willing to speak openly and honestly about difficult experiences? | | |
Can I control my temper? | | |
Am I willing to honor and respect those that assist me, even when angered? | | |
Am I willing to dedicate all of my efforts to healing myself? | | |
Do I recognize my unhealed status? | | |
Am I willing to assist others? | | |
Am I willing to start today with behavior modification? | | |
Am I willing to embrace that I am connected to the lower fields of consciousness? | | |
Am I willing to dedicate my self to knowing my true self? | | |
I recognize that disingenuousness is a part of my presentation of my self to others. | | |
I recognize that conflict appears within my life experiences too frequently. | | |
Happiness is a pursuit that I consider to be worthwhile. | | |
Is there time in my schedule each day to journal? | | |
Am I willing to survey my experiences honestly? | | |
Am I willing to share painful emotional experiences with another? | | |
Totals: | | |
Recognition of the self is the primary goal of this exercise, for without recognition of the self traversal of the path to healing is impossible. Field behaviors are orchestrated by the ego to prohibit healing, providing blockage to awareness, identification and recognition of those behaviors that prohibit traversal from the lower to the higher fields of consciousness. It is imperative that awareness be engaged, so that identification and recognition may be made of all behaviors belonging to the lesson plan, for only then does the student become aware of that which need be modified, to heal the self.
Reading the section entitled ‘Masters of Light - The Lessons’ is suggested, for this will best inform the answers. The queries listed below should be felt, rather than analyzed; each query should be placed into the mind, consciously calling forth the soul and asking the question, until the answer is solidly within the mind; accepting the answer that comes to you, without need for rationalization or logic, is the goal. The intention is impartial observation, to determine the label that best describes the self; that which is not logical, that which makes the least sense, recognizing that the self’s true behaviors are concealed by the ego.
Surveying past behaviors, please denote the response to the query.
Query | Repress | Denial | Shame | Reject | Blame | Separate |
How do I typically respond to another when in conflict? | | | | | | |
How do others typically respond to me when in conflict? | | | | | | |
Mark each behavior that can be identified as a response used by my self when in conflict. | | | | | | |
Mark the behavior most frequently used by me. | | | | | | |
Mark the behavior most frequently used by others when in conflict with me. | | | | | | |
If guessing, what behavior best describes my typical response to conflict? | | | | | | |
When emotional, what does my inner voice encourage? | | | | | | |
What is my immediate response when angry? | | | | | | |
When the other’s response is negative, what is my immediate response? | | | | | | |
What is my immediate response when sad? | | | | | | |
Indicate the response most used as a child. | | | | | | |
Mark the behaviors that have changed since childhood. | | | | | | |
Mark the behaviors that have remained the same. | | | | | | |
Indicate the behaviors used by me that are the most unpalatable. | | | | | | |
Indicate the behaviors utilized by your parents. | | | | | | |
Indicate the behaviors utilized by your mate or best friend. | | | | | | |
Indicate how you feel after a conflict. | | | | | | |
Assess childhood behaviors with one word. | | | | | | |
Assess adult behaviors with one word. | | | | | | |
Assess your mate or best friend with one word. | | | | | | |
Assess each parent with one word. | | | | | | |
Determine the theme belonging to the majority of your conflicts. | | | | | | |
Determine the strategy you employ to end conflicts. | | | | | | |
Determine your mate or best friend’s strategy to end conflict. | | | | | | |
Describe your communication with one word. | | | | | | |
Describe your approach to conflict with one word. | | | | | | |
Describe how the other typically feels at the end of conflict with you. | | | | | | |
Totals: | | | | | | |
Recognition of the self’s communication style is the goal of this assessment. Once again, the answer is intended to be felt, rather than understood. Placing the question within the mind, calling for the soul, asking for the answer that is most applicable to the self’s behaviors, is the goal. Each column is intended to identify the not-self, varying answers indicate that the self is different, depending upon the experience, as well as the other that is a part of the experience. Recognizing the myriad ways that one communicates is the goal of this exercise.
The sections entitled, ‘Masters of Light - Communication,’ and the ‘Dark Lords Obstacle Course – Communication’ are recommended reading, prior to proceeding. The goal of this exercise is to determine if the self’s behaviors vary, based upon the teacher that the student finds opposite the self. Each column should be traversed fully, prior to moving to the next. Indicate Yes or No, in the appropriate column, in response to each query.
Query | Speaking with self | Speaking with Mate/Best Friend | Speaking with Others |
Is honesty always represented? | | | |
Do I speak openly without fear of repercussions? | | | |
Am I cautious with my words to prohibit damage? | | | |
Am I willing to listen deeply and fully, without interruption? | | | |
Is advice eagerly received? | | | |
Are differences judged? | | | |
Is dialogue typically described as conflict? | | | |
Is dialogue argumentative when differences are presented? | | | |
Is dialogue open and inviting when differences are presented? | | | |
Is enjoyment the best descriptor of dialogue? | | | |
Is strife the best descriptor of dialogue? | | | |
Do I enjoy debating a topic, without feeling challenged? | | | |
Is learning the goal of dialogue? | | | |
Recognizing the self’s habits when communicating with the self or another is critical. | | | |
Open discussion of emotional experiences must follow stringent guidelines that honor and respect the student that willingly opens the self to scrutiny.
The group leader steers the inquiry, inviting open response to each query from the student that is sharing, so that all may learn.
Emotional responses of shock, dismay or disapproval are prohibited.
No comments are to be offered indicating rightness or wrongness.
Group members listen deeply, without interrupting, free of emotion, recognizing that feeling or thinking negatively impacts all members.
Agreement is provided by each group participant that all sharing remains within the group and is never discussed externally.
Respecting the student’s choice to pursue or abandon resolution must be honored; agreement of the use of a single word or phrase, indicating that the student is desirous of discontinuing the inquiry, is recommended.
Inviting future discussion of those issues that remain unresolved is suggested.
This format is recommended to be utilized for group meetings, wherein each student brings forth unresolved emotional experiences for review and resolution. This practice holds potential to propel the student forward, buoyed by the support of the group that is desirous of nothing less than healing the wounds that prohibit forward progress for the student. In this way, the student may achieve understanding of painful emotional experiences, while also providing lessons for the group, through the sharing. The group that is newly formed should begin with discussion of typical conflicts encountered, within the daily life experiences. Deeply emotional or traumatic experiences are recommended to be contained between the teacher that has healed the self and the student.
In the space provided, journal the emotional experience that is believed to be prohibiting future lesson integration, due to its strength, beginning with an overview of the conflict, ending with the result.
Understanding that conflict indicates lesson presentation, the student is encouraged to review the self’s emotional experiences to determine the lesson, prior to discussing within the group; receiving a full understanding of the lesson presented is the goal of this exercise. Conflict occurs when one avoids the lesson, or is drawn into another’s lesson and responds improperly. Various responses are provided for each column. Once again, the answer is intended to be felt by the self, rather than arriving at answer using the logical mind, which is often overly influenced by the ego’s story. Recognition must be achieved that when two join, the lesson may be different for each. Utilizing the Other’s Response column, assess the experience through the other’s eyes to denote the differences, as the impartial observer.
Labels to be utilized to describe the response of the student: repress, denied, diminished, rejected, blamed, or separated. Labels to be utilized to describe the impressions or perceptions: attempted assistance, sharing, informing, questioning, misunderstanding, challenged, rebuffed, overwhelmed, or placated. Each column should be traversed fully, prior to proceeding to the next.
Denote your response below accessing the impressions or perceptions at the time of discord.
Query | My Response | Other's Response |
Perceived reason for discord | | |
Impressions that were seemingly obvious to each | | |
Exchanges were interpreted as attempts to | | |
If impartially observed, attempts would be qualified as | | |
Overall, the dialogue would be qualified as | | |
The lesson would be interpreted as | | |
Portions of the dialogue would be assessed as | | |
All factors recognized within the experience | | |
Most dominant behavior that contributed to conflict | | |
The purpose of this exercise is to provide contrast to the response of the self and the response of the other. Impartial observation is imperative to accomplish the contrast intended to be realized; when one is capable of doing so, invaluable data may be mined, to aid the self in detecting behaviors that prohibit the self from learning. Recognizing limiting behaviors that result in conflict is critical to the student on the path to healing.
Full review of the experience should be performed to detect the true lesson that was presented in order to teach each. Once accomplished, indicate your response to the following queries.
Query | Yes | No |
Was the true reason for discord appropriately identified? | | |
Is it possible that I responded the way I interpreted the other as responding? | | |
Was the other cognizant of discord? | | |
Am I willing to embrace that each was equally responsible for the discord? | | |
Would I respond differently if presented with the same opportunity today? | | |
Am I willing to share these discoveries with the other so that each may learn? | | |
Am I able to identify other emotional experiences that followed the same theme as this one? | | |
Am I willing to change my behavior so that future lessons may be integrated in the moment? | | |
Do I now fully understand the lesson that was presented? | | |
Analysis of the experience, utilizing the impartial observer, will enable the true lesson to surface for each. Recognition that the activation of the emotional body at the time of discord has prohibited each from recognizing the lesson is critical. Review of the experience free of emotion is primary to uncovering the true lesson that was obscured by the ego with field connections that ensured lesson failure. Willingness to discuss the experience with the other, so that each may learn, sends message to the soul that the student is desirous of lesson integration.
The student need recognize that the purpose of all emotional experience is to learn the lesson that has been presented. Each lesson signifies that which has yet to be learned; similar experience indicates the soul’s desire for the lesson to be integrated. Each lesson grows progressively more painful, due to the number of failures experienced. Recognition need be made of the depth of emotion surrounding the experience, for this provides key to the student that many lessons have been previously presented that have yet to be understood. Returning to previous experiences, when the student responded or felt similarly, will aid the student in determining the true lesson.
The student should be provided with ample time to discuss the emotional experience, which must have been journaled, for this allows the student to observe all actions of the self, as well as the other, prior to sharing. The queries provided are intended to aid the student to detect the presence of the ego, as well as the presence of lower field behaviors that are prohibiting lesson integration. All ‘No’ responses need be focused on, to understand the lesson that has been presented to teach. Responses should be felt, rather than employing the logical mind, for emotion is not logical and is employed by the ego to create confusion, prohibiting lesson integration. Refusal of the student to recognize the emotion ensures lesson failure.
Query | Yes | No |
Do you have residual feelings regarding this experience? | | |
Are you able to view the experience impartially? | | |
Would you like the group’s assistance to detect behaviors that caused lesson failure? | | |
Are you willing to receive the group’s input? | | |
Do you feel defensive regarding this experience? | | |
Do you understand the ramifications of this experience remaining unresolved? | | |
Can you embrace that you may have been responsible for this experience? | | |
Can you accept that the other was providing a service for you by participating in this experience? | | |
Are you willing to view this experience as a lesson? | | |
Is it possible that each was equally responsible for lesson failure? | | |
Do you believe that you are always right? | | |
Do you believe that you are always wrong? | | |
If found to be wrong, would you be willing to extend an apology to the other? | | |
If found to be right, would you be willing to forgive the other? | | |
Are you willing to resolve this issue completely? | | |
Do you hold grudges or remind the other of past transgressions? | | |
Do you prefer to leave the situation unresolved, even though there are residual feelings present? | | |
Do you accept apology from another, willingly extending forgiveness in return? | | |
Do you remember past slights or pain inflicted upon the self by another, even after apology has been extended? | | |
Do you believe that forgiveness is a vital component to healing? | | |
Is bitterness or regret felt when thinking about this experience? | | |
Are you willing to embrace that all humans are damaged equally by lesson presentation? | | |
Do you understand that pain indicates that the lesson has yet to be learned? | | |
The presentation of the student provides the opportunity to uncover that which may not yet be recognized by the student; it is important to allow the student to arrive at the own conclusion, rather than providing answer. Each question should be asked, with the provision of adequate time to respond. Instruction should be provided that conclusion or assessment should be abandoned, for this supports the story created by the ego to distract the student from the lesson; acceptance of story misleads the student and ensures lesson failure. The student need be aware that the lesson always belongs to the self, once negative feelings have arrived; continued focus upon the other prohibits lesson recognition.
Maintaining the guidelines, that request the facts as presented by the emotional experience, will enable new insights that ensure lesson integration; assistance may be necessary, through questioning of the student, to separate the story from the facts. The presence of rationale or reasoning indicates the presence of story. The group leader must skillfully guide the student to the recognition of that which continues to prohibit lesson integration. Recommended questions that are intended to probe deeply, thereby assisting with lesson recognition are as follows:
Query | Yes | No |
Have you encountered difficulty with this individual in the past? If so, is there similarity, or a theme that can be identified when surveying each experience? | | |
Would you assess the relationship with the other as close or distant? | | |
Do you typically regard the relationship as valuable? | | |
Are you willing to see yourself in the other? | | |
Was judgment an early visitor in this experience? | | |
Would you describe your feelings regarding this experience as willing to arrive at resolution? | | |
Can you embrace the other as your teacher? | | |
Is there willingness on your part to accept that your version of the experience is incorrect? | | |
Is misunderstanding a frequent visitor within the emotional experience? | | |
Do you believe that others attack you unjustifiably? | | |
Are you able to identify a theme within your emotional experiences? | | |
Are you willing to see the truth of this matter? | | |
Is it possible for you to change your assessment of this experience? | | |
Does embracing the other as a loved one assist you in modifying your assessment? | | |
Is it possible to release feelings of the past that have influenced this experience, recognizing that these inhibit your ability to achieve clarity and lesson integration? | | |
When did you last revisit this experience? How many times have you revisited this experience? | | |
Does the suggestion of forgiveness provide a sense of relief? | | |
Do you wish for the other to suffer? | | |
Are negative thoughts sent forward to the other? | | |
Are you vigilant to the opportunity to remind the other of the transgression? | | |
Do you avoid contact with the other? | | |
Do you consider yourself to be agreeable the majority of time? | | |
Do you consider the other to be agreeable the majority of time? | | |
Are you averse to resolution? | | |
Do you make mistakes? | | |
Do you recognize and admit to making mistakes? | | |
Do you understand that all humans make mistakes? | | |
Do you understand the purpose of making a mistake? | | |
Are you willing to embrace that another’s mistake may have inadvertently damaged the self? | | |
Are you able to express compassion for another when the self has been damaged? | | |
Questioning in a non-confrontational, information-gathering format will enable the student to delve more deeply than is possible independently, allowing the student to recognize those issues that have been obstructed by the ego, ensuring lesson failure. The student need be reminded that the presence of defensiveness, rationalization, or excuse indicates that the ego is battling lesson integration. The teacher must protect against assessments of right or wrong; understanding of the experience, resulting in lesson integration, is always the goal. Reminding the student that the ego demands judgment of right or wrong, while the soul recognizes each as correct, will aid the student in detecting the presence of the ego who only wishes for the student’s failure.
Critical to lesson integration is the student’s lesson plan; learning to recognize the lesson plan is necessary to appropriately identify the lesson that has been presented. The queries following are intended to probe deeply so that the student may begin to identify the areas of the lesson plan that were being tested with the emotional experience. When journaling, it is important for the student to make note of all components of the lesson plan that can be detected; the group leader may then pose the following queries to deepen the discussion, revealing those areas that the ego has concealed from the student to prohibit lesson integration.
Query |
Are you able to identify your theme, which is within all lessons? How would it have aided you? |
Are you able to identify the role known as your soul’s mission within this conflict? |
Were you performing the role appropriately? |
Are you able to identify the blockages imposed by your communication style within this conflict? |
Are you able to identify the other’s communication style? |
Are you able to determine how each, due to the blockages imposed by each lesson plan, contributed equally to this conflict? |
Are you able to detect the presence of your primary lesson plan? |
Are you aware of the other’s primary lesson plan? |
Are you able to determine how each, due to the blockages imposed by each lesson plan, contributed equally to this conflict? |
Are you able to integrate the true purpose of the conflict after this review? |
When first walking the path to healing, the disciple can become overwhelmed by the myriad behaviors that impact the self’s progress. It is important to recognize that there will be favored behaviors that have been utilized by the student, due to the success encountered by the ego to achieve lesson failure. Recognition of these behaviors is critical, for once awareness has been achieved the student may focus all attention upon arrival of the behavior when discord surfaces, within lesson presentation. Surveying the self’s lesson plan to detect those behaviors felt to be most responsible for lesson failure is necessary.
Utilizing the space below, denote those behaviors that are to be targeted for modification. It is suggested that the student inform those closest to the self, of the self’s desire to eliminate these behaviors, seeking assistance in detecting the presence will enable the student to achieve this tasking.
Targeted Behaviors |
List all behaviors that prohibit appropriate performance of my soul’s mission: |
List all behaviors that prohibit effective communication with myself or another: |
List all behaviors that prohibit me from integrating the primary lesson plan: |
List all behaviors that are inherent, funneled by the field of the secondary lesson plan, that are utilized to distract me from the primary lesson plan: |
List all behaviors that I believe to be the most problematic: |
Detail the targeted behavior that I most wish to address: |
Detail the individuals that I utilize this behavior with most frequently: |
Detail the way that I would prefer to have this behavior brought to my attention: |
The student that seeks assistance from another with behavior identification, leading to behavior modification, is the disciple that successfully walks the path to healing; however, field disconnection does not signal that learning has ended. The student need be aware that the habit, to utilize behaviors from the lower fields of consciousness, does not fall away with field disconnection. While the emotion no longer fuels the response, this does not mean that the response is automatically one that is most beneficial to the disciple. Concerted efforts must be employed to change the behavior to the higher choice; one that results in positive, rather than negative energy creation. Placing the will and commitment behind the tasking ensures success for the student who is no longer controlled by the ego and the lower fields of consciousness. Once the student automatically responds with the higher choice, new lessons, those that further soul evolution, will be presented.