mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

The Theme of All Lessons

The soul chooses a theme at birth, providing the student with a key to all lesson integration, for the theme runs throughout all lesson presentation. The theme is simplistic in nature; when focused upon by the student, the process becomes clear, enabling rapid lesson integration. The themes are as follows:

Lesson Plan #1: To speak

Lesson Plan #2: To question

Lesson Plan #3: To admit

Lesson Plan #4: To welcome

Lesson Plan #5: To learn

Lesson Plan #6: To accept

Once the student becomes cognizant of this key, the theme must be utilized with each lesson presentation, for the theme is always present, although it may be necessary to delve deeply to detect its presence. The theme will be the primary or secondary focus of the lesson plan; once detected, following the direction provided reveals the solution to lesson integration, allowing the student to overcome the blockage provided by the connection to the lower fields of consciousness.

The student need call forth the theme, whenever discord arises; following the instruction of the theme will enable rapid recognition of the lesson, thereby enabling the student to reach higher for better solution. Once recognized and embraced by the student, the theme provides the key to that which is most needed in the moment, that which results in rapid lesson integration.

The theme will allow the student to recognize the goal of the soul; that which has yet to be learned with lesson presentation. As long as the student focuses attention upon the theme of all lessons, pursuing solution based upon this key, lesson integration is ensured.