mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Addiction

Habit versus addiction – it is to understand the difference my sister. You are in the habit of feeding the self - feeding the self food, alcohol, drugs, attention, praise, glory, feeding the self sexually, pleasuring the self in all ways - while maintaining the belief that the self is deprived, the self has very little that another would covet. This is the belief of the self. As long as the self endorses this belief, the hunger shall continue to grow. It is to recognize the story my sister – that the self has had very little, that the self has suffered greatly, that the self has rarely had what the self wants or needs. As long as the self embraces the story, as long as the self continues to tell the story, the self’s hunger will continue to grow. It is my suggestion that you ponder this and take it into meditation; for until the self recognizes the behavior that stokes the flame of hunger, the self cannot begin to change.

I am Osiris. It is when the student first enters the path to healing that the health of the body begins to become more noticeable; previously, the body was ignored, driven – the mind and the emotion overruling the physicality. The physical body has been programmed to provide the individual with the lessons that are needed for the lifetime; the mental body, and the emotional bodies are impacted by this programming. The mental body interprets pain signals, as well as a variety of addictive signals; the emotional body responds to the pain, to the addiction. The lesson plans draw upon these energies to bring forth lesson to the student. Once the student begins to walk the path to healing, greater focus is placed upon the body, for the Teacher will focus here first. The typical student has an unhealthy body, for abuse is quite likely to have been encountered – abuse of the self; this abuse has damaged the physical body and the Teacher attempts to do all possible to bring balance to the body so that the student may focus all energies towards learning, versus the expenditure of energy to manage pain or to feel concern about the self’s ability to remain here until the lessons have been learned. My student, would you say that you abused the physical body?

Student: I did for a very long time – yes.

What did these abuses include?

Student: Drugs, alcohol, food – too much exercise, not enough exercise, too much sleep, not enough sleep; complete lack of awareness…there were times when my body was so at home – eating well and exercising well…I was strong and every time I got to this place of strong something happened – some kind of an accident happened. I broke something…I was in a bike accident or a car accident or something, so I became concerned about pain. I was in a lot of pain, so in addition to the other abuses, there was pain killers – over the counter mostly, a lot of marijuana but none of that now. I don’t take anything – no antihistamines for my allergies, no alcohol, no meat since I made the commitment here – I drink water, I drink tea, I don’t take anything but what you’ve told me to take and a couple of vitamins…oh, and a thyroid medication.

How else have you abused the body my sister?

Student: Bulimia – bouts of it.

It is to understand that the physical body is in need of nurture - is in need of love, of the kind, soft touch – of the voice that says “I love you – I recognize all that you have done for me – I understand all that you have endured on my behalf.” The voice of non-acceptance, of oftentimes hatred of the self, has damaged the physical body; the other behaviors of alcohol, sex, drugs are merely the result of the feelings that resided within. Sex, utilized to trick the self into believing that the self was desirable – possibly to another but never to the self. Drugs were taken to prohibit feeling. Alcohol, utilized to deaden, to dull the anger that was ever resident. Do you agree with my assessment my student?

Student: Yes – yes I do. Oh, I forgot cigarettes…I smoked for a long time.

The body need be honored, loved, nurtured, revered as the temple; for it is indeed just that – the repository for all consciousnesses that have come once again to learn, to experience physicality, to work with all bodies simultaneously, so that the lessons of this planet may be integrated. The heat and the cold that you feel emanating from the bodies is the signal from the body to indicate to you that it is desirous of your attention, your love, your care, your concern; there are also imbalances that need be corrected.

It is to recognize that the self as a young child does not judge the self; the self is outwardly seeking, the self is love, enthusiasm, energies that draw others to the self – until the bodies from previous lifetimes join with the self. It is then that all previous lesson failures are available to the inner Teacher to draw forth energies that cause the self to take notice of that which is occurring around the self with something more than mere curiosity; for it is a child that is curious, that is willing, that is able to experience all things without exclusion for there is little to no fear. Fear is implanted, imposed upon the small being by those who guide the young consciousness – those known as the parents, the caregivers, the siblings, the peers; fear is unnatural to the new being.

Once the bodies from previous lifetimes join with the current bodies, those fears, phobias, addictions – indeed behaviors that have been carved steadily, deeply, throughout the psyche - begin to appear, begin to dominate, begin to change who this young being was just hours, days, weeks, months, one or two short years prior. Now the thoughtforms that have been created by the self, nurtured, watered, overly fed, lifetime after lifetime, have rejoined with the self. A passing remark by a caregiver or a parent, prior to the time when the child can think rationally, has been elevated, provided with tremendous importance, for it is the energies activated, drawn forth by the inner Teacher, that have emphasized the importance of this event. The self believes that the parent has damaged the self; the self takes words that could have been stated with a chuckle and states them in a voice of deadly seriousness – that which damages the self deeply, reawakening the wound of previous lifetimes. The self’s behavior begins to shift based upon this reawakening. The self’s actions and reactions begin to follow those carved for the self previously through many lifetimes.

It is important for all students to recognize that the belief system did not originate in this lifetime; indeed, all are composites, all have lived many, many lifetimes. . All have experienced many, many things. All have learned many lessons. All have failed many others - that which continues to distress the self, that which continues to result in lesson failure in this lifetime, are those lessons that have yet to be learned. The belief system is the source of all energies that result in failure for the student – failure to embrace that it is the self’s thinking that waters, that nurtures the belief system states that the student has yet to experience adequately in order to reveal that which is faulty that lies within. The Teacher will continue to draw forth lesson after lesson after lesson in an attempt to show the student that which is believed by the self, that which is known to be faulty by the inner Teacher, that which has yet to be discovered as such by the self.

To understand the nature of learning one must focus the attention upon the self of the past, the self of the present and to begin to visualize the self of the future. Failure to do so results in lesson failure for unless the self sees the self of the past in the self of the present, the self of the future shall continue forth unimpeded. Learning the lesson means total integration of that which has been presented to the self; this means that challenge is presented – no thought, no care, nor concern is afforded to the challenge – the self immediately responds lovingly, of the light, dispelling negativity that may have been brought forth in order to test the self, allowing negativity to remain if the lesson is being provided to another.

The student believes that the self is learning once the lesson plan is recognized; in reality, emotion is what is recognized – the response of the self, that which has been automatic for many, many years – potentially many, many lifetimes – those responses that are supplied by the field belonging to the lesson plans of the self. Recognizing that the self need be patient, need expand the view beyond the self, to welcome others that the self finds annoying, irritating, frustrating – those that the self judges frequently – to welcome them to spend more time in the self’s presence; for it is in this way that the self sees the self – all those things that irritate, frustrate, anger and potentially cause sorrow within the self are things that reside within the self awaiting recognition, awaiting resolution.

The typical student isolates the self, particularly from those situations where irritation, frustration, anger or sorrow could be experienced and begins to tune out those individuals that annoy, irritate, frustrate or anger the self; it excludes the self from all situations that may challenge the self. The self stops drinking and smoking and the self stops placing the self in situations with others who drink, with others who smoke. It is telling the self, “I need more time. I cannot challenge myself at this time…I am not strong enough,” only to find that many months may pass, oftentimes years, and once the self begins to expose the self to these situations, the self finds that the self is still too weak to be challenged. It is to challenge the self early on; to provide the self with as much challenge as possible while the self’s resolve is strong, while the desire within is unimpeachable, while the self easily and readily casts aside all that which says that the self may not make it, that the self may fail. Recognizing the task – to learn – is multi-phased; it is awareness, identification, followed by recognition, followed by choice – to retain or to change. The choice of the self informs the Teacher of that which need be learned in future; all choice made by the self is honored by the Teacher. The Teacher is, in fact, delighted that the student is now choosing.

The mind is a marvelous consciousness – it is programmed to draw forth those lessons that are needed to teach the current self. It also maintains access to all previous selves, understanding the behaviors, the habits, the likes and the dislikes, the phobias, the addictions – all things that pertain to the self are catalogued by the mind. It is for the current self to open the drawer, to view the document in total to determine, “Is this who I seek to be in this lifetime? Of what value is this feature to my current self? What can it teach me? What has it taught me? Is it of value to me today? Will it be of value to me tomorrow? What value has it brought to me up to this moment? Will I retain it? Will I destroy it?” It is to retain focus upon the document in total – the document, which reveals the behavior of the self, until all these questions have been answered. It is to then embrace for the self that which has been revealed or it is to determine the plan that is most appropriate for the destruction of this behavior. The Teacher will reveal those things of value to the student, as it is believed to be appropriate; the student need be alert to those things that are beneficial to the self, for the Teacher does, on occasion, bring forth behaviors that can be considered as an asset - for recognition, for the embracement by the student.