Teachings - Aiding Others
It is the lesson plan that blinds the self to all things unfavorable; rather, it is the emotional body that views another through what is referred to as rose colored glasses, seeing only that which is perceived to be positive, quickly and readily discarding all that which is seen that is negative. “I shall not focus upon the negative” the self says to the self, “for that is inappropriate for one who walks the path to healing. Rather, I shall focus upon the positive and hope that the negative disappears.” It is merely another way for the self to ignore the self’s duty to another to draw forth recognition, identification of that which resides within the other to thwart their progress in this incarnation. Failure to recognize the self in another states that the self has yet to know the self; therefore, many others shall be drawn forth by the inner Teacher until recognition has been made, “This is merely myself that is opposite me – I seek to aid myself, I seek to aid others. I shall share deeply of myself with this other self, for in doing so, they too may share what they see in me; thereby aiding myself forward upon the path that I have chosen.” Illusion is the atmosphere that most students surround the self with; it is the illusion provided by the rose-colored glasses – to discard all that which is negative, to focus upon the positive, and to fail to aid another while doing so.
Our brother Loereve frequently speaks from the mind, from a position of confusion, for the self intermittently pays attention to the other. When the self senses that the self will be called upon for answer, the answer is formulated in the mind – it is replayed again and again and again and the self becomes anxious to provide the response before the self forgets. It is for this reason that when the other stops speaking and our brother Loereve responds, he rarely answers the question put to him. Would you agree with my assessment my brother Loereve?
Loereve: Yes I would
It is the fear of being rejected; it is the fear of looking, appearing to be less than. It is the desire to please the other that is dominant in the mind. Am I correct my brother Loereve?
Loereve: I’d say that’s a pretty good assessment – yes
It is to listen to the other completely and to engage the heart to listen – with heart and mind actively connected; to release all fear that the self will look to be a fool [or] if the self does not have the answer that the self will cull disfavor, displeasure from the other. By listening with the heart and the mind, the self is capable of stating to another, “I am uncertain. I find that to be intriguing; I, too, am curious – I would like to pursue that. I shall look into it. I would love to discuss this with you once again.” Do you understand?
Loereve: Yes, please continue.
It is to understand that the ego seeks to dismiss all that is presented to the self that is not yet known, not yet understood by the self; for the self believes that the self will be rejected by the other if the self does not have the knowledge that the other currently maintains. Does this resonate with you my brother?
Loereve: Very much so
It is to bear in mind that the self is capable of teaching another, for there is a great depth of knowledge within; knowledge that cannot be shared from the mind, knowledge that can only be shared when the heart is actively connected with the mind, for it is then that the heart draws forth exactly what the other needs in the moment, aiding them greatly in the moment, rather than providing them with data that is of little to no service. Do you understand?
Loereve: Yes
My suggestion for you, my brother, is to engage the heart when listening to another, to engage the heart when speaking to another. It is to apprise the self of the machinations of the self’s lesson plan, to understand the actions of the ego, so that the self can be cognizant of the ego’s presence; for this identification, this recognition provides opportunity to the self to be different in this moment, thereby increasing the self’s ability to be different the next and the next and the next time until the shift becomes automatic.