mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Belief System

The beliefs begin with those maintained regarding the self. If the self feels good about the self, then most generally the self will also feel good about others. If the self trusts the self, the self most likely will trust most others. If the self has faith in the self, the self can usually place the faith of the self in another. To love the self is to find within the self the ability to love another. The student that does not like the self, that does not trust nor have faith in the self, will generally not like others, will most assuredly not have faith or trust another. It is important to understand that this is a core belief - one that has been brought into the incarnation from previous incarnations; for it is the composite self that need be recognized, that will indeed be the focus of the current lifetime.

It is to recognize that the self as a young child does not judge the self; the self is outwardly seeking, the self is love, enthusiasm, energies that draw others to the self – until the bodies from previous lifetimes join with the self. It is then that all previous lesson failures are available to the inner Teacher to draw forth energies that cause the self to take notice of that which is occurring around the self with something more than mere curiosity; for it is a child that is curious, that is willing, that is able to experience all things without exclusion for there is little to no fear. Fear is implanted, imposed upon the small being by those who guide the young consciousness – those known as the parents, the caregivers, the siblings, the peers; fear is unnatural to the new being.

Once the bodies from previous lifetimes join with the current bodies, those fears, phobias, addictions – indeed behaviors that have been carved steadily, deeply, throughout the psyche - begin to appear, begin to dominate, begin to change who this young being was just hours, days, weeks, months, one or two short years prior. Now the thoughtforms that have been created by the self, nurtured, watered, overly fed, lifetime after lifetime, have rejoined with the self. A passing remark by a caregiver or a parent, prior to the time when the child can think rationally, has been elevated, provided with tremendous importance, for it is the energies activated, drawn forth by the inner Teacher, that have emphasized the importance of this event. The self believes that the parent has damaged the self; the self takes words that could have been stated with a chuckle and states them in a voice of deadly seriousness – that which damages the self deeply, reawakening the wound of previous lifetimes. The self’s behavior begins to shift based upon this reawakening. The self’s actions and reactions begin to follow those carved for the self previously through many lifetimes.

It is important for all students to recognize that the belief system did not originate in this lifetime; indeed, all are composites, all have lived many, many lifetimes. All have experienced many, many things. All have learned many lessons. All have failed many others - that which continues to distress the self, that which continues to result in lesson failure in this lifetime, are those lessons that have yet to be learned. The belief system is the source of all energies that result in failure for the student – failure to embrace that it is the self’s thinking that waters, that nurtures the belief system states that the student has yet to experience adequately in order to reveal that which is faulty that lies within. The Teacher will continue to draw forth lesson after lesson after lesson in an attempt to show the student that which is believed by the self, that which is known to be faulty by the inner Teacher, that which has yet to be discovered as such by the self.

It is the composite self that diminishes the confidence, for it is the damaged portions of the self that represent many, many previous lifetime lesson failures. To survey the self means to understand that the self must separate the feelings that emanate from the damaged portions of the self - the composite, the egoic side or nature of the self; failure to do so causes the self to embrace the feelings, the beliefs that have simply been carried forward from previous lifetimes. These beliefs are all provided with characters, so that they may be paraded out before the self, seen clearly, so that the self may begin to choose to eliminate the belief that no longer belongs to the self - that potentially has never belonged to the current self – before it overtakes and becomes a part of the current self.

Once the current self identifies with the character, once the current self endorses, makes excuses, provides rationale and reason for the character’s presence, it is far more difficult to eliminate the behaviors, for it is often found that the current self likes the characters, likes the emotion – potentially, the roller-coaster emotion - that is felt each time the character enters and exits the life experience. The self that is unwilling to survey the self deeply, to confess that the self likes the characters, to confess that the characters bring excitement, feeling, into the life experience that is desirable, states that the self is not yet prepared to choose or to change the behaviors, to be different. Recognizing the characters, deciding that which is brought into the life experience by each character that may have been wholly embraced - that may in fact be desired by the current self - is necessary. It is only then that determination can be made as to whether the character will be diminished in strength or endorsed in future, wholeheartedly, by the current self.

I am Osiris, prince of darkness. I come to those students who seek wisdom, for it is wisdom alone that draws forth the darkness that resides within; this darkness consists of belief, falsity, negativity – that which hampers the Self in all ways. I refer to the self with a capital ‘S’, for it is indeed the Higher Self that draws forth the Teacher; the Teacher that will illumine the darkness that resides within, providing the self/the personality with opportunity to unearth, to recognize that which lies within. Choice may then be made to maintain these beliefs or to recognize them as that which has interfered with the self’s ability to traverse the path to healing. Willingness to expose that which lies within is necessary, for as all viewed this morning, the ego is quick to respond – to protect, to defend, to guard that which has been so carefully crafted, utilized to convince the self that no further review, no further action is necessary.

It is as with your trip with Te' Auna the preceding month – to discover that the desire no longer was resident to return to those places that the self thought and spoke of fondly for many years; to recognize that there are many other destinations that could provide you with opportunity to learn, versus the opportunity to re-experience again and again and again the past. The lifetime of the human is relatively short – long in terms of the second and the third kingdom but short in terms of the experiences that are available to each; there is not sufficient time to perform the same tasking again and again and again and again and to experience forward progress upon the path.

It is to experience new things that is suggested; it is the belief system that prohibits the self from generating enthusiasm for the new. It is the mind that wishes for the self to only embrace that which has been previously experienced – therefore, previously known - for it is caution that the mind urges. It is the mind that convinces the body that caution is necessary, for its safety could be in jeopardy, convincing the emotional body that damage could be done to the self should the self venture into areas where embarrassment, humiliation, or the invitation of judgment may be made by the self of another, due to the veracity of the self in choosing this experience.

Belief is the deep-seated thinking that is provided little survey by the self; that which lies within to call forth ego to protect, to defend, to guard against all those from the outside who seek to challenge the self’s beliefs. The belief system is maintained by all humans and is merely the accumulation of the self’s determination of that which is most appropriate for the self. Often, this determination is made care-less of another - without care, without concern, without thought for another. The defense of the belief system is the duty of the ego - is the duty fulfilled by the ego. The belief system is the target of the Teacher, for it is the desire of the Teacher to expose all that which lies within to prohibit the student from understanding the self.

The belief system is the accumulation of judgment throughout the lifetime – judgment of the self, judgment of another that has been embraced by and for the self, judgment that prohibits the self from choosing ever again, for the belief system represents the choice that is preferred by the ego - it is this that is accessed and employed by the self, whenever choice becomes available. When beginning to walk the path to healing, the student begins to observe the belief system, to determine the value of each belief to the self. Is this truth? Does this represent who I am? Does this say that I am a spiritual being? That I am one that is desirous of assisting another?

For most who step forth to walk the path to healing, the belief system is unrecognized, for it has not been surveyed for many years. The self can state what the self believes, what the self desires – the words flow smoothly for they have been used hundreds, if not thousands of times, to tell another who the self believes the self to be. It is deeper examination of the story that begins to reveal that the self maintains beliefs that are of no value to one who walks the path to healing; they are, in fact, detrimental and will deter the student indefinitely as long as these beliefs are maintained. It is to understand that the belief system is that which is often referred to as the self - for the self, the personality, is comprised of thought, of action, of judgment; all these things combine into what is referred to as belief - the experiences of the self have resulted in belief that cancels choice in future.

Belief is the deep-seated thinking that is provided little survey by the self; that which lies within to call forth ego to protect, to defend, to guard against all those from the outside who seek to challenge the self’s beliefs. The belief system is maintained by all humans and is merely the accumulation of the self’s determination of that which is most appropriate for the self. Often, this determination is made care-less of another - without care, without concern, without thought for another. The defense of the belief system is the duty of the ego - is the duty fulfilled by the ego. The belief system is the target of the Teacher, for it is the desire of the Teacher to expose all that which lies within to prohibit the student from understanding the self.

The belief system is the accumulation of judgment throughout the lifetime – judgment of the self, judgment of another that has been embraced by and for the self, judgment that prohibits the self from choosing ever again, for the belief system represents the choice that is preferred by the ego - it is this that is accessed and employed by the self, whenever choice becomes available. When beginning to walk the path to healing, the student begins to observe the belief system, to determine the value of each belief to the self. Is this truth? Does this represent who I am? Does this say that I am a spiritual being? That I am one that is desirous of assisting another?

For most who step forth to walk the path to healing, the belief system is unrecognized, for it has not been surveyed for many years. The self can state what the self believes, what the self desires – the words flow smoothly for they have been used hundreds, if not thousands of times, to tell another who the self believes the self to be. It is deeper examination of the story that begins to reveal that the self maintains beliefs that are of no value to one who walks the path to healing; they are, in fact, detrimental and will deter the student indefinitely as long as these beliefs are maintained. It is to understand that the belief system is that which is often referred to as the self - for the self, the personality, is comprised of thought, of action, of judgment; all these things combine into what is referred to as belief - the experiences of the self have resulted in belief that cancels choice in future.

The student that thinks that the self is known is one that believes that all that can be uncovered about the self has been revealed. The student who does not think that the self is known is one who is cognizant that there are many things that lie deep within the recesses that remain unknown to the self. The Teacher draws forth that which lies within, bringing it forth so that the student may apply scrutiny, questioning, delving ever more deeply to determine, “Is this who I seek to be? Is this who I am becoming? Or, is this particular behavior or characteristic something that I am desirous of changing?” The goal of the student is to arrive at decision - to accept, to embrace or to reject, to change. The Teacher will accept the student’s choice if it is believed that the student is comfortable with this choice. If the student is not comfortable, if the student provides different answer each time, the behavior is brought forth for the self’s scrutiny and the Teacher has been informed that the self does not yet know the self, for the self can not decide whether to embrace or to reject a portion of the self.

It is important for each to recognize that it is always the self’s choice to maintain or to change that behavior or characteristic that belongs to the self. The Teacher will not encourage either; rather, the student’s choice informs the Teacher of that which need be taught in future.

Student: I do – the essence of my question being that – we have a Higher Self, we have a soul, we have an inner Teacher…do we also have guides that travel with us or are…is the inner soul, the Higher Self, and the inner Teacher the guides that are referred to in spiritual literature?

It is to understand that the literature that is available to the masses has been written by those who have experienced; these experiences have then been embraced by many, although the experience was never personal. These experiences, proliferated through the ages, have created myth. Do you understand my sister?

Student: I believe so – thank you.

It is important for all to recognize that the consciousness is provided with all - all that would ever be needed. The self never walks alone…never; this embracement, this understanding, once truly incorporated as a part of the self’s thinking allows the self to understand that all experience is personal. Experiences of darkness, as well as experiences of light, are typically those that are anticipated – the seed having been planted by the experience of another. Do all understand my words?

Sol: Do I correctly interpret what you said to mean that our beliefs around this subject are highly tempered by the experiences of others that we may take on as our own in ignoring our uniqueness?


It is the desire of the human, one who is focused upon the scientific, which demands proof; proof demands repetition - that the same experience be duplicated again and again and again. Those individuals indoctrinated by organized religion are told that they will experience if they conduct themselves in a particular fashion; these individuals often do experience that which has been stated, exactly as it has been stated, without variance. Do all understand the reason why science demands duplication?

Sol: I do.

Student: Empirical proof is required by humans to believe…like my Student character, “Prove it to me.”

Loereve: It does seem to be the nature of science in its current form.

Recognition that the human seeks to experience that which has been experienced by others…if this recognition is wholly embraced – that the self is desirous of experiencing that which another has experienced, then true understanding can be achieved of why the self would experience exactly as another has experienced previously.

To see the self is the goal; to uncover all that which lies within to determine that which is truly the self – the self’s wants, needs, desires can only be determined in truth after the revelation of that which lies within - the choices that were made by the self early on and have been reinforced, obedience maintained by the mind. It is to understand that the mind does not like new experience; it is only that which is known, that which is fully understood that is welcomed. Judgment is utilized to prohibit the entry of new experience, of new knowledge, unless the mind has determined that the self will garner the attention, the adoration, the respect of others, through this pursuit.

Recognizing that the mind prohibits the self from experiencing new things is vital to the student who walks the path to healing, for the spiritual experience is that which is unknown, that which is not understood, that which varies from person to person, that which can never be known by the self until the experience has been garnered. It is the mind that prohibits this pursuit. The voice is often unheard by the self – the voice in the background that tells you that you “cannot accomplish this in this lifetime…possibly in the next or the next or the next but certainly not in this lifetime. Here are the reasons why: you are unworthy, you are not good enough, you cannot learn. You do not wish to give up all of these wonderful experiences in exchange for something that you know nothing about, do you?”

The self is convinced that the spiritual experience is not one to be pursued with all that the self has to give, never understanding that only those students who give all that they have to give will accomplish that which is necessary to have the experiences that the heart desires most. It is the experience of the self - of all bodies, of the Higher Self, of the Teacher – that is first for the student. It is much later that the coveted experience…to feel connected to all things, to feel connected to the divine, the sea of unconditional love - it is this that comes much later. Most fail prior to having this experience, for the mind wins, the belief system wins, the ego wins, having convinced the self that that which is known is far better than that which is unknown.

Soon after the student has placed the call to the universe, indicating that the self is prepared for a Teacher, the soul places the call; the Teacher arrives and is noticed by the student – often for the first time. The Teacher has been resident throughout the lifetime, escaping the notice of the self that has been focused upon the earthly experience. It is the Teacher that lies within that has carefully crafted the path that has been walked throughout the lifetime, drawing forth the experiences necessary, so that the self may learn that which has been failed by the self in previous lifetimes. Failure is practically guaranteed in the current lifetime as well; however, if it is time for the Teacher to appear, the likelihood that the self has begun to focus more attention upon the lessons has increased.

Once the Teacher appears the self begins to focus the attention upon all discord, all things negative – those things that come to the surface from the past, disturbing the peace, the tranquility – that which is believed to be balance – of the self, who is working diligently to understand all that has come before. The Teacher attempts to bring clarity frequently so that the student may begin to recognize the self, the self’s pattern – why the self continues to fail, even though great efforts have been expended to change the tide. The student becomes depressed, yet is unable to truly succumb to the pressure of the ego to quit, to cast off the desire to learn in the current lifetime; rather, to make a decision that the self will learn no more in this lifetime – the next lifetime or the next or the next or the next shall become the target. The Teacher continues to draw forth lesson, recognizing that the student has grown tired, recognizing the possibility that the student may decide to quit at any moment. The student has become combative, has informed the Teacher that the self is not desirous of lesson any longer, that the life experience has become unfavorable since the Teacher’s arrival.

To battle the belief system, the Teacher must work diligently, drawing forth that which lies within the self – that which has been learned through many countless lifetimes; for unless the wisdom is drawn forth from within - the knowingness that is unimpeachable, that cannot be taken away from the self regardless of the pressures brought to bear – unless this is brought forth, the student will forget the worthwhile nature of that which has been pursued consciously in the lifetime. The path of reconnection to divinity is long and arduous, desired by many, accomplished by few, [due to] failure to recognize the knowledge that lies within the self. To honor the knowingness that has no foundation, no root, is the goal.

To understand the process that is being employed to bring forth my voice is unimportant to most. To recognize that the majority of humanity has yet to reach the point where the self can hear clearly that which is just on the other side of, what is referred to as, the veil – from one dimension to the next – for the mind interferes; the mind is of course the interpreter and the mind can only interpret that which is found within. It is the belief system that taints the message. For instance, if the self believes in God, the self will interpret that the voice is indeed the voice of God – it has no other name, no other way of being viewed other than God. Many who maintain the Christian faith would potentially place the name of Jesus upon the consciousness; it is this that I offer as example alone, to emphasize that the mind jumps to conclusion, analyzes based on that which is known to the self - that which is unknown to the self is far more difficult for the mind to interpret. As long as the individual allows the mind to be the interpreter, the message will be tainted; for the self’s belief system is indeed the interpreter.

Energies have been drawn forth and example provided to uncover the belief that knowledge that is not known by Te' Auna can indeed be received through this channel - there is great desire on the part of Te' Auna to bring forth that which is currently unknown; however, the underlying belief - that this knowledge would not be received – this thought has been fulfilled by myself, until Te' Auna could recognize the belief and choose to destroy it for the self.

Recognizing that the self is capable, Te' Auna, of drawing forth that which is not known by the self, when it is desired with right purpose, in order to aid the self or another upon the spiritual path. Knowledge is pivotal to understanding, for it allows all three bodies to embrace that which has been learned.

Distortion occurs in the translation of the message – that which has been sent forth by higher consciousness and is then translated by those in a lesser dimension. It is important to understand that the message is always one of love. The mind as interpreter can take the message and change it significantly or in an insignificant fashion – one that causes the message to lean towards direction versus guidance. Any message that says that the human must or should be a particular way, or must or should conduct the self in a particular fashion is not the message that originates with higher consciousness, for choice has been circumvented.

It is my desire to eliminate the beliefs that would cause misinterpretation by Te' Auna. It is a part of the cleansing process; cleansing heart, mind and body of all that which prohibits the self from allowing, accepting universally, all that which is experienced upon this planet. The typical individual has many ‘can’s and cannots’, ‘must and must nots’ stored within the belief system. It is important to recognize that all humans must experience all things – it is not the desire of higher consciousness to circumvent the experiences of a single consciousness.

It is my honor to join you this day, the first day of the new year, one wherein most upon the Earth decide that this year their life will be different - they will become different. We are all aware of the result for the majority. Failure is experienced early, dedication and commitment falter - the change shall be delayed until next year when life is not so challenged.

I should like to take some time this day to teach, to provide knowledge of that which I believe will aid each of you in better understanding the path. It is my desire to provide answer based upon the conversation that was had just a short time prior to this teaching.

The Teacher must be ever cautious about providing answer to the student that may not yet be prepared to hear that which is referred to by those in these higher realms as knowledge. Those in the lower realms refer to it as truth, yet truth is personal to the self is it not? Each individual regards the self’s beliefs as truth. The goal for all students who walk the path to healing is to open the self to knowledge, recognizing that knowledge is merely that which has been earned by the self through many lifetimes. Those who hold tightly to their beliefs and determine that other knowledge – that which conflicts with the self’s - need be rejected, for great jeopardy is posed to the self who is not yet ready to relinquish the belief system.

The consciousness is not the soul nor is the consciousness the Higher Self. The consciousness is the repository of all experience for all lifetimes, both physical and non-physical. This repository is often referred to upon this Earth plane as the Monad. The Monad is the Creator, which is often referred to when one is seeking solace. The Monad, of course, is connected to Source, that which is known as All-That-Is or God upon this Earth plane. The soul or the Higher Self is indeed one entity that is not, nor will it ever be, physical in nature; it experiences through that which it creates, guiding, nurturing, counseling, loving, hating. All emotions are expressed through the Higher Self and are then filtered back to the Monad, the end result being that which is the purpose of the existence of all that has been created – to experience, to understand all things. This is a very simplistic explanation – one that each has learned in previous lifetimes. It is now time to understand who you are as an individual within this hierarchy of Monad to Higher Self to that which has been created to experience in the physical.

The Monad has created the Higher Self, lending it that which is needed in order to experience in the realms that are available that are not physical in nature. The experience of the Higher Self begins in the lowest kingdom – that which is known as the mineral kingdom, and progresses very, very slowly through each realm – [the plant], the animal, followed by the human, followed by the etheric. Our explanation shall not reach above this, for it is the next level alone that each has the possibility of experiencing in this lifetime. Each individual present is a part of a being of higher consciousness different from every other person present. It is rare, however it is possible, that two can be in the physical realm and can connect with each other that belong to the same Creator. Again, this is extremely rare and is mentioned only to put to rest questions that may arise in future.

It is indeed the Creator that has goals, purpose – that which has been striven for through time that is unimaginable to the human. It is important that each make the recognition that the Creator of the self is present with you at all times. It is difficult to fathom how this can be, for this Creator has created many individuals; suffice it to say that time is not an issue for the Creator. Turning the attention upon the student - the creation, informs the Creator of all that is needed. Guidance is provided to the Higher Self who then attempts to teach.

It is the individual that decides whether or not this lifetime will be one of progress or failure. The connection grows ever stronger as the individual seeks that connection and proves through the actions of the self that this presence is desired, that the self is willing to experience all that the Creator needs to experience in order to accomplish the goals set countless years, millennia, previous. Each individual has experienced many, many, countless incarnations, countless existences and yet as stated earlier, all that remains for the self – the new self in each incarnation – is the aversion to certain activities or the drawing to others. Memories are withheld, for they can be destructive to the new individual. Information is provided in order to assist, never to engorge the sense of self that seeks such.

The goal of the student who walks the path to healing is to learn the lessons, to change the behaviors, to instill, to embed the behaviors deep within, to change the self’s thinking, the core belief system from one of self-doubt, mistrust, dislike, not-love to one of love, trust, faith, hope, for when these are a part of the core belief system, the lesson plan is readily integrated and cast aside, thereby enabling service for the balance of the lifetime. To love the self, to love all others is easily accomplished once the self begins to recognize the lessons.

The typical individual has many cans and cannots, musts and must nots stored within the belief system. It is important to recognize that all humans must experience all things – it is not the desire of higher consciousness to circumvent the experiences of a single consciousness.