mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Challenge

It is important for each present to recognize the feeling deep within the self, whenever the self is presented with challenge. Feelings of defensiveness, of the urgency to defend, rise up unbidden, surprising the self with their vehemence, oftentimes shocking the other who merely seeks to assist the self. Recognizing that defensiveness and the need to protect the self indicate that lesson is active is critical to the student who walks the path to healing.

It is important for you to recognize that the ego seeks to be fed, the ego seeks to be right; affirmation need be received from the teacher to the student. Challenge is the duty of the teacher – to question the student, “Is this how you feel? Are you certain? Are you certain? Are you certain? Are you certain?” Why does the teacher ask the student so many times if they are certain? Because it is often that the student responds to the 3rd inquiry, “I am uncertain.” It is the duty of the teacher to get to the base, the root of the issue, assisting the student to see the self fully, as completely as possible, in a short period of time, compared to that which would be needed if the self were performing self-observation alone. The majority of students who perform self-observation progress very, very slowly, for it is the ego that is providing the observations. It is important for you to recognize my sister, that the defensiveness that resides within, the demand for feeding that you endorse readily is what provides you with the feelings of challenge, of unhappiness, following these teachings. Do you understand my words?

Student: I think so – that the hunger is the same here as everyplace else.

Indeed. Do you believe that it would be in your highest and best interests for Te' Auna to smile at you and to say, “Indeed – my student you are so clever…you are so bright, so intelligent.”

Student: I wouldn’t believe her. I wouldn’t believe her for a minute. I might like it in the moment but I wouldn’t believe her cause deep down inside I don’t think it’s true.

And so why do you seek these words my student?

Student: That’s a good question. Maybe I want to believe it’s true and maybe that’s just part of the story.

What portion of the self seeks these words?

Student: I think it’s the little kid in me.

It is story, my sister – the child was well fed, was it not?

Student: Okay.

It is the adult that has been starved. It is speaking in terms of, “It is the little kid within me that seeks adoration and praise” - that you believe garners acceptance for this behavior. It is indeed the adult that seeks the praise that was received as a child. Do you understand?

Student: I do – thank you.

It was as a child that praise was garnered for minimal effort; it is now as adult that the self is desirous of praise for minimal effort. Am I correct my sister?

Student: Probably – I have stories around being a child and being not praised in any way, so the stories I’ve told myself may have colored the real.

Indeed. It is time for you to begin to see the self my sister; it is time for you to begin listening to the teacher that I have drawn you to.

Student: I agree with you.

I am Osiris. It is my duty to draw forth all that which is qualified as negative; this qualification has been made by one who reviews the self’s behavior and determines that the self’s response is prohibiting accomplishment of the goal - to be love. All other experience is merely experience to be embraced by the self as experience that was necessary. I draw forth those behaviors that have been recognized by the unconscious self as detrimental by calling forth lesson that will engage the same response as that which has been provided previously. I first call forth those energies that have been embedded within the tissues, deep inside the body, so that response is immediate, powerful, garnering the attention of the self; those situations that are merely an irritation, a frustration, do not garner the attention as is desired by my self. By drawing forth energies that reside within the self, I am able to utilize minimal energies here upon the planet in order to engage the student.

It is important for each student to recognize that when the self is engaged negative energies from many previous failed lessons have been utilized to amplify the response of the self. It is to recognize that I, Osiris, am now with you - for, if you are capable of focusing the attention upon the Teacher knowing that I have utilized that which lies within the self…I have drawn forth another to aid you in lesson recognition - this realization alone should aid the self in overcoming the emotional response that is demanded by those unhealed portions of the self. For the trigger response - that which is immediate - is merely habit, that which is chosen, the behaviors that have been most successful for the self in the past, in ridding the self of the challenge in the moment. It is important for each to realize that elimination of the challenge is indeed the goal of the ego – to put it away as rapidly as possible. The student who walks the path to healing is then told by the ego that the self has not really become upset or engaged at all. “Look at how quickly I eliminated that challenge. In the past it would have upset me, disturbed me greatly, and now I have placed it away quite rapidly” - this is the ego’s attempt to trick the self into believing that the self is different, that the self has changed, for the self no longer becomes upset; rather, the self is discarding challenge rapidly.

The Teacher would refer to this experience as challenge; challenge to determine if the student sees the lesson clearly, challenge to see if the student is willing to abort field connection and to be different this time. Many opportunities are provided to the student to see that the self’s focus is indeed misfocused, drawn to that which is unimportant for the student who walks the path to healing. I am Osiris. I provide lessons to my students to determine if the will is indeed that which is needed, to determine if the student is capable of recognizing the lesson or if the ego will be indulged once again.

It is to recognize that the activity that surrounds one’s desire to know and to heal the self invites judgment from all others who seek the endorsement of the self’s rightness, of the self’s way of being. One who is committed to knowing and healing the self no longer endorses another’s behavior that is indicative of one who need observe the self more closely, of one who need choose, more frequently, different direction. The individual that determines to know and to heal the self finds the self turning the back to most all relationships that were previously important to the self, for this is the only way that success can be tasted. The self that chooses to maintain these relationships with those who have determined that change is not desirable is one that will continually be challenged. This is, of course, appropriate. The student must choose for the self that which is most appropriate for the self, casting aside all example provided to the self by others. By making this statement, I wish to expand and explain that there are those within the spiritual arena that say “all must be cast aside” and there are others that say “all must be maintained” – it is for the self to choose for the self, it is for the self to know those challenges that are appropriate and those challenges that are extraordinary. The self will be guided by the inner Teacher if the self chooses to listen.

To understand the nature of learning one must focus the attention upon the self of the past, the self of the present and to begin to visualize the self of the future. Failure to do so results in lesson failure for unless the self sees the self of the past in the self of the present, the self of the future shall continue forth unimpeded. Learning the lesson means total integration of that which has been presented to the self; this means that challenge is presented – no thought, no care, nor concern is afforded to the challenge – the self immediately responds lovingly, of the light, dispelling negativity that may have been brought forth in order to test the self, allowing negativity to remain if the lesson is being provided to another.

The student believes that the self is learning once the lesson plan is recognized; in reality, emotion is what is recognized – the response of the self, that which has been automatic for many, many years – potentially many, many lifetimes – those responses that are supplied by the field belonging to the lesson plans of the self. Recognizing that the self need be patient, need expand the view beyond the self, to welcome others that the self finds annoying, irritating, frustrating – those that the self judges frequently – to welcome them to spend more time in the self’s presence; for it is in this way that the self sees the self – all those things that irritate, frustrate, anger and potentially cause sorrow within the self are things that reside within the self awaiting recognition, awaiting resolution.

The typical student isolates the self, particularly from those situations where irritation, frustration, anger or sorrow could be experienced and begins to tune out those individuals that annoy, irritate, frustrate or anger the self; it excludes the self from all situations that may challenge the self. The self stops drinking and smoking and the self stops placing the self in situations with others who drink, with others who smoke. It is telling the self, “I need more time. I cannot challenge myself at this time…I am not strong enough,” only to find that many months may pass, oftentimes years, and once the self begins to expose the self to these situations, the self finds that the self is still too weak to be challenged. It is to challenge the self early on; to provide the self with as much challenge as possible while the self’s resolve is strong, while the desire within is unimpeachable, while the self easily and readily casts aside all that which says that the self may not make it, that the self may fail. Recognizing the task – to learn – is multi-phased; it is awareness, identification, followed by recognition, followed by choice – to retain or to change. The choice of the self informs the Teacher of that which need be learned in future; all choice made by the self is honored by the Teacher. The Teacher is, in fact, delighted that the student is now choosing.

It has been my honor to join this circle of seeking this day for the sharing of wisdom. I ask that each of you focus upon the heart, drawing forth the love that lies deeply within each of you, for the true Self resides deep within. Recognizing that the Self is capable of love unconditional, acceptance universal will guide you to do just that each time you are challenged by another, regardless of the confusion felt by the self, regardless of the response most desired by the ego, by the field – a response that ensures your failure. To be different means to embrace that the self is capable of being different; to use the time to access that which lies deep within the self, to feel it, to taste it, to experience it deeply, so that when the self is challenged, all the self need do is turn inward to the reservoir that springs eternal, boundless, for it is this that ensures that the lesson will be recognized, that the self will indeed learn. I am Osiris. I am love.

Soon after the student has placed the call to the universe, indicating that the self is prepared for a Teacher, the soul places the call; the Teacher arrives and is noticed by the student – often for the first time. The Teacher has been resident throughout the lifetime, escaping the notice of the self that has been focused upon the earthly experience. It is the Teacher that lies within that has carefully crafted the path that has been walked throughout the lifetime, drawing forth the experiences necessary, so that the self may learn that which has been failed by the self in previous lifetimes. Failure is practically guaranteed in the current lifetime as well; however, if it is time for the Teacher to appear, the likelihood that the self has begun to focus more attention upon the lessons has increased.

Once the Teacher appears the self begins to focus the attention upon all discord, all things negative – those things that come to the surface from the past, disturbing the peace, the tranquility – that which is believed to be balance – of the self, who is working diligently to understand all that has come before. The Teacher attempts to bring clarity frequently so that the student may begin to recognize the self, the self’s pattern – why the self continues to fail, even though great efforts have been expended to change the tide. The student becomes depressed, yet is unable to truly succumb to the pressure of the ego to quit, to cast off the desire to learn in the current lifetime; rather, to make a decision that the self will learn no more in this lifetime – the next lifetime or the next or the next or the next shall become the target. The Teacher continues to draw forth lesson, recognizing that the student has grown tired, recognizing the possibility that the student may decide to quit at any moment. The student has become combative, has informed the Teacher that the self is not desirous of lesson any longer, that the life experience has become unfavorable since the Teacher’s arrival.

To battle the belief system, the Teacher must work diligently, drawing forth that which lies within the self – that which has been learned through many countless lifetimes; for unless the wisdom is drawn forth from within - the knowingness that is unimpeachable, that cannot be taken away from the self regardless of the pressures brought to bear – unless this is brought forth, the student will forget the worthwhile nature of that which has been pursued consciously in the lifetime. The path of reconnection to divinity is long and arduous, desired by many, accomplished by few, [due to] failure to recognize the knowledge that lies within the self. To honor the knowingness that has no foundation, no root, is the goal.

To understand the challenges is to understand the self; to know the self is to uncover all that which lies within that creates dissatisfaction, that manufactures turmoil, that instigates the battles that rage between Teacher and student, prohibiting the student from learning and the Teacher from teaching.

It is important for each to recognize that there are many, many, many tactics employed by the Teacher to make certain that the student understands the lesson that is being presented. As each present is fully cognizant, the ego does not have intelligence; it is merely informed response – informed by prior use. It is the Teacher that offers alternative methods to the student who walks the path to healing. The student that embraces these “escape hatches”- shall we say - is the student that will continue to be challenged by similar lesson in future, until the self recognizes that the lesson has not yet been learned, has not yet been fully identified, fully recognized, therefore cannot be fully integrated. By pursuing answer for the self, the self is then capable of aiding another in future when the self questions another’s view of that which is being experienced; it is to be able to draw forth the personal experience of the self – to state, “I, too, fooled myself. I too believed that I was dealing with the issue, the lesson at hand, because I no longer became upset with issues that disturbed me greatly prior to setting forth upon my path.”

Those who are unable to share of the self with another, to state that the self still struggles with particular issues, is the student that will continue to fail, for the Teacher will continue to offer alternative routes and the student will continue to embrace them. It is important for each student to recognize that the only way to learn the lesson is to face it square on, to embrace the feelings of the self – of anger, of sorrow, of helplessness, of hopelessness - and to call forth the assistance of the teacher, either physical or spiritual. Those students present are in need of the physical teacher, for the ego is the voice that responds to the self most frequently when the self is being challenged.

To understand the nature of learning one must focus the attention upon the self of the past, the self of the present and to begin to visualize the self of the future. Failure to do so results in lesson failure for unless the self sees the self of the past in the self of the present, the self of the future shall continue forth unimpeded. Learning the lesson means total integration of that which has been presented to the self; this means that challenge is presented – no thought, no care, nor concern is afforded to the challenge – the self immediately responds lovingly, of the light, dispelling negativity that may have been brought forth in order to test the self, allowing negativity to remain if the lesson is being provided to another.

To all students who walk the path of healing I greet you in the name of the Father.

The path is long and winding, often regarded as interminably long and difficult, one that provides challenge, one that brings little joy until the self begins to understand the goal of the lifetime – to know and to heal the self. This is the goal of all lifetimes – to know the self, to understand the self, and to begin to heal the wounds that have been created due to the self’s response to lesson presentation in this, as well as in previous lifetimes. The recognition of the lesson plan for the self is a gift, received by few in number, for the self is rarely capable of understanding the guidance provided by the self’s Teacher. Those damaged portions of the self continue to struggle to maintain the hold upon the self that insures failure; failure has been experienced thousands upon thousands of times and the self’s response honed, guaranteeing that the self will not see the self, regardless of the number of mirrors called by the Teacher.

It is only when the student begins to awaken and states with certainty, “I am prepared to see myself. I am prepared to do all that which is requested of me, for my goal is to know, to understand and thereby heal myself in this lifetime. I seek the support of my Teacher to aid me in maintaining my presence in this dimension until I have learned all possible to provide me with foundation excellent in which to begin my next incarnation.” Lifetime after lifetime the Teacher guides the self to embrace and to understand the self, to begin to change the tide of that which lies deep within the self that is more desirous of failure than of success. When the student awakens, truly awakens and states to the Teacher, “I seek to learn” – the Teacher will test the student many times to make certain that the will and the fortitude have been endorsed sufficiently to allow traversal of the path once again.

All challenge provided to the self is intended to build, to strengthen the will, to ensure that the wall of fortitude is as impenetrable as possible. The student that surveys the self and sees the weakness within the self need step forth and seek assistance from the Teacher directly, from others that the Teacher may draw to you, so that the next step and the next step may be realized as the weakness is transmuted to strength. It is only through the recognition of the self that this becomes possible; it is the duty of the lesson plan to blind the self from the self, to prohibit the self from recognition of that which lies within. It is indeed to know, to understand the self that endorses healing.

It has been my honor to join you this day for the sharing of wisdom. I am with you as I am with all consciousnesses who inhabit the Earth at this time. I am known as Kuthumi.

It is my honor to assist each of you in your journey to understanding. Recognition that difficulty, challenge, within the life experience is necessary, for it strengthens the will, enabling the self to see the struggle of another through fresh eyes – eyes that have witnessed the struggle of the self. It is to not forget the struggle of the self, for if forgotten the inner Teacher shall be charged with the mission to draw forth the experience for the self once again.

To understand the journey that lies ahead for all consciousnesses is the goal of the student. “Where does this path lead?” is the question most asked of the Teacher. The majority of the time the student is ignored, for it is believed that if the student is cognizant that the path leads to darkness, pain - that which can often be perceived as sorrow – that the student will choose to abandon the path. Once the student has proven that the self is indeed desirous of knowing and healing the self – it is then the Teacher’s choice to inform the student of that which lies ahead or to continue to ask the student to walk in darkness, not knowing what may be met in the next or the next or the next step. Why would the Teacher ask the student to walk in darkness my brother Sol An Ka?

Sol: I think it’s a test of the student’s faith and will and desire to return to his divinity.

My sister (Student) – would you respond to the same query please?

Student: I go back to experience all things…you’ve told us we have all experienced all things and as students we need to remember so we can feel it all.

My brother Loereve?

Loereve: I think oftentimes the student may or may not have learned the lessons of darkness. If the Teacher feels the student needs to walk there then I think the Teacher has determined that there are still…something for the student to learn. And then again, maybe the student has determined that as well…so I think it could be the Teacher or the student.

It is important to note that my query is focused on the Teacher asking the student to walk in darkness rather than informing the student of that which lies ahead. Would any student like to address this query once again?

Student: My Teacher…the things that I hold onto when I’m challenged and struggling are my faith and my trust and my belief and I think for me, walking through darkness is knowing, learning to know and heal myself because I will be…initially…as you have pointed out, I was completely immersed in darkness. If you ask me to walk in darkness then I trust the Teacher, then I’ll walk in darkness. That’s the deal. That’s what I agreed to…to trust my Teacher to take me where I need to go.

Why would I ask you to do so my sister?

Student: Cause it’s necessary.

Indeed. Indeed. It is important for all students to focus upon this statement, “The Teacher seeks that which is necessary.” Please repeat that statement to me my brother Sol An Ka.

Sol: The Teacher seeks that which is necessary.

Drawing forth the love that the self feels for the Teacher during times of challenge will aid the student in surmounting any and all obstacles that have been placed to ensure lesson failure. It is to state within the heart until the mind grasps the belief, the thinking, “The Teacher seeks nothing unnecessary. All that the Teacher seeks is necessary. I shall never be challenged unless I require the challenge.” It is to welcome all challenge, knowing that it is exactly what the self needs in order to learn.

It is to recognize the goal of the self – to be love at all times; to love the self, to endorse the self, to love the other, to endorse the other, to recognize that which is challenge to the self or to the other, and to discuss it openly and willingly while being love.

What does it mean to be love? What does this mean, truly and indeed to the common man? To be love is to be weak, to allow others to take advantage of the self, to allow others to judge the self, to allow another to dominate, control, to repress, to deny the self. To be love is to allow all others around the self to be in lesson, for the lesson of another has no impact on the self whatsoever when the self is being love; for love does not question, love does not judge. Love is care less of the goal of another to be in control - to attempt to dominate, to seek the desires, the wants, the needs of the self over those belonging to another; love recognizes lesson and responds appropriately for the self, allowing the other to be who the self has chosen to be. Love questions to determine if the other is aware that the self’s behavior is detrimental to others; if the response of the one questioned is that the behavior is recognized then the self determined to be love embraces the other, recognizing the path that the self has most recently departed - one that was not yet love.

To understand that love is the goal eliminates all argument put forth by the ego, the unhealed portion of the self. Gently reminding the self to be love is the answer to all experience that is perceived to be detrimental, that is perceived to be negative, that is perceived to be challenge, for challenge strengthens the self. Challenge is the purpose of the lifetime for one who has decided to be different. To be different can not be accomplished unless the self is consistently challenged, for only then can proof be provided by the self – their response time after time after time after time after time, appropriate - until the response no longer requires thinking, until the self is automatically responding as love.