mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Composite Self

Recognition of the stories that the self has put forth is necessary my sister – that the self was deprived, that the self had little, when the self actually was enjoying abundance. It was the lesson plan that prohibited you from recognizing that which was being experienced, for the ego was ravenous, desirous of more. In order to motivate you, to push you to gain more, the self was made to believe that the self had little.

It is to recognize the voice from within my sister and to become the voice that retrains all that which lies within.

The voice that tells you ‘you are struggling’, that ‘you do not have enough’ – it is the outer voice that need say, “Look at the bounty before me.” There are many upon this planet that not only do not have access to this bounty but if they did they could not purchase that which you yourself have before you. It is to state to the self frequently, “I have all that I need and more. There are many around me that have much less than I; I am fortunate indeed. It is when the heart begins to believe, it is when the mind begins to believe – it is when the heart and the mind connect that the self can state without hesitation, “I have everything that I need and more.” It is to state your gratitude daily my sister, each time you receive the food into the body; it is to bless it, to make it sacred and to give thanks, to be grateful, to express this gratitude with the energies of the heart, for it is this that will awaken within the self true gratitude for all that the self has. This alone silences the voice of the composite selves that state, “We do not have enough. We shall never have enough. It is others that have our bounty.”

The battle rages within to prohibit others from knowing the self; holding onto every shred of evidence is the duty of the ego – that which condemns and, for many, that which enshrines the self known in the current lifetime. It is difficult for the inner Teacher to bring forth that which lies within the self. Lifetime after lifetime, the inner Teacher determines how the self will respond to the information provided – will it destroy the life experience or will it enliven the ego to massive proportions, wherein the self becomes ensnared in the being that was exhibited by the consciousness previously, to the detriment of the current lifetime? Knowledge of previous lifetimes is often helpful, for the self can begin to understand the self by reviewing previous selves behaviors, seeing clearly those behaviors that have been with the self for many, many lifetimes – an aversion to responsibility, addictions, an inability to embrace the self’s intellect, an inability to step outside of that which is known as the mental pursuits.

The self born in each lifetime begins anew until the bodies join the new self, drawing forth behaviors and characteristics - tendencies, phobias, addictions – all those things earned by previous selves in previous incarnations – those that have yet to be understood, examined and destroyed. I refer to those things that are negative in impact to the self’s progress upon the path, the spiritual path – the path that will return the self to the original state of divinity. As long as the behaviors remain with the self and are viewed as singular in nature - an issue of this lifetime alone - the individual can be greatly overwhelmed at the degree of difficulty at shifting the behaviors. Addiction, in particular, is most difficult for the inner Teacher to break through the belief system of the current self sufficiently, so that change may be effected in the current and subsequent lifetimes. Failure to recognize the addiction, to understand that it is merely misunderstood desire, guarantees that the addiction will be enlivened once again in future lifetimes. The self who is able to eliminate addictions in the current lifetime and who then prohibits the self from partaking is quite likely to be tested and to fail once again in subsequent lifetimes. It is to recognize that all is choice and that choice can only be made when all things have been understood.

Loereve: I have a question – how does the inner Teacher determine what to bring forward and what not to at any particular time?

It is that which is most important to the student at this time. For the student with addiction, it is if the addiction has become so detrimental as to prohibit the student’s ability to focus elsewhere; it is then that the Teacher will draw forth recognition and seek resolution by relentlessly drawing forth one after another after another that reflects the image of the self and the self’s behavior.

It is indeed a long and arduous journey pursuing a path that will return the self to the state of divinity that was experienced prior to entering this dimension. The common man is unable to embrace that this journey is desirable, for from the outside looking in, it is filled with misery, sacrifice, pain - the joys of this world tarnished, no longer desirable; rather, the self is focused upon removing the layers that have been placed, creating the burden that now hides the true self belonging to the consciousness. Lifetime after lifetime, the composite shifts, changes, and is provided with challenge, pleasure - both new experience and old, that which has been experienced in previous lifetimes; it is the experiences of previous lifetimes, profound experiences of joy or abject misery that linger, surrounding the new self, drawing or repelling the new self to or from experiences in the current lifetime. Those consciousnesses that awaken and determine that the self is ‘fed up’ with this life, ‘sick and tired’ of existing within this dimension, are those who have endured many lifetimes of lessons that have typically been failed, preparing the self for the lifetime when success can most likely be tasted, if only the consciousness can awaken to the self’s true potential.

The student who walks the path to healing begins by garnering knowledge, often through books, persons that are regarded as persons of knowledge, as well as those close to the self; much is adopted from others, embraced by the self and made the own. The path is long and arduous, oftentimes knowledge maintained within is found to be erroneous – that which need be discarded, that which is difficult to uncover, for it has become a solid component within the belief system; a component that is oftentimes well hidden from the self, from others – indeed, from all except the inner Teacher.

The beliefs begin with those maintained regarding the self. If the self feels good about the self, then most generally the self will also feel good about others. If the self trusts the self, the self most likely will trust most others. If the self has faith in the self, the self can usually place the faith of the self in another. To love the self is to find within the self the ability to love another. The student that does not like the self, that does not trust nor have faith in the self, will generally not like others, will most assuredly not have faith or trust another. It is important to understand that this is a core belief – one that has been brought into the incarnation from previous incarnations; for it is the composite self that need be recognized, that will indeed be the focus of the current lifetime.

To recognize the self is the first step, for without recognition one is merely dancing in the dark, shadowboxing that which is believed to be at issue. If the self is willing to embrace that the belief system contains all that which has been learned and all that which has been failed in subsequent lifetimes, so that the self may benefit, so that the self may learn in this lifetime, thereby creating the composite for the next lifetime. To improve the plight of the self is the goal, to learn the lessons at hand is that which is most desired by the inner Teacher – that all lesson presented shall be embraced, reviewed by the self, questions put forth until understanding has been achieved; for the inner Teacher continues to bring forth those issues that shall guide the self to recognition of core beliefs that serve to maintain the unhealed nature of the self throughout the incarnation. The lesson plan presented merely exacerbates, massages shall we say, that which is felt by the composite self; for all lesson plans have been experienced by all humans upon the planet at this time.

The result is that the self is unique; the self may respond in any number of ways to lesson presented. Taking a student with the same lesson plan as another is certain to provide two unique responses, as the composite self has had experiences that vary from the other’s; uniqueness, variety – these classifications, these descriptions can most assuredly be placed upon the human. It is my goal to draw forth from within each present that which signifies what could be regarded as damage to the psyche – that which has become a part of the belief system as it regards the self; for at the end of each incarnation, the self is provided with opportunity to iterate that which was learned in the just ended lifetime. The majority of consciousnesses judge the self harshly, failing to draw forth that which was learned, that which was positive in nature, that which can be taken into the next lifetime to aid the self with lesson integration.

The goal of the student who walks the path to healing is to learn the lessons, to change the behaviors, to instill, to embed the behaviors deep within, to change the self’s thinking, the core belief system from one of self-doubt, mistrust, dislike, not-love to one of love, trust, faith, hope, for when these are a part of the core belief system, the lesson plan is readily integrated and cast aside, thereby enabling service for the balance of the lifetime. To love the self, to love all others is easily accomplished once the self begins to recognize the lessons.

To recognize the self is the first step, for without recognition one is merely dancing in the dark, shadowboxing that which is believed to be at issue. If the self is willing to embrace that the belief system contains all that which has been learned and all that which has been failed in subsequent lifetimes, so that the self may benefit, so that the self may learn in this lifetime, thereby creating the composite for the next lifetime. To improve the plight of the self is the goal, to learn the lessons at hand is that which is most desired by the inner Teacher – that all lesson presented shall be embraced, reviewed by the self, questions put forth until understanding has been achieved; for the inner Teacher continues to bring forth those issues that shall guide the self to recognition of core beliefs that serve to maintain the unhealed nature of the self throughout the incarnation. The lesson plan presented merely exacerbates, massages shall we say, that which is felt by the composite self; for all lesson plans have been experienced by all humans upon the planet at this time. The result is that the self is unique; the self may respond in any number of ways to lesson presented.

It is important for all students to recognize that the belief system did not originate in this lifetime; indeed, all are composites, all have lived many, many lifetimes. All have experienced many, many things. All have learned many lessons. All have failed many others. That which continues to distress the self, that which continues to result in lesson failure in this lifetime, are those lessons that have yet to be learned. The belief system is the source of all energies that result in failure for the student – failure to embrace that it is the self’s thinking that waters, that nurtures the belief system states that the student has yet to experience adequately in order to reveal that which is faulty that lies within. The Teacher will continue to draw forth lesson after lesson after lesson in an attempt to show the student that which is believed by the self, that which is known to be faulty by the inner Teacher, that which has yet to be discovered as such by the self.

Recognizing the self is the most difficult task for the student; regardless of the number of individuals that have informed the self of how they see the self, it is often refusal that is drawn forth as the self prefers the illusion that has been drawn for the self of the self. Shattering the illusion is often an emotional experience that could last for minutes, hours or even days; it is suggested for the student to spend time in nature, to see the truth in nature – that which is displayed without shield or covering, that cannot run and hide. It is when the consciousness moves into the second kingdom that particular assets are garnered to aid the self in camouflaging the self from predators; it is within the 3rd and the 4th kingdom that the human begins to shield the self from what is believed to be predators, with the façade, the armor, the characters, believing that the self is protecting the self from those who may seek to damage.

It is many, many, many lifetimes before the self awakens to the characters that have been created; these characters are created through experience – those ways of being that have been adopted by the self, reinforced by the lesson plan, and carried forward into the next and the next and the next lifetime, until the self awakens, recognizes the character and commits the self to destruction, deconstruction of the character. Failure to recognize the character insures that the self will continue forth on the self’s path blind, believing that the self is who the self feels the self to be, thinking that all others outside of the self, who bring forth a different image of the self, are all incorrect. It is the lesson plan of Denial and the lesson plan of Separation – both of these lesson plans have the strength funneled to the ego sufficient to truly believe that all, all those surrounding the self are incorrect. All other lesson plans are likely to listen.

It is not to state that the energies will be increased if you have both lesson plans; either lesson plan is adequate to feed the ego sufficiently to discard the opinion of all others surrounding the self. To recognize the character is to look to the self – each moment of each day, to say, “Is this who I truly seek to be or is there a pall upon me…is there a false gaiety? Who am I in this moment…am I different than I was 5 moments earlier, one hour earlier, one day earlier…would I be this individual with any other that came before me or would I become different, dependent upon who was in front of me?” For if the self is different, the self maintains characters and the character need be identified to determine why the self continues to draw forth these behaviors – what success is being tasted due to their presence?

The character is merely fabrication - the personality, the behaviors, the characteristics that are attributed to the persona that the self believes is more successful than that which is maintained by the true self. Lifetime after lifetime the personality has garnered these morsels, these behaviors, characteristics that are comfortable - so comfortable in fact they are exhibited lifetime after lifetime. As our sister has mentioned the character of the “Hot Babe” - it is the character that dishonors and disrespects others, that diminishes others by believing, exuding the persona that sexual energy can control another, that it is the desire of the self to control another by drawing forth sexual energies. Lifetime after lifetime was invested in this behavior my sister, including this lifetime; it has not been terribly successful for you, although you’ve been provided with story that it was. It was the ego that was fed; it was the self that readily embraced that the self was indeed successful - the self was not. The self lost the life several times due to these behaviors. It is important for you to recognize that the lesson plan of Shame has been provided to you, so that you can recognize these behaviors – casting them aside, understanding that failure is imminent, whenever these energies are employed to control another.

The character is created by the individual; it could be characteristics, behaviors that have been drawn forth from previous lifetime, or it could simply be behaviors that have been observed by the self in childhood - those behaviors that were successful for another that have been adopted by the self. It is as with the self that chooses to walk another’s path – the behaviors that have been embraced for the self that do not belong to the self are rarely successful. All behaviors that are embraced that do not belong to the self are referred to as characters. It is to recognize that the lesson plan provides behaviors and characteristics to the self in the current lifetime to make certain that the lessons are indeed drawn forth for the self so that the self may learn. Behaviors and characteristics that are drawn forth from previous lifetimes become characters, for they do not truly belong to the self in the current lifetime. They are what is referred to as the composite – those behaviors that have remained with the self; the self is drawn to particular behaviors, as our sister has been with the misuse of sexual energy. It is important to understand that the behaviors and characteristics provided to the self in the current lifetime are indeed characters, for the true self does not maintain these energies. The character is merely a facet of the ego.

Recognition that the composite selves all employ characters is necessary for the self that is desirous of change, for change does not come until the self has identified, recognized that which will serve to ensure failure in future. It is the characters that need be surveyed. Why would I say this my sister?

Student: Because I have the ability to create characters on the spot to keep myself from seeing or knowing myself in any given moment and recognizing those characters means recognizing my ego and the function of the lesson plan that keeps me separate from my heart and my true self. Have I got it or is there more?

It is important my sister to recognize that you are not creating the character; the character has been created – the character is merely drawn forth, the character is merely provided with center stage. It is the self’s failure to recognize that permission has been granted to the character prior to its appearance, for the self has determined that the self cannot cope without the presence of the character. It is the character that will assume the duty that will carry the self through the crisis. Do you understand?

Student: Perhaps. The image I’m getting is that the character is part of the armor – that the characters are the shields or the defense mechanisms.

The character is the armor, my sister.

Student: I see. So it’s the character that stands between my true self and understanding?

It is the character that defends and protects. It is the character that manages, that directs, based upon the programming that eliminates the lesson. Do you understand?

Student: Eliminate the lesson as in hiding until it goes away?

Whatever is needed to ensure lesson failure is what is employed by the characters my sister, for lesson failure is the goal of the lesson plan. It is to recall my sister that each character pursues damage of the other under the guise of protection of the self; this is the demand of the lesson plan. To make the recognition - that the character has appeared to defend, to protect me and will pursue damage unless I step in, unless I demand changed behavior; if you fail to make this recognition informed response, automatic response is that which is employed, that which belongs to the character who will always seek to damage the other and will always provide the rationale that the self must be protected at all cost. Do you understand?

Student: I do, I do – thank you. So, it’s to say as soon as – for myself for recognition – as soon as defense and protection, or the desire for those are present, there is also a character present?

The character has been called as soon as defense and protection are desired.

Student: And the antidote would be the cloak of humility and focusing on the heart?

Indeed - recognition that damage is imminent unless the self chooses. It is the ‘victim’ that is often utilized after the ‘tough girl’ – this is to provide you with rationale, with reason – why the self must damage another, for the self has indeed been damaged. Do you understand?

Student: I do – I see that very clearly – thank you.

It is to recognize, my brother, that once the being is capable of rational thinking, that lesson is brought forth to the self as well as all those who observe the self. These small consciousnesses need be informed of the repercussions of their activity, for they are not capable of rational thinking. The adults, as they observe, believe that the child is capable of understanding the ramifications of their behavior; however, this is not so. It is important for the adult to intervene, just as the adult would intervene with another adult, if the self believed that the self could be of service. Expecting the child to respond as an adult is inappropriate, for the child is not capable of doing so unless the lesson has been learned in previous lifetimes. All those lessons that have been brought into the lifetime failed, and that continue to be failed by the self, are dealt with in the body that has the mind that is not yet capable of rational thinking, of understanding the ramifications of the self’s behavior fully. It is to recognize that the child is aware that the self may get into trouble, but the child does not think about irreparable damage that could be done to another due to the self’s behavior. The child merely is focused upon the self’s desire; this singular focus is fueled by the will.

It would be wise for the adult to observe the child and to adapt the behaviors, so that the will is strengthened rather than weakened, so that the self is endorsed rather than diminished, while learning the ramifications of the self’s behavior - free of judgment. This means that the young entity is counseled regarding the self’s choices, informed of the outcome of particular choices, and told that the experience has now been had – this is the punishment that must be received, so that in future the self thinks more clearly, more closely about the self’s choices, for children must learn the response that is most appropriate for one who seeks to be love.

It is the self that decides to listen; it is, of course, the characters, the composite self, that convince the self to ignore, to dismiss all things that could aid the self. Getting inside is the goal of the Teacher, inside that circle of defense, that circle of protection – the wall that says, “No one enters here but myself and I, too, rarely enter to reveal that which lies within.” The typical student ignores the characters, the composite self, whenever the behavior is unfavorable to the self. The story is told, “I seek to be different. I understand that I don’t always behave appropriately but the majority of the time I do. It is not possible to be perfect – it is not even my desire to be perfect.” Therefore, that which lies within continues to undermine the desire that has been spoken by the self. It is important to allow others entry and to then follow the other inside the self, to survey that which lies within, to ask the other to aid the self to see the self; to know the self from another’s perspective is vital to the student’s progress upon the path to healing. Failure to embrace the words of another, failure to review the behaviors of the self completely, results in a failure to choose in the current lifetime. Choice is the goal of all consciousnesses that incarnate in this dimension.

To recognize when the ego is at top is to identify the feeling – the self feels abused, the self feels used, the self feels embarrassed, humiliated – the taste in the mouth is foul and unwelcome; this is the calling card of the ego, for unless the self is weakened, the self will not allow the ego to reign. It is important for each to recognize that the voice that speaks to the self - the voice that changes the loving words of another, the voice that diminishes all things of value to the self - never belongs to the Teacher; it belongs solely to the ego - that portion of the self that is damaged. I seek for each to ponder this, to attempt to understand how a portion of the self can control the self when the self is so desirous of the elimination of this way of being. The ego is indeed the self – it is a portion of the self; it is the thinking that has been created by the self, not only in this lifetime, but in all previous lifetimes. It is for the current self to recognize the thinking, to see it as foreign to the self and to demand its banishment, for if the thinking is permitted, if the thinking is ignored, if the thinking is simply cast aside without regard – the thinking remains; this thinking intensifies each time the self refuses to provide it with the self’s full attention.

It is important for the student to be honest with the self, to recognize that the self either believes, has faith, in the self or disbelieves, and is lacking in faith for the self. Honestly stating, “I believe that I shall make it in this lifetime” …honestly stating, “I do not believe I will make it in this lifetime” - indicates to the inner Teacher that which is most needed for the student. There have been previous teachings regarding the confidence maintained by the student for the self; it is important for the self to survey the self and to determine that which belongs to the self and that which belongs to the composite self. For the self of the current lifetime, it would be rare for the self to not have faith in the self, to not believe in the self, for one who has found the self positioned upon the path believes that the self is capable of almost anything. It is the composite self that diminishes the confidence, for it is the damaged portions of the self that represent many, many previous lifetime lesson failures.

The true self struggles to allow the self those experiences that are most desired; it is desire that is the focus for most upon the planet at this time. The self is desirous of so much, for there is so much to be experienced - to travel around the world, to see all places, to experience all things in a single lifetime is the desire of many upon the planet at this time, for travel has been improved greatly in the preceding century. It is unfortunate that the consciousness that lies within is unable to speak with the current self, to inform the self, “Beloved, we have seen all things…we have experienced so much and the desire that burns so deeply within you, to experience these things anew, is intended to awaken the desire within you to greet me – your inner Teacher, for it is I who holds the key that unlocks the door to all memories, all experiences of the consciousness that is now you.”

The consciousness entering the Earth’s atmosphere for the first time is greeted by paradise – beauty, abundance is seen quite clearly, for negativity has yet to skew the vision. After several lifetimes the consciousness begins to view all things from a position of lack, for the self has quite likely suffered deprivation, poverty, severe lack – that which often impacts the life experience and can even remove the consciousness’ ability to remain embodied, requiring a wait for a new body and the next incarnation. Reality is that which is created by the consciousness; the self can see all that is around it in a positive or in a negative stance, welcoming all or condemning all with one thought. It is important for the consciousness to recognize that the self’s view is skewed due to the life experiences, either in the current lifetime or those that have been drawn forward with the self of the current time. Reality is oftentimes misunderstood – believed to be that which is clearly interpreted by the majority of humanity. In actuality, that which is understood by the majority of humanity is illusion, it is that which is negative - reality is that which is interpreted by those who have learned the purpose of this existence, the purpose of this planet.

It is to recognize that the self has all that the self needs in order to be successful in this incarnation, as the self has had all that is necessary to be successful in all previous incarnations, recognizing that lack - perceived lack, is merely a part of the lesson. All that which is regarded as the self is perfect until the self determines that change is desired; to stand solidly in the self’s truth, allowing and inviting others in but never overriding the self’s truth for another’s, unless it is indeed that which can be fully embraced by the self.

Could you answer the query my sister (student)?

Student: All beings must experience all things – severe deprivation is one of all things just like complete abundance.

Indeed. Have you experienced abundance my sister?

Student: I believe so and I haven’t appreciated it.

Do you understand the lessons that lie ahead?

Student: I do…I believe I do. Perhaps you could guide me, prepare me, help me.

Recognition of the stories that the self has put forth is necessary my sister – that the self was deprived, that the self had little, when the self actually was enjoying abundance. It was the lesson plan that prohibited you from recognizing that which was being experienced, for the ego was ravenous, desirous of more. In order to motivate you, to push you to gain more, the self was made to believe that the self had little. Do you understand?

Student: I do, thank you.

It is to recognize the voice from within my sister and to become the voice that retrains all that which lies within. Do you understand?

Student: I’m not sure I do. Would you elaborate for me?

Indeed. The voice that tells you ‘you are struggling’, that ‘you do not have enough’ – it is the outer voice that need say, “Look at the bounty before me.” There are many upon this planet that not only do not have access to this bounty but if they did they could not purchase that which you yourself have before you. It is to state to the self frequently, “I have all that I need and more. There are many around me that have much less than I; I am fortunate indeed. It is when the heart begins to believe, it is when the mind begins to believe – it is when the heart and the mind connect that the self can state without hesitation, “I have everything that I need and more.” It is to state your gratitude daily my sister, each time you receive the food into the body; it is to bless it, to make it sacred and to give thanks, to be grateful, to express this gratitude with the energies of the heart, for it is this that will awaken within the self true gratitude for all that the self has. This alone silences the voice of the composite selves that state, “We do not have enough. We shall never have enough. It is others that have our bounty.” Do you understand?

Student: I do, thank you. I will attend to this assignment. Thank you.

It is for all to understand that happiness is simply an attitude - it is a way of thinking, it is a way of being. It is indeed the composite selves that convince the self that the self does not have what the self needs. It is the will of the self, the voice of the self that retrains all that which lies within.

Student: Teacher would you elucidate for me please the best way for me to see the lessons before I fall into the pit of the reaction, before I get deep into it – to be more aware?

It is practice that is needed my sister - to readily and easily draw forth the desire to be different in the moment, to recognize the energies as they begin and rather than fueling them, to begin to state to the self, “I am love. I am loved. There is lesson here for me in this moment; I choose to see it, rather than to fall into the abyss of the lesson.”

To recognize the self is difficult when the self has forbidden particular thoughts from fully entering the mind; it is the periphery that contains the majority of the student’s difficult past lesson failures. Snatches, or glimpses, impressions, feelings are brought forth by the Teacher, gradually introducing the student to the experience of the past – that which was determined to be profound, difficult, painful. Lesson is presented of similar nature in order to garner the student’s full attention and once the memory has been brought forth, front and center so to say, it is then that the student is capable of seeing how the self failed, as well as subsequent failures that came, each time the Teacher attempted to resolve that which remained unresolved for the self. It is the thinking that indicates to the Teacher that which need be addressed, remembering a friend who was dismissed from the life experience when a particular song is heard, when a particular activity is enjoyed; the voice of a family member being heard in the mind – that which comes forth unbidden, unwelcome. The student closes the mind, closes the eyes to the window that the Teacher has attempted to provide – the window to the past, reminding the student that this must be remedied in order to move forward.

All current lifetime issues must be resolved prior to addressing previous lifetime issues. It is previous lifetime issues that fuel the composite self, that continuously draw forth negative behaviors that are unwanted by the current self – that which we shall refer to this day as the true self. It is the true self that was burdened by the age of two with all previous selves behaviors, characteristics and energies of all previous lifetime lesson failures. The true self was burdened indeed, as the characters began to come forth, displaying myriad talents, shocking many with negative behaviors, each attempting to set the course for the current lifetime.

It is my desire to draw forth knowledge that will aid all those students that seek to overcome the power that is wielded by the ego. It is to recognize that the ego has been created by the self as well as all previous selves; this negativity responds to the lesson plan, convincing the self of the importance of protecting, of defending the self. The self that has determined to be open, to open the heart, is the student that has learned that it is the ego alone that shields the heart. To be love is to recognize the role of the ego and to demand its cessation of activity as soon as its presence becomes known.

“I am love. I am openhearted. I seek to assist. I seek assistance. It is my desire to experience all things.” These words incite the ego, demanding its presence to defend, to protect the self. Recognizing that defense and that protection are the responses informed by the lesson plan will aid the self in stating clearly and succinctly, “I am open to all experience. I need no protection for there is nothing to defend. I am love.”

It is these statements that are suggested each time that the student becomes engaged. I am love. I seek to experience all things. I banish the need for defense and protection. I am love. To cough forcefully, to laugh, to do whatever is necessary to dispel the energetic hold that the ego has taken over the heart chakra; the heart has been shielded – the self has become cold, has become defensive, has become offensive, is no longer connected to those around the self, has withdrawn the self’s energies completely, for the self is in need of defense and protection. Failure to recognize that the self is engaged states that the ego has been provided with permission to conduct the experience once again; be assured the ego will select defense and protection each time it is provided with dominion.

I am love. I seek to experience all things. I banish the need for defense and protection.

The student that learns these statements, emblazoning them upon the memories - drawing them forth each time lesson is presented, feeling them within the heart – cannot fail. As long as they remain words in the mind, failure is ensured. It is suggested that the student work with these statements, to feel them – associating the feelings of love with the statement, “I am love” – drawing forth the fondness, the joy that is felt deep inside whenever the self feels loved…the safety, the reassurance that is felt by one who knows that the self can be the self. I seek to experience all things, recognizing that negativity teaches; those who fail to learn are damaged. The goal of the self is to learn. The student that has presented the self to the Teacher, desirous of knowing and healing the self, does not seek to damage the self any longer. It is calling to mind, “This experience brings negativity with it – I do not seek to damage myself nor the other. I shall take this energy, I shall draw it forth and I shall expel it [cough] forcefully. I shall shake the hands, I shall move the feet, I shall run in place, I shall do anything necessary to release the energies from my body until I become proficient at gathering them and expelling them with the cough. It is to recognize that the negative energies are there to ensure failure. The student that becomes aware of the presence of negativity and begins to expel this negativity is the student that learns rapidly.

To defend, to protect guarantees failure; for the other that seeks to aid the self has been informed that the self is not desirous of their assistance - the other that has learned will withdraw, leaving the self fortified, defended, righteous. It is the other that knows that the free will of another should never be interfered with by anyone other than the Teacher. The student that has presented the self to the Teacher has granted permission for the deconstruction of the ego; much testing has been provided prior to the student’s embracement. It is indeed the Teacher that ignores the behaviors, the actions of the student, until the student determines that the path is no longer for the self; only then will the Teacher relinquish the duty that was embraced when the student was accepted.

The mind is a marvelous consciousness – it is programmed to draw forth those lessons that are needed to teach the current self. It also maintains access to all previous selves, understanding the behaviors, the habits, the likes and the dislikes, the phobias, the addictions – all things that pertain to the self are catalogued by the mind. It is for the current self to open the drawer, to view the document in total to determine, “Is this who I seek to be in this lifetime? Of what value is this feature to my current self? What can it teach me? What has it taught me? Is it of value to me today? Will it be of value to me tomorrow? What value has it brought to me up to this moment? Will I retain it? Will I destroy it?” It is to retain focus upon the document in total – the document, which reveals the behavior of the self, until all these questions have been answered. It is to then embrace for the self that which has been revealed or it is to determine the plan that is most appropriate for the destruction of this behavior. The Teacher will reveal those things of value to the student, as it is believed to be appropriate; the student need be alert to those things that are beneficial to the self, for the Teacher does, on occasion, bring forth behaviors that can be considered as an asset - for recognition, for the embracement by the student.

The goal of the teacher is to draw forth the attention of the student to the self. It is when the student is engaged or fearful that the self is unlikely to be seen clearly. To understand the self is to understand the self’s lesson plan. To recognize the behaviors, the characteristics that create the attitude, the signature, so to say, of the student – that which is easily recognized by others, that which is rarely seen by the self. To recognize the self must be desired, for it is a long and arduous journey, one where the self walks with the Teacher guiding, encouraging, oftentimes prodding the self to turn the view, the vision that is upon all others – to turn it upon the self as soon as the behavior has been identified in the other.

The student that fails to understand that the teacher asks questions in order to incite the student purposefully is the student that will begin to recognize the bile, the ire, the anger, the resentment, the hatred that rises up within the self each time the self is questioned by another. The Teacher that finds entry will continue to utilize this entry time after time after time, until the student recognizes the depth of emotion, the depth of negativity that has been provided with safe harbor by the self. To focus upon the teacher is to ensure failure for the self; this has been stated to this group many times. True understanding has yet to be achieved by the majority, for each continues to focus upon the teacher each time the self becomes engaged.

It is failure to focus upon the self that guarantees failure; rather, the student focused upon the teacher is incensed because the belief is that the teacher does not endorse the self, the teacher does not understand the self, the teacher misreads the self, the teacher bungled the lesson, the teacher does not know me ... because I have prohibited her from knowing all that is necessary, so that failure can be experienced again and again. For it is the inner self that has determined that this self shall go the route of all previous selves, that this self will be no more successful than all previous selves. It is the composite self that has experienced failure thousands upon thousands of times. It is the inner self, the composite self that is convinced that the self shall fail again. The memories are brought forth time after time after time to remind the current self that failure has been experienced each time the self has attempted to be different, to make change in the self’s life experience. Failure to understand that the self has failed to follow through, that the self has failed to cement the difference, to cement the learning, to truly understand the lesson, causes the self to fall victim to the voice that seeks failure once again.

Who are you? Who do you seek to become? Who have you been? Are you prepared to change the self permanently? These are the questions that the student need address each time the voice from within is heard encouraging the self to fail once again. I am Kuthumi. I am with you as I am with all consciousnesses upon this planet at this time. I seek to guide. I seek to teach.

It is important for all gathered to recognize that the student that presents the self believes that the self is doing all possible to learn, to overcome the grasp of the ego. It is the belief that the voice of the ego is the voice of the Teacher that misleads the student. The ego will tell the self those things that the self believes the self would not say to the self; it is the teacher utilizing negativity to teach - that which lies within the self is drawn forth and provided to the self. Karma plays a major role in the teaching style utilized with the student. The student that has been dishonest will find the Teacher providing dishonesty. The student that has misled others will find the Teacher misleading the self. The student that has been cruel to others will find the Teacher being cruel to the self. The student that fails to show gratitude will find the Teacher that demands more and more and more from the student.

It is important for all students to recognize that to teach is no simple task, for the Teacher teaches the current self with full knowledge of the lessons that have been failed by the composites – those selves that comprise what is referred to as the composite. The current self is often shocked and dismayed at the tactics employed by the Teacher, believing that the voice of the Teacher is indeed the voice of the ego; the ego’s voice is kind, nurturing, compassionate, telling the self that protection and defense is critical to the self’s survival. Negativity is employed to amplify the messages being sent to the self from the mind, increasing negativity within the bodies exponentially, until the emotional body has overwhelmed the self completely; failure to recognize the tactics of the bodies results in failure for the student time after time after time. The Teacher can provide knowledge to the student of the variety in which I am providing in this moment but if the student fails to study, to draw forth the words into the heart, to feel them, to understand them deeply, then the next time that the mental body begins propelling the self with message, and the emotional body begins to overwhelm the self, all is forgotten.

The Teacher is patient. Lifetime after lifetime lessons are presented - lifetime after lifetime after the first, second, third, fourth awakening the self is determined to learn, to heal, to know the self. Many, many, many lifetimes pass as the experiences are garnered by the consciousness, making possible the time well into the future when the student will regain the original divinity belonging to the consciousness by removing all negativity, by becoming love unconditional once again. It is the Teacher’s duty to guide the student as long as the student presents the self for lesson. It is for the student to honor, to respect the teacher; to honor and respect all those participating in the self’s healing. Failure to provide honor and respect drains all, leaching off vital energies that could be utilized to endorse all students; for the teacher must be love in the face of negativity – the ego that determines to challenge the teacher is well-placed, as the teacher must be tested many, many times.

Once all has been integrated from the current lifetime, it is only then that previous lifetimes are addressed. It is unfortunate that so many focus upon previous lifetimes, discarding the experiences of the current lifetime, thinking that the previous lifetimes will provide the roadmap to the self of all that which has been experienced in the current lifetime; this could not be less true, for the current lifetime’s lesson plan is often different from previous lifetimes. While similarities exist, the self is by no means a carbon copy of previous selves; rather, the self is a composite of many, many, many lifetimes, of many, many, many different lesson plans - and of many, many, many different choices of the self - to represent darkness or to represent divinity.

Lifetimes of abject darkness, lifetimes of extraordinary service have been experienced by all present. It is important to recognize that darkness teaches and that light reforms. It is exposure to the experience that is needed by each consciousness, for without the experience, the self is unable to recognize the difference - that which is known is preferred by the self, that which is unknown shall remain unknown as long as the mind is provided dominance. Within the third and the fourth kingdom the mind is sovereign indeed.

Opportunity to be born upon this planet has become somewhat restrictive; the consciousness must have proven that the self is prepared to change – to come forth and to further the self’s journey back to that which is seemingly most desired by our Creator. It is not the light, nor is it the dark that is leaned towards by our Creator – it is experience. The consciousness must state that the self is willing to experience differently, rather than taking its place upon the wheel to once again experience that which has been experienced previously. The Teacher guides the consciousness throughout the lifetime, encouraging new experience but the lesson plan has ingrained within the self the previous experiences, and the energy surrounding these experiences have joined the new consciousness by the second year - the personality is then formed based upon all preceding lifetimes. The die is cast, so to say, as the self begins to be drawn to the same experiences of previous lifetime – that which was of interest to the self, that which also ensnared the self - failing to recognize that the self has experienced that which has been pursued, that which is being pursued, many, many, many times previous, causing the mind to be drawn forth to the same experience again and again and again without reason, without purpose.

Whether human or animal, it is to experience differently; however, it is the human that is the focus of this teaching. The animal is limited until the species has been trained to alter the self’s behavior - the predatory hierarchy that has been designated is adhered to throughout this planet; unfortunately, it is the human that is the predator at the top of the hierarchy at this time, throughout the animal kingdom.

I should like for each to observe the self, to detect those experiences that the self states are desirous and to determine, “is this truly an experience that I wish to repeat in this lifetime?” – for the learning cycle is drawing near its close and many have been drawn back into the wheel of death and rebirth to aid, to provide service, to bring forth light. Many, however, are consumed with those things that will not fulfill the true desire of the consciousness.

The true self is indeed the individual that has learned to choose. Opportunity has been provided to the self to experience all components of the composite self. It is for the self to survey all that which lies within, all that has been exhibited for the self, as well as for others, and to determine that which the self believes is most appropriate for the self – that which the self believes will endorse the self’s journey, that which will fuel the self forward upon the self’s path to healing.

It is for the self to focus on the behaviors, the characteristics, the attributes - versus the individuals; to become caught up in the behavior, the judgment of the behavior, is the typical response of the student who is provided with memories too soon. It is to recognize that previous lifetime has brought previous challenge; the self continues in the death and rebirth cycle, meaning that the self is still learning. It is to honor the previous journeys, to love the previous self, for that previous self is now a part of the current self and healing of that self begins with love of that self - not judgment, not anger, not hatred, nor even sorrow, but love and acceptance, recognizing that the current self has the opportunity to heal all, to change all.

Willingness to understand that the self has drawn forth to the self all that which has belonged to the self within myriad lifetime is essential to the student who walks the path to healing – one who is unwilling or unable to embrace that the self is indeed upon the wheel of death and rebirth and that all things that have been experienced are maintained within the outer bodies of the self, will have a most difficult time addressing the lesson plan. It is the Teacher that begins to draw forth example to the student that the self is not merely the self created in this lifetime but rather is a composite of all previous lifetimes, maintaining all that which is positive, as well as all that which is negative from these previous experiences.