mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Disingenuousness

Student: I have a very clear picture of this character called the “good friend” – and there’s a whole set of beliefs that go with that when I’m a good friend and I’m wondering if that’s almost archetypal with human behavior – that we each have a set of beliefs of how we’re supposed to be when we’re being a good friend and this question of endorsement or telling the truth or acceptance… is part of that in all relationship with people that we care about.


Student: So then it’s fair to say that anytime we’re in connection with another human being we’re going to be challenged in that way.

You will indeed my sister. It is the goal for all students to learn and to then teach; failure to teach informs the inner Teacher that the self has not yet learned. Do you understand?

Student: I do – thank you.

Loereve: Is it failure to teach or failure to teach appropriately?

It is failure to teach, my brother. To offer something erroneous, to offer endorsement to one whom the self knows that the behavior is detrimental to the other’s progress upon the path – this is not teaching, my brother. Do you understand?

Loereve: Yeah, I do.

Rather, it indicates that the self has yet to learn, for honesty is a most difficult lesson – one that the bulk of humanity struggles to integrate the necessity, for the characters have convinced the self that honesty can be damaging to the self as well as to the other. The student who walks the path to healing does not seek to damage - the character is believed; therefore, the self speaks half-truths or remains silent when asked by another that which would return the assessment that could be viewed as negative. It is the negative assessment that is of the greatest assistance. To endorse another, particularly to tell another that their actions were appropriate oftentimes garners karma for the self, for assurance has been provided to another falsely, creating hurdles unnecessary that must be crossed later in the life experience. Do all understand that karma is garnered by the self that speaks dishonestly to another, endorsing behaviors that are then employed by the other time after time after time due to the self’s counsel?

Learn/teach, teach/learn brings forth responsibility to the student who walks the path to healing.

It is to speak my brother(Loereve)…to speak! “I have experienced this – it made me very unhappy. It was deeply shocking to me to discover…I do not quite understand why I feel so desperate, so dark…I often grow tired of this path and think of leaving.” It is to state what is felt by the self, to allow others to know you, to see you, for you will find that they too have experienced all that you are experiencing. It is the lesson plan of Denial that is convinced that the self has suffered more, that the self’s path is unique, that prohibits you from sharing of the self deeply. You believe that being held in high regard by another may be in jeopardy should you speak honestly about all that you have experienced. It is to be honest my brother; to share disingenuously, to share partially is sharing dishonestly.

The individual that is disingenuous is most typically found within the lesson plan of Rejection; the individual either wants another to embrace the self or they prefer to eliminate disagreement, disharmony, chaos from the self’s life experience. It is ‘go along to get along’ - it is to be easy-going; it is the calling from deep within to be love unconditional, to embrace all, to allow all to be who they seek to be without repercussion from the self. One of the major lessons of this line is to inform another of that which is seen by the self that prohibits the self’s forward progress upon the path to healing.

It is the Nurturer that is beloved by most, for this individual has well-concealed the motive for doing good; the reason of course is what can be anticipated in response to that which has been offered to another. Effusive appreciation and gratitude is needed in order for this individual to feel appreciated. If this is not received, bitterness is typically experienced, for the self feels used, abused, taken for granted. They have failed to recognize that others have performed acts of kindness, acts of service for the self and the self has failed to be appreciative, to show gratitude equal to that which is most desired by the self. The disingenuous nature of the Nurturer can be detected by the student of the self by surveying the other when they are not thanked appropriately, when they complain about that which has been offered freely and from the heart but appreciation has not been showered upon the self appropriately, adequately, to encourage the self to continue forth with the service. Are there questions?

There is no need to make an excuse for having the correct answer my brother, in order to make others feel more comfortable that they responded incorrectly. Do you see the pattern to diminish the self so that others feel more comfortable? This then pursues the maltreatment by the other of the self for you have invited such by diminishing your ability to see truth, to understand that which lies in front of you. Do you understand?

Loereve: Yes. Thank you for that observation.

It is a dichotomy is it not my brother that when others are feeling badly you determine to diminish the self to make them feel better and at other times you strive to show all that the self is righteous.

Loereve: I would agree - it is.

It is to understand the lesson plan my brother. What lesson plan do you think is the source of the diminishment of the self in order to allow another to feel superior to the self?

Loereve: The very first thought to my mind was Rejection.

And the specific lesson plan, my brother?

Loereve: The Supporter

Indeed. Please repeat.

Loereve: The Supporter

Indeed. Please repeat.

Loereve: The Supporter

It is to understand the lesson plan of the Supporter my brother, for you invite the scorn of others by diminishing the self at critical times when respect, when honor could be earned for the self. Do you understand?

Loereve: Yes, thank you.

It is to feel as an equal partner to all who stand opposite the self my brother, to recognize that the self is capable of changing the self’s thinking, of changing the self’s way of being that demands diminishment, dishonor, disrespect, scorn of another for the self. It is then that you flounder, failing to understand why the other thinks so little of the self when the self believes the self to be loving and supportive of the other. Do you understand?

Loereve: Hmm. Yeah, I see that - thank you.

Disingenuousness is often spotted with you my brother. When you feel that another is diminishing the self you unwisely stoke the fires belonging to the ego, telling the other that you accept and that you love them as they are, rather than utilizing the opportunity to say “That is a marvelous discovery you have made. I shall look at myself to see if I am suffering similarly.” Do you understand?

Loereve: Yes, thank you.

It is to recognize the thinking, that which is negative, that which has been programmed to ensure lesson failure for the self, triggering lesson failure for many others around the self as well. It is important to recognize that lesson failure does not always mean that the self has been negative. Do you understand my brother Loereve?

Loereve: No, I don’t.

It is your disingenuousness, as previously stated, that invites disrespect and dishonor in future. Do you understand?

Loereve: I understand that. Thank you.

To be nice to another when the self is being disingenuous requires that the self suffer for words that have fueled the ego of the other. Do you understand?

Loereve: Yes. Thank you.