mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Distraction

Setting the course for the self, allowing others to continue forth upon their separate journey is the only course to be chosen by one who has awakened to the inner guide, the inner self, the true self that states, “We have experienced sufficiently, my beloved – it is time for us to journey back to our divinity.”

Once awakened, the consciousness is reborn, lifetime after lifetime, and the inner guide/the true self begins the tasking to awaken the new self; it is the fruits of this planet that prohibit success for the true self, for the consciousness can be consumed with myriad experiences for the entire lifetime. Oftentimes, the self is consumed until the years are in great number and then, due to the myriad experiences, the health has been lost - the body no longer vibrant, the mind no longer sharp. And so the inner Teacher decides to leave the experience, hope-filled that the next experience, the next self, will be strong enough to awaken sooner – while there is still time to save the body, while the mind is still sharp and desirous of learning.

The true self struggles to allow the self those experiences that are most desired; it is desire that is the focus for most upon the planet at this time. The self is desirous of so much, for there is so much to be experienced - to travel around the world, to see all places, to experience all things in a single lifetime is the desire of many upon the planet at this time, for travel has been improved greatly in the preceding century. It is unfortunate that the consciousness that lies within is unable to speak with the current self, to inform the self, “Beloved, we have seen all things…we have experienced so much and the desire that burns so deeply within you, to experience these things anew, is intended to awaken the desire within you to greet me – your inner Teacher, for it is I who holds the key that unlocks the door to all memories, all experiences of the consciousness that is now you.”

All bodies eventually follow the desire of the self. Each body has desires, wants, needs that need be addressed directly by the self – failure to do so causes the desire, the want, the need to become amplified as signal is passed to the mental body: I am uncomfortable. I am uncomfortable. I am uncomfortable. I am hungry. I am hungry. I am hungry. I should like to move. I should like to move. I should like to move. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. The mental body is the instigator of distraction, for the mental body prefers action, data; the absence of these stimuli results in the release of that which lies within – that which has been tamped down, for the mental body is incapable of rationalizing, making logical those issues that are most troublesome. Encouragement has been received to not think about these things, to put them away for they are in the past and need be forgotten…there is nothing to be done – do not think of them - the mind aids the self in finding distraction.

The student that is vigilant to the antics of the mind will find that it is most difficult to focus upon those issues of the heart – those issues that do not have logical outcome. Be assured that no thing has been placed away into the drawer unresolved if it were possible for the mind to resolve it. It is the mental body that utilizes that which is known to the self to solve all problems, all issues that come before the self. The mind grows tired of those issues that are wrapped inside of emotion and will encourage the self to put it away, will convince the self that it is of little value. It is the self that must aid the mind, encouraging it to aid the self, for deeper review is needed as long as negative energies remain, drawing forth the thought time after time after time after time. The mind becomes adept at cancelling the thought by bringing forth distraction, using the body and its needs frequently. It is important for each present to recognize the self continues to allow distraction to prohibit the self’s ability to eliminate that which lies within.

Te' Auna has asked: how does the self convince the mind to aid the self? Through recognition, Te' Auna, when the self recognizes the mind is distracting the self – the self finds that the self is wasting time…time passage of 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 minutes, remembering that the self was thinking about something important before the pursuit began that consumed a few or many minutes. It is to draw the attention back to the topic that was abandoned and to watch the mind, for it may convince you that the body is in need or that there are other things that are more important that need be addressed at this time. Once it is recognized that the mind is attempting to distract the self, it is to speak directly to the mind, “why do you seek to distract me from this issue?” the body responds with “I’m so tired…I must eliminate…hunger…a little snack…I have seen no one for hours…I shall go visit…there are many things on the desire list - I shall go seek one out.” The mind is desirous of protecting the self but first and foremost, is desirous of success.

It is the inner Teacher that struggles to get the attention of the self, for distraction consumes every moment of every day – even quiet moments, the self decides to listen to music or to think about what they are going to do later or what they have done earlier. It is rare that the mind is stilled and the contact is attempted with the inner Teacher who is so desirous of making contact, of providing all that which the self desires. It is failure to understand the desire of the self that causes the self to seek outwardly for all things; the self believes that the next journey, that the next experience will fulfill this desire that burns so brightly – oftentimes, so painfully - within, urging the self forward, seeking, seeking, seeking, the next and the next and the next experience. After the experience has been enjoyed, the self begins seeking the next, for the self finds that the emptiness has not been filled at all; rather, the yearning is burning more insistently, more painfully, urging the self to experience anew. It is the experience of the inner self/the true self that is the source of this yearning – there is no thing on this planet that will fulfill this desire other than contact with the true self, the inner Teacher.

It is silence that is abhorred by the human. The mind begins to wander, to entertain the self, to draw forth those things that are important to the mind, the ego – whose duty it is to keep the human busy from birth to death. It is silence that allows that which lies within to burble up, breaking through the surface, bringing recognition to the self of the feelings, the impressions, the purpose of the self. Joining together with others in silence, focused upon desire, brings forth possibility to accomplish that which would be impossible to accomplish for the single individual. It is learning to hold the thought - that which most would judge as a simple task - is actually rarely accomplished by the common man. It is for each to hold each in the thoughts, to recognize the struggle of the other as the self’s own struggle is realized by the self, drawing forth compassion for the self as well as for the other, recognizing that all are in this common struggle, battle to deconstruct the ego – all have been joined in order to support the other, in order to see the self in the other, in order to aid the other in seeing the self in you, whether positive or negative traits.

Seeking purposefully guidance, counsel, from the inner Teacher draws forth that which is most needed by the student at this time. It is important to recognize that the ego is desirous of distraction, is supportive of story - is supportive, in fact, of anything that prohibits progress. The habits of the self have been built by the ego. It is for the student to recognize that which is damaging to the self’s progress and to begin to effect change.

The true self struggles to allow the self those experiences that are most desired; it is desire that is the focus for most upon the planet at this time. The self is desirous of so much, for there is so much to be experienced - to travel around the world, to see all places, to experience all things in a single lifetime is the desire of many upon the planet at this time, for travel has been improved greatly in the preceding century. It is unfortunate that the consciousness that lies within is unable to speak with the current self, to inform the self, “Beloved, we have seen all things…we have experienced so much and the desire that burns so deeply within you, to experience these things anew, is intended to awaken the desire within you to greet me – your inner Teacher, for it is I who holds the key that unlocks the door to all memories, all experiences of the consciousness that is now you.”

To make contact with the inner Teacher is to state frequently throughout the day, “I call forth the inner Teacher. I state my goal to know and to heal myself in this lifetime. I state as my goal to love myself without condition, to clear the bodies of all of the negativity that I can possibly remove in this singular lifetime. It is my desire to be of service. Contact with the inner Teacher is necessary.” Understanding that it is your desire alone that calls forth the inner Teacher is necessary. It is currently distraction for each of the three that interferes with this calling. The inner Teacher can guide the self and the self can continue to learn and to remove negativity from within the bodies, increasing the pleasure of the current lifetime, decreasing negativity that need be dealt with in following lifetimes. The student that seeks to know and to heal the self, that seeks the presence of Osiris, must prove to the inner Teacher that the path has been chosen – that the self will stay the course for the balance of this lifetime. Much testing is provided prior to my calling.

It is to overrule the ego, my brother, when the ego decides to distract you, to absorb your time – it is the ego’s desire to go, to do, to be busy. The true self seeks time to ruminate – to think deeply, to search deep within for the answers that elude the self upon the surface; for the answer was earned many lifetimes previous and need be uncovered – this uncovering is not possible when the self is only willing to provide snatches of time towards the effort.

It is the student when first stepping forth that distrust is first visited upon when it is realized that the heart is closed; indeed, the heart has been closed most of the lifetime. Even those who believe the self to be loving - to be open, friendly, fun loving – even these have closed the heart to others. It is the unhealed nature of the bodies, all combined to form belief/ego, to convince the self that closure of the heart is mandatory if the self is to survive in this world. ‘Survival of the fittest’ are words that are frequently combined, bandied about, understood by most to mean the fittest are those that are best protected. It is important for the student to recognize that as long as the heart remains closed, the self’s progress upon the path will be minimized – stunted, so to say; far less than that which is possible once the heart has been engaged, once the self begins focusing upon the heart rather than upon the mind. It is the mind that demands attention, that demands supremacy, that demands dominance; logic must be satisfied at all cost – and cost it does the student who walks the path to healing, for all things are no longer logical. In fact, most things have become what could be referred to as illogical.

Recognition that the mind seeks the logic in all things need be made by the student who is attempting to open the heart; the mind steps in frequently to question the self, “what about this…oh, you’d best survey that…why are you not seeking answer to this?” Failure to speak, to answer the mind guarantees that the questioning will become more insistent; it is the tape that runs continuously in background, eroding the faith and the trust of the student for the Teacher. It is the Teacher that asks the student to begin to focus upon the heart, to discard the questions of the mind, to begin to feel the answer, rather than formulating the answer in the mind that confounds and confuses not only the self but others. It is to realize that the spiritual path cannot always be described utilizing the mind; often, it is merely feeling – to feel the fullness of the heart, to feel the sorrow, to feel the joy deep within the heart. The mind overrules the feeling, demands reason for the feeling, “Why are you joyful? Why are you so sad? It is unimportant, put it away, cast it aside, for we have things that we must address.” These things may all be regarded as distraction and the mind is quite adept at distracting the self.

It is the self that must aid the mind, encouraging it to aid the self, for deeper review is needed as long as negative energies remain, drawing forth the thought time after time after time after time. The mind becomes adept at cancelling the thought by bringing forth distraction.

To recognize that the self’s understanding of that which is most important to the self’s progress is tenuous at best is important for the student who walks the path to healing. It is to open the self to the Teacher, to focus upon the lessons that are being brought forth to the self and to ask, “What does this lesson represent to me – why do I continue to fail this lesson, time after time after time?” Survey, close scrutiny will likely return to the self the answer – that it is the mind that has focused the attention elsewhere; the mind is focused on what the mind seeks to understand – not what the Teacher has brought forth. I stated in a previous teaching the mind is programmed to avoid all discussion, all scrutiny, all review of the lesson plan; rather, recognition is made of the lesson – if the self fails to question the mind directly, the mind files it away, placing it in the cabinet, locking the drawer, waiting for the next and the next and the next lesson to be presented, which will then be added to the drawer, until the drawer is overstuffed – the drawer will no longer close and now the self must address the lesson directly with the mind.

The student that seeks to be a good student is a student that focuses on knowledge, garnering knowledge from all avenues, drawing it in, sorting it, sifting through it, trying to determine that which is most important to the self. The mind focuses on that which it finds to be of greatest interest – of course the mind seeks the topics that are unsolvable, it is ravenous for knowledge, it is most desirous of those things, those riddles that can fuel pursuit for many, many years – oftentimes, the lifetime is focused, pursuing the single topic that the mind has determined is critical to the self’s development. The mind is programmed for distraction, for the mind is in constant, constant, constant motion – constant action, constant processing; even when the self believes that the mind has been stilled, the mind of course has not been stilled – it is simply providing the self with the impression that all activity has abated.

The point of this teaching, my students, was to inform each of you that you do not know what is most important to you at this time. Those who present the self with open heart and open mind and a willingness to observe, to review, to provide scrutiny to all that which is presented by the Teacher – it is these that shall succeed. Those who determine what the issue is for the self at this time are those that will pursue the mind’s lead - to seek here, to seek there, to look at this, to look at that – never, in fact, gaining the open mind, the open heart that was pledged to the Teacher.

Much counsel has been provided to each student in the preceding weeks. It is important that each survey that which has been provided to the self, determining if the self has focused the attention upon that which has been brought forth – that which is most important, as seen by myself. For the ego seeks to distract the self, seeks to place the focus upon that which is unimportant at this time; it is the ego’s goal to lengthen the time period needed to learn, to truly understand the lessons, to integrate that which has been experienced. The mind seeks data and is rarely satisfied with that which has been received; it always seeks more for it is ravenous - it is programmed to seek more until the self recognizes that the self has all that the self needs, that the Teacher will provide more when it is believed to be necessary and not a moment before. It is to understand that the ego, the mind, chooses that which attracts the self, that which draws the attention, that which distracts the self; for the mind is programmed to avoid all that which touches upon the lesson plan belonging to the self. It is typically the lesson plan of another that attracts the self; it is to maintain focus upon the self, to disallow the wanderings of the mind.

Technology has increased the human’s ability to distract the self, for it is now not only the local area that the self can be interested in – the self can be interested in millions of publications, as well as millions of locations - those areas where the self may potentially seek to travel, seek to garner knowledge, seek to teach, seek to share. Information is gathered by the majority of humanity so that it may be shared with others; sharing is always regarded as service - it is unimportant whether or not an individual is sharing due to the influence of the ego, for it is the Teacher that draws forth the knowledge from within, providing it to just the right individual at just the right moment – that which may have never been available to the individual without the other.

It is important to recognize that all humans upon the planet are walking their path; they may not be firmly positioned upon the path that returns them to divinity but all are indeed walking a path. To persuade another to step forth upon the path that regains the self’s divinity by discarding, by removal of all negativity, is inappropriate. Those who are self-realized recognize that all humans upon the planet are important, all contribute in their own way, all need experience in order to arrive at the doorway, to knock upon the door, to open the door to the Teacher who shall inform the self if it is time or if the self need garner additional experience prior to being embraced by the Teacher. It is important for all present to recognize that the self is teacher to all that the self meets through example. The self’s path need never be discussed in order to impart to another the self’s journey, for it is love that is the goal for all consciousnesses to draw forth, whether giving or receiving. It is through example that the self is able to aid another.

The goal for all students is to learn. The goal for the Teacher is that the student will learn, that the student will focus the attention upon that which is being brought forth by the Teacher. The Teacher battles distraction. The student is busy, consumed by myriad choice, all vying for the time of the self. Time is indeed the enemy of the Teacher, thereby, of the student. The student that fails to recognize the amount of time that is wasted by the self each and every day is the student that taxes the patience of the Teacher. The mind, ever-busy, addressing issues that could certainly be referred to as a waste of time, for the self is unable to effect change in any area other than that which originates with the self. All of humanity has been sold on the concept that the self need be informed of all that is happening throughout the world, for if one is not informed one may be in jeopardy. It is failure to recognize that all is as it should be for the self and that the self will always be prepared for that which the Teacher believes that the self need be prepared for. To trust the Teacher means to be focused upon the self, to seek counsel, guidance, assistance from the Teacher whenever the self is uncertain, for the Teacher shall always counsel the student, “Are you capable of effecting change? Will your participation, will your knowledge of this particular situation benefit others or is it merely data – that which goes in and creates concern?”

I am Osiris. I am the Teacher that is called to the student that has vocalized the desire to know and to heal the self. The student must prove that the self is indeed desirous of my presence, that the self is indeed willing to set aside all things other than that which is necessary for the self’s survival.

Understanding that the self must address not only the experiences and the karmic liability created in this lifetime but in previous lifetimes as well should inform the self that time is indeed of the essence and that every moment does indeed count. The student that seeks to improve subsequent lifetimes need be dedicated.

The student, when first stepping forth upon the path to healing, believes that the self is almost healed, for the self has placed concerted effort behind changing the behaviors that have been brought to the self’s attention; the life circumstance begins to improve – all things appear to be more pleasant, all things are more enjoyable. It is indeed the calm before the storm, wherein the Teacher provides the student with many, many opportunities to determine, “Do you truly seek to place yourself firmly upon the path or will you change your mind once again in this lifetime?” It is the Teacher’s responsibility to make certain that the student is indeed prepared prior to embracement of the student, prior to the Teacher placing concerted effort to draw forth that which lies within; for all that which lies within is that which calls forth lesson.

It is lesson that creates discomfort, that causes unhappiness that progresses forth to deep unhappiness – depression to abject misery; it is this condition that draws the student forward to the Teacher to seek assistance, “Please help me to change my life, for I cannot tolerate this existence any longer.” It is this student that is embraced by the Teacher - all others are merely learning gradually, slowly, for they have yet to experience all things. There are of course many upon the planet that have experienced all things, yet their lives continue to be lifetimes of experiencing - it is the consciousness that has grown enamored of the physical experience. The Teacher cannot remove this other than by drawing forth lesson. Those who are able to remove lesson from their path shall continue forth. There are many upon the planet at this time that are capable of sweeping the path clear of lesson, for the self ignores that which comes to the self as they are consumed by distraction - that which is provided to them outwardly.