mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Emotional Thinking

The sensitivity of the self is appropriate; it is the emotion that is dissatisfying, that is often troublesome to the self as well as to others. Am I correct in this assessment?

Guest: Yes

To honor the emotion is important; to recognize that the self is sensitive allows the self to feel that which is rarely felt by others. Do you understand my words?

Guest: Yes

When the self fails to honor the self, when the self believes that the self is too sensitive – it is the characters belonging to the lesson plan that step forth to protect the self; it is indeed the characters that say to the self, “You are overreacting. It would be most appropriate if only I could act more maturely…I do not understand the depth of feeling, the depth of emotion that pours forth from within more frequently these days than previously.” Is this how you feel my sister?

Guest: Most of the time

Student: Would you elaborate for me what endorsement looks like when I’m doing it correctly and well?

You do it correctly and well when you are speaking of your friend. It is to see all that there is to see about the friend; however, the vision is often clouded by the rose-colored glasses – that which says, “If I do not endorse her, she may not endorse me.” Do you understand?

Student: I do – thank you.

It is to recognize that the self is capable of endorsing another while also teaching the other; to inform the other that they are beloved, much loved, and that the self’s behavior does not threaten that love, yet the self sees areas that improvement would benefit the other greatly. Rather, romanticization of relationship causes the self to close the eyes, to close the lips and to conceal that which is evident, that which could aid the other, for the characters state that the other merely needs the self’s love, that the other merely needs the self’s endorsement.

The mind is believed to be the most important component of the human. Are all present in agreement with this assessment?

Sol: Yes, that is my feeling.

Loereve: My feeling is that there …it seems like there is more to it than just that.

Commit the self, my brother Loereve. Answering the question vaguely indicates to me that you’d prefer not to answer the question, yet you answer it in order to be friendly, to be recognized as cooperative. Did you provide me with answer my brother?

Loereve: Yes and no. I don’t have a good answer to that question…there is …other than it seems like there’s more to it and I don’t know what…

Do you understand that the mind has provided you with the answer that is used quite frequently by the self: “It seems like…it should be…it may be…I don’t think that it is” – this is referred to as the non-committal reply, one that the self is able to be on both sides and can easily shift their stance, depending on where the chips fall. This is learned behavior my brother; it is time for you to choose, to state for the self – do you believe that the mind is the most important component of the human? Do you understand the many different factors employed by the self prior to providing another with answer, my brother?

Loereve: Many times

That the self has forgotten how to use the mind, for the self is accessing emotion, rather than the mind; emotion that wishes to be embraced by the other, seeks the approval of another, seeks that the other endorse the self and that the self endorses the other. As in your programming language, there are many ‘if’ statements; it is this that causes confusion for the self, for the mind does not care for the word ‘if’ – it seeks resolution. When another asks a question of the self, you immediately begin to seek what will happen should you answer this, or this, or this, or this, utilizing judgment to determine what the other will feel, what the other will think, how the other will respond. It is judgment that causes the confusion and the self’s inability to respond to a simple query. Do you understand?

Loereve: Yes I do. I seem to do that quite often.

It is important for you to access the mind, to ask it the question – “do I think that the mental body is the most important component of the human?” And now you shall provide me with the answer, my brother.

Loereve: My feeling is the mental body is not the most important; it is an equal component but it is merely the starting point.

Thank you my brother! Do you understand the difference in your response?

Loereve: Yes

Are you pleased?

Loereve: (laughs)

…to have made a statement that is intelligent?

Loereve: Yes and it required me to think further on it to reply.

The mind has grown lazy, for you do not allow it to think, to process; you have used the emotional body to respond to others for many, many years. It will be for you to engage the mind purposefully, directly – to begin to speak the self’s truth, without concern for how another will receive it. Do you understand?

Loereve: Yes

The mental body is not the most important component of the human; however, it does reign supreme throughout the 4th kingdom – it dominates all things to the detriment of humanity. The most important body to this, the 4th kingdom, is the physical body, for without it the other bodies do not exist.

To understand the calling of an entity to the self – one that is appropriate to teach the self – one must first look to the self to determine “is the Teacher known?” If the Teacher is known to the self, then it is this Teacher that need be called; otherwise, the student may be left waiting, as the Teacher likely determines that the student feels that the Teacher is not desired by the student. The relationship of the student and the Teacher is tenuous at best, for the student feels attacked, unloved, the target that is frequently aimed upon; misery, due to great volumes of emotion being drawn forth, is present and the student looks to the Teacher, deciding that the self has become far more miserable since the Teacher arrived than the student ever was prior to the Teacher’s presence, failing to recognize that the negativity that is felt, that is experienced, flows from within. The Teacher provides no negativity to the student; rather, the Teacher draws forth that which resides within. The student that fails to understand this basic tenet of the student-Teacher relationship is one that begins to resent all that which the Teacher brings forth for resolution.

The student that claims to be desirous of knowing and understanding the self determines that the Teacher is too harsh, is too combative, too aggressive; indeed, the Teacher is damaging the self. Those surrounding the self – if the self is vocal, if the self has shared the self’s journey with others – are frightened for their loved one, fearful that the individual that is known and loved will disappear. All begin to draw the student towards them, away from the path, indicating that the self was far happier prior to the onset of this journey – that the self is loved, the self is accepted…why does the self seek such misery for the self? Many turn away from the path at this time, determining that the self is no longer as desirous of this pursuit as the self believed the self to be. It is important to understand that the Teacher draws forth only that which is believed to be necessary, only that which the student can bear. Recognizing the attitude that places the burden upon the Teacher rather than upon the self is primary, for failure to do so results in all focus being placed upon the Teacher; it is the ego that is most desirous of the focus upon the Teacher.

To trust the self more than the self trusts another – would you say that this is a worthy goal, my brother Sol An Ka?

Sol: Yes I do

My brother Loereve?

Loereve: I think it would be a prerequisite because often if you cannot trust yourself then you quite often cannot trust another.

These are words my brother. Are they wisdom for you?

Loereve: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. My biggest failings have been when it is sometimes no.

Would you say that the ‘sometimes no’ is greater or less than the ‘sometimes yes’?

Loereve: I would say greater.

It is to listen to the words closely, to draw them into the mind, to take them beyond knowledge, “I shall trust myself primarily. I shall ask others for assistance always. I shall then share my own thinking with the other and invite them to show me where my thinking has faltered.”

It is disagreement I am lodging with you my brother Loereve, for you trust the self beyond all others. You do not expose the thinking to another that you believe will be disagreed with. Am I correct?

Loereve: Yes, you are.

It is this safe harbor that the ego has utilized for many lifetimes; the judgment that another will make personal your failing rather than finding it to be of interest, rather than being desirous of discussion, rather than learning each from each. These thoughts rarely occur to you my brother, for you feel that all will be personal, that the self will be attacked, that the self will be rejected. Do you agree?

Loereve: Yes, I believe you are correct.

It is to recognize my brother Loereve, that the trust has been placed with the ego. The true self – that portion of the self that is humble – is only allowed to come forth once the self believes that resignation is necessary. Am I correct?

Loereve: As far as I can tell, yes.

Open the heart my brother.

Recognizing that the ego only allows the self to speak that which is tried and true, that which has been utilized in the past. Do you understand my words?

Loereve: Yes I do.

When you are resigning, the same words tumble forth, the same knowledge brought front and center, regurgitated for the other so that the boundary may be laid, prohibiting the self from feeling in the moment that which need be felt, for the ego is busy rebuilding the perimeter that has been damaged by the other. The words are repeated by the ego. The self believes that the self understands and assistance is cut short. The ego has won once again. The perimeter has been rebuilt; the next and the next and the next shall have the same equal difficulty getting inside - in an attempt to aid you, in an attempt to clear the vision so that you may see that your trust has been placed with the ego. Do you understand my words, my brother Loereve?

Loereve: Yes I do. I haven’t really looked at it like that but that’s a very succinct way of putting it. Thank you.

Do you understand the words I have spoken to our brother Loereve, my brother Sol An Ka?

Sol: Yes I do. Thank you.

Do you see yourself?

Sol: Yes I do.

What is it that you see my brother?

Sol: I see that I sometimes trust myself too much and that I don’t seek an evaluation of what I believe from the other and to accept whatever faults they may find in my logic or in my belief. And I tend to want to override them and stay with what I believe is the truth and therefore, I miss the opportunity to join with another and I miss the opportunity to have help in refining what it is that I found initially within myself, within my ego. I believe that I’ve gotten better about seeking assistance from other people but I have a way to go. I know that. I am complete with my answer.

It is important my brother for you to see yourself, to see yourself at all times, particularly when you are attempting to convince another that no error has been made on your part or that you are being blamed inappropriately or that you feel accused or that you feel defense and protection have suddenly become vital to your survival. It is to recognize that viewpoints are opinion – they are not truth; often they are not even the truth of the individual speaking. Do you understand?

Sol: Yes I do. Thank you.

It is important for you to approach all things objectively, for that is indeed the goal of all students – to be the student prepared for debate.