Teachings - Engagement
It is important for each student to recognize that the connection to the fields belonging to the lesson plan of the self prohibits awareness; practicing how to regain awareness that has been lost is essential, for the more practice that the self has invested the more automatic the response becomes.
The Teacher would refer to this experience as challenge; challenge to determine if the student sees the lesson clearly, challenge to see if the student is willing to abort field connection and to be different this time. Many opportunities are provided to the student to see that the self’s focus is indeed misfocused, drawn to that which is unimportant for the student who walks the path to healing. I am Osiris. I provide lessons to my students to determine if the will is indeed that which is needed, to determine if the student is capable of recognizing the lesson or if the ego will be indulged once again.
It is for all to recognize the characters that are utilized each time lesson is presented to the self - failure to choose demands that defense and protection be employed. The self that recognizes that defense, that protection prohibits experience, is the self that increases the odds that the lesson will be recognized, that the lesson may be integrated this time. It is merely words to say, “I do not seek defense…I do not seek protection” as long as the self provides the driver’s seat, so to say, to the ego, as long as the self is determined to protect the false image created by the characters and embraced by the self.
Recognition of the self’s pattern, recognition of the self’s responses, recognition of the appearance of the character – none of these things are possible unless the student has observed the self closely, unless the student has sought the assistance of another – one that is close to the self, one that is willing to speak honestly as to that which is seen by the self when you are engaged. Change is only possible for the self that has recognized the responses that are employed routinely by the composites - also known as the characters, also known as the ego - each time the self is challenged with lesson.
To understand darkness one need turn inward, focusing upon the self, recognizing judgment, which is at the very root of not love; it is indeed judgment that prohibits the self from being open to another, that prohibits the self from sharing of the self completely. It is the lesson plan that demands judgment of all others as well as the self. The ego prefers to focus upon others; failing that, the self becomes the target. The self is measured against all others; competition employed by the ego to keep the self in competition against all that are believed to be better than the self. It is this individual that surrounds the self with those that are weaker than the self, for in this way the self can remain aloof, prohibiting entry by those who are believed to be less than the self. These individuals of course will be small in number, for the majority of those who come within the self’s sphere are judged to be superior. To truly understand darkness, one must recognize darkness within the self, be willing to speak of it with another - without excuse making, without justification, without rationalization for the self’s behaviors - confessing all that is seen by the self within the self. It is to then seek the assistance of the others, all others, to aid the self in seeing the behaviors as soon as they appear in future, so that choice may once again be made to retain the behavior or to destroy it, replacing it with the behavior that is rooted in love.
It is the darkness within that prohibits the self from changing. Darkness calls forth great emotion that results in anger or complete confusion; sorrow is often experienced by one who is unable to overcome the confusion. The student that fails to recognize the behaviors of the self that are rooted in darkness is the student that allows the lesson plan to choose for the self. Automatic response by informed behaviors is experienced by the student that remains unaware that choice is indeed available at all times; yet, the self has determined that unawareness is preferred, that protection and defense of the current self is indeed what is desired. Failure to recognize that defending and protecting the self creates negativity that is then stored within the bodies, results in the self’s inability to recognize that the self is indeed engaged; for these energies all call for continued defense, continued protection of the self.
It is my duty to draw forth that which lies within each of my students; this action is not to cause discomfort or pain for the self - it is to provide opportunity for the self to choose. It is when the self chooses - again and again and again - protection and defense that the Teacher begins to reevaluate the student-Teacher relationship, for the Teacher does not seek to impose change upon one who is unwilling to change; rather, the Teacher provides opportunity to those who have sought such.
The goal of the student is to see the self – to see the self clearly without story, without embellishment, without discount, without minimizing, without changing the response of the self in the retelling. The student that truly sees the self is the student that recognizes that all that come before the self are providing example of the self and the self’s behaviors, the self’s lesson failures. That which causes upset, irritation, frustration, anger, sorrow is an indication to the self that the self is viewing the self. It is the self that fails to recognize the self in another that becomes engaged, that focuses all attention upon the other, that refuses to forgive, that continues to draw forth the story, for it is the mind that is employed by the Teacher to remind the student that the self has failed to see the self once again. It is important for all students to recognize the self in another and to recognize the presence of the Teacher each time the self becomes engaged.
It is to recognize that each chooses the lesson plan routinely when challenge is presented. It is automatic, it feels appropriate, for the response has been chosen or, shall we say, succumbed to many thousands of times before this moment, before this acceptance of the energies that cause the self to view all things negatively. It is the negative view that is demanded by the fields; when the self becomes focused upon suffering, upon pain, distress, failure - the self views all things through the negative lens. Lesson integration is impossible as long as the student approaches the lesson from the negative stance. It is when the student embraces, “I am miserable. This hurts. I recognize this pain. I have experienced it hundreds of times in this lifetime alone. It is time for me to step forth and to eliminate all possibility of this same lesson failure in future.”
Suffering is the clue to the student that opportunity to be different is being presented. It is seeking assistance, “What is it that I need be focused upon in this moment? What is it that I continue to fail to see? What is it that is blinding me, that is prohibiting success?” The inner Teacher shall respond with additional lesson. The inner Teacher is desirous of lesson integration. The inner Teacher never provides answer. Are there questions regarding this teaching?
Sol: When you say that the inner Teacher does not provide answer, does that mean that the inner Teacher will provide example of the lesson that is not yet understood when it’s requested to know what the lesson is?
The inner Teacher will provide additional lesson; there will not be example that will guide the self to an understanding of what the lesson truly entails.
The student who walks the path to healing often feels that the self is alone, that there is little assistance that proves to be of profit; profit to the student, of course, is answer – that which is inarguably correct. Te' Auna continues to seek answer from myself and others; she has yet to learn that truth is personal – that which belongs to the self, that which states, “I know what is correct for me – it may not be correct for any other but it is most assuredly, inarguably correct for myself.” The lessons that are presented to the student early, when the path is first entered – the answer is quite often, most assuredly, inarguable, for the student often takes the wrong course of action to resolve the issues that are brought forth by the Teacher; the self is unaware the majority of the time and the lesson plan provides the courses of action from which the self selects automatically - without thought, without concern, for the self is completely, totally unaware of the self’s behavior. The self is focused outwardly upon the other and is convinced that all that happens to the self of a negative nature is the fault of another. Once the student begins to walk the path to healing these situations are brought forth with great consistency – the proof is then available to the student that it is indeed the self that is failing to choose that is the cause of the self’s deep discomfort, of the self’s unhappiness. The first time the student begins to shift the behavior, the view begins to change as well; it takes many weeks, many months and for some, many years, for the view to shift completely to the self – always questioning the self, “What have I done? How could I have viewed this differently? If my response had been this, would it have been more favorable for all?”
Failure to recognize that the self is not choosing but rather is allowing the lesson plan to auto fill the behaviors, the responses for the self results in continued failure for the student.
It is important for each student to seek inward, to determine the source of the turbulence, to recognize that unease signifies active lesson.
The Student, this lesson plan causes the self to believe that knowledge is all that is needed and then the self will heal the self - the self will find the self’s own way, the self will determine what is needed and will then share it with others - to prove that the self is clever indeed. It is the student that follows this curriculum that ends up floundering upon the path. The niche is carved, the path, the groove is walked within day after week after month after year, wondering why progress has not yet been made, for the self has tried everything the self can think about - that the self can think of, that the self is capable of bringing forth - and nothing has caused forward progress. The lesson plan of Denial contains the lesson plan of the Student.
It is for you to recognize that knowledge is not king. Feeling is the goal. It is to inform the self to feel when the self is engaged - to feel the discomfort, to watch the impact of the fields upon the self when the self becomes engaged, to recognize the automatic choice of the self to disengage, to run, to hide, to put the agreeable face forward in order to prohibit true recognition, realization, and integration of the lesson. It is to feel the energies, to recognize them, so that the self can choose more wisely in future.
As with our sister (student), your approach is certainly to look outward, to seek outside, to place blame or responsibility upon another whenever discomfort or negativity is experienced. Do you agree with my assessment?
Loereve: Yes I do
It is the self, the self’s behavior that has been embraced, accepted as appropriate; it is the other’s behavior that is placed inside the spotlight, dissected by the self until fault has been found, so that the self is free of the burden or responsibility or blame. Do you understand?
Loereve: Yes
Tell me what lesson plan causes this response of the student.
Loereve: I would say I see Denial in the fact of shifting the responsibility away from myself.
Indeed – and what behaviors are employed?
Loereve: Behaviors – well, certainly being non-committal, not always accepting responsibility when it is pointed out to me but shifting it outwards to others.
The behaviors that belong to the field my brother of Denial – what are these?
Loereve: Judgment, blindness, superiority
Please complete the list my sister (student).
Student: Arrogance, self-focus
Indeed. It is to view the lesson plan, to recognize that the self’s response is indeed programmed and that forceful shifting of the attention is necessary in the moment of engagement – to turn the attention upon the self immediately, to refuse the ego’s demand for attention upon the other, to recognize that the lesson belongs to the self at the second of engagement.
I, as the Teacher, then draw forth these energies en masse – the cumulative energies. What does this mean? I activate these energies, giving them life, providing them with sensation that is then interpreted by the mind; this is to garner the attention of the self, so that the self realizes, “there is something that I must pay heed to …I must focus upon this sensation, for it is so unfavorable that it impacts my ability to continue forth as I did prior to its presence.” These energies oftentimes are present upon the surface for days, weeks, potentially months before the self recognizes the energy, for many other reasons are provided by the mind to the self for these feelings. The more intense the energies become, the more lesson is drawn forth by myself; many others are called to the self, bringing the message of the lesson that need be learned prior to the release of these energies. Each failure of the self to recognize the lesson, to begin to examine the self’s behavior and to determine the change or the thought-filled determination that the self prefers the response of the self, understanding its ramifications – only then shall the sensation be deactivated or released. It is important to understand that it is choice that the Teacher is presenting; the Teacher does not demand change – the Teacher demands choice.
Plenty of opportunity is provided to the student to determine if the choice that is stated when the self is not engaged, is truly the choice of the self once engagement has been initialized. It is a strengthening of the will that is an offshoot of this type of testing; it is not to taunt the student - it is to teach the student. Each lesson that is presented to the student strengthens the will, the commitment, the dedication, or weakens the same. The path to healing, the spiritual path itself, is not intended for all those who apply; there are many who shall walk it a short distance, to abandon it for the balance of the lifetime, potentially for a day, a week, a month, a year, 5 years, 10 years prior to returning. The Teacher never abandons the student; the Teacher is always waiting in the wings for the student to decide, “I am ready once again to walk my path, to be different, to improve my plight in subsequent lifetimes.”
What is universal truth? To understand why the self is here embodied at this time is to understand universal truth – that which apples to all consciousnesses. That universal truth is that all have come to learn to be love. I am Osiris. I am love. It is my honor to join with you this day to remind each that to be love requires dedication, concerted effort, and a recognition of the self at all times. Failure to see the self results in future lesson. It is to be love…to be love…that is the goal set before each.
It is to remember when the self becomes engaged that the Teacher is present, to focus upon the heart and to remind the self, “My goal is to be love…my goal is to be love…my goal is to be love.”