mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Inner Teacher

Joining this circle of seeking this day is my honor. I seek the attention of each, to listen closely to my words, to gather them into the heart, to taste them with the mind and to retain that which resonates, that which is believed to be timely for the self, discarding the rest; for the inner Teacher will see to it that the attention is returned when the time is more appropriate for the self.

It is the student that is focused upon the negative that believes that the Teacher seeks to remove all pleasure from the self’s life experience, for this idea could not be farther from truth. The Teacher seeks to draw forth pleasure by drawing forth recognition of pain and sorrow so that the self may recognize those periods of calm, periods of deep satisfaction, periods of what may be referred to as happiness that were never recognized as such before. It is the path that awakens the student’s ability to recognize happiness – that which the majority of humanity goes in search of each and every day, failing to recognize that the bulk of humanity is capable of this state the majority of their time. It is recognition that materialism has redesigned happiness. The consciousness that is capable of seeing all that the self has – love and support, food and water, shelter – it is these individuals that have the capability to classify the self as happy the majority of the time. This is indeed the bulk of humanity, for the basic needs of the consciousness are met, often with the assistance of the inner Teacher. It is materialism that has redrawn the basic needs, expanded them so to say, that if the self does not have these things then the self cannot be happy. It is as Te' Auna stated earlier – the lesson for those that do not have what they believe is needed has yet to be learned. To understand that the inner Teacher rewards those who learn this lesson; those who teach others, those who are generous, those who continue to step forth to aid those who are in need of assistance.

To believe that the self has enough is a most difficult task indeed, for each consciousness upon this planet has suffered severe lack – what may be regarded as severe deprivation of all things needed.

The student who walks the path to healing begins by garnering knowledge, often through books, persons that are regarded as persons of knowledge, as well as those close to the self; much is adopted from others, embraced by the self and made the own. The path is long and arduous, oftentimes knowledge maintained within is found to be erroneous – that which need be discarded, that which is difficult to uncover, for it has become a solid component within the belief system; a component that is oftentimes well hidden from the self, from others – indeed, from all except the inner Teacher.

The beliefs begin with those maintained regarding the self. If the self feels good about the self, then most generally the self will also feel good about others. If the self trusts the self, the self most likely will trust most others. If the self has faith in the self, the self can usually place the faith of the self in another. To love the self is to find within the self the ability to love another. The student that does not like the self, that does not trust nor have faith in the self, will generally not like others, will most assuredly not have faith or trust another. It is important to understand that this is a core belief – one that has been brought into the incarnation from previous incarnations; for it is the composite self that need be recognized, that will indeed be the focus of the current lifetime.

To recognize the self is the first step, for without recognition one is merely dancing in the dark, shadowboxing that which is believed to be at issue. If the self is willing to embrace that the belief system contains all that which has been learned and all that which has been failed in subsequent lifetimes, so that the self may benefit, so that the self may learn in this lifetime, thereby creating the composite for the next lifetime. To improve the plight of the self is the goal, to learn the lessons at hand is that which is most desired by the inner Teacher – that all lesson presented shall be embraced, reviewed by the self, questions put forth until understanding has been achieved; for the inner Teacher continues to bring forth those issues that shall guide the self to recognition of core beliefs that serve to maintain the unhealed nature of the self throughout the incarnation. The lesson plan presented merely exacerbates, massages shall we say, that which is felt by the composite self; for all lesson plans have been experienced by all humans upon the planet at this time.

The result is that the self is unique; the self may respond in any number of ways to lesson presented. Taking a student with the same lesson plan as another is certain to provide two unique responses, as the composite self has had experiences that vary from the other’s; uniqueness, variety – these classifications, these descriptions can most assuredly be placed upon the human. It is my goal to draw forth from within each present that which signifies what could be regarded as damage to the psyche – that which has become a part of the belief system as it regards the self; for at the end of each incarnation, the self is provided with opportunity to iterate that which was learned in the just ended lifetime. The majority of consciousnesses judge the self harshly, failing to draw forth that which was learned, that which was positive in nature, that which can be taken into the next lifetime to aid the self with lesson integration.

The goal of the student who walks the path to healing is to learn the lessons, to change the behaviors, to instill, to embed the behaviors deep within, to change the self’s thinking, the core belief system from one of self-doubt, mistrust, dislike, not-love to one of love, trust, faith, hope, for when these are a part of the core belief system, the lesson plan is readily integrated and cast aside, thereby enabling service for the balance of the lifetime. To love the self, to love all others is easily accomplished once the self begins to recognize the lessons.

Setting the course for the self, allowing others to continue forth upon their separate journey is the only course to be chosen by one who has awakened to the inner guide, the inner self, the true self that states, “We have experienced sufficiently, my beloved – it is time for us to journey back to our divinity.” Once awakened, the consciousness is reborn, lifetime after lifetime, and the inner guide/the true self begins the tasking to awaken the new self; it is the fruits of this planet that prohibit success for the true self, for the consciousness can be consumed with myriad experiences for the entire lifetime. Oftentimes, the self is consumed until the years are in great number and then, due to the myriad experiences, the health has been lost - the body no longer vibrant, the mind no longer sharp. And so the inner Teacher decides to leave the experience, hope-filled that the next experience, the next self, will be strong enough to awaken sooner – while there is still time to save the body, while the mind is still sharp and desirous of learning.

It is to recognize that all pain that emanates from the body is lesson – either active lesson or failed lesson accumulation. It is pain that need be understood…is there a malady – as with the skeletal system – a maladjustment that need be rectified to aid the physical body, for the physical body can become damaged. The inner Teacher is unable to repair this damage until the lesson has been learned; there are humans placed upon this planet that can ease the pain - that can aid the self by remedying the maladjustment, by remedying dis-ease, providing the self with additional opportunity to learn in future. Ignoring the problems of the body is not suggested, for this often results in early death of the housing. It is to recognize that failed lesson creates negative energy that is embedded within the body; the accumulation of failure, without desire to correct the actions of the self to those that would better endorse the physical body, results in illness. The typical student has been storing negative energies within the bodies for decades prior to awakening. The body begins to rebel at this storage; when the quantities have achieved certain levels, dis-ease becomes more likely. It is as the adjustments were made for yourself (Sol) and Te' Auna – dense energies were released from areas where they had been stored for decades – pain…the emotion of pain, released, freeing the body to adjust itself back to its natural state.

Emotion is stored within the body when it is not understood; emotion that is understood is released. It is important for each student to recognize that failed lesson is reflected throughout the body, that the inner Teacher has done its best to store these energies in areas that would provide clue to the self of the lessons that are being failed. Often, other areas need be utilized to prohibit debilitating dis-ease. It is for the student to ask in the meditative state –“What is this pain? What does it represent? How may I understand the lesson at hand? Please present another and another and another, until I see that which you are trying to illustrate for me. Unfortunately, the typical student becomes upset, focused upon the physical malady, determined to eliminate the malady versus understanding the reason for its presence. It is important for each student to ask the inner Teacher if there is anything that can be done by the self to aid the physical body and to then turn the attention to providing just that, so that the physical body can support the goals of the consciousness. It is partnership that is needed between the self and the physical body, for if the physical body has been informed that the self is indeed desirous of learning the lessons, disease can be held at bay, awaiting the time that the self has determined that the life experience is acceptable to the self as it stands and that change is no longer desirable.

The goal of the lifetime is to learn – the body is programmed to teach. As the self determines that the self is willing to embrace the lessons for the self, is indeed desirous of changed behaviors, energies that hold the potential for damage to the bodies can then be released.

It is important to understand terminology – integration: integration of the physical and the emotional body, integration of the physical, the emotional and the mental body, integration of the mental and the physical, integration of the mental and the emotional. This is what we seek when we speak of integration of the bodies – that the physical body work with the emotional body, the emotional body work with the mental body, the mental with the emotional, the mental with the physical, for they are all programmed to draw forth the lesson plan uniquely, each standing alone, each functioning to bring forth the lesson as demanded by the lesson plan selected by the inner Teacher for the student. It is as the student begins to learn, as the student begins to modify the self’s behaviors, as the student embraces wholeheartedly that each body is indeed programmed to respond in a particular fashion – it is then that the student can begin to step back, choosing more appropriately and allowing the bodies to function as they will, once the programming yoke has been discarded. The human body has been created to function in unity, for if the body, the physical body, fails to work with other components, the body would rapidly decline and become less than viable in short order.

It is to recognize that the self determines when the physical body, the emotional and the mental bodies, can begin to function cooperatively together; when the mental body stops amplifying the messages, when the emotional body stops creating confusion, when the physical body starts to inform the self more reliably of that which is needed. In order to do so, the self need step forth and state, “I seek understanding of each body. I seek understanding of the programming that prohibits the bodies from operating independent of the lesson plan. I embrace that the lesson plan is the cause of upset, of discomfort, of failure to recognize, failure to understand who I am not.” Failure to recognize the lesson plan provides permission to the inner Teacher to continue to draw forth to the self those individuals that will provide example, experience that is needed, in order for the self to see the self more clearly.

The inner Teacher has great difficulty in releasing memories to the current self, waiting until the self is mature enough, learned enough, experienced enough, to not become caught up in the details but rather, to look at the lifetime that has been provided to see “what is being provided to me in this lifetime - is that the drawing, the yearning that I feel within me that I have not been able to decode? Is this something that I must get on top of before it gets on top of me?” … Coming in to the lifetime the inner Teacher is fully aware of all things that challenge – that are intended to challenge the current self. The lesson plan utilizes energies that are samskaric in nature; it is these that reside with the lesson plans that the new self is born with.

It is the inner Teacher that struggles to get the attention of the self, for distraction consumes every moment of every day – even quiet moments, the self decides to listen to music or to think about what they are going to do later or what they have done earlier. It is rare that the mind is stilled and the contact is attempted with the inner Teacher who is so desirous of making contact, of providing all that which the self desires. It is failure to understand the desire of the self that causes the self to seek outwardly for all things; the self believes that the next journey, that the next experience will fulfill this desire that burns so brightly – oftentimes, so painfully - within, urging the self forward, seeking, seeking, seeking, the next and the next and the next experience. After the experience has been enjoyed, the self begins seeking the next, for the self finds that the emptiness has not been filled at all; rather, the yearning is burning more insistently, more painfully, urging the self to experience anew. It is the experience of the inner self/the true self that is the source of this yearning – there is no thing on this planet that will fulfill this desire other than contact with the true self, the inner Teacher.

“Is this my true desire or am I working to accomplish, am I striving to experience something that is not truly desired – that may thwart my purpose for having come back into this atmosphere at this time?” It is desire that fuels the self - that determines the focus that oftentimes takes one away from the true focus, the true purpose of the inner Teacher, the true self.

It is my desire to teach each student to seek assistance outside of the self, for the lesson plans assigned to each prohibit this seeking actively. Assistance from the inner Teacher will not be provided until the self readily, wholly, from the heart seeks assistance from another, thereby overcoming the lesson plan, which imposes the belief that the self is superior, that the self is indeed the authority, that the self is the teacher.

The inner Teacher that comes to the student prior to the student embracing that others outside of the self are needed will then have to contend with the student that fails to seek outside of the self. It is to recognize that the self is no better than, that the self is not the teacher. Purposefully, lesson has been provided to the self to force the self to go to others, to rely upon others to aid the self.

It is important for the student to pay close heed to recognitions that are made of behaviors that are unfavorable in those around the self; for it is the inner Teacher that is drawing the self’s attention to the behavior of another, to say, “this lies within us as well my beloved – shall we turn our attention upon it now, or do you require further example in future?”

Recognizing the self in others is tasking that few are proficient at performing; rather, the self is drawn to another who has similar interests, for the other reminds the self of the self and they are repelled by those behaviors that belong to the self that have yet to be revealed. Those who are viewed as obnoxious, controlling, conniving are those that are merely reflecting the image of the self’s own behavior back to the self. Failure to recognize the self in another ensures that lesson shall be drawn to the self so that the behaviors found to be so repugnant in another are soon revealed as belonging to the self as well. It is the inner Teacher’s duty to uncover all that which lies within, both positive and negative, until the self has embraced and decision made to retain the behaviors or to change. It is not the duty of the inner Teacher to accomplish change – it is the duty of the inner Teacher to accomplish recognition alone.

I shall ask each of you to survey the judgments made of the other three within this circle and to then survey the self to determine, “How does this behavior manifest within my self?” It is to be honest with the other, to inform them of the judgment and to then aid them in seeing the behavior that eludes them, to provide suggestion for change if the other vocalizes that they are desirous of doing so. It is for each to aid the other that is the goal of this circle – never to maintain silent judgment; for it is this that is detrimental to the other’s ability to be different. I refer you to the teaching labeled as “Prejudice”- for when the self judges another they eventually become prejudiced against the other, prejudging all behaviors, all responses, thereby prohibiting the other from being different in future, for opportunity is rarely extended by one who has already determined in the self’s own mind the outcome of this offering.

To understand that the motivation of the self is often misunderstood can be problematic for the self who claims that the self’s behaviors are simply who the self is, “I am who I am” is proclaimed – “This is who I am and I am not interested in changing, for it feels good to be who I am most of the time. The balance of the time I simply ignore or I discard those experiences that cause me to become unhappy with the life experience.” I should like for all in attendance to focus upon the self, focus upon the heart, to ask the self – “Am I walking the path that is most desired by myself or am I filling my time? Am I consumed with experience – the desire to garner experience?” There is no right or wrong way of being. It is to know the self, to understand the self’s desires - to understand that which motivates the self, that which the self is seeking; for once understood, success draws nearer, for the self is able to garner the endorsement of the inner Teacher and energies unfathomable become available to the self who has sought the guidance, the counsel, the endorsement of the inner Teacher. It is the inner Teacher that provides that which is needed to the self - the experience of previous lifetimes where the self has learned all things, has experienced all things - this knowledge, once made available to the self who knows, who understands the self’s focus, the self’s desire –all things now become possible.

It is love of the self that is so deeply sought after my brother – not the love of another. It is to recognize that the inner Teacher sends forth these feelings, these yearnings, to inform the self that love of the self is deficient; the self has misinterpreted these yearnings as to consist of desire for another. The self purposefully begins to seek another that will make the self miserable - this is to teach the self that the self is indeed the desired company of the self. Do you understand?

Loereve: Yes, I think so. It’s taken me a long time though.

Have you ever truly been with another that allowed you to be the self my brother?

Loereve: no

Do you understand that you shall continue to draw these individuals to you, for it was your plan to learn in this lifetime to love the self without condition?

Loereve: Interesting …that is very helpful to know.

It is to recognize that the activity that surrounds one’s desire to know and to heal the self invites judgment from all others who seek the endorsement of the self’s rightness, of the self’s way of being. One who is committed to knowing and healing the self no longer endorses another’s behavior that is indicative of one who need observe the self more closely, of one who need choose, more frequently, different direction. The individual that determines to know and to heal the self finds the self turning the back to most all relationships that were previously important to the self, for this is the only way that success can be tasted. The self that chooses to maintain these relationships with those who have determined that change is not desirable is one that will continually be challenged. This is, of course, appropriate. The student must choose for the self that which is most appropriate for the self, casting aside all example provided to the self by others. By making this statement, I wish to expand and explain that there are those within the spiritual arena that say “all must be cast aside” and there are others that say “all must be maintained” – it is for the self to choose for the self, it is for the self to know those challenges that are appropriate and those challenges that are extraordinary. The self will be guided by the inner Teacher if the self chooses to listen.

Student: Teacher would you elucidate for me please the best way for me to see the lessons before I fall into the pit of the reaction, before I get deep into it – to be more aware?

It is practice that is needed my sister - to readily and easily draw forth the desire to be different in the moment, to recognize the energies as they begin and rather than fueling them, to begin to state to the self, “I am love. I am loved. There is lesson here for me in this moment; I choose to see it, rather than to fall into the abyss of the lesson.”

Rationalization is utilized to encourage lack of conscience for the self who has damaged another once again. Conscience is the state of mind that creates unease, that reminds the self of the words or the actions of the self, replaying it over and over and over again; a general sense of unease - of anxiety, restlessness, irritation, frustration, sorrow - come forth, encouraging the self to examine the experience more closely.

The lesson plan of Repression is physical. The feeling is the goal - identification, recognition of the feeling that informs the self of that which is appropriate and that which is inappropriate for the self to experience once again. To recognize this lesson plan in young Asher is to ask him why he seeks to experience negativity again and again and again, for he realizes that his behavior draws forth that which is negative from all around the self. Why is he seeking negativity? Is it truly Asher that is seeking negativity or is it that which is attached to Asher that seeks this energy? It is for all to begin to recognize that a child is joyful by nature. The imposition of negativity is external - it is not internal; for the inner Teacher strives to provide positive experience – that which is based in love, that which nurtures the consciousness, to state, “Please stay this time, until we can learn.” There are many challenges upon this planet that cannot be controlled; recognition that a child is unhappy more than happy need be made by the parent and assistance sought from the child to determine - has the lesson been learned - can these challenges be eliminated?

Communication with the inner Teacher is possible for one who is able to enter the meditative state and to clear the mind; to state the self’s purpose prior to entering and then to allow the inner Teacher to filter forth those things that are needed by the self in order to be successful, for the self has experienced all things – the self understands how to be successful. It is the lesson plan that sits at top, providing energies that are referred to as the ego to thwart the self’s thinking, to prohibit the self from viewing things in a positive fashion. When all situation is viewed in the negative stance, the self is unable to draw forth solution that is of profit to all; it is this that is the focus of this school of learning – solution that is of profit to all.

It is to watch, to observe the mind - to spend 20 or 30 minutes every day sitting with a pad and pencil, closing the eyes and observing the mind, notating each experience – closing the eyes once again, waiting for the mind to interfere with the quiet that has been suggested by the inner Teacher. It is this quiet – once the self is able to truly quiet the mind – that the inner Teacher thrives within; for it is now that the inner Teacher can be heard. Prior to the self’s ability to quiet the mind, it is the mind indeed that speaks to the self. Those students with lesson plans focused upon the intellect have the greatest degree of difficulty in quieting the mind, for the mind is always thinking, thinking, thinking - observing, solving, fixing. It is the self that must be firm, that must find that which is regarded as ‘magic’ for the self, to quiet the mind and to recognize that it could take months, potentially years of use, prior to the self experiencing true quieting of the mind.

It is the mind that determines the focus. It is the mind that thinks. It is the mind that directs action. It is the mind that receives data, analyzes it and then draws conclusion, thereby informing the self of the action required. The mind that has become damaged due to faulty thinking is one that receives data and analyzes it based on this faulty direction; when the self accepts the thinking without question it is the self who fails the lessons presented.

It is the mind that determines the direction to be taken by the self as long as the self remains unaware; if the self does not choose to change the direction of the mind - even though it is known that the mind is misleading the self – it is this that informs the Teacher that the student has yet to learn.

It is to ask the self – “Who am I becoming? Is my mind connected to the heart or is my mind leading me down the path that results in failure?” The self who states that the self is desirous of being different need change this course, need engage the heart, need state, “I am desirous of understanding this lesson, not to be informed of how this lesson has been failed many, many times previously.” It is indeed the mind that re-minds the self again and again of the outcome of previous experience, regardless of its relevancy. The self who fails to question - who fails to examine, to determine if it is indeed relevant or if it is merely a ploy of the mind - is one who continues to fail.

The presence of negativity – negativity on the surface of the body, negativity within the body itself – should be cause for celebration, for the self can state quite clearly, “I feel these energies, the denseness…I can almost see it – they are oppressive, they cause my body to tighten, to ache, to swell, to malfunction. It is with great joy that I welcome their presence; for I see opportunity is at hand – to learn and then to release these energies, so that no further damage may be experienced by my body.” It is this perspective that I seek to instill in each of you, to recognize that the presence of negativity represents opportunity to the self to be different, to learn, so that understanding may be accomplished and then shared with others to aid and to ease another’s journey, as service, repaying the Teacher for the assistance provided to the self. It is difficult for the student to make this shift, for it is a mental, an emotional and indeed, a physical shift. The physical body learns to deal with the energies, to manage the pain. The mental body learns to stop amplifying the pain, to simply provide message to the self, “The pain is present. The pain is still present. The pain remains present.” – so that the self remains informed that the lesson has yet to be learned. It is the emotional body that requires the greatest effort of the self, for it is the emotional body that amplifies the pain, “I have a slight headache.” One hour later, “I have a terrible headache.” Two hours later, “My head is killing me.” Three hours later, “I cannot bear this pain any longer. It is one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days present – I cannot bear it” – and the focus is now upon the pain, rather than the location of the pain, rather than the purpose of the pain; for the pain is only elevated when the Teacher feels that the student is ignoring the lesson.

Energies brought forth and enlivened provide the student only with sufficient pain to encourage attention to that which has been brought forth; the Teacher does not seek to damage the self, the Teacher seeks to garner the attention of the self. The presence of the energies upon the surface of the body oftentimes can become caustic, can be damaging, if the student does not pay heed to the lesson, if the student does not attempt to learn that which has been presented. It is important for the self to recognize that when energies are drawn forth by the Teacher that their presence over a period of time can be adjusted to mentally and emotionally; it is a small pain that grows, thereby increasing the self’s tolerance to pain, thereby encouraging damage by these energies for the self who fails to understand the lesson and to then release these energies that are causing damage. It is to understand the lessons associated with each area of the body my sister. It is to recognize the activities that cause the body to struggle. It is to realize that the mental, the emotional demands often tax the physical body. It is balance that is being sought. It is the body, the physical body’s demand to be accepted, to be embraced as equal partner to the mental, to the emotional, to the self.

It is pain that need be understood. Is there a malady, as with the skeletal system - a maladjustment that need be rectified to aid the physical body, for the physical body can become damaged? The inner Teacher is unable to repair this damage until the lesson has been learned; there are humans placed upon this planet that can ease the pain - that can aid the self by remedying the maladjustment, by remedying disease - providing the self with additional opportunity to learn in future. Ignoring the problems of the body is not suggested, for this often results in early death of the housing. It is to recognize that failed lesson creates negative energy that is embedded within the body. The accumulation of failure, without desire to correct the actions of the self to those that would better endorse the physical body, results in illness. The typical student has been storing negative energies within the bodies for decades prior to awakening. The body begins to rebel at this storage; when the quantities have achieved certain levels, disease becomes more likely.

Emotion is stored within the body when it is not understood; emotion that is understood is released. It is important for each student to recognize that failed lesson is reflected throughout the body, that the inner Teacher has done its best to store these energies in areas that would provide clue to the self of the lessons that are being failed. Often, other areas need be utilized to prohibit debilitating disease. It is for the student to ask in the meditative state –“What is this pain? What does it represent? How may I understand the lesson at hand? Please present another and another and another, until I see that which you are trying to illustrate for me. Unfortunately, the typical student becomes upset, focused upon the physical malady, determined to eliminate the malady versus understanding the reason for its presence. It is important for each student to ask the inner Teacher if there is anything that can be done by the self to aid the physical body and to then turn the attention to providing just that, so that the physical body can support the goals of the consciousness. It is partnership that is needed between the self and the physical body, for if the physical body has been informed that the self is indeed desirous of learning the lessons, disease can be held at bay, awaiting the time that the self has determined that the life experience is acceptable to the self as it stands and that change is no longer desirable.

The goal of the lifetime is to learn – the body is programmed to teach. As the self determines that the self is willing to embrace the lessons for the self, is indeed desirous of changed behaviors, energies that hold the potential for damage to the bodies can then be released.

Understanding that the physical teacher is provided so that healing of the self may be expedited for those who present the selves with commitment and dedication, for the inner Teacher requires the assistance of the physical teacher, to begin the deconstruction of the ego; the deconstruction must be started so that the inner Teacher can be heard, for as long as the ego has full voice, the student cannot hear, cannot distinguish the difference between the voice of the inner Teacher versus that of the ego.

To understand the soul family is to understand the consciousness’ beginnings. All consciousnesses derive from the central pool, created by a Supreme Being - one that sought to bring forth darkness and light - to broaden the experience, to teach, to learn. The consciousness is provided with many opportunities within many different kingdoms, to learn and to teach, to experience, to garner knowledge, to understand it and to experience fully wisdom – as it is employed for the self, as it can be employed to aid another. The experience of the consciousness expands through time that simply cannot be grasped by the human mind; suffice it to say that millions of years have passed since your creation, my sister, and experience garnered, bringing you to this place and this time and this experience - to recognize that that which has been experienced is merely the beginning of that which can be experienced. It is within this dimension that the human believes the self to be impermanent; outside of this dimension it is well understood that once created, the consciousness shall continue forth through innumerable experiences, innumerable lives in a number of dimensions. Love is the goal – to be love, to understand darkness…that which is not love - which cannot be accomplished until the self has been submerged completely within darkness.

The soul family shifts and reduces slowly, lifetime after lifetime, as the self seeks to bring forth – to surround the self in fact, with those who are walking similar path, for in this way, the likelihood of one awakening and then impacting the other is increased dramatically. It is important when surveying those about the self that have assisted the self greatly – either through difficult experience or that which has opened the eyes of the self - it is most important for the self to recognize that the inner Teacher has drawn this individual into your sphere purposefully.

To recognize the members of the soul family is to open the heart to determine, “Is there connection – either positive or negative?” For one that is a member of the soul family can either attract or repel, dependent upon the service that has been provided by each to each in preceding lifetimes. Those individuals that the self feels strongly repelled against are those individuals typically that have provided dark service to the self in previous lifetime; it is these that need be embraced, for as long as the feeling remains of revulsion, of disgust, of dislike, of hatred – karmic ties remain, drawing each back into this dimension lifetime after lifetime, until these feelings can be resolved, until these feelings can be changed to one of acceptance and love unconditional.

The purpose of the soul family is to enable the self to choose those individuals that can aid the self in future incarnations. It is often that the self is attracted to one that is not a member of the soul family; new relationships, new bonds are formed – the consciousness may or may not travel together in future. Simply because the self is attracted to an individual in this lifetime does not mean that they are a member of the soul family; it is important to recognize this, for oftentimes individuals are romanticized and certain behaviors overlooked, due to the individual’s impressions or feelings that they are a member of the self’s soul family. It is important to note that this should never make a difference in one’s ability to embrace another, in one’s ability to love another unconditionally.

I am Osiris. I seek to assist each upon your journey to self-realization, to self-recognition, to self-healing. It is not possible for me to do so as long as the ego is provided with the front seat, so to say; for the presence of the ego in the student who has been informed says to the inner Teacher, “I choose negativity. I choose habit. I choose the automatic response. I do not seek your assistance at this time.” The inner Teacher is rarely heard by this student for it is the ego’s voice that is provided with full-on attention - it is the ego’s voice that judges, it is the ego’s voice that taints, that tarnishes the advice, the counsel, the assistance offered by another to the self during times of struggle, for the ego is desirous of all focus being placed upon the other. As long as focus is placed upon the self, progress is threatened – the ego does not seek progress.

I am Osiris. I am, in fact, a portion of the triangulation of energies within all human beings; all consciousnesses within this dimension carry a fragment of my consciousness. It is I that am the Teacher – it is my voice that is heard once the student has eliminated sufficient quantities of negativity from the bodies so that my voice can be heard reliably. I should like to correct the final statement – it is the voice of the inner Teacher that need be heard reliably; the inner Teacher is heard reliably for some time prior to my voice being heard, my presence being felt, my embracement of the self as student.

I walk this path alongside each of you, recognizing each stumble, often catching you prior to damage to the self or another by drawing forth awareness of the self’s behavior, of the self’s thinking, of the self’s words.

I am Osiris. I seek to address the issue brought forth by Te' Auna – the placement of my consciousness within all humans is accurate; however, this component, shall we say, merely enables the connection made by myself directly to the student that enables me to participate in all activities conducted by the student. It is true that the student must achieve a particular level prior to my connection; those students who are connected to me know what this requirement is. It is important for each of the three students present who benefit from my teachings to understand that I am connecting to you during the teaching to draw forth knowledge that is needed in order to counsel and guide you. It is the inner Teacher that I communicate with during this connection. It is my honor to address this issue, for Te' Auna has been most desirous of this answer for some time. I am Osiris. I am love.

I am Osiris. I am love. It has been my honor to make contact with each of your inner Teachers and to provide service that has aided each of you in the removal of negativity. There is much remaining for each to learn. Making contact with the inner Teacher is the next step for each; to tighten the bond that assures the inner Teacher that the self has chosen the path once again and that the self will maintain the course for the balance of this lifetime. For it is only then that Osiris is called to aggressively aid the self in removal of negativity – that which will aid the self in future lifetimes.

The student that seeks to know and to heal the self, that seeks the presence of Osiris, must prove to the inner Teacher that the path has been chosen – that the self will stay the course for the balance of this lifetime. Much testing is provided prior to my calling.

When the student first begins to walk the path to healing the self believes that the self is to become a messenger of the light - to become a messenger of the Father, the Creator; there is no other path that appears to be as enticing as one that results in the self being of the light. It is difficult for the student to embrace that while in this earth’s atmosphere all beings here are indeed messengers of the light; they are equally messengers of darkness. Walking the path to healing enables the student to begin to understand the self, to begin to understand the self’s experiences and to begin to unravel the denseness that lies within, discarding it piece by piece, bit by bit, as understanding is achieved. The goal for all consciousnesses that arrive in this atmosphere is to experience all things, so that all things may be understood, so that the consciousness may then depart these realms, this kingdom, for the next.

Experiences, so numerous as to be unfathomable to the human mind, have already been garnered by each consciousness arriving upon this planet; it is unimaginable to most that the self has already been trained for all things that would be experienced within this planet’s atmosphere. All has been forgotten, all memory wiped clean from the consciousness’ grasp with each new birth - all lying dormant within, until the consciousness within the new body awakens to the spiritual path once again. It is only then that the memories can be released bit by bit, to inform the self that all things have indeed been experienced previously. Failure to recognize the purpose of these memories causes the individual to pursue clues in a way that extends the time needed to understand the lessons of the current lifetime. The inner Teacher has great difficulty in releasing memories to the current self, waiting until the self is mature enough, learned enough, experienced enough, to not become caught up in the details but rather, to look at the lifetime that has been provided to see “what is being provided to me in this lifetime - is that the drawing, the yearning that I feel within me that I have not been able to decode? Is this something that I must get on top of before it gets on top of me?”

The majority of humans that are provided past life memories become enamored of the story; are oftentimes proud of that which has been experienced - even lifetimes of darkness. The inner Teacher discovers early on the battle that is to ensue with the current self based upon the response of the self to the release of past life memories. Oftentimes, the inner Teacher determines not to release any memories, for the self has become enamored lifetime after lifetime with the story, failing to utilize the information for the purpose for which it was given.

It is my honor to assist each of you in your journey to understanding. Recognition that difficulty, challenge, within the life experience is necessary, for it strengthens the will, enabling the self to see the struggle of another through fresh eyes – eyes that have witnessed the struggle of the self. It is to not forget the struggle of the self, for if forgotten the inner Teacher shall be charged with the mission to draw forth the experience for the self once again.

Shifting the attitude from that which is negative to that which is positive is a most difficult feat to accomplish. When the consciousness first comes into this atmosphere the attitude of joy, excitement, that which states, “I am here to experience…all experiences are welcome” – it is this attitude that is lost as the self continues to experience, as the experiences garnered begin to be classified as that which is negative or undesirable. Lifetime after lifetime, negativity is experienced and oftentimes negative experience far outweighs that which could be classified as positive, joyful – that which brings happiness and a desire to continue in this dimension.

When the student first begins to walk the path to healing negativity is its constant companion; it is difficult for the self to recognize the difference between positive and negative for all things have been colored by previous experience. Decision has been made as to the appropriate classification of each experience. Lesson is now always classified as painful, difficult – that which results in struggle, oftentimes followed by failure. It is the self’s decision to view the opportunity in this way that builds the character that will step forth, utilizing field energies, to overwhelm the self’s defense system – the self’s will, to ensure that the experience is classified as negative. The student that begins to recognize that lesson is opportunity to prove the self’s merit, to prove that the self is truly desirous of being different, of change, to prove that the self is capable, to prove that the self understands the teachings provided and that even if failure results, the experience shall be regarded as positive, for the student has had opportunity to practice, to hone the skill – that which will ensure future success.

It is to change the attitude, to view all things in light that is positive, to forbid the mind from drawing forth judgment that demands that all be viewed as darkness, as undesirable, as negative experience. The inner Teacher struggles to teach the student, the self, that lesson is joyous; for without the opportunity to prove that the self has indeed learned, the inner Teacher cannot release the energies that tie the self to the lesson plan. The inner Teacher is unable to ease the pain that is experienced within each body due to the energies that have accumulated in this and previous lifetimes due to lesson failure. Presentation of lesson is opportunity to prove that the self has indeed changed, that the self does indeed understand the purpose of the self’s existence, thereby granting permission to the inner Teacher to release the energies that draw forth lesson, that ensure discomfort that will garner the attention of the self each time lesson is drawn forth. Failure to view lesson in a positive fashion ensures that the characters shall at least gain center stage; it is only the will of the self, if awareness is invoked, that will eliminate their influence.

I ask each of you to focus upon the heart. Focusing upon the heart for several minutes each day, and if possible several times for several minutes each day, allows the self to make contact with the inner Teacher, the true self - that which lies within that is known to be love. It is to disallow all thinking, to simply focus upon the heart, allowing love to be felt throughout the bodies. It is through this exercise that the self will begin to realize the impact of love for the self and its nourishing qualities, its ability to heal, its ability to strengthen, to fortify the will and the desire of the self to be different. These quiet moments, spent focused upon the heart, will allow the self to take the first steps towards teaching the self to think with the heart versus thinking with the mind.

It is to direct all focus upon the heart my brother (Loereve); the thoughts, if they are present, should be regarding the quality of the heart; 1) The beating of the heart; 2) How the heart feels – is there constriction? 3) Are there colors, pathways to be seen, energies that the self does not recognize? 4) Is there hollowness? 5) Is there fullness? 6) Is the beating strong or weak? It is to envision the heart as strong, filled to capacity with love that emanates out to be shared with all with each beating.

There are few humans upon the planet at this time that can say that they love another without condition, that the others’ behavior, that the other’s response holds no threat to the love felt for the other by the self. The majority of humans believe that they have experienced true love; yet, when questioned, determination is rapidly made that the love is conditional, for the love of the self is conditional. The self has not been accepted by the self, the self has failed the self. If the self can fail the self, how can the self possibly expect another to provide that which the self cannot provide? Therefore, all others are provided with similar love – conditional, to be withdrawn should the other fail to fulfill the expectations of the self.

It is the inner Teacher that first awakens the desire to love and to be loved. The student believes that it is another – the beloved, the friend, the pet – that has awakened this desire. It is the love provided by the inner Teacher that is diminished, criticized – indeed, refused; for the student fails to recognize that it is the Teacher’s duty to draw forth all that which lies within that prohibits the self from experiencing love in its purest state – that which is known as unconditional.