mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Lesson Failure

Failure to recognize that all lesson presented to the self is necessary and need be welcomed – for it is the welcoming that provides the perspective that is needed in order for the student to see that which is truly being presented, that which the self need recognize, that which the self need then act upon. The typical student views lesson as challenge, views lesson as abhorrent, hating every moment of the presence of negativity, failing to see that the Teacher has called forth energies that have been created by the self and stored within the body for myriad reason - to enable the self to learn the lesson, to understand the experiences that came prior, and to then release the energies that were created by the self when the same lesson was failed previously.

It is the self that decides to listen; it is, of course, the characters, the composite self, that convince the self to ignore, to dismiss all things that could aid the self. Getting inside is the goal of the Teacher, inside that circle of defense, that circle of protection – the wall that says, “No one enters here but myself and I, too, rarely enter to reveal that which lies within.” The typical student ignores the characters, the composite self, whenever the behavior is unfavorable to the self. The story is told, “I seek to be different. I understand that I don’t always behave appropriately but the majority of the time I do. It is not possible to be perfect – it is not even my desire to be perfect.” Therefore, that which lies within continues to undermine the desire that has been spoken by the self. It is important to allow others entry and to then follow the other inside the self, to survey that which lies within, to ask the other to aid the self to see the self; to know the self from another’s perspective is vital to the student’s progress upon the path to healing. Failure to embrace the words of another, failure to review the behaviors of the self completely, results in a failure to choose in the current lifetime. Choice is the goal of all consciousnesses that incarnate in this dimension.

It is to recognize that the self as a young child does not judge the self; the self is outwardly seeking, the self is love, enthusiasm, energies that draw others to the self – until the bodies from previous lifetimes join with the self. It is then that all previous lesson failures are available to the inner Teacher to draw forth energies that cause the self to take notice of that which is occurring around the self with something more than mere curiosity; for it is a child that is curious, that is willing, that is able to experience all things without exclusion for there is little to no fear. Fear is implanted, imposed upon the small being by those who guide the young consciousness – those known as the parents, the caregivers, the siblings, the peers; fear is unnatural to the new being.

Once the bodies from previous lifetimes join with the current bodies, those fears, phobias, addictions – indeed behaviors that have been carved steadily, deeply, throughout the psyche - begin to appear, begin to dominate, begin to change who this young being was just hours, days, weeks, months, one or two short years prior. Now the thoughtforms that have been created by the self, nurtured, watered, overly fed, lifetime after lifetime, have rejoined with the self. A passing remark by a caregiver or a parent, prior to the time when the child can think rationally, has been elevated, provided with tremendous importance, for it is the energies activated, drawn forth by the inner Teacher, that have emphasized the importance of this event. The self believes that the parent has damaged the self; the self takes words that could have been stated with a chuckle and states them in a voice of deadly seriousness – that which damages the self deeply, reawakening the wound of previous lifetimes. The self’s behavior begins to shift based upon this reawakening. The self’s actions and reactions begin to follow those carved for the self previously through many lifetimes.

It is important for all students to recognize that the belief system did not originate in this lifetime; indeed, all are composites, all have lived many, many lifetimes. All have experienced many, many things. All have learned many lessons. All have failed many others - that which continues to distress the self, that which continues to result in lesson failure in this lifetime, are those lessons that have yet to be learned. The belief system is the source of all energies that result in failure for the student – failure to embrace that it is the self’s thinking that waters, that nurtures the belief system states that the student has yet to experience adequately in order to reveal that which is faulty that lies within. The Teacher will continue to draw forth lesson after lesson after lesson in an attempt to show the student that which is believed by the self, that which is known to be faulty by the inner Teacher, that which has yet to be discovered as such by the self.

It is the ego of the adult self that seeks to rationalize the behaviors of the self, that seeks to inform others that the reason that the self is who the self is, is because of the damage imposed upon the self as a child. Those students who walk the path to healing recognize this as talk belonging to the ego, for as I just stated, all consciousnesses are retested when taking the new body, when creating the new self; for the lesson has not been learned until the self responds automatically - appropriately.

If the emotional body is responding with emotion – how does the student determine if this emotion is programming or if it is stored energies that need be released or addressed by the student? It is important for each student present to recognize that great energies exist within the self, many of which are encoded as emotion. As the inner Teacher draws them forth for release, great emotion is often experienced and one of the lessons encountered by the student is to begin to recognize that which belongs to the self - that which is emotion that has been repressed by the self, stored within the bodies for this or potentially many, many lifetimes. This emotion must be provided with honor, with release, for if it is not it shall remain upon the surface until the student has recognized that the energies await recognition and gratitude of the self prior to their departure.

Lesson, failed lesson, causes the accumulation of emotional energies. Depending upon the lesson plan, the student may release the majority of these energies as they are experienced. The student that is determined to put a face outside that informs others of the self’s strength is one that shall maintain these energies within the body; for the majority of these energies have never been honored – rather, they have been repressed, tamped down into the muscle, the tissues, every available inch of the body. The student that is beginning to release these energies need focus upon the energies, need provide whatever the body is seeking; to scream, to jump, to run, to cry, to cough – to provide whatever is being sought without censor. It is only through experience that the student begins to recognize that which need be released with emotion and that which can be released in myriad other ways.

It is to recognize that the energies of failed lesson create material - tangible material - that then resides within the body. If the lesson is associated with a particular part, area of the body, the energies settle here; the organs are most usually impacted last, for it is this that can interfere with the ability of the body to continue to function while the lessons are being learned. The body is indeed impacted by the energies that are created by failed lesson – whether the physical, mental or emotional is the source body, so to say. It is important for each to understand that when a lesson is failed and the self chooses not to resolve the lesson, that the self is choosing to damage one of the bodies, for the energies will indeed be stored within that body until the lesson has been learned.

I, as the Teacher, then draw forth these energies en masse – the cumulative energies. What does this mean? I activate these energies, giving them life, providing them with sensation that is then interpreted by the mind; this is to garner the attention of the self, so that the self realizes, “there is something that I must pay heed to …I must focus upon this sensation, for it is so unfavorable that it impacts my ability to continue forth as I did prior to its presence.” These energies oftentimes are present upon the surface for days, weeks, potentially months before the self recognizes the energy, for many other reasons are provided by the mind to the self for these feelings. The more intense the energies become, the more lesson is drawn forth by myself; many others are called to the self, bringing the message of the lesson that need be learned prior to the release of these energies. Each failure of the self to recognize the lesson, to begin to examine the self’s behavior and to determine the change or the thought-filled determination that the self prefers the response of the self, understanding its ramifications – only then shall the sensation be deactivated or released. It is important to understand that it is choice that the Teacher is presenting; the Teacher does not demand change – the Teacher demands choice.

I am Osiris. It is my duty to draw forth all that which is qualified as negative; this qualification has been made by one who reviews the self’s behavior and determines that the self’s response is prohibiting accomplishment of the goal - to be love. All other experience is merely experience to be embraced by the self as experience that was necessary. I draw forth those behaviors that have been recognized by the unconscious self as detrimental by calling forth lesson that will engage the same response as that which has been provided previously. I first call forth those energies that have been embedded within the tissues, deep inside the body, so that response is immediate, powerful, garnering the attention of the self; those situations that are merely an irritation, a frustration, do not garner the attention as is desired by my self. By drawing forth energies that reside within the self, I am able to utilize minimal energies here upon the planet in order to engage the student.

It is important for each student to recognize that when the self is engaged negative energies from many previous failed lessons have been utilized to amplify the response of the self. It is to recognize that I, Osiris, am now with you - for, if you are capable of focusing the attention upon the Teacher knowing that I have utilized that which lies within the self…I have drawn forth another to aid you in lesson recognition - this realization alone should aid the self in overcoming the emotional response that is demanded by those unhealed portions of the self. For the trigger response - that which is immediate - is merely habit, that which is chosen, the behaviors that have been most successful for the self in the past, in ridding the self of the challenge in the moment. It is important for each to realize that elimination of the challenge is indeed the goal of the ego – to put it away as rapidly as possible. The student who walks the path to healing is then told by the ego that the self has not really become upset or engaged at all. “Look at how quickly I eliminated that challenge. In the past it would have upset me, disturbed me greatly, and now I have placed it away quite rapidly” - this is the ego’s attempt to trick the self into believing that the self is different, that the self has changed, for the self no longer becomes upset; rather, the self is discarding challenge rapidly.

Supporting the student who walks the path to healing. It is important for all present to recognize that this circle of seeking has been called together in order to support each - by each. As the journey becomes more difficult, it is to teach each to share completely, deeply of the self, recognizing that all others shall ask questions that will be regarded as inappropriate and to offer advice that is not desired by the ego. It is to remember why you are here within this circle; to open the self to the scrutiny of others, to invite advice, counsel, guidance from each – to allow it to sit with the self, to feel it, to determine the source of the aversion to that which has been suggested for the self and to then make decision as to what can be tried and what need be set aside until later when the self’s defenses are less rigid.

To support the student who is engaged is a most honorable task – one that requires all present to be love; yet, to be firm, no nonsense, to never indulge the student who has failed to recognize the lesson. It is to bring forth harsh realities, for it is in that moment that the ego can be spotted, exposed, and then choice – true choice – presented to the student to change or to endorse the ego once again. It is to understand the power of the lesson plan, the power of the fields, the power of the energies that the Teacher has enlivened within the bodies of the self to prohibit you from being successful the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth – twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth time.

Plenty of opportunity is provided to the student to determine if the choice that is stated when the self is not engaged, is truly the choice of the self once engagement has been initialized. It is a strengthening of the will that is an offshoot of this type of testing; it is not to taunt the student - it is to teach the student. Each lesson that is presented to the student strengthens the will, the commitment, the dedication or weakens the same. The path to healing, the spiritual path itself, is not intended for all those who apply; there are many who shall walk it a short distance, to abandon it for the balance of the lifetime, potentially for a day, a week, a month, a year, 5 years, 10 years prior to returning. The Teacher never abandons the student; the Teacher is always waiting in the wings for the student to decide, “I am ready once again to walk my path, to be different, to improve my plight in subsequent lifetimes.”

It is important for the student to recognize that “all is as it should be” are not just words. When placed together, “All is as it should be” as a phrase, stated to the self as mantram, “All is as it should be” – it informs the self that no experience is happenstance, that the Teacher is indeed with the self in this moment, that the self’s response is being monitored, that all that has been learned is being tested, that all that has been failed is being tested because the Teacher makes use of all that which is available to aid the student. The student that fails to see that which has been brought forth to teach the self is the student that fails time after time after time, recognizing that the Teacher endorses learning and steps back once the student has made clear the choice for the ego.

It is in the early stages of walking the path that the Teacher comes and goes, for the student comes and goes; the student’s focus is outward. When the student determines that progress is desired, the Teacher steps forth, calling lesson that will determine if the desire is true. Until the student has proven the self’s ability, the Teacher is not ever-present.

To cough forcefully, to laugh, to do whatever is necessary to dispel the energetic hold that the ego has taken over the heart chakra; the heart has been shielded – the self has become cold, has become defensive, has become offensive, is no longer connected to those around the self, has withdrawn the self’s energies completely, for the self is in need of defense and protection. Failure to recognize that the self is engaged states that the ego has been provided with permission to conduct the experience once again; be assured the ego will select defense and protection each time it is provided with dominion.

It is to view the lesson plan, to recognize that the self’s response is indeed programmed and that forceful shifting of the attention is necessary in the moment of engagement – to turn the attention upon the self immediately, to refuse the ego’s demand for attention upon the other, to recognize that the lesson belongs to the self at the second of engagement. To embrace the self, to embrace others – the self cannot truly be embraced until others have been embraced as well. It is to recognize that to embrace another means that the self understands the lesson plan – the self understands that all negativity experienced by the self is due to failed lesson for the self or another for whom the self is embracing the lesson - taking the lesson upon the self, rather than recognizing that it belongs to another. Rather, the individual is focused upon the damage done to the self, blaming the other for damaging the self, rather than recognizing that the other has failed no one other than the self. Service has been provided to the self so that the self may see how another responds to lesson failure, to then examine the self to observe the self’s own failures, to determine if correction need be made. The failure of the self to cast off those energies given to the self, placed upon the self by another who was failing, is lesson indeed.

Denial does not believe in apology because Denial is superior and arrogant; Denial does no wrong – it is the other, always, that need be focused upon. If apology is necessary, it is obvious that the other misunderstood or that the other asked the self a query inappropriately, causing the self to misspeak. Forgiveness is not extended by one who cannot recognize that damage has been imposed upon another due to the self’s blindness - if there is no damage, then apology is unnecessary and forgiveness completely unneeded.

It is the lesson plan of Shame that makes forgiveness neigh onto impossible, for Shame is contemptuous, Shame is diminishing - Shame believes that the grudge must be maintained, so that all may see that the other is less than the self.

Separation - highly mental…if understanding can be achieved, forgiveness is readily extended; if understanding cannot be achieved, forgiveness is withheld.

The lesson plan of Guilt blames if the self has suffered and, the self or another is blamed for this suffering, the self is unable to see that all is lesson that each experiencing are intended to learn. Forgiveness is often difficult for the individual who blames another, for like Shame, the grudge is preferred; the self believes, “I need remember this so that it never happens to me again. If I forgive, I may forget – that shall never happen.”

These are the lessons that are part of your lesson plan my sister. It is to take these understandings into meditation and to seek assistance for those components of the core beliefs that prohibit the self from extending true forgiveness to another.

Recognition of the self’s inability to embrace another due to lesson failure is critical to the student who walks the path to healing, for the self who fails to forgive another shall find the self as the unforgiven in future. To understand that all humans came to learn and that all humans fail the majority of their existence provides knowledge to the student that need be understood, felt deeply within the self by seeing the self in all others, for only then does forgiveness flow readily and easily from the heart for all those who have damaged the self in the past, those that will damage the self in the present, and those that may attempt to damage the self in future. Damage is perception that has been distorted, for damage, when viewed appropriately, is service.

It is important for all gathered to understand that the pursuit of knowing and healing the self is one that is fraught with peril for one who fails to recognize the presence of the ego; the ego, energies created by the self when failure was experienced – negative response, negativity that now resides within the body and for most upon the planet, embedded deeply within all bodies. As these energies are drawn forth and many released, the self is in awe of the quantity, finding it difficult to embrace that the self could have so much negativity within the self. The goal of the lifetime is to eliminate negativity, to draw forth the inner Teacher, so that lessons may be presented to the self, utilizing all time available to the self to learn. As long as the ego maintains its stature of dominance, the inner Teacher is forced to utilize others to teach the self; oftentimes, forced to accept that the self has mis-taken the lesson once again and rather than releasing negativity, increasing negativity.

It is the desire of the inner Teacher to aid the self. Elimination of negativity enables the self to begin to enjoy the life experience once again, to begin to see the value of the self’s presence in this dimension, to recognize the value of the service that could be provided to others, for there are far more in need than there are able to serve. It is for this and future lifetimes that the inner Teacher strives to gain more prominence, to aid the self in ridding the self of that which prohibits the hearing of the voice that lies within, to aid the self in returning to the original state of divinity.

Judgment is the material of the ego – it is actually that which is the very fabric, the threads when woven together - that prohibit the self from changing, for often the self believes that the judgment made by the self is accurate, is appropriate, and need not be reviewed. The Teacher is focused upon exposure of judgment, for the student oftentimes fails to see that judgment has been employed and is currently prohibiting new experience, new ways of thinking; therefore, new ways of being. As long as the student refuses to see the behavior of the self, refusing to see that judgment is indeed being employed - not assessment - then the self cannot change.

The self that believes that the self is merely assessing rather than judging is one that will continue to fail the lessons that are brought forth by the Teacher. Those with the lesson plan of Denial have what is considered to be “judgment ever-present” - judgment that is all-pervasive, judgment that need be recognized. It is to inform the self, “I have judged. There is no question that I have judged. I cannot lie to my self and say that I have assessed, for I have judged. It is to then take the second step and to state to the self the value of the judgment, “This is why I have made the judgment. I, too, conduct my self in similar fashion. This is the purpose of the judgment. I shall use this information to provide my self with choice in future to be different.” Those who allow the unhealed portion of the self to convince the self that assessment has been employed are those that will continue with the behaviors concealed from the self that have been exhibited in service to the self by another. Failure to recognize judgment is the number one reason for lesson failure encountered by the student who walks the path to healing.

The student that fails to understand that the Teacher is also student is one that has failed to recognize that unrealistic expectation is often exhibited by the self for others within the life experience as well. It is to recognize that all surrounding the self are learning, all are at different positions upon the path – either ahead of you, walking in step with you, or walking behind you matters not, for the interaction of the self with another is intentional and each are able to teach each. The student that fails to open the eyes, to remove the blinders, is the student that fails to understand the lesson that has been brought forth to the self by the Teacher with this interaction. There are no mistakes. All are brought into the life experience purposefully. Each has the opportunity to learn; each equally has the opportunity to fail. It is failure that is experienced most frequently due to judgment – the inability of the self to see that all are brought into the life experience to teach the self. It is the viewpoint of the ego that the other has failed that prohibits the self from seeing the lesson intended for the self. Judgment of another is intensified by the characters, thereby prohibiting the self from seeing the self’s own failings. As long as the self is focused upon the failings of another, the failings of the self cannot be revealed.

It is my desire to bring to the attention of all that judgment continues to dominate the life experience of each. Failure to recognize its presence ensures failure for the self. What does this failure look like? What do you mean my Teacher when you say that judgment ensures failure? I mean that as long as negativity is present, as long as the view of the self is skewed towards that which is negative, it is not possible for the self to see the positive; the positive is that which has been made available to the self – the opportunity presented to the self to learn. Focus upon the other, condemnation of another, prohibits the self from seeing that which has been truly presented to the self so that the self can learn, so that the self can expose that which lies within the self, so that the self can choose to be different.

It is the nature of the individual that is being challenged, that need be observed. Does one become silent? Does one become irritated, frustrated, angry, impatient, demanding, unforgiving? Once the nature has been determined it is to observe the character that draws forth the behaviors that are then classified as this response to pressure. The character merely represents the remedy – that which is believed to eliminate the challenge being imposed upon the self. If the self fails to recognize the appearance of the character and chooses to endorse the behaviors, the Teacher has been informed that the student has chosen or has chosen not to choose.

When the student fails to see the self and energies are cast off towards another, the result is multiple lesson failure; for others have now been impacted by the self’s failure and often karmic calling scheduled for the self in future, so that the self may be unjustly accused, unfairly convicted, sentenced for life without judge or jury outside of the self. It is the student who believes that others intentionally damage others that is often the student who does intentionally damage others. The student that is able to understand that all are journeying forth to learn all that this planet has to offer, recognizing that errors in judgment are made by all every day, until the self awakens, until the self decides to invoke awareness the majority of the time, and these errors begin to be corrected.

The student that is able to look at the self’s past, to see all the players, to see those that the self perceived has damaged the self, to see those that the self knows has damaged others – and to see the selves that each have damaged each, to examine the feelings inside of hatred, anger, resentment, irritation, frustration, sorrow – to draw them forth, to taste them, reliving each situation to the fullest with the taste in the mouth and then to see the self’s face over the face of the other, to hear the self saying the words spoken by the other to another; for it is the human condition that when one is damaged by another, the same damage will be incurred upon another if the lesson has not been learned, if forgiveness has not been extended. This is karma.

It is to recognize that each chooses the lesson plan routinely when challenge is presented. It is automatic, it feels appropriate, for the response has been chosen or, shall we say, succumbed to many thousands of times before this moment, before this acceptance of the energies that cause the self to view all things negatively. It is the negative view that is demanded by the fields; when the self becomes focused upon suffering, upon pain, distress, failure - the self views all things through the negative lens. Lesson integration is impossible as long as the student approaches the lesson from the negative stance. It is when the student embraces, “I am miserable. This hurts. I recognize this pain. I have experienced it hundreds of times in this lifetime alone. It is time for me to step forth and to eliminate all possibility of this same lesson failure in future.”

Suffering is the clue to the student that opportunity to be different is being presented. It is seeking assistance, “What is it that I need be focused upon in this moment? What is it that I continue to fail to see? What is it that is blinding me, that is prohibiting success?” The inner Teacher shall respond with additional lesson. The inner Teacher is desirous of lesson integration. The inner Teacher never provides answer. Are there questions regarding this teaching?

Sol: When you say that the inner Teacher does not provide answer, does that mean that the inner Teacher will provide example of the lesson that is not yet understood when it’s requested to know what the lesson is?

The inner Teacher will provide additional lesson; there will not be example that will guide the self to an understanding of what the lesson truly entails.

Winning is the focus of the ego. Losing can be the focus of the ego. To win is to be damaged, to lose is to forgive; this is the view of the ego. Winning means that the self has now turned bitter, angry, resentful, myriad negative behaviors flourish from the pain seeded by another, when the self took another’s lesson failure personally. Losing means forgiving, forgetting indeed, the transgressions of another, as they fail the lessons presented to them. The ego views this loss personally and will not endorse forgiveness under any circumstance, for damage of the self means negativity and the ego seeks to create more and more negativity, so that it may maintain its dominion above all other bodies. It is the ego that encourages holding onto the hurt feelings, it is the ego that refuses the widened vision that sees all things confronting the other, that understands that failed lesson is painful for all – not only the self who has perceived damage for the self. All humans provide service by playing the dark role by presenting the self to determine if the self has learned the lesson or if the self will once again choose to be damaged. Until the self can present the self as service and refuse damage, the lesson has not yet been learned. The student that stands solid in the barrage of words, in the barrage of violence, indeed stands solid in the face of all that which is provided by one who is failing to learn – disallowing anything beyond the physical damage to impact the self and the physical damage heals and is quickly forgotten. It is this consciousness that has learned. The bulk of humanity has yet to achieve this status.

It is important to understand that the mind plays tricks upon the self. The memories of the self being broken, battered, devastated have been emphasized by the thinking for many years. The view of the other – diminished, less than that which was previously held when the relationship was viable, when love was present. It is the self’s inclination to diminish the other. It is the self’s inclination to minimize behaviors of the self. It is the self’s inclination to inform others of the suffering that has been experienced by the self and to forget that suffering may have been experienced by the other as well. It is the self’s inclination to forget the self’s behavior - to cast aside the self’s responsibility, to draw forth the input of the other, to amplify the behavior of the other, so that the self’s own behavior is dwarfed within its shadow. Do you understand?

Student: Yes, I do.

It is the romance that is associated with all stories that you tell of yourself and your previous relationships, my sister - that the self was damaged or the self was not, the other was unworthy, or the self was pained to admit that the self could not bear to remain in relationship with the other, due to the failings of the other. To recognize the failings of the self, the self must be willing to view the behaviors of the self - what it was that the self was seeking within relationship, what it is that the self received, what it is that the self has stated that the self failed to receive, what it is that the self decided that the relationship was no longer of value to the self because the self could not receive. Do you understand?

Student: I think so.

It was the ravenous monster that lied within - the parents could not fill, the friends could not fill, the other - the loved one, the beloved - could not fill, for this was never intended to be filled by another. Do you understand?

Student: I see. Yes. I wanted someone else to do what I was supposed to do for myself.

You are correct. It is focus upon the pain that endorses the pain. It is the passage of time alone and the fact that you were even unable to determine the exact time period my sister, that states that the self relies upon story to maintain the feeling that the self has been damaged, that the self has suffered. Do you understand?

Student: Yes.

It is when you look at the experience impartially, as the objective observer, that you will begin to see that you too had a period each month, my sister - yours was far more protracted than the other’s; those times when you felt joyous is when the other mirrored your behaviors back to you, in hope that you would see, you would begin to understand the darkness that was present for the self the majority of the time. It was the unhealed portion of the self that convinced the self that it was the other, never the self. Do you understand?

Student: I do. I suspected as much.

Failure to see the self has plagued you, my sister.

Student: Yes it has.

Possibility has been presented for this to be different in future. Do you agree?

Student: I agree. I am very grateful for that.

It is willingness that need greet the knowledge, for if the self is willing to see the self, the Teacher will draw forth adequate example for the self to be seen.

To recognize that the self’s understanding of that which is most important to the self’s progress is tenuous at best is important for the student who walks the path to healing. It is to open the self to the Teacher, to focus upon the lessons that are being brought forth to the self and to ask, “What does this lesson represent to me – why do I continue to fail this lesson, time after time after time?” Survey, close scrutiny will likely return to the self the answer – that it is the mind that has focused the attention elsewhere; the mind is focused on what the mind seeks to understand – not what the Teacher has brought forth. I stated in a previous teaching the mind is programmed to avoid all discussion, all scrutiny, all review of the lesson plan; rather, recognition is made of the lesson – if the self fails to question the mind directly, the mind files it away, placing it in the cabinet, locking the drawer, waiting for the next and the next and the next lesson to be presented, which will then be added to the drawer, until the drawer is overstuffed – the drawer will no longer close and now the self must address the lesson directly with the mind.

The student that seeks to be a good student is a student that focuses on knowledge, garnering knowledge from all avenues, drawing it in, sorting it, sifting through it, trying to determine that which is most important to the self. The mind focuses on that which it finds to be of greatest interest – of course the mind seeks the topics that are unsolvable, it is ravenous for knowledge, it is most desirous of those things, those riddles that can fuel pursuit for many, many years – oftentimes, the lifetime is focused, pursuing the single topic that the mind has determined is critical to the self’s development. The mind is programmed for distraction, for the mind is in constant, constant, constant motion – constant action, constant processing; even when the self believes that the mind has been stilled, the mind of course has not been stilled – it is simply providing the self with the impression that all activity has abated.

The point of this teaching, my students, was to inform each of you that you do not know what is most important to you at this time. Those who present the self with open heart and open mind and a willingness to observe, to review, to provide scrutiny to all that which is presented by the Teacher – it is these that shall succeed. Those who determine what the issue is for the self at this time are those that will pursue the mind’s lead - to seek here, to seek there, to look at this, to look at that – never, in fact, gaining the open mind, the open heart that was pledged to the Teacher.

It is the mind that aids the student to put away those things that cannot be understood; recognition that the self cannot understand all experience as it is being experienced is critical to the student who walks the path to healing.

To understand that the teachings provided by Te' Auna are those that have been learned by one who is a student just like the self makes it possible for the self to see the self in future; the self today who fails to recognize, fails to see the self, fails to recognize or to understand the lesson – this self, in future, teaching another how to recognize, how to understand that which is being experienced by the self. The time necessary for this transition lies with the self’s commitment, the self’s dedication, the self’s desire to be different. Failure to commit the self and to step forth each time the Teacher provides opportunity states that the transition time can be prolonged. It is important for each student to survey the self to determine the blockages that lie within the self that prohibit the self from learning. The number one cause of student failure is failure to listen to the Teacher.

The goal of the teacher is to draw forth the attention of the student to the self. It is when the student is engaged or fearful that the self is unlikely to be seen clearly. To understand the self is to understand the self’s lesson plan. To recognize the behaviors, the characteristics that create the attitude, the signature, so to say, of the student – that which is easily recognized by others, that which is rarely seen by the self. To recognize the self must be desired, for it is a long and arduous journey, one where the self walks with the Teacher guiding, encouraging, oftentimes prodding the self to turn the view, the vision that is upon all others – to turn it upon the self as soon as the behavior has been identified in the other.

The student that fails to understand that the teacher asks questions in order to incite the student purposefully is the student that will begin to recognize the bile, the ire, the anger, the resentment, the hatred that rises up within the self each time the self is questioned by another. The Teacher that finds entry will continue to utilize this entry time after time after time, until the student recognizes the depth of emotion, the depth of negativity that has been provided with safe harbor by the self. To focus upon the teacher is to ensure failure for the self; this has been stated to this group many times. True understanding has yet to be achieved by the majority, for each continues to focus upon the teacher each time the self becomes engaged.

It is failure to focus upon the self that guarantees failure; rather, the student focused upon the teacher is incensed because the belief is that the teacher does not endorse the self, the teacher does not understand the self, the teacher misreads the self, the teacher bungled the lesson, the teacher does not know me ... because I have prohibited her from knowing all that is necessary, so that failure can be experienced again and again. For it is the inner self that has determined that this self shall go the route of all previous selves, that this self will be no more successful than all previous selves. It is the composite self that has experienced failure thousands upon thousands of times. It is the inner self, the composite self that is convinced that the self shall fail again. The memories are brought forth time after time after time to remind the current self that failure has been experienced each time the self has attempted to be different, to make change in the self’s life experience. Failure to understand that the self has failed to follow through, that the self has failed to cement the difference, to cement the learning, to truly understand the lesson, causes the self to fall victim to the voice that seeks failure once again.

Who are you? Who do you seek to become? Who have you been? Are you prepared to change the self permanently? These are the questions that the student need address each time the voice from within is heard encouraging the self to fail once again. I am Kuthumi. I am with you as I am with all consciousnesses upon this planet at this time. I seek to guide. I seek to teach.

It is important for the student to understand that the Teacher provides all that is needed by the student; the student need only have the thought unconsciously and the Teacher has been informed of that which is needed. It is in this way that the Teacher presents to the student those things that are needed in order to experience forward progress upon the path to healing, for the self knows that which is needed; it is the Teacher that guides the student, the self, to knowing and to healing the self by utilizing that which is known by the self. To trust in the self, knowing that the self has the answer to all things and to recognize that the self has been provided with Teacher to aid the self, to guide the self to understanding, is critical.

Failure to believe in the self thwarts the self’s progress – it is this that is the cause of Te' Auna’s stasis; she does not believe in the self. She seeks outwardly for confirmation, stating that the self cannot believe in the self unless another has confirmed that the self is correct. What she does not yet understand is that all things have been experienced – she knows that this is true but it has not been fully embraced; therefore, it has yet to be understood. Recognizing that the self has the answer and that the Teacher will draw forth the answer is important for all students to embrace. It is the Teacher’s duty to draw forth all that which lies within – both darkness and light, introducing to the current self all that which has been earned previously - again, whether darkness or light.

I am Osiris. I am love without condition. It is my duty and my honor to teach. It is for all students to recognize that the Teacher is desirous of progress for the self. It is the Teacher that draws forth lesson. It is the Teacher that watches the student as they misunderstand the lesson, as they begin to thrash, to strike out against those who have brought forth the lesson. The same student that speaks the words, “I seek to learn” – now, the student who fights against that which has been provided. It is the self’s failure to recognize the characters, to recognize the presence of the ego, to sweep all aside, remembering the self’s goals – to learn, to know, to heal the self, to feel.

Who are you? Who do you seek to become? Are you certain? Are you certain? Are you certain? The Teacher asks these questions of the student that continues to fail to recognize the opportunities that have been provided to the self in order to fulfill that which has been stated - “I seek to know and to heal myself.” Lesson failure is experienced by each student, due to the self’s inclination to do that which is most comfortable – this means that the student responds based on previous experience, allowing the character to step forth and to provide rationale and reason, argument, excuse; the parade of characters – those that are nice, followed by those that are nasty, in order to obtain that which the self currently seeks, that which the self believes is critical to the self’s wellbeing. It is unfortunate that the self has determined that new experience shall be excluded and rarely is it acknowledged by the self when it is indeed the self’s behavior, the self’s attitudes that have brought forth lesson failure once again. The attitude of the self is to protect the self’s false image, for the self believes that this image is truth; the self’s rightness must be proven, the other’s wrongness brought forth for all to view.

It is only in retrospect that the student is able to map the self’s progress. It is the Teacher that guides the student through lesson after lesson, identifying root causes that results in lesson failure – that which is little understood by the self, for the behaviors have been resident through many, many lifetimes. All students are desirous of progress reports, to understand where the self stands – what lies before the self as well as what lies behind. It is believed by the self that this will make the journey easier. Whenever possible the Teacher will share this positioning with the student. It is rarely embraced as truth for the student believes the self to be farther ahead or, surprisingly, further behind than the positioning provided by the Teacher. It is difficult to provide this correction to the student that has educated the self with knowledge that has been embraced and has become a part of the belief system. Suffice it to say, the data available upon this planet regarding the student’s position upon the path is highly distorted and has been presented in a way to cause most to turn away from the path, shaking the head and stating, “I shall never be that perfect. I can never be that holy.”

The Path to Healing is merely that which enables the self to awaken to the true self, to understand the behaviors that lie within, to understand the characters that are either endorsed or hidden from view. It is to be made available to those students who seek to truly understand the self, those who are willing to focus upon the negative and to place themselves in the hands of a Teacher until sufficient negativity has been released so that their own Teacher may then step forth and be heard. The Path to Healing is a teaching that is intended for those who have awakened; it is a teaching that can also be utilized to aid those who have yet to awaken.

It is important to recognize that each present is cognizant that suffering is necessary in order to learn; however, when the self is suffering, the self determines that suffering is unfavorable. It is to recognize the decision made by the self that suffering is unfavorable and to be willing to change the thinking, to state to the self, “Suffering is being experienced. I am in lesson. Opportunity is available to me in this moment to learn. Shall I focus upon the suffering or shall I focus upon the lesson?” It is to change the thinking, for the lesson plan demands focus upon the suffering.

How does one change thinking that is a part of the programming? “Suffering is unfavorable. Suffering is misery. Suffering is devastating. Suffering …I hate to suffer.” How does one change this thinking my sister DD?

Student: I don’t know my Teacher. Will you help me understand?

You are capable of answering this query my sister.

Student: I’m sorry. I need to speak up. I don’t really know. I call upon my faith and I call upon my heart and I call upon my Teacher but I don’t really know…would you help me to understand please?

What is it that you do not understand my sister?

Student: You asked how does one change the mind…I have chanting, I have my faith, I have prayer, I have meditation – and yet, when I’m hurting and I’m tired and I ache, all I want to do is sleep. I don’t know what to do then. What do I do then?

You make the recognition my sister that you have chosen the lesson plan.

Student: I see.

Do you? It is escape that is sought from the suffering. Do you agree?

Student: I agree

Can you find this within the lesson plan?

Student: Escape?

Yes my sister.

Student: [laughing] I don’t think there’s any element in my lesson plan that doesn’t escape…uh, the mind escapes in overbearing, the student escapes in entitlement, minimizing/discounting escapes in story as well as…I mean, why would I want to feel pain you know…I’m entitled.

Indeed. When the self has made recognition, when the self has achieved understanding – which I believe you have done my sister by answering the query…why do humans suffer – then there is no reason that will be embraced by the Teacher for why the student fails to address the lesson, why the student fails to present the self, why the student declines examination of that which has been brought forth by the inner Teacher. Do you understand?

Student: I do – thank you.

The path to healing turns left, turns right. The self finds the self at a dead end frequently, necessitating that the student turn around and retrace the steps, to find the passage that was missed when lesson was presented. Failure to recognize the lesson, failure to turn the attention to the lesson sufficiently results in the student continuing forth to find the self at a dead end – one that necessitates retracing of the steps, one that results in lost time, misspent energies; for the Teacher must recreate the lesson once again and if the student chooses to ignore, to cast aside the lesson again and again – it is the Teacher that often determines that the student has chosen not to learn at this time. Prior to the student being placed firmly upon the path many, many lessons are provided to the self; the self that addresses each lesson fully, completely, is the student that indicates to the inner Teacher that the self is serious when stating the desire to know and to heal the self in this lifetime.

Shifting the attitude from that which is negative to that which is positive is a most difficult feat to accomplish. When the consciousness first comes into this atmosphere the attitude of joy, excitement, that which states, “I am here to experience…all experiences are welcome” – it is this attitude that is lost as the self continues to experience, as the experiences garnered begin to be classified as that which is negative or undesirable. Lifetime after lifetime, negativity is experienced and oftentimes negative experience far outweighs that which could be classified as positive, joyful – that which brings happiness and a desire to continue in this dimension.

When the student first begins to walk the path to healing negativity is its constant companion; it is difficult for the self to recognize the difference between positive and negative for all things have been colored by previous experience. Decision has been made as to the appropriate classification of each experience. Lesson is now always classified as painful, difficult – that which results in struggle, oftentimes followed by failure. It is the self’s decision to view the opportunity in this way that builds the character that will step forth, utilizing field energies, to overwhelm the self’s defense system – the self’s will, to ensure that the experience is classified as negative. The student that begins to recognize that lesson is opportunity to prove the self’s merit, to prove that the self is truly desirous of being different, of change, to prove that the self is capable, to prove that the self understands the teachings provided and that even if failure results, the experience shall be regarded as positive, for the student has had opportunity to practice, to hone the skill – that which will ensure future success.

It is to change the attitude, to view all things in light that is positive, to forbid the mind from drawing forth judgment that demands that all be viewed as darkness, as undesirable, as negative experience. The inner Teacher struggles to teach the student, the self, that lesson is joyous; for without the opportunity to prove that the self has indeed learned, the inner Teacher cannot release the energies that tie the self to the lesson plan. The inner Teacher is unable to ease the pain that is experienced within each body due to the energies that have accumulated in this and previous lifetimes due to lesson failure. Presentation of lesson is opportunity to prove that the self has indeed changed, that the self does indeed understand the purpose of the self’s existence, thereby granting permission to the inner Teacher to release the energies that draw forth lesson, that ensure discomfort that will garner the attention of the self each time lesson is drawn forth. Failure to view lesson in a positive fashion ensures that the characters shall at least gain center stage; it is only the will of the self, if awareness is invoked, that will eliminate their influence.

To understand the journey that lies ahead for all consciousnesses is the goal of the student. “Where does this path lead?” is the question most asked of the Teacher. The majority of the time the student is ignored, for it is believed that if the student is cognizant that the path leads to darkness, pain - that which can often be perceived as sorrow – that the student will choose to abandon the path. Once the student has proven that the self is indeed desirous of knowing and healing the self – it is then the Teacher’s choice to inform the student of that which lies ahead or to continue to ask the student to walk in darkness, not knowing what may be met in the next or the next or the next step. Why would the Teacher ask the student to walk in darkness my brother Sol An Ka?

Sol: I think it’s a test of the student’s faith and will and desire to return to his divinity.

My sister (student) – would you respond to the same query please?

Student: I go back to experience all things…you’ve told us we have all experienced all things and as students we need to remember so we can feel it all.

My brother Loereve?

Loereve: I think oftentimes the student may or may not have learned the lessons of darkness. If the Teacher feels the student needs to walk there then I think the Teacher has determined that there are still…something for the student to learn. And then again, maybe the student has determined that as well…so I think it could be the Teacher or the student.

It is important to note that my query is focused on the Teacher asking the student to walk in darkness rather than informing the student of that which lies ahead. Would any student like to address this query once again?

Student: My Teacher…the things that I hold onto when I’m challenged and struggling are my faith and my trust and my belief and I think for me, walking through darkness is knowing, learning to know and heal myself because I will be…initially…as you have pointed out, I was completely immersed in darkness. If you ask me to walk in darkness then I trust the Teacher, then I’ll walk in darkness. That’s the deal. That’s what I agreed to…to trust my Teacher to take me where I need to go.

Why would I ask you to do so my sister?

Student: Cause it’s necessary.

Indeed. Indeed. It is important for all students to focus upon this statement, “The Teacher seeks that which is necessary.” Please repeat that statement to me my brother Sol An Ka.

Sol: The Teacher seeks that which is necessary.

Drawing forth the love that the self feels for the Teacher during times of challenge will aid the student in surmounting any and all obstacles that have been placed to ensure lesson failure. It is to state within the heart until the mind grasps the belief, the thinking, “The Teacher seeks nothing unnecessary. All that the Teacher seeks is necessary. I shall never be challenged unless I require the challenge.” It is to welcome all challenge, knowing that it is exactly what the self needs in order to learn.