mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Oneness

I shall address the entertainment of the evening prior – the film known as Avatar. Common, popular culture has embraced this entertainment in the belief that it is fantasy. For most, for many, it is indeed the dream, that which is most desired for life upon this planet – oneness, love, caring, respect – for the self, as well as all that is around the self, understanding that life is precious and that consciousness, whether within an animal or human, is important.

Oneness is the deep desire of the true consciousness. Those who seek the material experience, who are entrenched in physicality, fear oneness, battle it at all cost, destroy it whenever it is recognized. Oneness is recognized by others for the feeling – that which is felt in the heart of another when the self has shared of the self. Oneness can only be accomplished when negativity has been removed from the self’s bodies.

Sol: Osiris, do you have any counsel for us as to the best way to achieve oneness?

It is to free the self from the yoke of the lesson plan my brother, for these energies are those that I referred to earlier – those that have joined with the new physical body by the age of two. These energies need be understood, the lessons drawn forth, integrated, the self proving to the Teacher that understanding has indeed been achieved; proof is available to the Teacher when the student begins to offer that which has been learned to another. Once these energies have been removed from the energy field of the self, true power comes to the individual – that which enables that which would be viewed as impossible by the self as long as these energies remain inside the bodies. It is to continue forth my brother, understanding your lesson plan, recognizing the lessons as they are presented, seeking assistance from your Teacher in integration of that which has been presented. Did I answer your question?

Sol: Yes – thank you. Is there anything else that would be beneficial to us to know?

It is to be an example my brother. Oneness is recognized by others for the feeling – that which is felt in the heart of another when the self has shared of the self…the opening that says, “I seek to feel what he obviously feels…I seek to experience what he has experienced…I seek to free myself as he has freed himself.” Oneness can only be accomplished when negativity has been removed from the self’s bodies. These energies act as a beacon, calling forth others with similar lesson, presenting to the self that which is needed in service to the self. Oneness is the result of eliminating these energies from all bodies – that says, “I understand all that is around me – its purpose, its goal. I understand all that surrounds me. I welcome it. I accept it.” Oneness comes only with understanding. I am complete with this teaching.

It is to recognize that all things upon this planet have purpose – the flies, the grub worm, the birds, the trees, the wildlife – all things following a very distinct hierarchy, each level learning particular lessons prior to proceeding forth to the next and the next and the next level. It is the human that becomes disdainful, failing to recognize that all things have purpose; rather, viewing that all things are here to serve the self, to serve the human. This is true of course, for this kingdom has been created to train the human; all things upon this planet are naturally focused upon the human, yet all things here have equal value to the human, for all are aggressively pursuing consciousness evolution. Recognizing that the self is capable of allowing all other consciousnesses, all other beings, all other provisions of nature – to allow them to exist unless the self’s life experience is being negatively impacted. It is important for all to realize that to be love means to be love – to love all that surrounds the self, to recognize that all has great purpose and that while the human is primary, it is not singular in nature.