mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Overbearing

It is to recognize the root of the behavior my sister – the inability to communicate is rooted in your distaste for explaining the self; you have long believed that others are idiots and are not deserving of your time or effort to inform them - if they do not know, they do not deserve to be informed by you.

It is to review the lesson plan to determine when the self agreed to the communication that has been employed for the majority of the life; to exclude all others, to provide only that which was necessary in order to garner what the self sought in the moment – no more, oftentimes less. It is only now that the self has determined that the self would like to be understood, would like to be embraced by another, would like for another to feel the self’s angst and deep emotion – yet the self is confronted with the fact that the self does not share of the self honestly, that the self only provides partial information and expects the other to arrive at the full understanding. It is your expectation of the other that often disappoints the self – that the ego states, “The other is diminishing you. The other is contemptuous of you – how dare they! This is what happens when you share of the self. You need never do so again.” It is to recognize the presence of the ego; it is to recognize that the ego will taint, will tarnish, will color all that which is received from another, in order to prohibit you from changing.

I shall now focus upon the communication style that is influenced by the mental body. This individual is capable of conveying information to another in a fashion that is ensured to provide that which is needed so that each may understand each. The desire of the individual to be understood becomes far more important later in the life, for the self determines that often the penalty is too great when the self shares too openly with another; rather, the mind is being utilized to observe the other to gain the upper hand, to understand the weakness as well as the strength in the other, which is often regarded as the opponent. The individual with the mental communication style often seeks to be recognized as better than, as more intelligent, as preferred above the rest…all others. The mental body fails to recognize the existence of the physical and the emotional bodies - it fails to make connection with the other in a way other than to size up the opposition, to recognize whether the other need be befriended, for their strength has been noted as equal to the self’s, or discarded, for their weakness renders them of little value to the self. It is to draw forth the physical and the emotional that is needed for the mental communicator, to purposefully make connection with the other, counseling the self that all others are not the opponent; rather, they are that which is needed by the self, so that the self can learn to communicate genuinely, utilizing the physical and the emotional bodies.