mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Parents

It is to use the memories of past lives as a landscape - one that has been drawn with a very broad brush - to understand that the experiences of the self have indeed been carried forth into the current lifetime. The self is then provided with option to choose, as the self has chosen previously or to choose differently. Coming in to the lifetime the inner Teacher is fully aware of all things that challenge – that are intended to challenge the current self. The lesson plan utilizes energies that are samskaric in nature; it is these that reside with the lesson plans that the new self is born with.

Indeed, it is the Distracting Wound lesson plan - one that should be entitled as the primary (Life Lesson #1), for it is indeed the first to be experienced, the Communication Style, as well as, The Mission - these lesson plans are activated early in the life experience by those placed around the self. Reaction is oftentimes volatile in the child due to the presence of samskaric energies. It is important to engage the lessons early in the lifetime in order to make certain that once the self has aged to maturity, that the lessons will indeed be a focus of the self. Deep wounding is oftentimes experienced by the new self – purposefully; the parents, the siblings, have oftentimes been chosen in order to ensure that this wounding does indeed take place, for the consciousness is aware that time is limited and that childhood woundings are those that receive maximum focus of the self.

The consciousness, the sheath surrounding the consciousness, is often one that protects the consciousness from learning. It is the adult that shields the child, prohibiting them from experiencing that which is negative so that the self may learn before they are challenged in the later years, when the self is far less inclined to pay close heed to the damage done to the self or to another. It is within this world that all things are externalized; due to the passage of time, the impression that the passage of time has accelerated – creating a distance between all – for there is no longer time for the gatherings. There is no longer time for the family meals, uninterrupted. There is no longer the time for parent and child to sit quietly and to speak of morals and what is important – truly important - that will hold the self in good stead in the later years.

The consciousness within the body could be of greater age in earth years than that of the parent. It depends on the service that has been requested, as to the evolutionary status of the parent; the parent is not always equal in stature to the child’s evolutionary status.

When reviewing the self’s childhood and trying to make sense of that which has been experienced, it is to step outside of the self; it is to see the self as a consciousness of great age, not a small being of immature years. It is to understand that the consciousness is aware – unconsciously – of all that which has been learned previously. Contact is maintained with the memories of previous lifetime for a number of years and so the small being is able to make choices that the self as an adult believes that a child would be incapable of making, for it is based upon the automatic response. The child that falls into a heap when challenged by a bully will likely be challenged to stand on their own two feet in the current lifetime. The child that pushes another child, that punches another child, has come in to learn to honor and respect others. The child that sits quietly in the midst of chaos watching all things, daring not to interfere, allowing others to resolve that which is transpiring - this consciousness has learned. There are many upon the planet at this time that have learned; they have come to teach the parents - to be love.

There are many consciousnesses born upon this planet at this time that are more hatred than love - they are being born to parents who are more love than hatred. The child is then taught to change the negative energy to positive, to be more desirous of love than hate. The parent that fails to state the desire to be love is the parent that separates from the child and allows the child to dominate the relationship, thereby causing the parent to change as well. The experiment has failed for many. Will those who are slightly tilted towards love be able to change those who are heavily leaning towards hatred, or will the individual who was slightly leaning towards love be changed to leaning towards hatred? All consciousnesses are tested in this way to make certain that the pursuit of the path to return to the consciousness’ divinity has been prepared appropriately. The children serve, but they are indeed consciousnesses that could exceed the time, that has been dedicated to the lessons of this planet, belonging to the parent.

It is important for the parent to speak to the child truthfully, sharing with the child the struggle of the self, making it known to the child that the parent also makes mistakes and that the parent is desirous of being different and is in need of the assistance of all those surrounding the self. It is the example that the parent sets when assistance is provided to the self - if they welcome it, if they embrace the suggestion, if they make known that the self was quite likely responding inappropriately and should look at alternative ways of responding in future, providing apology, discussing the self’s behavior openly - that makes it possible for the child to do the same. Speaking honestly, wholly from the heart, informs the child that feeling, sensing that the self’s response was appropriate or inappropriate, is important.

Speaking to the child about conscience early - to listen for the voice from within, the voice that says “maybe I should not have responded in that way – maybe I would not like for another to respond to me similarly” - informs the self that apology is what is necessary so that the voices can stop reminding the self of the self’s mistake. It is to speak to the child openly, to ask if the voice speaks to the self, telling the self that the behavior was inappropriate. If the feelings of sadness come to the self, yet the words “I’m sorry” can not be spoken - due to the energies of the lesson plan that prohibit the self from confessing that the self was wrong - it is to inform the child that the parent is aware of how difficult it is to say that the self was wrong, and how very important it is to admit that we are all here to learn. We shall all make many, many, many mistakes and it is how we address the mistake that provides us with joy or sadness.

It is important to understand the lesson plan of repression, to recognize that this young entity has determined that others are not interested in what he has to say, for often he has decided he is not interested in what others have to say; rather, he has the answers and he seeks to control, to dominate, all situation. It is for the adults to inform him that they are aware of his desire to be in control. It is important to inform him he has not yet achieved the knowledge necessary to be in control, that one day he shall be able to make choices for himself universally, and that the parents, the guardians, all those surrounding him that care for him, encourage him to make as many choices as they feel he is capable of making. In fact, it is important for the adult to ask him, “do you feel capable in making this choice or shall I make it for you for the time being? In future, I shall ask you again, and again, and again, allowing you to choose whenever you feel capable of making that choice for the self.”

It is to recognize that all that is judged in another has been judged in the self many, many times before by others - it is the self that has embraced the judgment of another. It is this that creates the thoughtform. It is to recognize that the self as a young child does not judge the self; the self is outwardly seeking, the self is love, enthusiasm - energies that draw others to the self, until the bodies from previous lifetimes join with the self. It is then that all previous lesson failures are available to the inner Teacher to draw forth energies that cause the self to take notice of that which is occurring around the self with something more than mere curiosity; for it is a child that is curious, that is willing, that is able to experience all things without exclusion, for there is little to no fear. Fear is implanted, imposed upon the small being by those who guide the young consciousness – those known as the parents, the caregivers, the siblings, the peers; fear is unnatural to the new being.

The lesson plan of Shame withdraws from all others around the self that which lies within the self - the desire to be contemptuous, the desire to diminish another, the desire to beat another senseless - whether emotionally, mentally, or physically. It is to damage that is the goal of this lesson plan; to damage others as the self perceives that the self has been damaged. It is the ego grown to monstrous proportions determined to protect the self - at all cost. The words – caustic, the fists – clenched, the jaw – clenched; anger, hatred exuded from every pore in the body when the self is engaged, informing the other to “Back Off!” or they will be damaged severely. As a young child, you tested all those around you, for the lesson plan demanded such. You pushed them to their very limit. It was difficult for each of these consciousnesses, known as the parents, to deal with you for neither had the patience nor the inclination to embrace one that was so different from the self. It was indeed traumatic for all.

It is important for you to understand my sister that from a very early age you have sought for others around you to be different. You have judged others and found them to be lacking. You still find others to be lacking. It is an instantaneous judgment. You would refer to it as “sizing one up”, determining whether or not this is an individual that you would wish to spend more time with. Would you agree with my assessment?

Student: I think so. I’m becoming more aware of it all the time.

It is the only way to overrule judgment my sister, for judgment is with you at all times. It dominates all decisions and unless the self is aware, the decision is made - never to be revisited, until the damage has been done. It is important for you to recognize the service provided to you by the consciousnesses known as the parents. It is to recognize that you were a most difficult consciousness. It is to honor and respect the tasking that was provided. It is to recognize that you pushed these individuals to their very limit. How many times do you recall my sister, being in their face – telling them that you hated them – telling them that you found them to be disgusting…how many times my sister?

Student: I don’t know. Many.

It is to recognize that the parent is chosen by the consciousness - most likely by the Teacher of the consciousness - to make certain that the lessons that are needed are naturally provided by the parent; this means that your parent was focused upon the self, was convinced that your lie was intended to damage the self, which ignited fury within - for him to lash out and to damage you. Do you understand?

Student: Yes. I do. Thank you.

It is to recognize the mirror, to understand that which the self brought forth in the other; for the parent rarely recognizes that the child has yet to think rationally, is incapable of understanding the outcome.

Student: He had the same response then when I was fourteen and fifteen and he was drunk and beating on me? It was the same thing…that he thought I was intentionally …

It was self-focus my sister. Look closely.

Student: My self-focus or his?

Are you listening to my words, my sister?

Student: I’m confused. I’m sorry.

It is what you brought out…

Student: In him

…in the other, for you each acted as mirror to each other; his self-absorption was merely mirroring your self-absorption. Your desire to have your way fueled his desire to have his way. Your demand to be your self – to be embraced as you were - fueled judgment within the other that could not embrace you as you were. He wished for you to be different, just as you wished for all others to be different. Do you understand?

Student: I think so. Yes.