mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Separation

Recognizing the self is the most difficult task for the student; regardless of the number of individuals that have informed the self of how they see the self, it is often refusal that is drawn forth as the self prefers the illusion that has been drawn for the self of the self. Shattering the illusion is often an emotional experience that could last for minutes, hours or even days; it is suggested for the student to spend time in nature, to see the truth in nature – that which is displayed without shield or covering, that cannot run and hide. It is when the consciousness moves into the second kingdom that particular assets are garnered to aid the self in camouflaging the self from predators; it is within the 3rd and the 4th kingdom that the human begins to shield the self from what is believed to be predators, with the façade, the armor, the characters, believing that the self is protecting the self from those who may seek to damage.

It is many, many, many lifetimes before the self awakens to the characters that have been created; these characters are created through experience – those ways of being that have been adopted by the self, reinforced by the lesson plan, and carried forward into the next and the next and the next lifetime, until the self awakens, recognizes the character and commits the self to destruction, deconstruction of the character. Failure to recognize the character insures that the self will continue forth on the self’s path blind, believing that the self is who the self feels the self to be, thinking that all others outside of the self, who bring forth a different image of the self, are all incorrect. It is the lesson plan of Denial and the lesson plan of Separation – both of these lesson plans have the strength funneled to the ego sufficient to truly believe that all, all those surrounding the self are incorrect. All other lesson plans are likely to listen.

It is not to state that the energies will be increased if you have both lesson plans; either lesson plan is adequate to feed the ego sufficiently to discard the opinion of all others surrounding the self. To recognize the character is to look to the self – each moment of each day, to say, “Is this who I truly seek to be or is there a pall upon me…is there a false gaiety? Who am I in this moment…am I different than I was 5 moments earlier, one hour earlier, one day earlier…would I be this individual with any other that came before me or would I become different, dependent upon who was in front of me?” For if the self is different, the self maintains characters and the character need be identified to determine why the self continues to draw forth these behaviors – what success is being tasted due to their presence?

It is to recognize my sister that the character, suggested to be known as The Crusher, is one that fears being crushed by another; it is due to this fear that the character comes forth with great force. It is to recognize the fear. It is to eliminate the fear that will allow the self to recognize the presence of the character, that will allow the self to deny access to center stage to the character, for the fear is no longer present. It is unnecessary to invite the character, for the self is no longer in jeopardy, the self is not in need of defense nor protection, for it has been discovered that the fear is illusion. It is for all to understand that the characters have been created due to fear. It is to find the purpose, the reason for the fear and to dispel the illusion that is necessary. It is this alone that disinvites the character, for as long as fear is present the character is called upon to manage the crisis – the crisis being the presence of fear.

May I state for the record a few fears that are commonly experienced by humanity? The fear of being found unworthy, the fear of inadequacy, the fear of ignorance, the fear of being found unlovable, the fear of being alone, the fear of death – the ultimate separation, that which is believed to be the ultimate separation; this, of course, is illusion. It is important for each to survey the self to understand the fear that comes forth for the self. The fear of being dependent upon another. The fear of being alone at the final moment of death, separation from this world, is one that is spoken by many as the years become great; this of course is illusion, for the self is never alone at the moment of death - the self is welcomed by many, all is surveyed, and if the self has learned, the life has brought forth much experience to endorse the next lifetime. The lesson of Separation, the lesson of Denial – these individuals suffer great fear that the self will be alone; the characters that are created are those that push others away, thereby guaranteeing that the self’s fear will indeed be experienced. It is the experience that is needed to teach the self.

Denial does not believe in apology because Denial is superior and arrogant; Denial does no wrong – it is the other, always, that need be focused upon. If apology is necessary, it is obvious that the other misunderstood or that the other asked the self a query inappropriately, causing the self to misspeak. Forgiveness is not extended by one who cannot recognize that damage has been imposed upon another due to the self’s blindness - if there is no damage, then apology is unnecessary and forgiveness completely unneeded.

It is the lesson plan of Shame that makes forgiveness neigh onto impossible, for Shame is contemptuous, Shame is diminishing - Shame believes that the grudge must be maintained, so that all may see that the other is less than the self.

Separation - highly mental…if understanding can be achieved, forgiveness is readily extended; if understanding cannot be achieved, forgiveness is withheld.

The lesson plan of Guilt blames if the self has suffered and, the self or another is blamed for this suffering, the self is unable to see that all is lesson that each experiencing are intended to learn. Forgiveness is often difficult for the individual who blames another, for like Shame, the grudge is preferred; the self believes, “I need remember this so that it never happens to me again. If I forgive, I may forget – that shall never happen.”

These are the lessons that are part of your lesson plan my sister. It is to take these understandings into meditation and to seek assistance for those components of the core beliefs that prohibit the self from extending true forgiveness to another.

Humility is the antidote for one who detects an overabundance of faith in the self; one who believes in the self, one who relies strictly upon the self is one that has fallen victim to the lesson plan of either Denial or Separation, for these lesson plans state that no other is needed beyond the self – that the self is indeed capable, that independence is to be fought for, protecting the boundaries of the self at all cost - regardless of the cost to another. The student who finds a lack of faith need call upon the Teacher, seeking assistance, seeking lesson that will provide the confidence that is most needed by the self, so that the self may step forth and state, “I am confident in my position. I have experienced adequately – both positively and negatively – to prove that my choice is indeed what is most appropriate for my self at this time. I cannot speak to the future; I can only access my experience in this moment and arrive at the choice that I believe is most appropriate for my self and no other.” It is this state of mind that remains throughout the life experience within the third dimension, for the self is constantly presented with new experience and new opportunity to choose.

It is important for each present to recognize that the projects formed for performance by all members of the community require the input of each individual – the thought-filled, focused, thinking that states, “I understand the tasking at hand. I am willing to provide that which is needed in order to see it through.” For it is often that the community falls away and the singular individual is left to finalize that which is needed for the community. Do you understand?

Sol: Yes I do – thank you.

Recognizing that the self prefers independent tasking due to the influence of the lesson plan should aid you my brother in overcoming the distaste of working on these projects with others, for each time all come together in order to accomplish, the energies can be lessened. Do you understand?

Sol: I believe I do – thank you.

They cannot, of course, be decreased my brother, if the attitude of the self is negative. Do you understand?

Sol: Yes I do – thank you.

It is to recognize that the lesson plan is focused upon failure – failure for the self, failure for others. It is important for the self to speak of judgment, to draw it forth, to illumine all judgments with the light of understanding of all that have been judged.

It is my desire to see the three joining together in order to accomplish more in future, for there is much to be done, there is much to be learned while going through the process – to flesh out the project, to understand that which is desired by the self, to understand and to welcome that which is desired by another without judgment. To understand the self, to understand the self’s desires requires dedication, commitment and an openness to scrutiny by another, by others; for the self is unable to see the self, the self is often unable to interpret the self’s desires without assistance. It is when another sees the self and questions the self that often protection and defense are utilized to thwart the assistance of another. Do you recognize this response for yourself my brother Sol An Ka?

Sol: Yes I do – thank you.

All within this group have very distinct strengths and very distinct weaknesses; you have been drawn together to serve each other – to strengthen that which is weak within the self by viewing the strength in another; rather, it is the lesson plan that encourages the self to judge the strength of another, to weaken them with the self’s thinking. It is this behavior that reinforces the lesson plan, causing the self to determine that working alone is preferable, more reliable, more enjoyable. In order to join together with others in order to accomplish the self must be willing to open the self to the scrutiny of another, to welcome the assistance and the guidance of another who may have learned a better way than that which is employed by the self. The self that is willing to adapt, to change in the moment is one who states, “I seek to join together with others in order to accomplish…it is my accomplishment that is being endorsed, not always the others.” The lesson plan of Denial, of Separation, makes this thinking difficult to achieve, for it is the self that always seeks endorsement at the expense of another. Do you understand?

Sol: I do – thank you.

It is my desire to teach you to see the self, to recognize the actions of the self that diminish the self’s possibilities.

It is the lesson plan of Denial as well as the lesson plan of Separation that refuses to join together with others in order to accomplish; rather, this individual with these particular lesson plans sets the self above all others, while telling all others that they actually feel less than – the behavior, of course, reflects something quite different. The self believes the self to be better than, the self believes that the self is unique and could not possibly be experiencing that which others experience – the self has far more refined experiences. To share the self’s experiences with those who could not possibly understand indicates to the self that the time is being wasted – this individual will not waste the self’s time trying to aid others who are already judged as unworthy. It is important for those individuals with the lesson plan of Denial to recognize that judgment is active at all times and has been since the onset of the lesson plan. It is to recognize when the self has eliminated the opportunity for another to be different through the self’s judgment.

“I will not speak to this individual because they rebuffed me the previous time.”

“I will not ask for their assistance because they have never been able to aid me before.”

“I will not seek assistance from anyone until I have resolved this for myself and then I may or I may not share that which I have experienced.”

“I will share my experiences but I shall eliminate all of my foibles along the way – I shall only tell others about the success that I have encountered.”

These are the statements made by the student of Denial, by the student of Separation.

You have come to learn to be love at all times as have all other consciousnesses upon the planet; some will accomplish this more rapidly than others. It is those that realize that the self has responded as not love and that seeks to be different that shall accomplish this feat more rapidly than another who has yet to see the self, who has yet to recognize the self’s behavior. The challenges provided to you my sister are those that were planned, those that were believed to be most needed, those that would allow the self to cancel karma, those that will endear to the self those consciousnesses that the self has interacted with previously, unfavorably. Do you understand?

Guest: Yes

It is indeed the love-hate relationship that has been recognized within the self…that is accompanied (the feeling of love-hate), is felt by the self within all intense relationship, within all relationship that is learning the lesson of control. Do you understand?

Guest: Yes

The self cannot control anyone and this is often proven when the self cannot even control the self. Do you understand?

Guest: Yes

To understand the challenges that you have planned for the self is to look to those individuals that draw forth great emotion – either positive or negative – and to recognize that these individuals are providing exactly what the self has requested, exactly what the self needs in order to learn in this lifetime. It is important to engage the will, to make certain that the self is indeed dedicated, committed, to the self’s knowing and healing of the self, for once the inner Teacher steps forth and begins to draw forth lesson in earnest, changing of the mind is ignored, is in fact no longer permissible.

It is February the 12th, 2012. It is the four of us and we are going to focus upon the line energies of Shame. Shame - it’s a disgusting, vile lesson plan. [All laugh.]

Student: Nothing like a metaphorical teaching.

It is probably one of the most dreaded lesson plans because it seeks to damage. It is provided to those who have struggled to vocalize what the self thinks, what the self feels in previous lifetimes. It is the lesson plan that teaches the student how to be present physically and how to inflict damage emotionally. The positive aspects of Shame can be drawn from the opposites just mentioned; it allows the individual to get the energies outside of the body because all is vocalized. If it is thought, if it is believed, it will be imposed upon another and the other will be tested severely by the student with Shame to stand up for the self, to say “No thank you” to the offerings and to continue forth to be the self even though the force of will of the other is extraordinary.

It’s a great service that is provided by those students of Shame. It’s important to recognize that the student of Shame rarely has major physical maladies due to energies being maintained within the body, until the student steps forth and takes the hand of the Teacher, seeking to walk the path once again. This isn’t to say that there are no physical problems; it is to say that they are typically not severe in nature because the student has eliminated these energies, they have spent them, they have spewed them, they have shared them - they have gotten them outside of the self’s bodies.

To recognize the qualities of Shame is to survey the other. It’s to ask the self the questions: “Are they attempting to damage me? Do I feel that they go for the jugular? Have I exposed my weakness or did they expose my weakness? Do I feel that their attention is unjustified? Do I feel them scratching at my door to learn more about me privately so that it can be used in future against me?”

It is to recognize the difference in quality – the reason why the other seeks the self’s company. If the lesson plan is Denial, it is to garner information, the seeking of knowledge that the self can provide; similar reasons exist for Separation. Repression is not typically drawn to the lesson plan of Shame for information; there is an easy friendship, an easy relationship can be enjoyed, for Shame recognizes Repression and Repression recognizes the accelerated energies of Shame and is wise enough to steer clear of controversy. Guilt and Rejection are the victims often for the student with the lesson plan of Shame. Rejection must learn to stand on the own two feet, to be the self at all cost – the self that is unconditional love. Shame feeds the victim that belongs to Guilt, providing it with ample ammunition in future, telling others how the self has been victimized, how the self has been damaged, to garner the sympathy of others, for it is fuel to the victim.