mountain tops - PTH is like climbing a mountain until you see the light

The Path to Healing

Teachings - Teacher-Student Relationship

Who are you to come before the Teacher at this time?

It is this query that is asked of the student when first presenting the self; the first presentation of the self is in the unconscious state, in the dream state. The Teacher asks, “who are you to present yourself to me at this time?” The answer universally is, “I am miserable…I am unhappy…I am sorrowful…I am fed up…I am done…I cannot continue on this same path…Life has lost its luster…Life is no longer inviting…Life on this planet is hell…I hate myself…I hate everyone…I hate this planet…I want to go home.” The student is not accepted until this is felt deep within, for those who are enamored of life on this planet are those that fail to learn, are those that still seek materialism, those that are still desirous of the physical experience. Until the consciousness is fed up with life on this planet, he is not accepted as student. I sense understanding dawning within each of you my students. A kinship of sorts is built by all of those consciousnesses that begin to awaken; awaken to the fact that the self cannot continue the physical existence, the pursuit of materialism any longer and it is service that becomes the central focus for each – to serve, to teach others to also turn their backs on materialism, on the pursuit of those things that can only be experienced in the physical.

It is to ask other seekers – others who have awakened – did they also achieve that defining moment in their life where the soul then placed the call for the Teacher and the student was presented in the unconscious state to the Teacher who asked, “who are you to present yourself to me at this time?” At some point the student will be asked the same question in the conscious state; it is at that time that the student has typically begun to refine the response – rather than stating all of the negative, the student has begun to state the positive, “I seek to serve…I seek love…I seek to be love…I seek to offer my support to others…I seek to know and to heal myself…I deeply desire understanding.” Much work has taken place in between the first and the second asking of this question; oftentimes, many years have passed. The Teacher works diligently to aid the student who has grown tired of this existence, to determine if indeed, the student is tired of this existence or if the self had just become miserable and, as with most, misery was transient; the self has been able to improve the self’s plight and now the physical, the material existence has become more palatable once again. The Teacher recedes and returns, recedes and returns, recedes and returns as the student decides, makes the determination that the self is truly ready for the spiritual path – most are not, yet the Teacher waits for the calling and will respond whenever the student places the call.

It is the first day of the new year – that which many celebrate around the world, that which many believe that the self can be different ‘this year’. This belief, this thinking is typically abandoned within the first month for most, for the ties to the past, love of the lifestyle, the desire to be loved by others prohibits the self from seeing that which lies within to prohibit progress upon the spiritual path. It is not possible for an individual to change without support, without an understanding of that which need be changed internally. Most humans attempt to change through divorce, through change of employment, by moving the self to another location, thinking and oftentimes believing that these shifts will cause the self to be different; rather, the self has drawn to the self a new set of lessons – one that the Teacher presents to prove to the self that abandoning the lesson is never the solution.

It is important that each student recognize the possibility of drawing forth new energies for the self simply by changing the thinking – that all days of the year are indeed the first, for the self can change at any time simply by stating to the self, “This is indeed the first day of my new life. I seek comfort. I seek support. I seek happiness. Nothing in my life provides me with happiness. How do I accomplish my goal to be happy?” It is to first recognize that happiness is a construct built by society, social consciousness so to say, of things that will make the self happy – a mate, a fine home, a fast vehicle, vacations to exotic locations, expensive clothing - the baubles, the rewards of success. It is unfortunate that success is rarely recognized for the individual who has overcome negative behaviors – one who has begun to love the self, one who has stepped forth and stated the self’s intention to love others wholeheartedly, without reservation, without fear, knowing that the Teacher will draw forth the lessons that need be learned.

The presence of negativity – negativity on the surface of the body, negativity within the body itself – should be cause for celebration, for the self can state quite clearly, “I feel these energies, the denseness…I can almost see it – they are oppressive, they cause my body to tighten, to ache, to swell, to malfunction. It is with great joy that I welcome their presence; for I see opportunity is at hand – to learn and then to release these energies, so that no further damage may be experienced by my body. It is this perspective that I seek to instill in each of you, to recognize that the presence of negativity represents opportunity to the self to be different, to learn, so that understanding may be accomplished and then shared with others to aid and to ease another’s journey, as service, repaying the Teacher for the assistance provided to the self. It is difficult for the student to make this shift, for it is a mental, an emotional and indeed, a physical shift. The physical body learns to deal with the energies, to manage the pain. The mental body learns to stop amplifying the pain, to simply provide message to the self, “The pain is present. The pain is still present. The pain remains present.” – so that the self remains informed that the lesson has yet to be learned. It is the emotional body that requires the greatest effort of the self, for it is the emotional body that amplifies the pain, “I have a slight headache.” One hour later, “I have a terrible headache.” Two hours later, “My head is killing me.” Three hours later, “I cannot bear this pain any longer. It is one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days present – I cannot bear it” – and the focus is now upon the pain, rather than the location of the pain, rather than the purpose of the pain; for the pain is only elevated when the Teacher feels that the student is ignoring the lesson.

Energies brought forth and enlivened provide the student only with sufficient pain to encourage attention to that which has been brought forth; the Teacher does not seek to damage the self, the Teacher seeks to garner the attention of the self. The presence of the energies upon the surface of the body oftentimes can become caustic, can be damaging, if the student does not pay heed to the lesson, if the student does not attempt to learn that which has been presented. It is important for the self to recognize that when energies are drawn forth by the Teacher that their presence over a period of time can be adjusted to mentally and emotionally; it is a small pain that grows, thereby increasing the self’s tolerance to pain, thereby encouraging damage by these energies for the self who fails to understand the lesson and to then release these energies that are causing damage.

Recognizing that the self need call upon the Teacher for assistance whenever the self is struggling, whenever the self is unable to determine the lesson, so as to prohibit damage from occurring when these energies are present and active upon the surface. It is to understand the lessons associated with each area of the body. It is to recognize the activities that cause the body to struggle. It is to realize that the mental [and] the emotional demands often tax the physical body. It is balance that is being sought. It is the body, the physical body’s demand to be accepted, to be embraced as equal partner to the mental, to the emotional, to the self.

Understanding the role of the Teacher is critical to all those who seek guidance from those outside of this dimension. The Teacher provides guidance – not answer. The Teacher can provide counsel if it is believed to be of benefit to many. The Teacher rarely addresses the individual with truth, for the individual who has sought answer for the self in order to circumvent the self’s choice will find that those outside of this dimension always honor the consciousness’ free will, whether the consciousness honors it for the self or not; this means that the self – the consciousness seeking counsel – will quite likely be misled, so that the experience can be garnered that informs the self that choice is indeed available at all times and that the self needed to experience the negative in order to honor the positive choice in future. To be an instrument requires dedication and commitment to draw forth that which the Teachers outside of the 4th dimension have determined to be most critical to humanity at this time.

It is indeed to trust the Teacher, to allow the Teacher to draw forth that which is most needed, to recognize that the honoring of choice and free will is primary for all those who seek to aid humanity from outside of your dimension. It is only those within the 4th dimension that are often care-less of choice and free will for another; they seek answer, they seek what is referred to as ‘truth’ for they have not yet arrived at the understanding that truth is personal and can vary from consciousness to consciousness, dependent upon their progress upon the path. It is to listen to others, to allow them to speak their truth, to understand their experiences and to allow them to keep their truth, until the question is asked – “Is this faulty? Should I review this? Do you believe similarly?” It is then that the teacher can speak the teacher’s viewpoint; yet, to do so cautiously, informing the other that a change of view is not suggested until the self believes it to be appropriate for the self. Adopting the beliefs of another before the self is prepared to do so brings forth intermediate lesson to teach the self that the self need follow the self’s own path versus the path of another. It is well and good to use another’s path as a guideline – one that aids the self in determining what is most appropriate for the self, but to embrace the path of another in hope that the self will have the same experiences is often proven to be faulty for the self.

The knowledge that these energies are transported from lifetime to lifetime is indeed important to the consciousness so that understanding can be garnered of how the energies have become so intense in a single lifetime. The method of transport is not important. It is, in this way, that the self is able to determine, “Is it important for me to seek this data?”

When teaching others – those who are highly mental – these type of questions are asked with great frequency. Satisfying the demand for knowledge is the choice of the Teacher, for it is believed that many are fueled by knowledge forward upon their path, and many are deterred from the path due to lack of knowledge. It is the right kind of knowledge - appropriate knowledge - that is determined by the Teacher.

It is important for all students to recognize that to teach is no simple task, for the Teacher teaches the current self with full knowledge of the lessons that have been failed by the composites – those selves that comprise what is referred to as the composite. The current self is often shocked and dismayed at the tactics employed by the Teacher, believing that the voice of the Teacher is indeed the voice of the ego; the ego’s voice is kind, nurturing, compassionate, telling the self that protection and defense is critical to the self’s survival.

The student seeks to please the Teacher and will do all that which has been requested; yet, deep within, the self does not understand why the self has been asked to do so. It is so that the student can understand the self’s desires, so that the student can begin to observe that there is desire – what does the desire feel like? And when I repress the desire, where does it go? How does that feel? To feel is the goal. The Teacher begins by depriving the student, for deprivation causes the self to begin to focus upon the self; often the student is already focused completely upon the self but there are those rare situations when the student is focused externally, [who] willingly gives up whatever is asked by the Teacher to be withheld. It is this student that is most difficult to teach, for this student has forgotten how to feel; rather, they are more focused upon others – what another feels.

The Teacher understands the desire of the student long before the student understands the desire of the self; it is the Teacher that draws forth lesson so that the student may recognize the desire of the self. The self believes that the self knows what is best for the self; determination has been made through an accumulation of knowledge, through a misinterpretation of feeling that lies within the self. It is important for the student to call upon the Teacher – to seek example of that which puzzles the self, of that which the self is unable to untangle, for the Teacher is capable of drawing forth example to the self so that the self may see what the self truly desires.

It is the ego that speaks to each; the ego that provides the self with message that is seemingly of great assistance to the self, for it is indeed – the ego must gain the trust, the faith, the loyalty of the self. It is known that it cannot do so by only providing negative choices, negative options, for it is then easily seen – unveiled, so to say.

It is the self that provides permission, that provides invitation to the ego and it is the self alone that can disallow the ego’s presence. Recognition of who the self is at any moment need be made by the self when walking the path to healing, for it is the goal of the student to become disciple, to step forth into the arms of the Teacher, stating that the true desire is to learn all that can be learned in this lifetime. Placing the self into the arms of the Teacher requires the absence of ego. The long and arduous journey is that which eliminates the presence of the ego.

When observing the life experiences of the self - day by day, week by week, month by month – the self tends to focus on that which is most uncomfortable – those days when the self struggles, those days when tears flow readily and frequently; the self has forgotten those days of ease and grace – recognition of beauty, recognition of joy that burbles up from deep inside unimpeded, oftentimes unnoticed, for it is a way of being that is desired, yet rarely honored when experienced. It is to look to the life experience day by day to determine, “How am I doing with my lessons? Do I feel imbalanced more than I feel balanced?” I do not mean to insinuate that the student is ‘balanced’ at any time when in the unhealed position; however, the self is able to experience joy, excitement, enthusiasm, beauty - it is to this state of being that I refer to as balanced versus the state of being that is imbalanced and readily recognized as such, due to the presence of emotion that is not manageable, not controlled by the self, for its origins are unknown and misunderstood.

It is often that the body begins to release massive quantities of emotion by ‘leaking’ slowly that which is within; when possible a torrent of emotion is brought forth if it is believed that the student can manage the emotion – if it is believed that it will not interfere too dramatically with the life experience, then the Teacher will draw great quantities of emotion – that which has been tamped down inside the bodies, causing illness, causing at the very least discomfort – chronic illness, arthritis, fatigue…maladies of this sort. Once this emotion has been released the next layer is then addressed by the Teacher and it is layer by layer by layer by layer that the emotion is released; the student believes that there could be no more, yet more indeed remains beneath the surface. The student need be assured that the Teacher will not draw forth more than it is believed that the student can manage; if the student believes that the self cannot manage, it is to inform the Teacher and the Teacher will inform the self of that which is needed to aid the student through the experience. It is important for each student to understand that the Teacher will never provide more than it is believed that the student can bear; it is for the student to recognize that it is ego that attempts to convince the self that this is too much to bear – indeed, the self cannot bear a moment more.

Gratitude for the Teacher is often lacking in the student, for the student rarely pauses to take note of that which has been provided that has culminated in the success of the self. One who is unable to see the support of another, to recognize that without the support the self would not have been successful, is one who is unable to teach another to be grateful in future.

I should like for you to focus upon making contact with the inner Teacher throughout the day, not only in meditation – drawing forth the inner Teacher to experience with you all things, to ask the self, “How would my Teacher view this experience? Why has my Teacher brought this experience forward? What is it that my Teacher seeks for me to learn?” If understanding cannot be accomplished, to ask, to question, “What am I supposed to be learning? Please draw forth example for me so that I may understand what you are trying to present. It is my desire to learn, not to ignore nor to dismiss. I need assistance.” It is the same advice provided to you often my brother – to seek assistance and to share of the self, to confess the self’s inability to understand what the next step could be for the self, to seek advice and to then follow that which is provided. Focusing upon the desire to learn, stating to the self throughout the day, “I seek to learn. I seek to experience all things with the heart. I seek to place the mind second.” Do you understand my brother that the mind prohibits the opening of the heart, for judgment is the padlock currently employed by the ego upon the heart?

Loereve: I see that.

If you are truly desirous of being different my brother, great possibilities will become available to you in the coming days as you release these energies.

Loereve: I find that would be most helpful.

It is to vocalize the intention and to engage the will, recognizing that the Teacher can only release energies that have been earned by the understanding, the integration of the lesson. Each passageway need be navigated fully - the lessons may or may not be recognized, may or may not be understood at this juncture. It is to be focused upon the self, the responsibilities embraced by the self and the performance thereof, to recognize that the Teacher has placed before you that which is believed to be most important to forward progress at this time. It is to examine the words and to do that which has been promised – to the self or to another.

The belief that the self need understand prior to moving forward, prior to casting aside that which has been experienced, is cause for abandonment of the path; for the pain has increased with each thought, with each moment that the self determines that the self cannot move forward until understanding has been achieved. The self can no longer trust the Teacher, for trust has been broken due to the lessons brought forth by the Teacher. Te’ Auna has been damaged many times by myself - has been misled, has been lied to, purposefully - with malice aforethought, I guided Te’ Auna into the depths, to experience that which she had provided to others in previous lifetimes; this is the most difficult task of the Teacher but it is duty that need be fulfilled, for the consciousness can not accomplish that which has been stated as the desire, until all karma has been balanced.

All humans upon the planet at this time have a Teacher. All humans are being guided to experience that which is needed to fulfill the agreement to experience all things. Those things that happen to an individual that are viewed as unfavorable, that are viewed as negative, that the self questions, “why am I experiencing this again and again and again?” – it is this cry that can be answered almost universally – “it is karmic calling, beloved”. Karmic calling is fulfilled by the Teacher, for the consciousness cannot accomplish that which the consciousness came to accomplish until karma/karmic callings, have been balanced - the experience is that which is needed by the consciousness; unfortunately, the bulk of humanity views karmic calling unfavorably. It is to view all things as positive – to recognize that even those experiences that are negative fulfill the need of the self, for the self has now experienced all things to the degree that the self has learned. Those experiences that are negative cause pain and sorrow; oftentimes deep sorrow – sorrow so deep that it is felt within all cells of the body, so deeply that the self commits to never, ever experiencing this particular experience again. The self commits the self to change. Once enough of these decisions have been made, the self will find the self upon the path to healing.

Karma plays a major role in the teaching style utilized with the student. The student that has been dishonest will find the Teacher providing dishonesty. The student that has misled others will find the Teacher misleading the self. The student that has been cruel to others will find the Teacher being cruel to the self. The student that fails to show gratitude will find the Teacher that demands more and more and more from the student.

Recognizing the self is a long and arduous journey – one that requires stamina, humor, and tremendous desire backed by commitment and will. Once the self has been recognized the Teacher will draw forth example through words or visual pictures, memories. The student that is desirous of learning rapidly will pay heed to all that is drawn forth unexpectedly within the mind’s arena. Those experiences that may have been particularly painful or shameful need be brought from the perimeter, so to say, for the mind has learned to move it rapidly outside of the arena – that which garners the full attention of the self.

Once this memory has been brought back into the arena of the mind and full attention placed upon it, the self can begin to understand the experience by looking at the lessons that have been most recently presented. It could be a memory provided by the Teacher that informs the self of the start of behaviors that resulted in future lesson, or it could be merely a typical example of the self’s behavior that has been unrecognized, until just recently. It is the Teacher’s duty to provide the student with testing to determine if the lesson has been learned and if behaviors will be employed due to stimulus response, due to the automatic response or due to negative energies belonging to the field of the lesson that is currently being presented.

To recognize who the self truly is requires that one gaze inward to see that the self is uncertain. To see the turgid, black depths one must be willing to swim - to swim without a life preserver that maintains one’s presence upon the surface. The self who prefers to remain upon the surface is the self that seeks guidance from others and waits and waits and waits for the experience to be drawn to the self, so that the self may see it, so that the self may choose to be different or to respond in similar fashion to the previous opportunities. The Teacher prefers that the student dive on occasion, to bring forth that which is known to be detrimental to the self, to expose it to the light, to expose it to the self’s scrutiny, to determine what need be done – how can this difficulty, this negativity, be transmuted into understanding, into that which has taught me how to understand another who may be encountering the same difficulty? Failure to draw forth that which is known to lie within indicates to the Teacher that the self is not truly desirous of learning - it is the wait and see perspective of the student, it is the ignoring and disinterested perspective of the Teacher.

Recognition of the self – to see the self clearly is difficult when the student believes the self to be correct in all things, when the student is focused upon defense and protection of the self at all cost. To see the self through the positive lens is doubly difficult for one who has grown accustomed to seeing the self as lesson failure.

Willingness is absent for the student who sees the self as attacked, as one who must protect and defend; for the self has become unwilling due to the experiences that have been misinterpreted, that have been experienced through the negative lens. The Teacher works with the student, drawing forth others that act as the mirror for the self; the self’s behaviors are illustrated upon the canvas in bold colors. The self responds to protect and defend or to condemn the other that has been drawn forth. The self has failed to see that which the Teacher intended.

Willingness is an action engaged by the student that has begun to see the self, to recognize the rigidity - the self’s inclination to view all things through the negative lens. It is when the student begins to view all things utilizing the negative, immediately followed by the positive lens, that willingness is somewhat more easily engaged. Until the self has determined that all is indeed lesson, that all that is presented to the self has great purpose, that the self need seek understanding of that which has been provided – that the positive lens is drawn forth and all that is good and appropriate is now viewed by one who previously believed that the self was attacked, condemned, unsupported.

The student that thinks that the self is known is one that believes that all that can be uncovered about the self has been revealed. The student who does not think that the self is known is one who is cognizant that there are many things that lie deep within the recesses that remain unknown to the self. The Teacher draws forth that which lies within, bringing it forth so that the student may apply scrutiny, questioning, delving ever more deeply to determine, “Is this who I seek to be? Is this who I am becoming? Or, is this particular behavior or characteristic something that I am desirous of changing?” The goal of the student is to arrive at decision - to accept, to embrace or to reject, to change. The Teacher will accept the student’s choice if it is believed that the student is comfortable with this choice. If the student is not comfortable, if the student provides different answer each time, the behavior is brought forth for the self’s scrutiny and the Teacher has been informed that the self does not yet know the self, for the self can not decide whether to embrace or to reject a portion of the self.

It is important for each to recognize that it is always the self’s choice to maintain or to change that behavior or characteristic that belongs to the self. The Teacher will not encourage either; rather, the student’s choice informs the Teacher of that which need be taught in future.

The student that fails to see the self clearly is the student that will continually be misled by the Teacher. It is important to know the self, to understand the self’s intentions, to recognize the self’s efforts, to recognize the self’s failings. To commit, to dedicate the self to change is all the Teacher seeks – not perfection, for all upon this planet, within this dimension, can be regarded as imperfect and shall remain such until they depart this dimension where they shall be cleansed and then to move on to other dimensions where imperfection shall once again be the cloak worn until all lessons have been learned.

Perfection is not the goal. It is perfection of intention that is sought by the Teacher – to be love, to be love, to be love at all times, stating for all to hear that the self is imperfect, that the self too stumbles, that the self suffers like any other. Failure to be compassionate, failure to understand another self, failure to open the self to recognize the self’s failings when judgment of another becomes the focus – for it is indeed the self that has yet to learn – it is indeed the other that is serving the self. To judge another is to reveal the darkness within the self; failure to expose the darkness consciously calls forth similar experience time after time after time, providing many opportunities to the self to learn.

To understand who you are becoming one must first understand who you are in this moment as well as who you have been throughout this lifetime. It is the Teacher that draws forth recognition for the self of the self’s behavior, of the self’s desires, of the self’s pursuits, of the self’s foibles, successes and outright failures, so that the student can see the self clearly. It is unfortunate that the majority of students believe that the Teacher is attempting to shame or blame, somehow punish the student for their previous activities, their previous actions. The Teacher of course is aware of all that has transpired – it is the self that has forgotten.

It is the physical teacher that seeks truth by asking questions. It is the self that responds dishonestly, for the self has changed - potentially, and has decided that the physical teacher need not be aware of all that the self has experienced. The self’s behaviors are modified, pasteurized so to say, provided in retrospect, the intensity of emotion tamped down, for it has been tamped down inside the self or spent previously with another. Recognition is no longer available to the student, unless the student turns full attention upon that which has been requested and determines to relive that which was experienced, drawing forth the emotion, making certain that the emotion is appropriate, recognizing the lesson for the self, seeking assistance from the physical teacher to determine the lesson for the other, for there is always lesson for both when pain is suffered. It is rare that the self can determine the lesson for the other. Would a student care to tell me why this would be so?

Loereve: I would venture to say that, from my experience, trying to determine the lesson for another – it is most often colored by my own lessons, my own experiences, my own biases in thinking. That’s what I would respond that I’ve found.

Indeed and you are correct my brother. The emotional experiences of the past, particularly those that have been shared with others multiple times – these experiences have been rewritten, either amplifying or minimizing the pain experienced by the self, either amplifying or minimizing the role of the self or the role of the other – the role that resulted in suffering. It is quite likely that the self is no longer in touch with the facts – that which truly transpired between two who failed to learn.

It is to recognize that the damaged portions of the self are utilized by the Teacher, drawing forth others that suffer similarly to aid the self in seeing the self; it is indeed to remember learn/teach, teach/learn - that as the self sees the self in another, recognizes the self, understands the root cause and determines that change is not only desirous but needed, that the self can then turn to the other who has provided the service to the self and to share with them what has been seen.

It is to learn that is the goal of the student; it is to teach that is the goal of the Teacher. Teach/learn, learn/teach – this is the process that is followed by all consciousnesses throughout space, throughout time. To learn and then to teach, for learning fuels the desire of the self to share with another. Those who do not share have yet to learn, those who share inappropriately believe that the self has learned; yet, this is still far better than one who fails to share, for it provides opportunity to the other to question, to delve, to choose for the self.

The teacher seeks the attitude of humility, openness, willingness – if this attitude is present then the teacher can bring forth understanding for the student. If the student is unwilling to listen, if the student is unwilling to open the self to scrutiny by the self and to welcome the scrutiny of another, the energies of the teacher need be reserved.

It is important for you to recognize that the ego seeks to be fed, the ego seeks to be right; affirmation need be received from the teacher to the student. Challenge is the duty of the teacher – to question the student, “Is this how you feel? Are you certain? Are you certain? Are you certain? Are you certain?” Why does the teacher ask the student so many times if they are certain? Because it is often that the student responds to the 3rd inquiry, “I am uncertain.” It is the duty of the teacher to get to the base, the root of the issue, assisting the student to see the self fully, as completely as possible in a short period of time, compared to that which would be needed if the self were performing self-observation alone. The majority of students who perform self-observation progress very, very slowly, for it is the ego that is providing the observations. It is important for you to recognize my sister, that the defensiveness that resides within, the demand for feeding that you endorse readily, is what provides you with the feelings of challenge, of unhappiness, following these teachings.

It is to have faith in the Teacher – to understand that the body is indeed primary and this is – indeed, my brother - realized by myself. Do you understand?

Sol: What do you mean when you say it is realized by yourself?

I mean my brother that I realize the very importance of your body – that you, as a consciousness, cannot remain here without the body. You have presented yourself to me as student and I have embraced you; as long as you are learning the lessons, the adjustments that are needed within the body will continue to occur.

I am most pleased with the conversation this day and the recognitions that have been made by each. It is to delve ever more deeply to determine for the self how the self can proceed forth rapidly - for it is believed that employment of that which has been received this day will more than provide the self with method to do so. It is important for each to recognize that the self has been called to this circle in order to learn rapidly. The ego alone can interfere. It is the self that provides permission, that provides invitation to the ego and it is the self alone that can disallow the ego’s presence.

Recognition of who the self is at any moment need be made by the self when walking the path to healing, for it is the goal of the student to become disciple, to step forth into the arms of the Teacher, stating that the true desire is to learn all that can be learned in this lifetime. Placing the self into the arms of the teacher requires the absence of ego. The long and arduous journey is that which eliminates the presence of the ego.

I am Osiris. I am here to guide each of you and shall do so as long as the self maintains control over the ego. My absence indicates that the ego is present - that the self has failed to draw forth gratitude, recognition of that which has been provided to aid the self, for it is the ego that seeks to diminish that which is provided. The self that experiences lack, that allows the ego to convince the self that the self does not have what the self needs is the student that fails to learn.

It is willingness that need greet the knowledge, for if the self is willing to see the self, the Teacher will draw forth adequate example for the self to be seen. I am Osiris. I am love.

It is my duty to draw forth that which lies within each of my students; this action is not to cause discomfort or pain for the self - it is to provide opportunity for the self to choose. It is when the self chooses again and again and again protection and defense that the Teacher begins to reevaluate the student-Teacher relationship, for the Teacher does not seek to impose change upon one who is unwilling to change; rather, the Teacher provides opportunity to those who have sought such. The student that fails to see the self clearly is the student that will continually be misled by the Teacher.

The student who presents the self to the Teacher, seeking guidance, counsel, assistance to return to the self’s divinity is often plagued by an overabundance of faith in the self or a lack thereof. It is rare that the student has the appropriate balance; therefore, the Teacher must present lesson, noting the student’s confidence or the lack of confidence that is encountered. It is difficult to comprehend that lesson failure does indeed bolster the confidence of the student, providing the self with experience that can be relied upon, for the self now knows what is most appropriate for the self. The student that fails to recognize the overabundance or the lack of confidence is one who will continue to fail; unaware that failure is rooted in the overabundance or the lack of faith in the self.

To believe in the self is necessary. I am Osiris. I am love. I am the Teacher. It is my duty to destroy the confidence that is felt by the self - to totally deconstruct the character that believes that the self is better than, that believes that the self knows all that is needed to enable success - and to then provide lesson to enable the self to garner the experience that is needed, so that the self can truly believe in the self without question.

I will state for the record that it is my preference for the student to allow me to present that which I believe to be most important for the self. When the student restricts me by providing an area that they are most interested in pursuing, it places parameters upon the teaching that are oftentimes difficult to maintain, in order to endorse the free will of the student.

It is for all to recognize that the intention is oftentimes stated by the ego, with restriction placed, parameters and boundaries set by the ego, informing the Teacher of that which will be accepted and that which is preferred not to be embarked upon. I am Osiris. I shall not be restricted.

I am Osiris. I am the Teacher that draws forth lesson for those students who seek such. The bodies are programmed to draw forth lesson and they shall do so throughout the lifetime. The student that is earnest, the student that has prayed, the student that has suffered is awarded with my presence and the lessons are brought more rapidly. Only the strong survive, only the strong of will, of temperament, of desire succeed.

I am Osiris. I am love. The mission to become love, to be loving, to experience love throughout the body, within the mind, exuding through the Spirit, is the goal of all students.

I walk this path alongside each of you, recognizing each stumble, often catching you prior to damage to the self or another by drawing forth awareness of the self’s behavior, of the self’s thinking, of the self’s words.

I am Osiris. I seek to address the issue brought forth by Te' Auna – the placement of my consciousness within all humans is accurate; however, this component, shall we say, merely enables the connection made by myself directly to the student that enables me to participate in all activities conducted by the student. It is true that the student must achieve a particular level prior to my connection; those students who are connected to me know what this requirement is. It is important for each of the three students present who benefit from my teachings to understand that I am connecting to you during the teaching to draw forth knowledge that is needed in order to counsel and guide you. It is the inner Teacher that I communicate with during this connection. It is my honor to address this issue, for Te' Auna has been most desirous of this answer for some time. I am Osiris. I am love.

It is my desire to bring forth that which lies within Te' Auna – to teach her that while negativity has been experienced for many years, positivity has also been experienced and can now be realized by understanding the lessons, by understanding the pain, by understanding the struggle. Each time the pain, the struggle is shared with another the understanding grows deeper within, planting the garden for the balance of the lifetime, into future lifetimes, that reveals the beauty that results when the self learns. The beauty, the result is love. It is my great desire to aid each of you through Te' Auna to accomplish the harvest that can only be described as beauty, for love is the foundation of all things beautiful. Beauty is indeed defined by the eye of the beholder. It is my goal to teach each to see beauty in all things – all things.

The teacher provides no negativity to the student; rather, the teacher draws forth that which resides within. The student that fails to understand this basic tenet of the student-Teacher relationship is one that begins to resent all that which the teacher brings forth for resolution. The student that claims to be desirous of knowing and understanding the self determines that the teacher is too harsh, is too combative, too aggressive; indeed, the teacher is damaging the self. Those surrounding the self – if the self is vocal, if the self has shared the self’s journey with others – are frightened for their loved one, fearful that the individual that is known and loved will disappear. All begin to draw the student towards them, away from the path, indicating that the self was far happier prior to the onset of this journey – that the self is loved, the self is accepted…why does the self seek such misery for the self? Many turn away from the path at this time, determining that the self is no longer as desirous of this pursuit as the self believed the self to be. It is important to understand that the Teacher draws forth only that which is believed to be necessary, only that which the student can bear. Recognizing the attitude that places the burden upon the teacher rather than upon the self is primary, for failure to do so results in all focus being placed upon the teacher; it is the ego that is most desirous of the focus upon the teacher.

Attempting to compare the self to another based upon the other’s experience is rarely appropriate for one who walks the path to healing. It is difficult for the student to understand the journey; it is far more difficult for the student to understand the journey when comparing the self to one who has yet to awaken, who has yet to dedicate or commit the self to this journey. The student is presented with many challenges by the Teacher; the student that determines that the Teacher is seeking something from the self inappropriately is one who shall decide that the path is not quite worn enough for the self to tread forth, that the self has not cleared the way for the self to walk this path any farther.

It is important for the student that has committed the self to the Teacher to recall the commitment made, to ask, “Why was this commitment sought from myself? Have I benefitted from this commitment or have I suffered detriment? Has this request strengthened my will? Has it brought forth lesson so that I may learn?” The Teacher never requests that the student perform or submit to any thing without great purpose. It is important for the student to make this recognition. The probationary path is long and arduous indeed, prior to the presence of the inner Teacher becoming truly known to the self. Much is requested of the student; those students that are willing to see the self are those that proceed forth.

It has been my honor to join you this day for the sharing of wisdom. I am Kuthumi.

It is my honor to teach, to draw forth all that which lies within so that the student may examine, may see the self clearly, thereby being provided with opportunity to decide whether the self is desirous of change or if the self chooses to embrace that which has been revealed. It is vital that all students recognize that success is rarely experienced in rapid succession to recognition. I shall say that most students continue to fail for some time following the stage known as recognition, until the moment of great emotion arrives - the self is repulsed by the self’s behavior, the self can no longer endorse the behavior - for recognition of the damage intended has been made.

The student who walks the path to healing continues to accumulate karma for some time after stepping forth to know, to understand, and to begin to heal the self. It is indeed damage that is the goal of the lesson plan – to injure others, thereby injuring the self; for the Teacher has been provided with energies to draw forth the lesson needed by the student so that the self may be provided with opportunity to see the self clearly, to recognize the lesson plan, thereby drawing the student ever closer to the moment of true choice – that which states the student seeks to walk upon the path to healing. Recognition is merely the first stage. The student that decides to accept the behaviors that are exposed to the self’s view is one who experiences stasis upon the path. The Teacher draws forth myriad lesson, pummeling, shall we say, the student into awareness of the self, into awareness of the self’s choice to allow and to endorse behaviors that prohibit progress.

The student, when first stepping forth upon the path to healing, believes that the self is almost healed, for the self has placed concerted effort behind changing the behaviors that have been brought to the self’s attention; the life circumstance begins to improve – all things appear to be more pleasant, all things are more enjoyable. It is indeed the calm before the storm, wherein the Teacher provides the student with many, many opportunities to determine, “Do you truly seek to place yourself firmly upon the path or will you change your mind once again in this lifetime?” It is the Teacher’s responsibility to make certain that the student is indeed prepared prior to embracement of the student, prior to the Teacher placing concerted effort to draw forth that which lies within; for all that which lies within is that which calls forth lesson.

It is lesson that creates discomfort, that causes unhappiness that progresses forth to deep unhappiness – depression to abject misery; it is this condition that draws the student forward to the Teacher to seek assistance, “Please help me to change my life, for I cannot tolerate this existence any longer.” It is this student that is embraced by the Teacher - all others are merely learning gradually, slowly, for they have yet to experience all things. There are of course many upon the planet that have experienced all things, yet their lives continue to be lifetimes of experiencing - it is the consciousness that has grown enamored of the physical experience. The Teacher cannot remove this other than by drawing forth lesson. Those who are able to remove lesson from their path shall continue forth. There are many upon the planet at this time that are capable of sweeping the path clear of lesson, for the self ignores that which comes to the self as they are consumed by distraction - that which is provided to them outwardly.

The question posed to the self, “Who am I?” – is oft asked when first beginning to walk the path to healing. Recognizing that the self has become the self’s lesson plan is the first goal set by the Teacher – to detail the lesson plan, to outline it in a way that the student is able to see the self, to recognize the self’s behaviors, to identify experiences past and current that agree that the self has indeed become the self’s lesson plan. Unfortunately, the student - when first beginning to walk the path – their focus is placed upon the Teacher, to show the Teacher the work that the self has done upon the self, the recognitions that have been made that are surface in nature, yet believed to be deeply profound to the student. The student is embarrassed, convinced that the self will be judged by the Teacher for the thoughts, for the actions, for the words spoken by the self each time the self has experienced lesson failure. The ego has rewritten the experience to be more favorable as to the self in regard to the experience; it is this that the student brings forth to the Teacher, seeking confirmation that the self did all that the self could do, becoming angry when the Teacher infers that the self’s behavior was not that which was necessary in order to learn.

The student who walks the path to healing often loses perspective, for experience - myriad painful experience - has been garnered. The self who may have viewed the self positively when starting the journey now views the self negatively, ever fearful that the ego dominates, ever fearful that the true self has yet to surface. It is critical for the student to survey the journey periodically, to see the self, to see who the self was, to see who the self has become and to think about the self’s goals that will cause the self to become something other than who the self currently is.

Who are you becoming? This question is frequently asked by the Teacher to determine if the student is cognizant that the self has changed and the self continues to change with each lesson that is presented, recognized and integrated. As the self learns, the Teacher is able to release energies from within the bodies that have previously restricted the self’s ability to learn; the self’s ability to experience spiritually has also been hampered by the presence of these energies. It is important for each student to realize that the spiritual experience is limited for one as long as negativity is endorsed; indeed, the spiritual experience is oftentimes limited for the student once the Teacher has stepped forth and is present at all times. Why would this be true? Why would the Teacher limit the student’s experiences spiritually?

To understand the journey that lies ahead for all consciousnesses is the goal of the student. “Where does this path lead?” is the question most asked of the Teacher. The majority of the time the student is ignored, for it is believed that if the student is cognizant that the path leads to darkness, pain - that which can often be perceived as sorrow – that the student will choose to abandon the path. Once the student has proven that the self is indeed desirous of knowing and healing the self – it is then the Teacher’s choice to inform the student of that which lies ahead or to continue to ask the student to walk in darkness, not knowing what may be met in the next or the next or the next step. Why would the Teacher ask the student to walk in darkness my brother Sol An Ka?

Sol: I think it’s a test of the student’s faith and will and desire to return to his divinity.

My sister (student) – would you respond to the same query please?

Student: I go back to experience all things…you’ve told us we have all experienced all things and as students we need to remember so we can feel it all.

My brother Loereve?

Loereve: I think oftentimes the student may or may not have learned the lessons of darkness. If the Teacher feels the student needs to walk there then I think the Teacher has determined that there are still…something for the student to learn. And then again, maybe the student has determined that as well…so I think it could be the Teacher or the student.

It is important to note that my query is focused on the Teacher asking the student to walk in darkness rather than informing the student of that which lies ahead. Would any student like to address this query once again?

Student: My Teacher…the things that I hold onto when I’m challenged and struggling are my faith and my trust and my belief and I think for me, walking through darkness is knowing, learning to know and heal myself because I will be…initially…as you have pointed out, I was completely immersed in darkness. If you ask me to walk in darkness then I trust the Teacher, then I’ll walk in darkness. That’s the deal. That’s what I agreed to…to trust my Teacher to take me where I need to go.

Why would I ask you to do so my sister?

Student: Cause it’s necessary.

Indeed. Indeed. It is important for all students to focus upon this statement, “The Teacher seeks that which is necessary.” Please repeat that statement to me my brother Sol An Ka.

Sol: The Teacher seeks that which is necessary.

Drawing forth the love that the self feels for the Teacher during times of challenge will aid the student in surmounting any and all obstacles that have been placed to ensure lesson failure. It is to state within the heart until the mind grasps the belief, the thinking, “The Teacher seeks nothing unnecessary. All that the Teacher seeks is necessary. I shall never be challenged unless I require the challenge.” It is to welcome all challenge, knowing that it is exactly what the self needs in order to learn.

The student who walks the path to healing is one that is aware that the goal of the self is to be love at all times, drawing forth love to share with all whom the self interacts. Every day, every moment of every day – to be love, never losing focus upon the goal. The student is tested harshly to determine if the goal has been achieved, if the self can overcome negativity that is provided to the self – whether consciously or unconsciously; the goal for the self is to be love at all times – at all times, regardless of the challenge.

It is not possible to be love for another if the self feels that the self is not loved - if the self feels shortshrifted, if the self feels less-than, if the self feels that others receive that which the self desires most. It is to recognize that the self receives all that is needed – no more and no less is afforded to the student, for the Teacher understands exactly what is needed by the student to insure that the student will learn. Deprivation is often the tactic employed by the Teacher – to purposefully deprive the student of that which is most desired, whether it is love, support, confirmation, information – the Teacher determines that which the student is focused upon as the self’s desire and purposefully withholds this – to teach.

Sol: When a Teacher withholds that which is desired by the student for the purpose of teaching the student, could you please elaborate on that?

The Teacher withholds that which is most desired by the student my brother, in order to teach the student that others are desirous of the same from the self. It is for the student to recognize, to realize the value of that which is being withheld from the self, so that when others are seeking it from the self, the self recognizes true need, readily recognizing that which is ego desire, choosing not to provide that which is sought whenever ego is the source.

What is universal truth? To understand why the self is here embodied at this time is to understand universal truth – that which apples to all consciousnesses. That universal truth is that all have come to learn to be love. I am Osiris. I am love. It is my honor to join with you this day to remind each that to be love requires dedication, concerted effort, and a recognition of the self at all times. Failure to see the self results in future lesson. It is to be love…to be love…that is the goal set before each.

It is to remember when the self becomes engaged that the Teacher is present, to focus upon the heart and to remind the self, “My goal is to be love…my goal is to be love…my goal is to be love.”

The goal of the Teacher is to teach. Often, the Teacher is prohibited from teaching by the student that refuses to banish the ego, by the student who seeks to, as you say my brother, second guess the Teacher - the student who tries to determine what the Teacher is seeking rather than answering the question put forth to the self as honestly as the self is capable of doing at this time. The Teacher will continue to question until bedrock has been reached or until the student is no longer capable of plying deeper waters; this informs the Teacher of the lessons that need be brought forth to the individual so that vision in these murkier waters becomes improved. It is, as you say my brother Sol An Ka, critical to the student to trust the Teacher, for without trust in the Teacher the self provides control to the ego, the darkness that lies within the self that demands defense - protection of the self, protection of the illusion that has been built and maintained of the self by the self. The student that is truly desirous of healing will allow the Teacher to take the self wherever the self need go, in order to discover that which has been hidden from the self.