Teachings - To be Love

It is the goal of all students to be love. The true self of course is love without condition, acceptance universal, that which understands the purpose of the self’s existence within this particular dimension – to learn, to learn, to learn. How does one become the true self? By learning. How does one begin to recognize the characters? By listening, by asking others to identify for you when a character has arrived, for it is rare that the self recognizes the character; rather, the self believes that the character is a part of the self - a part of the self that is enthusiastic, a part of the self that is negative, downtrodden, depressed, angry, resentful, bitter. It is important to note that I began with a positive character – there are positive characters maintained by each present; it is to focus upon this character to determine, what does this character bring to the life experience that is positive in nature, that I could retain, that potentially I could utilize more frequently, that I could utilize (in the case of our sister student) to endorse many others versus a select few that this enthusiasm is reflected towards. It is to recognize that all humans seek endorsement - all humans seek the love, the adoration, the endorsement of another.
There are many consciousnesses born upon this planet at this time that are more hatred than love - they are being born to parents who are more love than hatred. The child is then taught to change the negative energy to positive, to be more desirous of love than hate. The parent that fails to state the desire to be love is the parent that separates from the child and allows the child to dominate the relationship, thereby causing the parent to change as well. The experiment has failed for many. Will those who are slightly tilted towards love be able to change those who are heavily leaning towards hatred, or will the individual who was slightly leaning towards love be changed to leaning towards hatred? All consciousnesses are tested in this way to make certain that the pursuit of the path to return to the consciousness’ divinity has been prepared appropriately. The children serve, but they are indeed consciousnesses that could exceed the time, that has been dedicated to the lessons of this planet, belonging to the parent.
As long as the self maintains a sphere of privacy, as long as the self keeps negativity – negative feelings, negative judgments – to the self, the self is telling the inner Teacher, “I am not yet ready”, for the ego holds dominion and the ego has determined that another need not know the self; in fact, the ego has decided that the self will not know the self. It is important for each student to recognize that the ego is merely the thinking - that which has been created by the self and all previous selves to maintain the sphere of protection, the castle of defense, that prohibits all others entry for fear that the self may be damaged. Love does not fear; love welcomes all. Love is open and embraces all things; love needs no protection or defense. When the student determines that the self’s desire is to be love, the first line of attack is to uncover, to identify the thinking that prohibits the self from being love.
Do you realize that the energies that are present upon the surface for the self interfere with the opening of the heart, with the speaking of the words to another that the self would most like to state? It is the energy of judgment. It is the assumption of the self that the self will be judged; it is the recognition of the self of the past that is provided with precedence over that which is being experienced in the present, over that which may be experienced in future. It is those experiences of the past my brother (Loereve) – it is your belief, due to judgment, that these same experiences will be had by the self in the present day, as well as in future. The self does not allow others to change - the self does not encourage the self’s change; therefore, the self believes that all experience will be that which has been experienced previously.
Recognition that the self can change and that others are also capable of change will inform the mind to stop making snap assessments, to stop informing the self that that which has occurred in the past is all that can be experienced in the present and in the future. It is to inform the mind that the self is prepared for new experience, that the self is prepared to allow others to be different and that the self can embrace the new experience and draw new conclusion.
It is to question the self my brother, when negativity arrives – on what do I base the presence of this negativity? Why am I focused upon that which is negative, rather than shifting the focus to a positive outcome for all? Do you understand my brother, that when negativity arrives, that defense and protection have been called for, that the past interferes with the present, and the self is unable to be different?
It is to take notice in the moment my brother and to focus upon the heart, drawing forth the desire of the self to be love and to take action against the defense and the protection that has been erected to prohibit the self from being different this time.
The student that fails to see the self clearly is the student that will continually be misled by the Teacher. It is important to know the self, to understand the self’s intentions, to recognize the self’s efforts, to recognize the self’s failings. To commit, to dedicate the self to change is all the Teacher seeks – not perfection, for all upon this planet, within this dimension, can be regarded as imperfect and shall remain such until they depart this dimension where they shall be cleansed and then to move on to other dimensions where imperfection shall once again be the cloak worn until all lessons have been learned.
Perfection is not the goal. It is perfection of intention that is sought by the Teacher – to be love, to be love, to be love at all times, stating for all to hear that the self is imperfect, that the self too stumbles, that the self suffers like any other. Failure to be compassionate, failure to understand another self, failure to open the self to recognize the self’s failings when judgment of another becomes the focus – for it is indeed the self that has yet to learn – it is indeed the other that is serving the self. To judge another is to reveal the darkness within the self; failure to expose the darkness consciously calls forth similar experience time after time after time, providing many opportunities to the self to learn.
Opening the heart is the goal of all students that step forth, stating the self’s desire to know and to heal the self. Opening the heart is simple and can be done by any individual that is desirous of feeling love. One can focus upon the heart or one can focus upon a loved one, drawing forth the feeling within of joy, of peace, of deep pleasure, being in the company of one who is beloved by the self – one who need provide nothing to the self in order to draw forth this feeling. There are few humans upon the planet at this time that can say that they love another without condition, that the others’ behavior, that the other’s response holds no threat to the love felt for the other by the self. The majority of humans believe that they have experienced true love; yet, when questioned, determination is rapidly made that the love is conditional, for the love of the self is conditional. The self has not been accepted by the self, the self has failed the self – if the self can fail the self, how can the self possibly expect another to provide that which the self cannot provide? Therefore, all others are provided with similar love – conditional, to be withdrawn should the other fail to fulfill the expectations of the self.
It is the inner Teacher that first awakens the desire to love and to be loved. The student believes that it is another – the beloved, the friend, the pet – that has awakened this desire. It is the love provided by the inner Teacher that is diminished, criticized – indeed, refused; for the student fails to recognize that it is the Teacher’s duty to draw forth all that which lies within that prohibits the self from experiencing love in its purest state – that which is known as unconditional.
I am Osiris. I am love, unconditional. It is my honor to assist all those who step forth stating their desire to know and to heal the self. Recognizing that the ego is negativity - is not love, and is not desirous of the self experiencing love, should assist the self in recognizing that the kind voice – the one that informs the self in the words that the self seeks most to hear – is the voice that need be eliminated. As I have stated in previous teachings, it is the ego’s voice that is preferred by the student; it is the Teacher’s voice – whether the inner Teacher or the physical Teacher – that is judged, that is determined to be not what the self is desirous of hearing. It is to recognize that the intention of the self – to know and to heal the self – has been heard and the inner Teacher has called forth the physical teacher or has stepped forth to teach the student. The voice utilized by the Teacher is intended to draw forth the ego, so that the story of defense, the need for protection, can be destroyed. If the student fails to see the damage that is desired by the ego and fails to abort the behaviors demanded by the lesson plan, the student will fail to achieve the goals stated by the intention.
It is my desire to draw forth knowledge that will aid all those students that seek to overcome the power that is wielded by the ego. It is to recognize that the ego has been created by the self, as well as all previous selves; this negativity responds to the lesson plan, convincing the self of the importance of protecting, of defending the self. The self that has determined to be open, to open the heart, is the student that has learned that it is the ego alone that shields the heart. To be love is to recognize the role of the ego and to demand its cessation of activity as soon as its presence becomes known.
“I am love. I am open-hearted. I seek to assist. I seek assistance. It is my desire to experience all things.” These words incite the ego, demanding its presence to defend, to protect the self. Recognizing that defense and that protection are the responses informed by the lesson plan will aid the self in stating clearly and succinctly, “I am open to all experience. I need no protection for there is nothing to defend. I am love.”
You have come to learn to be love at all times as have all other consciousnesses upon the planet; some will accomplish this more rapidly than others. It is those that realize that the self has responded as not love and that seeks to be different that shall accomplish this feat more rapidly than another who has yet to see the self, who has yet to recognize the self’s behavior. The challenges provided to you my sister are those that were planned, those that were believed to be most needed, those that would allow the self to cancel karma, those that will endear to the self those consciousnesses that the self has interacted with previously, unfavorably. Do you understand?
Guest: Yes
It is indeed the love-hate relationship that has been recognized within the self…that is accompanied (the feeling of love-hate), is felt by the self within all intense relationship, within all relationship that is learning the lesson of control. Do you understand?
Guest: Yes
The self cannot control anyone and this is often proven when the self cannot even control the self. Do you understand?
Guest: Yes
To understand the challenges that you have planned for the self is to look to those individuals that draw forth great emotion – either positive or negative – and to recognize that these individuals are providing exactly what the self has requested, exactly what the self needs in order to learn in this lifetime. It is important to engage the will, to make certain that the self is indeed dedicated, committed, to the self’s knowing and healing of the self, for once the inner Teacher steps forth and begins to draw forth lesson in earnest, changing of the mind is ignored, is in fact no longer permissible.
The child that sits quietly in the midst of chaos watching all things, daring not to interfere, allowing others to resolve that which is transpiring - this consciousness has learned. There are many upon the planet at this time that have learned; they have come to teach the parents - to be love.
It is my desire to draw forth knowledge that will aid all those students that seek to overcome the power that is wielded by the ego. It is to recognize that the ego has been created by the self as well as all previous selves; this negativity responds to the lesson plan, convincing the self of the importance of protecting, of defending the self. The self that has determined to be open, to open the heart, is the student that has learned that it is the ego alone that shields the heart. To be love is to recognize the role of the ego and to demand its cessation of activity as soon as its presence becomes known.
“I am love. I am openhearted. I seek to assist. I seek assistance. It is my desire to experience all things.” These words incite the ego, demanding its presence to defend, to protect the self. Recognizing that defense and that protection are the responses informed by the lesson plan will aid the self in stating clearly and succinctly, “I am open to all experience. I need no protection for there is nothing to defend. I am love.”
It is these statements that are suggested each time that the student becomes engaged. I am love. I seek to experience all things. I banish the need for defense and protection. I am love. To cough forcefully, to laugh, to do whatever is necessary to dispel the energetic hold that the ego has taken over the heart chakra; the heart has been shielded – the self has become cold, has become defensive, has become offensive, is no longer connected to those around the self, has withdrawn the self’s energies completely, for the self is in need of defense and protection. Failure to recognize that the self is engaged states that the ego has been provided with permission to conduct the experience once again; be assured the ego will select defense and protection each time it is provided with dominion.
I am love. I seek to experience all things. I banish the need for defense and protection.
The student that learns these statements, emblazoning them upon the memories - drawing them forth each time lesson is presented, feeling them within the heart – cannot fail. As long as they remain words in the mind, failure is ensured. It is suggested that the student work with these statements, to feel them – associating the feelings of love with the statement, “I am love” – drawing forth the fondness, the joy that is felt deep inside whenever the self feels loved…the safety, the reassurance that is felt by one who knows that the self can be the self. I seek to experience all things, recognizing that negativity teaches; those who fail to learn are damaged. The goal of the self is to learn. The student that has presented the self to the Teacher, desirous of knowing and healing the self, does not seek to damage the self any longer. It is calling to mind, “This experience brings negativity with it – I do not seek to damage myself nor the other. I shall take this energy, I shall draw it forth and I shall expel it [cough] forcefully. I shall shake the hands, I shall move the feet, I shall run in place, I shall do anything necessary to release the energies from my body until I become proficient at gathering them and expelling them with the cough. It is to recognize that the negative energies are there to ensure failure. The student that becomes aware of the presence of negativity and begins to expel this negativity is the student that learns rapidly.
To defend, to protect guarantees failure; for the other that seeks to aid the self has been informed that the self is not desirous of their assistance - the other that has learned will withdraw, leaving the self fortified, defended, righteous. It is the other that knows that the free will of another should never be interfered with by anyone other than the Teacher. The student that has presented the self to the Teacher has granted permission for the deconstruction of the ego; much testing has been provided prior to the student’s embracement. It is indeed the Teacher that ignores the behaviors, the actions of the student, until the student determines that the path is no longer for the self; only then will the Teacher relinquish the duty that was embraced when the student was accepted.
It is to recognize that all things upon this planet have purpose – the flies, the grub worm, the birds, the trees, the wildlife – all things following a very distinct hierarchy, each level learning particular lessons prior to proceeding forth to the next and the next and the next level. It is the human that becomes disdainful, failing to recognize that all things have purpose; rather, viewing that all things are here to serve the self, to serve the human. This is true of course, for this kingdom has been created to train the human; all things upon this planet are naturally focused upon the human, yet all things here have equal value to the human, for all are aggressively pursuing consciousness evolution. Recognizing that the self is capable of allowing all other consciousnesses, all other beings, all other provisions of nature – to allow them to exist unless the self’s life experience is being negatively impacted. It is important for all to realize that to be love means to be love – to love all that surrounds the self, to recognize that all has great purpose and that while the human is primary, it is not singular in nature.
It is important for each present to recognize that the self is a seeker of wisdom. I ask that each focus the attention upon my words, drawing them into the heart chakra, feeling the words, allowing the words to soothe the self, for it is the heart that I am focused upon with this teaching this day. To love, to be love is the goal of each present; it is my goal to teach each how to eliminate that which prohibits the self from achieving the goal set to be love. Focusing upon the heart chakra - I am love.
I am Osiris. I am love. The mission to become love, to be loving, to experience love throughout the body, within the mind, exuding through the Spirit, is the goal of all students.
The instrument is an individual who has determined to purify the self, to offer the self to those beings of higher consciousness that reside beyond this dimension - those who have stated as their purpose for existing, the desire to aid humanity; humanity consists of consciousnesses from throughout creation that have come to this planet to learn how to be love while embodied, overcoming the challenges that are inherent to physicality. Contrary to popular belief, the emotional body is not exclusive to this planet; rather, the emotional body is of finer material and is utilized in virtually every dimension. It is the emotional body combined with the physical body that is unique to this dimension – to feel emotion utilizing the physical body is the goal; to harness the energy of great emotion - the secondary goal.
To offer the self as instrument, the consciousness presents the self many, many, many lifetimes previous to those Teachers of the Self, offering to bring forth, draw forth, wisdom from the higher to the lower dimensions as service to humanity. Much preparation is required prior to the first contact with those that know the consciousness, with those that have planned to provide knowledge in a way that the volunteering consciousness can provide it to humanity. It is the desire of the volunteer that represents the quality of the teaching - the desire for truth, the desire to fulfill the ego’s demands for fame and fortune, for admiration, the desire of the self to distort the data to mislead large portions of humanity - all these desires are honored by those outside of this dimension known as the fourth, for the plan is to teach the consciousness and all those who are called to the teachings offered by the consciousness, due to lesson plans assigned to each.
How does the student pursue the path to become the true self when the true self is unknown to the self?
It is indeed learning the lessons, freeing the self from the burden of the lesson plan, changing the DNA encodements that demand that lesson continue to be called forth for the self. Recognizing the self’s lesson plan, recognizing the self’s desire to be love is necessary for the student who walks the path to healing.