Teachings - To Feel
To understand that all consciousnesses that come into the atmosphere of this particular planet, to recognize that all consciousnesses have agreed to learn, to experience all that this planet has to offer - it is a long and arduous journey indeed, through darkness, until light is once again experienced. The consciousness that awakens and determines that the experience of this planet has been fulfilled – all things that the consciousness came to experience have now been experienced - darkness as well as experiences of light; these experiences of light have placed within the self the desire to draw ever nearer to the light as the journey progresses. All consciousnesses experience this - what would be referred to as - ‘natural progression’ from darkness into light. No consciousness leaves the wheel of death and rebirth until the cycle of darkness back to light has been fulfilled, for this is the only way that all things could be experienced. To leave this atmosphere, one must learn to feel, utilizing the physical body.
To understand is the mission of all consciousnesses that come to this planet. Understanding is the mission of all consciousnesses that come to this planet. Understanding is the mission of all consciousnesses that come to this planet. To understand the emotional body is the mission.
It is emotion that is the focus of all consciousnesses that come to this planet; it is this that causes failure, for the consciousness has forgotten all that was provided as teaching prior to arrival. For it is emotion that must be felt – it cannot be taught, it cannot simply be spoken or read of – it must be experienced. It is the catch in the throat, “I wish to go home” that says “I am tired of this…I did not realize that this would be so difficult. I am stuck, caught in this quagmire and I seek release from the cycle of death and rebirth. I do not care to understand emotion, for I have felt it many times and been damaged by it. There is so little joy, so little positive energy, that I seek release from the cycle that has become known as hell.”
Most humans upon the planet have forgotten how to feel; they have, therefore, lost access to all previous lesson – lesson that has been learned, lesson that has been well understood in previous lifetimes. It takes only one experience to cause the human to begin to close the heart; the second experience builds the barricade…the third, the fourth, the fifth strengthening the barricade, prohibiting entry, until eventually even the self is prohibited access to the self’s feelings. It is to understand the self that is the primary mission of all consciousnesses that come to this planet – to understand that emotion is the feeling.
To understand the journey, the student must focus upon the heart to recognize that all things cannot be understood in the moment of experience - to trust, to have faith in the Teacher that all that is being experienced is necessary, whether painful or not – to know that the Teacher is as pained as the self when the self is suffering, for recognition is made by the Teacher of the suffering of the self when last in physical incarnation. The Teacher is cognizant of the darkness that surrounds the student; the Teacher is never deterred by the sorrow experienced by the student and often compassion must be withheld in order to teach the student that compassion need be cultivated within the self. It is the desire for compassion that is built through the withholding of compassion by the Teacher. The student who has not experienced true compassion for the self in the lifetime is incapable of understanding the value of compassion to another. I have worked diligently to teach Te' Auna that compassion is indeed desirable for the self; it is this that has taught her to feel more compassion for others with right purpose, removing the impulse to fix that which is causing the suffering for another.
True compassion does not remove the pain for another, does not seek to remove the pain that is being suffered by another; true compassion understands that the suffering is necessary, that in order to learn the self need feel - the feeling is cultivated by suffering. I ask that each of you practice compassion with each other; to begin to understand that each is desirous of compassion, to stop and think for the self, “what would I desire most in this moment…what words would best soothe myself?” – these are the words that need be drawn forth for another.
It is to recognize that if the self is desirous of feeling, the self must remain focused upon the heart and to allow whatever is experienced to be experienced without qualification, without classification, without judgment; the moment you allow judgment to enter, the doors to the heart close and the mind steps forth, changing all things to that which is logical, to that which is appropriate, or that which has been judged as inappropriate. To feel – all three need focus upon the heart; disengagement of the mind, the mental capacity that seeks to judge, is mandatory. To state – “Pleasure and pain are equally welcome here, for I am learning to feel, so that I may draw forth compassion for another in the very near future when my Teacher draws this individual to me so that I may assist them.” The cultivation of compassion can only be done by the showering of such upon another openly, willingly, with abandon. Compassion does not enable another’s misdeeds, does not endorse another’s missteps; rather, it says, “I recognize that you are suffering. I too suffered when I discovered this about myself. I can only tell you that if you choose to be different, that if you choose change, you will be able to look back at this time and to recognize that your suffering was most necessary. To trust that your Teacher knows all that is needed by the self and that you shall never, ever be provided with anything that you have not been well prepared to endure. It is to allow me to hold you and to tell you that all will be better in future if you choose to change, for choice is the desire of the Teacher. If you state, “I do not choose to be different” your Teacher will embrace this as well. It is always your choice that can change your future.
The student seeks to please the Teacher and will do all that which has been requested; yet, deep within, the self does not understand why the self has been asked to do so. It is so that the student can understand the self’s desires, so that the student can begin to observe that there is desire – what does the desire feel like? And when I repress the desire, where does it go? How does that feel? To feel is the goal. The Teacher begins by depriving the student, for deprivation causes the self to begin to focus upon the self; often the student is already focused completely upon the self but there are those rare situations when the student is focused externally, [who] willingly gives up whatever is asked by the Teacher to be withheld. It is this student that is most difficult to teach, for this student has forgotten how to feel; rather, they are more focused upon others – what another feels.
It is important for each present to understand that the self still responds automatically to many things. All of these automatic responses have been programmed and belong to either the physical, the mental, or the emotional body consciousnesses; each body performs to perfection, never failing to provide that which is demanded by the lesson plan. The self alone, by becoming aware, by choosing to abort the automatic response, can change this. It is to understand the self’s pattern; for the individual that does not have access to the self’s pattern, it is to recognize the feeling - the feelings of irritation, frustration, anger or sorrow, for as soon as these impressions arrive the lesson plan is engaging. It is for the self to recognize, “I do not like this, what is it that’s disturbing me? I am angry. I have been offended.” It is to deconstruct the story that is put forth by the ego that states protection or defense is necessary for the self is about to be damaged. It is to recognize that negativity is encouraged by the ego for this further strengthens its position. It is energy my brother, negative energy, desirous of growth. It is that simple.
To understand when the self has become engaged is to feel the body when it is at rest, when it is nurtured, when it is happy. It is to know this feeling throughout the body. It is to then be alert to any change to this feeling. It could start with a flush - energies about the arms, energies about the legs. It is important for the self to recognize the arrival of negativity for it is during this time period that the self can easily abort the automatic selection of negative response as provided by the lesson plan. Once the negative response has been provided it is far more difficult for the student to abort; oftentimes the student feels that the situation is surreal, that self is being watched by the self, yet the self can not stop. The energies of the lesson plan are in control and the self must be extremely desirous of aborting that which has unfolded in order to do so, stating “I just don’t care anymore,” informing the ego that the self will embarrass, will humiliate the self, in order to stop the antics sends message that the self is indeed desirous of knowing and of healing the self.
I should like to add that the mind does not accommodate the heart, for the feelings that are emitted by the heart are not provable, cannot be duplicated reliably and, therefore, are rarely considered by the logical mind. It is the abstract mind that considers the heart. Recognizing the dilemma that is to be confronted by all present when addressing the mind is the goal of this teaching. Te' Auna has stated earlier that focus upon the heart is the most difficult thing she has ever attempted – it is the most difficult task for any human to attempt, for it requires the self to choose every moment of every day - to choose that which is unprovable, to choose that which is believed to be unreliable, to choose the feeling that emanates from within, that tells the self that which is most appropriate for the self at any given time. It is not possible for the typical student to rely upon this feeling until much negativity has been removed; the inner Teacher will focus the attention upon the heart for the student when it is believed that the student can be successful. Until this time it is important for the student to focus upon the heart, to become cognizant of the feelings that emanate from within, to understand the quality – whether it is negative or positive feelings and the duration of the feeling - and to notate how the self feels in the moment, to review the choice of the self one day, one week, one month later to determine – was the feeling emanating from the mind, logic or from the mind, abstract?
It is to share – to share of the self deeply, purposefully, wholly, drawing forth that which is within, whether it is judgment or love – to bring it forth, so that it may be healed.
When the self feels deeply, sharing is embraced as a most appropriate action as payment to those who have aided the self to feel. All those beings of higher consciousness that aid the human from outside of this dimension maintain as a central focus to aid the individual in feeling all things.
It is important for all to understand that when the self shares of the self with another with emotion that the other learns - that when story is provided from the mind and it’s in a singsong voice and it really is without care, without concern, “I said this; they said that”, the other has not learned. The other is not provided with opportunity to experience. The other could be reading it from a page. The experience has not touched the heart - it stays with the mind. It is to understand that when the self shares of the self with another it must come from the heart, for the heart draws forth feeling.
It is important for each to recognize that Te' Auna is student as well as teacher. As she learns and shares with each of you it is anticipated that each will be able to cancel future lesson for the self; this occurs only if the self welcomes that which has been shared into the heart, recognizes it as truth and then realizes its value for the self by feeling that which has been felt by another. It is only if the self feels deeply that which has been felt by another that the lesson can be permanently cancelled, for the feeling will be brought forth when the self is challenged in future by the self’s Teacher - the feeling that will inform the self that answer has been earned previously and can be relied upon, for the self has experienced the lesson through another.
Once the self begins to recognize the characters, begins to understand the ploys that are utilized – it is then that the self can step in and to state in no uncertain terms, that rationale, reason, excuse are unwelcome; that the self chooses this time to listen, to feel that which is being provided to the self by another. Pain is an illusion invoked, brought forth by the character. It is to recognize pain as false, to change the attitude in the moment, to say, “I feel – I do indeed feel the lesson. The character seeks for it to be painful. I, on the other hand, am aware that it is my choice to make it painful or to make it profitable.” Pain rarely nets profit. The self who recognizes that pain is false is the self that is able to view the lesson plan and to see how the self performed all portions of each lesson to perfection, in the self’s own unique way. It is to honor the experience, to recognize that the self had to experience all that has been experienced in order for this moment of recognition, of revelation, to be experienced.
Failure to change the attitude, failure to state, “I seek to become aware of my self in this moment” endorses that which is being offered by the characters. Focus upon the other – the result of the other’s behavior - damage to the self, thereby resulting in pain. If you are able to shift the attitude in the moment, to state, “Service has been provided to me. I see it clearly. I see how my lesson plan called this forth. I see my failure to recognize. I see my failure to respond appropriately. I see the result chosen by myself was damage. I see the pain that has lingered for many years due to these choices. It is in this moment that I choose differently. I choose to see it as experience that was necessary. I choose to feel that which has been felt – to change it from pain to pleasure within my heart, which gives birth to compassion for the next and the next and the next individual that will be drawn to me that has suffered similarly. I shall now be capable of sharing my experience and my new understanding with them, to aid them in casting aside all that which is false, so that they too may know and heal the self.”
The Student (Soul's Mission lesson plan), this lesson plan causes the self to believe that knowledge is all that is needed and then the self will heal the self - the self will find the self’s own way, the self will determine what is needed and will then share it with others - to prove that the self is clever indeed. It is the student that follows this curriculum that ends up floundering upon the path. The niche is carved, the path, the groove is walked within day after week after month after year, wondering why progress has not yet been made, for the self has tried everything the self can think about - that the self can think of, that the self is capable of bringing forth - and nothing has caused forward progress. The lesson plan of Denial contains the lesson plan of the Student.
It is for you to recognize that knowledge is not king. Feeling is the goal. It is to inform the self to feel when the self is engaged - to feel the discomfort, to watch the impact of the fields upon the self when the self becomes engaged, to recognize the automatic choice of the self to disengage, to run, to hide, to put the agreeable face forward in order to prohibit true recognition, realization, and integration of the lesson. It is to feel the energies, to recognize them, so that the self can choose more wisely in future.
The lesson plan of Rejection is an emotional-mental lesson plan; it is also highly capable of feeling, and yet, the student must battle the mind, for it is the mind that wishes to take all things to the next level of logic. The feeling is illogical, the feeling is excessive, the feeling is not enough to take action - the feeling is then qualified by the mind, rather than being felt by all bodies. It is to recognize that if the self is desirous of feeling, the self must remain focused upon the heart and to allow whatever is experienced to be experienced without qualification, without classification, without judgment; the moment you allow judgment to enter, the doors to the heart close and the mind steps forth, changing all things to that which is logical, to that which is appropriate, or that which has been judged as inappropriate.
To feel is difficult with the lesson plan of Shame, for the self is focused upon the self completely – the self has forgone the pain that the self has so readily inflicted upon another. The self judges others who do the same, failing to embrace that the mirror is being employed to show the self the self, so that change may be chosen before further pain is inflicted upon another. The self that has yet to recognize the self in the mirror is one who continues to impose judgment upon those who suffer similarly to that which has been experienced by the self. Recognizing that the self has limited access to the heart for all others is critical, for once this recognition has been made, the self can choose to be different, the self can indeed begin to access the heart, the self wearing the pathway that is necessary, that will then shine in later times to light the way to another who seeks entry, who is desirous of knowing the self deeply, who is desirous of sharing of the self deeply with another who has suffered similarly. It is to feel that is the goal of the lesson plan Shame. This physical-emotional lesson plan is highly capable of empathic abilities – to feel what another is feeling, to open the self completely to the other, to draw forth exactly what the other needs to circumvent the long and arduous journey that was necessary for the self but is no longer necessary for another who has found the self.
The consciousness that has chosen the lesson plan of The Teacher (Soul's Mission) often becomes the student of Osiris, for it is my goal to teach this consciousness how to teach; this wholly physical lesson plan is intended to bring forth the ability to feel with the physical body. It is rare that the individual is capable of doing so, for many, many lifetimes have typically been expended damaging the physical body’s ability to feel. This individual is typically aloof, holds the self aside from others in an attempt to prohibit damage, future pain; for the lessons have been many to teach the individual to remain open to all lesson, to feel the pain, to examine it, to understand its quality, to be able to assess its quantity and the self’s ability to tolerate that which is being imposed.
As the consciousness begins to learn, begins once again to feel – it is then that I bring forth lesson to teach that which has been forgotten, that which has been eliminated from the self’s experiences, for the self has chosen to defend and to protect the self, to prohibit pain. Recognition that pain is a part of the human experience enables the consciousness to remain open; this openness allows the self to feel that which is being experienced by another and for that feeling to be easily discerned as that which does not belong to the self. The teacher that is able to connect with the student, to feel the energies being felt by the student, is one that will be capable of guiding the student to recognition of that which is transpiring for the self within each body. This is the goal for the teacher – to connect with each body belonging to the student, so that understanding of that which is most needed can be achieved.
It is important for all students to recognize that the Teacher draws forth that which is most needed by the student; all that which is being experienced by the self is necessary. When the self is emotional, upset – the words, “This is necessary…What am I to learn from this feeling?” need be spoken to inform the mind that the self is desirous of pursuing understanding; for the mind must be instructed to focus its attention upon that which is being experienced, rather than a translation of the pain, of the emotion, which result in confusion.
The mind is necessary to the student and must be trained to focus upon that which is most important, that which lies beneath the surface. The mind that remains upon the surface will focus upon the pain, will focus upon the sadness, the mistreatment of the self. The mind that has been informed to view the situation, to draw forth that which is of value to the self – to understand the issue at hand is one that brings answer to the self…”This is what I believe is the issue…This is what I believe we have experienced…This is the area that I have discerned that needs further scrutiny”. It is to aid the mind in honing this skill, discarding all that which is being passed from the emotional body to the mental body for interpretation, “I am suffering, I am in pain…this hurts…I wish for it to end…I am angry…I am irritated…I am frustrated…I feel deep sorrow.” To move beyond the emotion, to begin asking: “Why do I feel this way? When did I first feel this way? When did I last feel this way? Where is this represented within my pattern? What is truly being experienced by myself that has engaged the emotional body?”
It is important to understand that the emotion cannot be disregarded – it must be felt, it must be experienced but it is not the focus; it is never to be primary.
I should like to address the topic that is no doubt experienced in varying degrees by all students – it is the diminishment of the self. When walking the path to healing the student begins the journey confident, arrogant, oftentimes all knowing, all seeing, informing the teacher of that which is known by the self, of that which is needed by the self. It is the Teacher’s duty to prove to the student that true knowledge of the self is not held by the student. Slowly, the confidence of the student is chipped away, until the student is cowering, shielding the self often - from others as well as the Teacher; the self begins to belittle and demean the self, to diminish the self’s energies through judgment of the self’s behaviors when under the control of the lesson plan. There is no leniency provided to the self, there is little understanding or compassion for why the self has behaved in the fashion that has netted great karma.
It is not possible for the Teacher to state to the student, “You are being much too hard on the self” for many students require this phase of diminishment, of defeatism – to experience that which, quite likely, has been showered upon others through this as well as previous lifetimes. Diminishment of others draws forth karmic repercussion and the self will experience diminishment of the self to the same degree as that which has been showered upon another. It is important for the student to make the recognition that diminishment of the self, diminishment of others, is rooted in judgment; for without judgment all struggles are equal, all human beings are consciousnesses that have come to learn. Learning demands struggle. Struggle demands suffering. Suffering is experienced by all consciousnesses as they walk the path to healing and begin to choose for the self, rather than succumbing to the automatic response of the lesson plan.
Recognition that the feeling is the goal, to place into the self’s memory the sharp stab of pain when the self feels worthless, when the self feels hopeless, when the self feels stupid, incapable, unwanted, unloved – to draw forth the knowledge that the self has imposed this feeling upon others through the words or the actions of the self. It is the goal of the Teacher for the student to recognize the many instances where the self has caused another pain, due to the self’s judgment of the other’s capacity to learn, of the other’s ability to be successful, of the satisfying nature of the other in the self’s presence - to recognize that all human beings seek to be loved, seek to be nurtured, to be accepted, to be recognized, to feel the shower of compassion upon the self when the self is in need. It is once the feeling has been cemented within the self – the knowing that the self has caused great pain for others, feeling this pain for the self – that the lesson has come to an end. It is now time for the self to forgive the self, to accept that the self was being guided by the lesson plan, had failed to become aware of the self. But now the self is aware, now the self will decide to never endorse such behavior of the self in future.
It is the lesson plan that demands further suffering beyond the understanding of the lesson, beyond the creation of the feeling. The self that indulges the lesson plan to diminish the self’s energies states to the Teacher, “I am not yet prepared to move forth. Stand aside for I am in need of the lesson to diminish myself completely and to then pull myself back up so that you can outstretch the hand that will guide me forward.” I am Osiris. I stand ready to take the hand of each of you when offered. I am complete with this teaching.
Sol: If there is a relationship between quantum mechanics and self-aware consciousness how does that apply to A Path to Healing?
To understand quantum mechanics as it is brought into the mind - it states that all things are energy, all things matter, all things have possibility of intelligence if linked appropriately with another. And so, you ask how to view quantum mechanics – where all things have possibility of intelligence – with Path to Healing. Am I correct?
Sol: That’s correct
Path to Healing employs energies, negative energies – those energies that are the polar opposite of love, in order to teach all consciousnesses that have come into this dimension in order to learn. What have they come to learn? They have come to experience separation from the one Supreme Being that is known, that is believed to be a part inseparable from the self; the self, the quanta that has joined with its Creator – each possessing intelligence, each capable of survival independently. When coming into this particular dimension separation is believed to occur, for the wall is placed between the self and its Creator, communication aborted, as the self begins to experience all things that this dimension has to offer. Much experience available upon this planet has been experienced previously - living with others like the self, survival issues, and the beginnings of emotional attachment. Here within this dimension the physical relationship is experienced, the emotional relationship that comes, particularly following physical connection, is now experienced – the emotion far greater than that which was experienced in previous kingdoms.
It is important to recognize that all consciousnesses come into this dimension to learn how to choose, to become cognizant of the availability of choice. Myriad experience is provided to each consciousness where the choice is removed for the self, followed by lifetimes of choice, bounteous choice that the self determines that another can begin to choose for the self; that which was hard fought only a few lifetimes previous, now willingly provided to another. It is this lesson that the bulk of humanity continues to be provided. Will you choose or will you forfeit your choice? There are myriad characters to convince the self to forfeit choice. “The self’s choice does not matter,” states one character. “The self’s choice can create difficulty for the self,” says another character. “The self’s choice will alienate the self from others,” says another character.