Teachings - Unconditional Love

Opening the heart is the goal of all students that step forth, stating the self’s desire to know and to heal the self. Opening the heart is simple and can be done by any individual that is desirous of feeling love. One can focus upon the heart or one can focus upon a loved one, drawing forth the feeling within of joy, of peace, of deep pleasure, being in the company of one who is beloved by the self – one who need provide nothing to the self in order to draw forth this feeling. There are few humans upon the planet at this time that can say that they love another without condition, that the others’ behavior, that the other’s response holds no threat to the love felt for the other by the self. The majority of humans believe that they have experienced true love; yet, when questioned, determination is rapidly made that the love is conditional, for the love of the self is conditional. The self has not been accepted by the self, the self has failed the self – if the self can fail the self, how can the self possibly expect another to provide that which the self cannot provide? Therefore, all others are provided with similar love – conditional, to be withdrawn should the other fail to fulfill the expectations of the self.
It is the inner Teacher that first awakens the desire to love and to be loved. The student believes that it is another – the beloved, the friend, the pet – that has awakened this desire. It is the love provided by the inner Teacher that is diminished, criticized – indeed, refused; for the student fails to recognize that it is the Teacher’s duty to draw forth all that which lies within that prohibits the self from experiencing love in its purest state – that which is known as unconditional.
I am Osiris. I am love, unconditional. It is my honor to assist all those who step forth stating their desire to know and to heal the self. Recognizing that the ego is negativity - is not love, and is not desirous of the self experiencing love, should assist the self in recognizing that the kind voice – the one that informs the self in the words that the self seeks most to hear – is the voice that need be eliminated. As I have stated in previous teachings, it is the ego’s voice that is preferred by the student; it is the Teacher’s voice – whether the inner Teacher or the physical Teacher – that is judged, that is determined to be not what the self is desirous of hearing. It is to recognize that the intention of the self – to know and to heal the self – has been heard and the inner Teacher has called forth the physical teacher or has stepped forth to teach the student. The voice utilized by the Teacher is intended to draw forth the ego, so that the story of defense, the need for protection, can be destroyed. If the student fails to see the damage that is desired by the ego and fails to abort the behaviors demanded by the lesson plan, the student will fail to achieve the goals stated by the intention.
It is my desire to draw forth knowledge that will aid all those students that seek to overcome the power that is wielded by the ego. It is to recognize that the ego has been created by the self, as well as all previous selves; this negativity responds to the lesson plan, convincing the self of the importance of protecting, of defending the self. The self that has determined to be open, to open the heart, is the student that has learned that it is the ego alone that shields the heart. To be love is to recognize the role of the ego and to demand its cessation of activity as soon as its presence becomes known.
“I am love. I am open-hearted. I seek to assist. I seek assistance. It is my desire to experience all things.” These words incite the ego, demanding its presence to defend, to protect the self. Recognizing that defense and that protection are the responses informed by the lesson plan will aid the self in stating clearly and succinctly, “I am open to all experience. I need no protection for there is nothing to defend. I am love.”